270 research outputs found

    On the Possibility of Quantum Gravity Effects at Astrophysical Scales

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    The nonperturbative renormalization group flow of Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) is reviewed. It is argued that at large distances there could be strong renormalization effects, including a scale dependence of Newton's constant, which mimic the presence of dark matter at galactic and cosmological scales.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 4 figures. Invited contribution to the Int. J. Mod. Phys. D special issue on dark matter and dark energ

    Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration

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    Radio metric data from the Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses spacecraft indicate an apparent anomalous, constant, acceleration acting on the spacecraft with a magnitude ∌8.5×10−8\sim 8.5\times 10^{-8} cm/s2^2, directed towards the Sun. Two independent codes and physical strategies have been used to analyze the data. A number of potential causes have been ruled out. We discuss future kinematic tests and possible origins of the signal.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages and 1 figure. Minor changes for publicatio

    Substructure lensing in galaxy clusters as a constraint on low-mass sterile neutrinos in tensor-vector-scalar theory: The straight arc of Abell 2390

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    Certain covariant theories of the modified Newtonian dynamics paradigm seem to require an additional hot dark matter (HDM) component - in the form of either heavy ordinary neutrinos or more recently light sterile neutrinos (SNs) with a mass around 11eV - to be relieved of problems ranging from cosmological scales down to intermediate ones relevant for galaxy clusters. Here we suggest using gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters to test such a marriage of neutrino HDM and modified gravity, adopting the framework of tensor-vector-scalar theory (TeVeS). Unlike conventional cold dark matter (CDM), such HDM is subject to strong phase-space constraints, which allows one to check cluster lens models inferred within the modified framework for consistency. Since the considered HDM particles cannot collapse into arbitrarily dense clumps and only form structures well above the galactic scale, systems which indicate the need for dark substructure are of particular interest. As a first example, we study the cluster lens Abell 2390 and its impressive straight arc with the help of numerical simulations. Based on our results, we outline a general and systematic approach to model cluster lenses in TeVeS which significantly reduces the calculation complexity. We further consider a simple bimodal lens configuration, capable of producing the straight arc, to demonstrate our approach. We find that such a model is marginally consistent with the hypothesis of 11eV SNs. Future work including more detailed and realistic lens models may further constrain the necessary SN distribution and help to conclusively assess this point. Cluster lenses could therefore provide an interesting discriminator between CDM and such modified gravity scenarios supplemented by SNs or other choices of HDM.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables; minor changes to match accepted versio

    The nucleus of the Sagittarius dSph galaxy and M54: a window on the process of galaxy nucleation

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    We present the results of a thorough study of the nucleus of the Sgr dwarf spheroidal galaxy and of the bright globular cluster M54 that resides within the same nucleus (Sgr,N). We have obtained accurate radial velocities and metallicity estimates for 1152 candidate Red Giant Branch stars of Sgr and M54 lying within ~ 9 arcmin from the center of the galaxy, from Keck/DEIMOS and VLT/FLAMES spectra of the infrared Calcium II triplet. Using both velocity and metallicity information we selected two samples of 425 and 321 very-likely members of M54 and of Sgr,N, respectively. The two considered systems display significantly different velocity dispersion profiles: M54 has a steeply decreasing profile from r=0, where sigma= 14.2 km/s, to r=3.5 arcmin where it reaches sigma=5.3 km/s, then it appears to rise again to sigma= 10 km/s at r=7 arcmin. In contrast Sgr,N has a uniformly flat profile at sigma=9.6 km/s over the whole 0 < r < 9 arcmin range. Using data from the literature we show that the velocity dispersion of Sgr remains constant at least out to r ~ 100 arcmin and there is no sign of the transition between the outer flat-luminosity-profile core and the inner nucleus in the velocity profile. These results - together with a re-analysis of the surface brightness profile of Sgr,N and a suite of dedicated N-body simulations - provide very strong support for the hypothesis that the nucleus of Sgr formed independently of M54, which probably plunged to its present position, coincident with Sgr,N, because of significant decay of the original orbit due to dynamical friction.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. emulateapj.cls, 26 pag., 21 low resolution figures. A full-resolution color version of the paper can be retrieved from http://www.bo.astro.it/SGR/Sgr_nucleus.ps.g

    Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Clusters of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We present a numerical code designed to conduct a likelihood analysis for clusters of nucleons above 10**19 eV originating from discrete astrophysical sources such as powerful radio galaxies, gamma-ray bursts or topological defects. The code simulates the propagation of nucleons in a large-scale magnetic field and constructs the likelihood of a given observed event cluster as a function of the average time delay due to deflection in the magnetic field, the source activity time scale, the total fluence of the source, and the power law index of the particle injection spectrum. Other parameters such as the coherence length and the power spectrum of the magnetic field are also considered. We apply it to the three pairs of events above 4X10**19 eV recently reported by the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) experiment, assuming that these pairs were caused by nucleon primaries which originated from a common source. Although current data are too sparse to fully constrain each of the parameters considered, and/or to discriminate models of the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, several tendencies are indicated. If the clustering suggested by AGASA is real, next generation experiments with their increased exposure should detect more than 10 particles per source over a few years and our method will put strong constraints on both the large-scale magnetic field parameters and the nature of these sources.Comment: 11 latex pages, 8 postscript figures included, uses revtex.sty in two-column format and epsf.sty. Submitted to Physical Review

    Driving vascular endothelial cell fate of human multipotent Isl1+ heart progenitors with VEGF modified mRNA

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    Distinct families of multipotent heart progenitors play a central role in the generation of diverse cardiac, smooth muscle and endothelial cell lineages during mammalian cardiogenesis. The identification of precise paracrine signals that drive the cell-fate decision of these multipotent progenitors, and the development of novel approaches to deliver these signals in vivo, are critical steps towards unlocking their regenerative therapeutic potential. Herein, we have identified a family of human cardiac endothelial intermediates located in outflow tract of the early human fetal hearts (OFT-ECs), characterized by coexpression of Isl1 and CD144/vWF. By comparing angiocrine factors expressed by the human OFT-ECs and non-cardiac ECs, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A was identified as the most abundantly expressed factor, and clonal assays documented its ability to drive endothelial specification of human embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived Isl1+ progenitors in a VEGF receptor-dependent manner. Human Isl1-ECs (endothelial cells differentiated from hESC-derived ISL1+ progenitors) resemble OFT-ECs in terms of expression of the cardiac endothelial progenitor- and endocardial cell-specific genes, confirming their organ specificity. To determine whether VEGF-A might serve as an in vivo cell-fate switch for human ESC-derived Isl1-ECs, we established a novel approach using chemically modified mRNA as a platform for transient, yet highly efficient expression of paracrine factors in cardiovascular progenitors. Overexpression of VEGF-A promotes not only the endothelial specification but also engraftment, proliferation and survival (reduced apoptosis) of the human Isl1+ progenitors in vivo. The large-scale derivation of cardiac-specific human Isl1-ECs from human pluripotent stem cells, coupled with the ability to drive endothelial specification, engraftment, and survival following transplantation, suggest a novel strategy for vascular regeneration in the heart

    Genetic randomization reveals functional relationships among morphologic and tissue-quality traits that contribute to bone strength and fragility

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    We examined femora from adult AXB/BXA recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains to identify skeletal traits that are functionally related and to determine how functional interactions among these traits contribute to genetic variability in whole-bone stiffness, strength, and toughness. Randomization of A/J and C57BL/6J genomic regions resulted in each adult male and female RI strain building mechanically functional femora by assembling unique sets of morphologic and tissue-quality traits. A correlation analysis was conducted using the mean trait values for each RI strain. A third of the 66 correlations examined were significant, indicating that many bone traits covaried or were functionally related. Path analysis revealed important functional interactions among bone slenderness, cortical thickness, and tissue mineral density. The path coefficients describing these functional relations were similar for both sexes. The causal relationship among these three traits suggested that cellular processes during growth simultaneously regulate bone slenderness, cortical thickness, and tissue mineral density so that the combination of traits is sufficiently stiff and strong to satisfy daily loading demands. A disadvantage of these functional interactions was that increases in tissue mineral density also deleteriously affected tissue ductility. Consequently, slender bones with high mineral density may be stiff and strong but they are also brittle. Thus, genetically randomized mouse strains revealed a basic biological paradigm that allows for flexibility in building bones that are functional for daily activities but that creates preferred sets of traits under extreme loading conditions. Genetic or environmental perturbations that alter these functional interactions during growth would be expected to lead to loss of function and suboptimal adult bone quality
