286 research outputs found

    Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle

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    HE 269/2002 vp laiksi yhdenvertaisuuden turvaamisesta sekä eräiden siihen liittyvien lakien muuttamisest

    ‘Activism’ Is Not the Problem

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    The COVID-19 Emergency in Finland: Best Practice and Problems

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    Published on 16 April 2020Finland has a modern Constitution with an ambitious catalogue of fundamental rights. Has this framework, including the constitutional regulation of emergency powers, been able to cope with the COVID-19 crisis? Are there lessons to learn from Finland

    Indigenous Peoples\u27 Land Rights Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

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    his paper presentes the evolving understanding of indigenous peoples\u27 land rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), as reflected in the practice of the Human Rights Committee (HRC), the monitoring body established under the ICCPR. The discussion is based on cases decided under the Optional Protocol to the Covenant, on the Committee\u27s general comments and on the Committee\u27s consideration of periodic reports by States parties. As to the points of entry to the discussion on land rights, two provisions of the ICCPR are identified: the right of all peoples to self- determination (Article 1) and the protection afforded, under the notions of \u27culture\u27 and \u27minority\u27 in Article 27, to indigenous peoples\u27 rights related to lands and resources

    Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle

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    (HE) 45/2001 vp rikosoikeudellista vanhentumista koskevien säännösten uudistamiseks

    Reforming the Doctorate in the Social Sciences : a report on good practice

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationThis report responds to the changing nature of doctoral education and the need to engage in a reflection andreform process, especially during times of economic downturn when public university funding comes under increasing threat. It is based on a project that was initiated by the European University Institute (EUI) in late 2015 to provide a neutral forum for discussion. A distinguished Task Force of eminent professors from across Europe carried out the mandate to identify 'good practice' in doctoral education. As general discussions on the doctorate tend to pay main attention to medicine and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects, this project was to focus specifically on doctoral education in the social sciences (broadly understood). This focus also distinguishes the present project from much important work that has been done by the European University Association (EUA), the largest representative body of higher education at a European level which seeks to promote European policies, networking opportunities, and the visibility of European universities more generally. The compilation of good practice in the present report has no regulatory function, as it was assessed and collected by active academics and not policymakers; but it is expected to be of use as a first necessary mapping of good practice in doctoral education in social sciences

    “Could you, would you, should you?” Regulating cross-border travel through COVID-19 soft law in Finland

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    In the coronavirus pandemic that has swept the world, the Finnish Government, like many of its peers, has issued policy measures to combat the virus. Many of these measures have been implemented in law, including measures taken under the Emergency Powers Act, or by ministries and regional and local authorities exercising their legal powers. However, some governmental policy measures have been implemented using non-binding guidelines and recommendations. Using border travel recommendations as a case study, this article critically evaluates governmental soft law-making. The debacle over the use of soft law to fight the pandemic in Finland revealed fundamental misunderstandings about the processes and circumstances under which instruments conceived as soft law can be issued, as well as a lack of attention to their effects from a fundamental rights perspective

    Asiantuntijalausunto perustuslakivaliokunnalle

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    HE 265/2002 vp ulkomaalaislaiksi ja eräiksi siihen liittyviksi laeiks

    Koulujen uskonnonopetus ihmisoikeuksien näkökulmasta

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