107,246 research outputs found

    Expanded study of feasibility of measuring in-flight 747/JT9D loads, performance, clearance, and thermal data

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    The JT9D jet engine exhibits a TSFC loss of about 1 percent in the initial 50 flight cycles of a new engine. These early losses are caused by seal-wear induced opening of running clearances in the engine gas path. The causes of this seal wear have been identified as flight induced loads which deflect the engine cases and rotors, causing the rotating blades to rub against the seal surfaces, producing permanent clearance changes. The real level of flight loads encountered during airplane acceptance testing and revenue service and the engine's response in the dynamic flight environment were investigated. The feasibility of direct measurement of these flight loads and their effects by concurrent measurement of 747/JT9D propulsion system aerodynamic and inertia loads and the critical engine clearance and performance changes during 747 flight and ground operations was evaluated. A number of technical options were examined in relation to the total estimated program cost to facilitate selection of the most cost effective option. It is concluded that a flight test program meeting the overall objective of determining the levels of aerodynamic and inertia load levels to which the engine is exposed during the initial flight acceptance test and normal flight maneuvers is feasible and desirable. A specific recommended flight test program, based on the evaluation of cost effectiveness, is defined

    Density-density functionals and effective potentials in many-body electronic structure calculations

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    We demonstrate the existence of different density-density functionals designed to retain selected properties of the many-body ground state in a non-interacting solution starting from the standard density functional theory ground state. We focus on diffusion quantum Monte Carlo applications that require trial wave functions with optimal Fermion nodes. The theory is extensible and can be used to understand current practices in several electronic structure methods within a generalized density functional framework. The theory justifies and stimulates the search of optimal empirical density functionals and effective potentials for accurate calculations of the properties of real materials, but also cautions on the limits of their applicability. The concepts are tested and validated with a near-analytic model.Comment: five figure

    Two kinds of procedural semantics for privative modification

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    In this paper we present two kinds of procedural semantics for privative modification. We do this for three reasons. The first reason is to launch a tough test case to gauge the degree of substantial agreement between a constructivist and a realist interpretation of procedural semantics; the second is to extend Martin-L ̈f’s Constructive Type Theory to privative modification, which is characteristic of natural language; the third reason is to sketch a positive characterization of privation

    Fluctuations and correlations in population models with age structure

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    We study the population profile in a simple discrete time model of population dynamics. Our model, which is closely related to certain ``bit-string'' models of evolution, incorporates competition for resources via a population dependent death probability, as well as a variable reproduction probability for each individual as a function of age. We first solve for the steady-state of the model in mean field theory, before developing analytic techniques to compute Gaussian fluctuation corrections around the mean field fixed point. Our computations are found to be in good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations. Finally we discuss how similar methods may be applied to fluctuations in continuous time population models.Comment: 4 page

    The Blob Algebra and the Periodic Temperley-Lieb Algebra

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    We determine the structure of two variations on the Temperley-Lieb algebra, both used for dealing with special kinds of boundary conditions in statistical mechanics models. The first is a new algebra, the `blob' algebra (the reason for the name will become obvious shortly!). We determine both the generic and all the exceptional structures for this two parameter algebra. The second is the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra. The generic structure and part of the exceptional structure of this algebra have already been studied. Here we complete the analysis, using results from the study of the blob algebra.Comment: 12 page

    Algebras in Higher Dimensional Statistical Mechanics - the Exceptional Partition (MEAN Field) Algebras

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    We determine the structure of the partition algebra Pn(Q)P_n(Q) (a generalized Temperley-Lieb algebra) for specific values of Q \in \C, focusing on the quotient which gives rise to the partition function of nn site QQ-state Potts models (in the continuous QQ formulation) in arbitrarily high lattice dimensions (the mean field case). The algebra is non-semi-simple iff QQ is a non-negative integer less than nn. We determine the dimension of the key irreducible representation in every specialization.Comment: 4 page

    Dependent Types for Pragmatics

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    This paper proposes the use of dependent types for pragmatic phenomena such as pronoun binding and presupposition resolution as a type-theoretic alternative to formalisms such as Discourse Representation Theory and Dynamic Semantics.Comment: This version updates the paper for publication in LEU

    Radiative Transfer Effects during Photoheating of the Intergalactic Medium

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    The thermal history of the intergalactic medium (IGM) after reionization is to a large extent determined by photoheating. Here we demonstrate that calculations of the photoheating rate which neglect radiative transfer effects substantially underestimate the energy input during and after reionization. The neglect of radiative transfer effects results in temperatures of the IGM which are too low by a factor of two after HeII reionization. We briefly discuss implications for the absorption properties of the IGM and the distribution of baryons in shallow potential wells.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Competition and norms: a self-defeating combination?

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    This paper investigates the effects of information feedback mechanisms on electricity and heating usage at a student hall of residence in London. In a randomised control trial, we formulate different treatments such as feedback information and norms, as well as prize competition among subjects. We show that information and norms lead to a sharp – more than 20% - reduction in overall energy consumption. Because participants do not pay for their energy consumption this response cannot be driven by cost saving incentives. Interestingly, when combining feedback and norms with a prize competition for achieving low energy consumption, the reduction effect – while present initially – disappears in the long run. This could suggest that external rewards reduce and even destroy intrinsic motivation to change behaviour
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