826 research outputs found

    The Effects of Fillers on the Deinkability of Printed Paper

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    This report covers the effect of fillers on the deinkability of a printed sheet of paper. Paper was produced with varying amounts of titanium dioxide and clay retained as fillers. This paper was then cut into 8½ X 11 inch sheets. The top half of each sheet was printed and cut away from the bottom unprinted half. Both of these portions were repulped by identical methods and brightness measurements were made from this recycled pulp. Differences in these brightnesses were ploted against percent ash in the sheet. It was found that at low levels of addition the filler increases the deinkability and at higher levels it decreases the deinkability of the paper. It was also found that there were only small differences between the effects of titanium dioxide and clay

    Two Heat-Transfer Improvements for Gas Liquefiers

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    Two improvements in heat-transfer design have been investigated with a view toward increasing the efficiency of refrigerators used to liquefy gases. The improvements could contribute to the development of relatively inexpensive, portable oxygen liquefiers for medical use. A description of the heat-transfer problem in a pulse-tube refrigerator is prerequisite to a meaningful description of the first improvement. In a pulse-tube refrigerator in particular, one of in-line configuration heat must be rejected from two locations: an aftercooler (where most of the heat is rejected) and a warm heat exchanger (where a small fraction of the total input power must be rejected as heat). Rejection of heat from the warm heat exchanger can be problematic because this heat exchanger is usually inside a vacuum vessel. When an acoustic-inertance tube is used to provide a phase shift needed in the pulse-tube cooling cycle, another problem arises: Inasmuch as the acoustic power in the acoustic-inertance tube is dissipated over the entire length of the tube, the gas in the tube must be warmer than the warm heat exchanger in order to reject heat at the warm heat exchanger. This is disadvantageous because the increase in viscosity with temperature causes an undesired increase in dissipation of acoustic energy and an undesired decrease in the achievable phase shift. Consequently, the overall performance of the pulse-tube refrigerator decreases with increasing temperature in the acoustic-inertance tube. In the first improvement, the acoustic-inertance tube is made to serve as the warm heat exchanger and to operate in an approximately isothermal condition at a lower temperature, thereby increasing the achievable phase shift and the overall performance of the refrigerator. This is accomplished by placing the acoustic-inertance tube inside another tube and pumping a cooling fluid (e.g., water) in the annular space between the tubes. Another benefit of this improvement is added flexibility of design to locate the warm heat-rejection components outside the vacuum vessel. The second improvement is the development of a compact radial-flow condenser characterized by a very high heat transfer coefficient and a small pressure drop

    Composite Pulse Tube

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    A modification of the design of the pulse tube in a pulse-tube cryocooler reduces axial thermal conductance while preserving radial thermal conductance. It is desirable to minimize axial thermal conductance in the pulse-tube wall to minimize leakage of heat between the warm and cold ends of the pulse tube. At the same time, it is desirable to maximize radial thermal conductance at the cold end of the pulse tube to ensure adequate thermal contact between (1) a heat exchanger in the form of a stack of copper screens inside the pulse tube at the cold end and (2) the remainder of the cold tip, which is the object to which the heat load is applied and from which heat must be removed. The modified design yields a low-heat-leak pulse tube that can be easily integrated with a cold tip. A typical pulse tube of prior design is either a thin-walled metal tube or a metal tube with a nonmetallic lining. It is desirable that the outer surface of a pulse tube be cylindrical (in contradistinction to tapered) to simplify the design of a regenerator that is also part of the cryocooler. Under some conditions, it is desirable to taper the inner surface of the pulse tube to reduce acoustic streaming. The combination of a cylindrical outer surface and a tapered inner surface can lead to unacceptably large axial conduction if the pulse tube is made entirely of metal. Making the pulse-tube wall of a nonmetallic, lowthermal- conductivity material would not solve the problem because the wall would not afford the needed thermal contact for the stack of screens in the cold end. The modified design calls for fabricating the pulse tube in two parts: a longer, nonmetallic part that is tapered on the inside and cylindrical on the outside and a shorter, metallic part that is cylindrical on both the inside and the outside. The nonmetallic part can be made from G-10 fiberglass-reinforced epoxy or other low-thermal-conductivity, cryogenically compatible material. The metallic part must have high thermal conductivity in the cryogenic temperature range and would typically be made of pure copper to satisfy this requirement. The metallic part is bonded to the nonmetallic part with epoxy. Copper screens are inserted in the metallic part to form the cold-end heat exchanger, then the assembled pulse tube is inserted in the cold tip

