8,887 research outputs found

    DMRG study of the Bond Alternating \textbf{S}=1/2 Heisenberg ladder with Ferro-Antiferromagnetic couplings

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    We obtain the phase diagram in the parameter space (J/J,γ)(J'/J, \gamma) and an accurate estimate of the critical line separating the different phases. We show several measuments of the magnetization, dimerization, nearest neighbours correlation, and density of energy in the different zones of the phase diagram, as well as a measurement of the string order parameter proposed as the non vanishing phase order parameter characterizing Haldane phases. All these results will be compared in the limit J/J1J'/J\gg 1 with the behaviour of the S=1\textbf{S}=1 Bond Alternated Heisenberg Chain (BAHC). The analysis of our data supports the existence of a dimer phase separated by a critical line from a Haldane one, which has exactly the same nature as the Haldane phase in the S=1\textbf{S}=1 BAHC.Comment: Version 4. 8 pages, 15 figures (12 figures in document

    The influence of heavy goods vehicle traffic on accidents on different types of Spanish interurban roads

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    This paper illustrates a methodology developed to analyze the influence of traffic conditions, i.e. volume and composition on accidents on different types of interurban roads in Spain, by applying negative binomial models. The annual average daily traffic was identified as the most important variable, followed by the percentage of heavy goods vehicles, and different covariate patterns were found for each road type. The analysis of hypothetical scenarios of the reduction of heavy goods vehicles in two of the most representative freight transportation corridors, combined with hypotheses of total daily traffic mean intensity variation, produced by the existence or absence of induced traffic gives rise to several scenarios. In all cases a reduction in the total number of accidents would occur as a result of the drop in the number of heavy goods transport vehicles, However the higher traffic intensity, resulting of the induction of other vehicular traffic, reduces the effects on the number of accidents on single carriageway road segments compared with high capacity roads, due to the increase in exposure. This type of analysis provides objective elements for evaluating policies that encourage modal shifts and road safety enhancements

    Rose Parade Seismology: Signatures of Floats and Bands on Optical Fiber

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    The 2020 Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, was recorded by the Pasadena distributed acoustic sensing array, which utilizes the underground telecom fiber optic cables as sensors. The floats and bands generate remarkable broadband seismic signatures that can be captured at meters’ resolution

    The Pristine survey -- XXII. A serendipitous discovery of an extremely Li-rich very metal-poor giant and a new method of 6^6Li/7^7Li isotope measurement

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    We report the serendipitous discovery of a very metal-poor (VMP) Li-rich giant star (TeffT_{\rm eff} = 4690±\pm80 K, log g = 1.34±\pm0.13, [Fe/H] = 2.43±-2.43\pm0.07). We analyse the Li I 6103 and 6707 \r{A} lines accounting for departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) and correcting for 3D effects using literature data, which yields a lithium abundance logεLi=3.42±0.07\log\varepsilon_{Li} = 3.42\pm0.07. Comparing lithium abundances from the two lines, in 1D NLTE we measure the isotope ratio 6^6Li/7^7Li = 1.641.08+1.49^{+1.49}_{-1.08} %. When correcting for 3D effects, we detect the fragile 6^6Li isotope at 22-sigma level and the ratio 6^6Li/7^7Li = 5.652.51+5.05^{+5.05}_{-2.51} %. To our knowledge, this is the first 6^6Li/7^7Li measurement in an extremely Li-rich VMP star. The Cameron-Fowler mechanism, which is proposed to produce Li-rich stars, does not imply 6^6Li production and is therefore inconsistent with our measurement when applying 3D corrections. We also derive NLTE abundances for 16 elements, most of which show similar abundances to those found in VMP stars. Sodium is an exception: [Na/Fe]NLTE,1D_{\rm NLTE, 1D} = 0.07 ±0.03\pm 0.03, which is 0.5 dex higher than what is typical for VMP stars. This star joins the sample of rare Li-rich VMP stars, and we offer a novel way to constrain the source of lithium in such stars through isotope ratio measurements.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Polarization of the WMAP Point Sources

