7 research outputs found

    Behaviour, oh, thatÂŽs communication!

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    When being in preschool, I have come across children who I have had difficulties to really meet, and I have felt that the communication between me and the child has been deficient. Since I believe that the meeting of child and pedagogue is essential to learning and development, I find this an important subject of further study. The purpose of my study is to investigate if, and how, teachers regard a possible connection between language capability and behaviour. Furthermore I investigate how they work with language acquisition and communication, and what argument the pedagogues have for this work. To answer these questions I have interviewed two pedagogues who have great knowledge and experience of this subject, and also have special interest in children’s language and communication. In my literary review I give an account of how language acquisition is described in literature, and then compare it with how language impairment reveals. I also describe earlier research on how to work with language development, and what the national curriculum for preschools (Lpfö 98) say on this topic. The result shows that my informants divide in their view of how to connect language capability to behaviour. As to the rest they mostly agree. They both find that the teacher’s attitude towards child behaviour is of utmost importance. Both focus on the functional aspects of language and communication, and state that language must work in the context where the child lives. The arguments for working with language and communication that my informants use are connected to learning and development. The importances of language for handling conflicts and develop identity are emphasized. All these arguments are supported by the national curriculum for preschools (Lpfö 98).I förskolan har jag trĂ€ffat barn som jag har haft svĂ„rt att verkligen möta, och jag har upplevt att kommunikationen mellan mig och dessa barn har brustit. Eftersom jag tror att mötet mellan barn och pedagog Ă€r centralt för lĂ€rande och utveckling anser jag att det Ă€r ett viktigt omrĂ„de att studera djupare. Syftet med mitt examensarbete Ă€r att undersöka om, och i sĂ„ fall hur, pedagoger ser pĂ„ ett samband mellan sprĂ„klig förmĂ„ga och beteende. Vidare undersöker jag hur man arbetar med sprĂ„k och kommunikation, och vilka argument pedagogerna har för detta arbete. Mina frĂ„gestĂ€llningar Ă€r Hur ser pedagoger pĂ„ kopplingen mellan sprĂ„klig förmĂ„ga och beteende? Hur arbetar de med sprĂ„k och kommunikation? Vilka argument har pedagogerna för arbetet med sprĂ„k och kommunikation? För att besvara dessa frĂ„gestĂ€llningar har jag intervjuat tvĂ„ pedagoger som har stor kunskap och erfarenhet i Ă€mnet, och som dessutom Ă€r sĂ€rskilt intresserade av barns sprĂ„k och kommunikation. I litteraturgenomgĂ„ngen redogör jag för hur barns sprĂ„kutveckling beskrivs i litteraturen, och jĂ€mför sedan med hur sprĂ„kstörningar yppar sig. Jag gĂ„r ocksĂ„ igenom forskning om hur man kan arbeta med sprĂ„kutveckling, och vad förskolans lĂ€roplan (Lpfö 98) sĂ€ger om Ă€mnet. Resultatet visar att mina informanter skiljer sig Ă„t i synen pĂ„ hur man kan koppla sprĂ„klig förmĂ„ga till beteende. I övrigt har de en stor samsyn. BĂ„da lĂ€gger stor vikt vid pedagogers förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt, bĂ„da betonar en funktionell syn pĂ„ sprĂ„ktillĂ€gnande, och argumenterar för att sprĂ„ket mĂ„ste fungera i den kontext som barnen lever i. De argument för att arbeta med sprĂ„k och kommunikation som pedagogerna anvĂ€nder hör ihop med utveckling och lĂ€rande. SprĂ„kets betydelse för konflikthantering och identitetsutveckling betonas sĂ€rskilt. Alla dessa argument har stöd i förskolans lĂ€roplan

    Applying representational state transfer (REST) architecture to archetype-based electronic health record systems

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    Background The openEHR project and the closely related ISO 13606 standard have defined structures supporting the content of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). However, there is not yet any finalized openEHR specification of a service interface to aid application developers in creating, accessing, and storing the EHR content. The aim of this paper is to explore how the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style can be used as a basis for a platform-independent, HTTP-based openEHR service interface. Associated benefits and tradeoffs of such a design are also explored. Results The main contribution is the formalization of the openEHR storage, retrieval, and version-handling semantics and related services into an implementable HTTP-based service interface. The modular design makes it possible to prototype, test, replicate, distribute, cache, and load-balance the system using ordinary web technology. Other contributions are approaches to query and retrieval of the EHR content that takes caching, logging, and distribution into account. Triggering on EHR change events is also explored. A final contribution is an open source openEHR implementation using the above-mentioned approaches to create LiU EEE, an educational EHR environment intended to help newcomers and developers experiment with and learn about the archetype-based EHR approach and enable rapid prototyping. Conclusions Using REST addressed many architectural concerns in a successful way, but an additional messaging component was needed to address some architectural aspects. Many of our approaches are likely of value to other archetype-based EHR implementations and may contribute to associated service model specifications

    Applying representational state transfer (REST) architecture to archetype-based electronic health record systems

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    Background The openEHR project and the closely related ISO 13606 standard have defined structures supporting the content of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). However, there is not yet any finalized openEHR specification of a service interface to aid application developers in creating, accessing, and storing the EHR content. The aim of this paper is to explore how the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style can be used as a basis for a platform-independent, HTTP-based openEHR service interface. Associated benefits and tradeoffs of such a design are also explored. Results The main contribution is the formalization of the openEHR storage, retrieval, and version-handling semantics and related services into an implementable HTTP-based service interface. The modular design makes it possible to prototype, test, replicate, distribute, cache, and load-balance the system using ordinary web technology. Other contributions are approaches to query and retrieval of the EHR content that takes caching, logging, and distribution into account. Triggering on EHR change events is also explored. A final contribution is an open source openEHR implementation using the above-mentioned approaches to create LiU EEE, an educational EHR environment intended to help newcomers and developers experiment with and learn about the archetype-based EHR approach and enable rapid prototyping. Conclusions Using REST addressed many architectural concerns in a successful way, but an additional messaging component was needed to address some architectural aspects. Many of our approaches are likely of value to other archetype-based EHR implementations and may contribute to associated service model specifications