4 research outputs found

    Sexual dimorphism in conspicuousness and ornamentation in an enigmatic lizard from Sri Lanka, the leaf-nosed lizard Ceratophora tennentii

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    <p>This is the entire bitbucket git repository that contains the necessary data, code, figures, tables etc for paper. If just interested in the data itself please just see "Final_Data_Files" within the "Data" folder. The "SpecData.csv" contains the processed spec files for the labial, throat and mouth areas. These were converted from a list to a dataframe in R and so areas need to be subsetted by id. column. All individual ID's are listed as column names and reflectance values are given for wavelengths between 300-700nm. "PerformMorph_data.csv" contains bite force and morphology data for all individuals which we had complete data for. "Morph_data.csv" contains all morphological data on all inidviduals for both sexes.</p

    Sexual dimorphism in conspicuousness and ornamentation in an enigmatic lizard from Sri Lanka, the leaf-nosed lizard Ceratophora tennentii

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    <p>This is the entire bitbucket git repository that contains the necessary data, code, figures, tables etc for paper. If just interested in the data itself please just see "Final_Data_Files" within the "Data" folder. The "SpecData.csv" contains the processed spec files for the labial, throat and mouth areas. These were converted from a list to a dataframe in R and so areas need to be subsetted by id. column. All individual ID's are listed as column names and reflectance values are given for wavelengths between 300-700nm. "PerformMorph_data.csv" contains bite force and morphology data for all individuals which we had complete data for. "Morph_data.csv" contains all morphological data on all inidviduals for both sexes.</p

    Morphology_EWD_7 pops

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    Morphological measurements taken for four city park (CP1, CP2 and CP3) and three isolated non-urban (INU1, INU2 and INU3) populations of eastern water dragons (Intellagama lesueurii). File includes location, habitat type, sex, weight, jaw width, jaw length, upper forelimb length, lower forelimb length, upper hindlimb, lower hindlimb limb, tail girth and snout-ventral length. File is in a comma delimited excel spreadsheet

    Data files (5) for Tree Skink social behaviour & attributes

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    Please note this data, as well as the accompanying R code, can also be found within a public Bitbucket (git) repository at this link: https://[email protected]/julia_riley/e.-striolata-social-behavior-study.git The following files are provided in the compressed folder: 1. Group Data_long.csv - contains data on social association over our six month observations, 2. Group Data_short.csv - contains data on social association over our six week observations, 3. Lizard_Attributes_long.csv - contains lizard attribute data for the six month observations (N = 27 lizards), 4. Lizard_Attributes_short.csv - contains lizard attribute data for the six week observations (N = 28 lizards), & 5. personality_data_NArm.csv - contains laboratory sociability data for analyses