    Reprocessing and recycling of thermoset polymers based on bond exchange reaction

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    Recently, it has been reported that by properly catalytic controlled bond exchange reactions, thermoset polymers could be welded by simple heating. During the operation, polymer topology could be rearranged in complying the external deformation and release the internal stress, but the network integrity is maintained and the average functionality of polymer chains is unchanged. This novel technology also enables us to reprocess and recycle the thermoset polymers. In this study, we experimentally demonstrated that after being milled into pulverous state in microsize, the thermoset epoxy polymer with exchangeable bond could be welded and assembled again into integrity with regained mechanical properties comparable to a fresh bulk polymer. The detailed operation procedure, as well as the influence of pressure and heating time on the stretch ability of the recycled polymer sample, is demonstrated. Such an in-depth reprocessing routine could be repeated for multiple times in manufacturing complex objects and welding separated bulk polymers. Considering the efficient and robust welding effect among polymer particles, as well as the maintained merits of thermoset polymer as stress-bearing materials during the operation, this new strategy is more suitable to repair polymer structures in service and recycle the thermoset waste in most engineering applications

    Testing of Diode-Clamping in an Inductive Pulsed Plasma Thruster Circuit

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    Testing of a 5.5 kV silicon (Si) diode and 5.8 kV prototype silicon carbide (SiC) diode in an inductive pulsed plasma thruster (IPPT) circuit was performed to obtain a comparison of the resulting circuit recapture efficiency,eta(sub r), defined as the percentage of the initial charge energy remaining on the capacitor bank after the diode interrupts the current. The diode was placed in a pulsed circuit in series with a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) switch, and the voltages across different components and current waveforms were collected over a range of capacitor charge voltages. Reverse recovery parameters, including turn-off time and peak reverse recovery current, were measured and capacitor voltage waveforms were used to determine the recapture efficiency for each case. The Si fast recovery diode in the circuit was shown to yield a recapture efficiency of up to 20% for the conditions tested, while the SiC diode further increased recapture efficiency to nearly 30%. The data presented show that fast recovery diodes operate on a timescale that permits them to clamp the discharge quickly after the first half cycle, supporting the idea that diode-clamping in IPPT circuit reduces energy dissipation that occurs after the first half cycl

    Modeling and Simulation of a 5.8kV SiC PiN Diode for Inductive Pulsed Plasma Thruster Applications

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    Current ringing in an Inductive Pulsed Plasma Thruster (IPPT) can lead to reduced energy efficiency, excess heating, and wear on circuit components such as capacitors and solid state devices. Clamping off the current using a fast turn-off power diode is an effective way to reduce current ringing and increase energy efficiency. A diode with a shorter reverse recovery time will allow the least amount of current to ring back through the circuit, as well as minimize switching losses. The reverse recovery response of a new 5.8 kilovolt SiC PiN diode from Cree, Inc. in the IPPT plasma drive circuit is investigated using a physicsbased Simulink model, and compared with that of a 5SDF 02D6004 5.5 kilovolt fast-switching Si diode from ABB. Parameter extraction was carried out for each diode using both datasheet specifications and experimental waveforms, in order to most accurately adapt the model to the specific device. Further experimental data will be discussed using a flat-plate IPPT developed at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and used to verify the simulation results. A final quantitative measure of circuit efficiency will be described for both the Si and SiC diode configuration