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    The detection of polarized sources in the WMAP 5-year data is a very difficult task. The maps are dominated by instrumental noise and only a handful of sources show up as clear peaks in the Q and U maps. Optimal linear filters applied at the position of known bright sources detect with a high level of significance a polarized flux P from many more sources, but estimates of P are liable to biases. Using a new technique, named the "filtered fusion technique", we have detected in polarization, with a significance level greater than 99.99% in at least one WMAP channel, 22 objects, 5 of which, however, do not have a plausible low radio frequency counterpart and are therefore doubtful. Estimated polarized fluxes P < 400 mJy at 23 GHz were found to be severely affected by the Eddington bias. The corresponding polarized flux limit for Planck/LFI at 30 GHz, obtained via realistic simulations, is 300 mJy. We have also obtained statistical estimates of, or upper limits to the mean polarization degrees of bright WMAP sources at 23, 33, 41, and 61 GHz, finding that they are of a few percent.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Estados ecosistémicos coexistentes en una laguna costera tropical bajo eutrofización creciente en la cayería norte de Cuba

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    Through a nested suite of methods here we contrast the coexistence of different ecosystem states in a tropical coastal lagoon, the Laguna Larga, with increasing eutrophication stress between 2007 and 2009. Water temperature averaged 27.4°C in the lagoon and showed a slight positive trend during the study period. Salinity averaged 35.0±6.2, exhibiting high spatial and temporal variability, and also a slight positive trend in time. In contrast, dissolved oxygen showed a substantial decreasing trend (–0.83 ml L–1 y–1; –13.3% y–1) over the period, while nutrients increased dramatically, particularly total phosphorus (2.6 µM y–1), in both cases sustaining the progression of eutrophication in the lagoon during the three years we sampled. The Karydis nutrient load-based trophic index showed that the lagoon has a spatial pattern of increasing eutrophication from the sea and the outer sector (oligotrophic-mesotrophic) to the central (mesotrophic) and the inner sector (mesotrophic-eutrophic). Two ecosystem states were found within the lagoon. In the outer oligotrophic sector, the dominant primary producers were macroalgae, seagrasses and benthic diatoms, while mollusc assemblages were highly diverse. In the inner and central sectors (where trophic status increased toward the inner lagoon) a phytoplankton-dominated ecosystem was found where mollusc assemblages are less diverse. In spite of the progression of eutrophication in the lagoon, these two different ecosystems coexisted and remained unchanged during the study period. Apparently, the effect of water residence time, which increases dramatically toward the inner lagoon, dominated over that of nutrient loadings, which is relatively more homogeneously distributed along the lagoon. Therefore, we consider that actions that reduce the water residence time are likely the most effective management options for this and other similarly choked lagoons.Mediante la conjunción de una diversidad de métodos y observaciones, se contrasta la coexistencia de diferentes estados ecosistémicos en Laguna Larga, una laguna costera tropical sometida a una eutrofización creciente entre 2007 y 2009. La temperatura media en la laguna fue de 27.4°C y mostró una ligera tendencia positiva en este periodo. La salinidad mostró alta variabilidad espacial y temporal alrededor de una media de 35.0±6.2 y también tuvo una tendencia temporal positiva. En contraste, el oxígeno disuelto mostró una sustancial tendencia negativa (–0.83 ml L–1 y–1; –13.3% y–1) en el mismo periodo, al tiempo que los nutrientes se incrementaron drásticamente, en particular el fósforo total, a una tasa de 2.6 µM y–1, respaldando ambas tendencias el incremento de la eutrofización a lo largo de los tres años observados. El índice trófico de Karydis, basado en las cargas de nutrientes, mostró un patrón espacial de incremento de la eutrofización desde el mar hacia el sector exterior (oligotrófico-mesotrófico), el sector central (mesotrófico) y el sector interior (mesotrófico-eutrófico). Se identificaron dos estados ecosistémicos dentro de la laguna. En el oligotrófico sector exterior, los productores primarios dominantes fueron macroalgas, pastos marinos y diatomeas bénticas, en tanto que las asociaciones de moluscos fueron altamente diversas. En los sectores central e interior (incrementándose el estatus trófico hacia este último), se encontró un estado ecosistémico dominado por el fitoplancton y en el que las asociaciones de moluscos son menos diversas. A pesar del incremento de la eutrofización, estos dos ecosistemas distintos coexistieron y permanecieron sin cambios durante el periodo estudiado. En Laguna Larga, el efecto del tiempo de residencia del agua, que se incrementa dramáticamente hacia el interior de la laguna, domina aparentemente sobre el de la carga externa de nutrientes, que está distribuida de manera relativamente más homogénea a lo largo de la laguna. Por ello, consideramos que las acciones dirigidas a disminuir el tiempo de residencia del agua son probablemente las más efectivas en esta laguna y otras similarmente aisladas