2,431 research outputs found

    Instantons and SL(2,R) Symmetry in Type IIB Supergravity

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    We discuss the relation between the dual formulations of Type IIB supergravity emphasizing the differences between Lorentz and Euclidean signature. We demonstrate how the SL(2,R) symmetry of the usual action is manifested in the solution of the equations of motion with Euclidean signature for the dual theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Instantons of Type IIB Supergravity in Ten Dimensions

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    A family of SO(10) symmetric instanton solutions in Type IIB supergravity is developed. The instanton of least action is a candidate for the low-energy, semiclassical approximation to the {D=--1} brane. Unlike a previously published solution,[GGP] this admits an interpretation as a tunneling amplitude between perturbatively degenerate asymptotic states, but with action twice that found previously. A number of associated issues are discussed such as the relation between the magnetic and electric pictures, an inversion symmetry of the dilaton and the metric, the R×S9R\times S^9 topology of the background, and some properties of the solution in an "instanton frame" corresponding to a Lagrangian in which the dilaton's kinetic energy vanishes.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; Version 2 has revised sections IV and V. Earlier equations are essentially unchanged, but interpretation changed, on advice of counse

    Nonlinear paramagnetic magnetization in the mixed state of CeCoIn_5

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    Torque and magnetization measurements in magnetic fields HH up to 14 T were performed on CeCoIn5_5 single crystals. The amplitude of the paramagnetic torque shows an H2.3H^{2.3} dependence in the mixed state and an H2H^{2} dependence in the normal state. In addition, the mixed-state magnetizations for both HcH\parallel c and HabH\parallel ab axes show anomalous behavior after the subtraction of the corresponding paramagnetic contributions as linear extrapolations of the normal-state magnetization. These experimental results point towards a nonlinear paramagnetic magnetization in the mixed state of CeCoIn5_5, which is a result of the fact that both orbital and Pauli limiting effects dominate in the mixed state.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, conferenc

    Seeking the Shadowing in eA Processes

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    We consider the behavior of the slope of the nuclear structure function F2AF_2^A in the kinematic region which will be explored in the eA HERA collider. We demonstrate that, similarly to the nucleon case, a `turn over' is predicted in this observable. Moreover, we predict that the presence of the shadowing corrections implies that the maximum value of the slope is dependent of the number of nucleons A, differently from the DGLAP predictions. Our conclusion is that the measurement of this observable will allow to evidentiate the presence of the shadowing corrections.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    The Effective Potential, the Renormalisation Group and Vacuum Stability

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    We review the calculation of the the effective potential with particular emphasis on cases when the tree potential or the renormalisation-group-improved, radiatively corrected potential exhibits non-convex behaviour. We illustrate this in a simple Yukawa model which exhibits a novel kind of dimensional transmutation. We also review briefly earlier work on the Standard Model. We conclude that, despite some recent claims to the contrary, it can be possible to infer reliably that the tree vacuum does not represent the true ground state of the theory.Comment: 23 pages; 5 figures; v2 includes minor changes in text and additional reference

    Planar diagrams in light-cone gauge

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    We consider the open string vacuum amplitude determining the interaction between a stack of N D3-branes and a single probe brane. When using light cone gauge, it is clear that the sum of planar diagrams (relevant in the large-N limit) is described by the free propagation of a closed string. A naive calculation suggests that the Hamiltonian of the closed string is of the form H = H0 - (g_s N) P. The same form of the Hamiltonian follows from considering the bosonic part of the closed string action propagating in the full D3-brane background suggesting the naive calculation captures the correct information. Further, we compute explicitly P from the open string side in the bosonic sector and show that, in a certain limit, the result agrees with the closed string expectations up to extra terms due to the fact that we ignored the fermionic sector. We briefly discuss extensions of the results to the superstring and to the sum of planar diagrams in field theory. In particular we argue that the calculations seem valid whenever one can define a sigma tau dual Hamiltonian in the world-sheet which in principle does not require the existence of a string action. This seems more generic than the existence of a string dual in the large-N limit.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX. v2: references added. v3: typos and minor corrections. Small change of conventions in fermionic secto

    Electrifying catheters with light

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    Smart minimally invasive devices face a connectivity challenge. An example is found in intracardiac echocardiography where the signal transmission and supply of power at the distal end require many thin and fragile wires in order to keep the catheter slim and flexible. We have built a fully functional bench-top prototype to demonstrate that electrical wires may be replaced by optical fibers. The prototype is immediately scalable to catheter dimensions. The absence of conductors will provide intrinsic galvanic isolation as well as radio frequency (RF) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility. Using optical fibers, we show signal transfer of synthetic aperture ultrasound images as well as photo-voltaic conversion to supply all electronics. The simple design utilizes only off the shelf components and holds a promise of cost effectiveness which may be pivotal for translation of these advanced devices into the clinic

    Unitarity Corrections to the Proton Structure Functions through the Dipole Picture

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    We study the dipole picture for the description of the deep inelastic scattering, focusing on the structure functions which are driven directly by the gluon distribution. One performs estimates using the effective dipole cross section given by the Glauber-Mueller approach in QCD, which encodes the corrections due to the unitarity effects associated with the saturation phenomenon. We also address issues about frame invariance of the calculations when analysing the observables.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.