    Updating the Nebraska Pumping Plant Performance Criteria

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    Irrigation water is removed from groundwater storage using deep well turbine pumps powered by electric motors or diesel, gasoline, propane, ethanol, or natural gas internal combustion engines. For best operating efficiency irrigation power units are selected to specifically meet the requirements of the irrigation system that include how deep the water in the well is under pumping conditions, the water pressure required at the pump outlet, and the system flow rate. The evaluation of pumping plants to establish pumping plant performance dates back into the 1950’s when researchers at the University of Nebraska were unable to directly compare the operation of an electrically powered pump installation to that powered by a diesel or other internal combustion engine. The solution to this issue was to develop performance criteria for each energy source that would be based upon the amount of work (water horsepower-hours) operators could expect if the system were well-designed and well-maintained. This performance criterion was referred to as the Nebraska Pumping Plant Performance Criteria (NPPPC) that is cited by irrigation design engineers worldwide. A new pumping plant testing program is under way to update the Nebraska Pumping Plant Performance Criteria for all energy types

    Aglite: A 3-Wavelength Lidar System for Quantitative Assessment of Agricultural Air Quality and Whole Facility Emissions

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    Ground based remote sensing technologies such as scanning lidar systems (light detection and ranging) are increasingly being used to characterize ambient aerosols due to key advantages (i.e., wide area of regard (10 km2), fast response time (s-1), high spatial resolution (\u3c10 \u3em) and high sensitivity). Scanning lidar allows for 3D imaging of atmospheric motion and aerosol variability, which can be used to quantitatively evaluate particulate matter (PM) concentrations and emissions. Space Dynamics Laboratory, in conjunction with USDA ARS, has developed and successfully deployed a lidar system called Aglite to characterize PM in diverse settings. Aglite is a portable scanning elastic lidar system with three wavelengths (355, 532, and 1064 nm), 6 m long range bins, and an effective range from 0.5 to 15 km. Filter-based PM samplers, optical particle counters, and various meteorological instruments were deployed to provide environmental and PM conditions for use in the lidar retrieval method. The developed retrieval algorithm extracts aerosol optical parameters, which were constrained by the point measurements, and converts return signals to PM concentrations. Once calibrated, the Aglite system can map the spatial distribution and temporal variation of the PM concentrations. Whole facility or operation-based emission rates were calculated from the lidar PM data with a mass balance approach. Concentration comparisons with upwind and downwind point sensors were made to verify data quality; lidar-derived PM levels were usually in good agreement with point sensor measurements. Comparisons of lidar-based emissions with emissions estimated through other methods using point sensor data generally show good agreement

    Emissions Calculated from Particulate Matter and Gaseous Ammonia Measurements from Commercial Dairy in California, USA

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    Emission rates and factors for particulate matter (PM) and gaseous ammonia (NH3) were estimated from measurements taken at a dairy in June 2008. Concentration measurements were made using both point and remote sensors. Filter-based PM samplers and optical particle counters (OPCs) characterized aerodynamic and optical properties, while a scanning elastic lidar measured particles around the facility. The lidar was calibrated to PM concentration using the point measurements. NH3 concentrations were measured using 23 passive samplers and 2 open-path Fourier transform infrared spectrometers (FTS). Emission rates and factors were estimated through both an inverse modeling technique using AERMOD coupled with measurements and a mass-balance approach applied to lidar PM data. Mean PM emission factors ± 95% confidence interval were 3.8 ± 3.2, 24.8 ± 14.5, and 75.9 ± 33.2 g/d/AU for PM2.5, PM10, and TSP, respectively, from inverse modeling and 1.3 ± 0.2, 15.1 ± 2.2, and 46.4 ± 7.0 g/d/AU for PM2.5, PM10, and TSP, respectively, from lidar data. Average daily NH3 emissions from the pens, liquid manure ponds, and the whole facility were 143.4 ± 162.0, 29.0 ± 74.7, and 172.4 ± 121.4 g/d/AU, respectively, based on the passive sampler data and 190.6 ± 55.8, 16.4 ± 8.4, and 207.1 ± 54.7 g/d/AU, respectively, based on FTS measurements. Liquid manure pond emissions averaged 5.4 ± 13.9 and 3.1 ± 1.6 g/m2/d based on passive sampler and FTS measurements, respectively. The calculated PM10 and NH3 emissions were of similar magnitude as those found in literature. Diurnal emission patterns were observed