16 research outputs found
From the Modern History of Word-formation Research in Slovak Studies
Cieľom príspevku je charakteristika modernej slovenskej derivatológie,
ktorá sa datuje od polovice 20. stor. publikovaním monografi e Jána Horeckého
Slovotvorná sústava slovenčiny (1959). V centre pozornosti sú najdôležitejšie
práce a autori, ktorí výrazným spôsobom v teoretickej a metodologickej rovine
ovplyvnili vývoj v danej oblasti výskumu (Ján Horecký, Juraj Furdík, Klára Buzássyová,
Miloslava Sokolová, Ľudmila Liptáková, Mira Nábělková a i.). Ďalej
sa zameriavame na práce, ktoré sa venujú slovotvornému vývinu , derivačnej
sémantike, onomaziológii, kompozícii, ako aj vzťahom slovotvorby k iným oblastiam
jazyka a jazykovedy (lexikológia a lexikografi a, morfematika, morfonológia,
syntax, teória textu).У чланку се анализирају најважнији теоријски и методолошки радови
(монографије, чланци и уџбеници) који су знатно утицали на формирање
и методологију дериватолошких истраживања у словакистици од друге
половине XX века до наших дана почев од основне монографије Јана Хорецког
Slovotvorná sústava slovenčiny [Творбени систем словачког језика] и научних
радова других истакнутих дериватолога (Ј. Фурдик, К. Бузашиова, М. Соколова,
Л. Липтакова, М. Набелкова и др.). Посебна пажња посвећује се како радовима
из области творбе речи, деривационе семантике и ономасиологије, слагања, тако
и истраживању узајамне везе творбе речи с другим језичким и лингвистичким
нивоима (лексикологијом и лексикографијом, морфемиком, морфонологијом,
морфологијом, синтаксом и текстологијом).This paper introduces the most important theoretical and methodological works
(monographs, studies, and textbooks) that have set the course for word-formation research,
especially regarding its methodology, in Slovakia since the latter half of the
20th century, starting with a pioneering monograph by Ján Horecký entitled Slovotvorná
sústava slovenčiny [Slovak Word-Formation System] (1959), followed by
the works of other distinguished scholars (J. Furdík, K. Buzássyová, M. Sokolová,
Ľ. Liptáková, M. Nábělková, etc.). Special attention is also paid to the works dealing
with the development of word-formation, derivational semantics and onomasiology,
word-formation research in relation to other branches of language and linguistics (lexicology
and lexicography, morphemics, morphonology, morphology, syntax, theory
of the text), as well as to the research focused on compounding
Cudzie propriá v slovenčine z pohľadu teórie motivácie v lexikálnej zásobe
The paper deals with adaptation of foreign proper names (FPN) in Slovak. The issue is analysed from the viewpoint of the theory of lexical motivation (first proposed by J. Furdík). As far as FPN are concerned, two types of lexical motivation are highlighted, namely onymic motivation and interlingual motivation. Onymic motivation concerns proper nouns and interlingual motivation concerns loan-words. The paper treats the problem of co-occurrence of the above mentioned two types of motivation, and their occurrence in conjunction with other motivation types, namely word-formation motivation (word-formation adaptation of FPN), syntactic motivation (concerning multi-word expressions), phonic motivation (concerning lexemes with a marked form), abbreviation motivation (concerning abbreviations). The exemplification is based on the corpus of English proper nouns, taken from Slovník anglických vlastných mien v slovenčine (Dictionary of English Proper Names in Slovak; Ološtiak et al. 2006).The paper deals with adaptation of foreign proper names (FPN) in Slovak. The issue is analysed from the viewpoint of the theory of lexical motivation (first proposed by J. Furdík). As far as FPN are concerned, two types of lexical motivation are highlighted, namely onymic motivation and interlingual motivation. Onymic motivation concerns proper nouns and interlingual motivation concerns loan-words. The paper treats the problem of co-occurrence of the above mentioned two types of motivation, and their occurrence in conjunction with other motivation types, namely word-formation motivation (word-formation adaptation of FPN), syntactic motivation (concerning multi-word expressions), phonic motivation (concerning lexemes with a marked form), abbreviation motivation (concerning abbreviations). The exemplification is based on the corpus of English proper nouns, taken from Slovník anglických vlastných mien v slovenčine (Dictionary of English Proper Names in Slovak; Ološtiak et al. 2006)
Neologisms of English Origin in Present-Day Slovak
The aim of the paper is to analyse post-1989 Anglicisms in present-day Slovak. Central concepts of the study are neologisms (new items in the lexicon of a language), present-day Slovak (the Slovak language from 1989 onwards), borrowing (one of several ways of lexical enrichment) and adaptation (the process of adapting loans into Slovak as a recipient language). The most extensive part consists of sections devoted to particular adaptation processes on the levels of phonology, orthography, morphology, word-formation, semantics and pragmatics. Finally, the paper addresses the issues of the variability and synonymy of English borrowings in Slovak.
Slovak Dictionary of Root Morphemes (SDRM) is a unique publication providing both morphemic and word-formation analysis of c. 65 000 lexemes of modern Slovak. The paper presents a project entitled Word-formation of contemporary Slovak. The project is based on the material from SDRM. Its objective is complex description and explanation of word-formation of contemporary Slovak language. The complexity results from a set of relevant parameters to be analysed: part of speech, origin, stylistic/register characteristics of both a motivating word and a motivated word, word-formation means (bases, affixes, alternation, truncation), word- formation processes (derivation, composition), types of word-formation motivation, types of complex word-formation units (paradigms, chains, nests; word-formation model/types, onomasiological categories, types of onomasiological categories). Project findings can lay the foundations of subsequent interlingual and intralingual research in the field of word-formation and lexicology