463 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Tenascins: Exploitable as Cancer Targets?

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    For their full manifestation, tumors require support from the surrounding tumor microenvironment (TME), which includes a specific extracellular matrix (ECM), vasculature, and a variety of non-malignant host cells. Together, these components form a tumor-permissive niche that significantly differs from physiological conditions. While the TME helps to promote tumor progression, its special composition also provides potential targets for anti-cancer therapy. Targeting tumor-specific ECM molecules and stromal cells or disrupting aberrant mesenchyme-cancer communications might normalize the TME and improve cancer treatment outcome. The tenascins are a family of large, multifunctional extracellular glycoproteins consisting of four members. Although each have been described to be expressed in the ECM surrounding cancer cells, tenascin-C and tenascin-W are currently the most promising candidates for exploitability and clinical use as they are highly expressed in various tumor stroma with relatively low abundance in healthy tissues. Here, we review what is known about expression of all four tenascin family members in tumors, followed by a more thorough discussion on tenascin-C and tenascin-W focusing on their oncogenic functions and their potential as diagnostic and/or targetable molecules for anti-cancer treatment purposes

    Rapid flipping of parametric phase states

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    Since the invention of the solid-state transistor, the overwhelming majority of computers followed the von Neumann architecture that strictly separates logic operations and memory. Today, there is a revived interest in alternative computation models accompanied by the necessity to develop corresponding hardware architectures. The Ising machine, for example, is a variant of the celebrated Hopfield network based on the Ising model. It can be realized with artifcial spins such as the `parametron' that arises in driven nonlinear resonators. The parametron encodes binary information in the phase state of its oscillation. It enables, in principle, logic operations without energy transfer and the corresponding speed limitations. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate flipping of parametron phase states on a timescale of an oscillation period, much faster than the ringdown time \tau that is often (erroneously) deemed a fundamental limit for resonator operations. Our work establishes a new paradigm for resonator-based logic architectures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The Expression and Possible Functions of Tenascin-W During Development and Disease

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    Tenascins are a family of multifunctional glycoproteins found in the extracellular matrix of chordates. Two of the tenascins, tenascin-C and tenascin-W, form hexabrachions. In this review, we describe the discovery and domain architecture of tenascin-W, its evolution and patterns of expression during embryogenesis and in tumors, and its effects on cells in culture. In avian and mammalian embryos tenascin-W is primarily expressed at sites of osteogenesis, and in the adult tenascin-W is abundant in certain stem cell niches. In primary cultures of osteoblasts tenascin-W promotes cell migration, the formation of mineralized foci and increases alkaline phosphatase activity. Tenascin-W is also prominent in many solid tumors, yet it is missing from the extracellular matrix of most adult tissues. This makes it a potential candidate for use as a marker of tumor stroma and a target for anti-cancer therapies

    Spatially resolved surface dissipation over metal and dielectric substrates

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    We report spatially resolved measurements of static and fluctuating electric fields over conductive (Au) and non-conductive (SiO2) surfaces. Using an ultrasensitive `nanoladder' cantilever probe to scan over these surfaces at distances of a few tens of nanometers, we record changes in the probe resonance frequency and damping that we associate with static and fluctuating fields, respectively. We find that the two quantities are spatially correlated and of similar magnitude for the two materials. We quantitatively describe the observed effects on the basis of trapped surface charges and dielectric fluctuations in an adsorbate layer. Our results provide direct, spatial evidence for surface dissipation in adsorbates that affects nanomechanical sensors, trapped ions, superconducting resonators, and color centers in diamond

    Discovery and characterization of heterogeneous and multipotent fibroblast populations isolated from excised cleft lip tissue.

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    BACKGROUND Regularly discarded lip tissue obtained from corrective surgeries to close the cleft lip represents an easily accessible and rich source for the isolation of primary fibroblasts. Primary fibroblasts have been described to show compelling similarities to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Hence, cleft lip and palate (CLP) lip-derived fibroblasts could be thought as an intriguing cell source for personalized regenerative therapies in CLP-affected patients. METHODS Initially, we thoroughly characterized the fibroblastic nature of the lip-derived mesenchymal outgrowths by molecular and functional assays. Next, we compared their phenotype and genotype to that of bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and of human lung-derived fibroblasts WI38, by assessing their morphology, surface marker expression, trilineage differentiation potential, colony-forming (CFU) capacity, and immunomodulation property. Finally, to better decipher the heterogeneity of our CLP cultures, we performed a single cell clonal analysis and tested expanded clones for surface marker expression, as well as osteogenic and CFU potential. RESULTS We identified intriguingly similar phenotypic and genotypic properties between CLP lip fibroblasts and BM-MSCs, which makes them distinct from WI38. Furthermore, our own data in combination with the complex anatomy of the lip tissue indicated heterogeneity in our CLP cultures. Using a clonal analysis, we discovered single cell-derived clones with increased levels of the MSC markers CD106 and CD146 and clones with variabilities in their commitment to differentiate into bone-forming cells and in their potential to form single cell-derived colonies. However, we were not able to gain clones possessing superior MSC-like capacities when compared to the heterogeneous parental CLP population. Additionally, all clones could still generate contractile forces and retained robust levels of the fibroblast specific marker FSP1, which was not detectable in BM-MSCs. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that we isolate heterogeneous populations of fibroblasts from discarded CLP lip tissue, which show a prominently multipotent character in their entirety avoiding the need for elaborate subpopulation selections in vitro. These findings suggest that CLP lip fibroblasts might be a novel potential cell source for personalized regenerative medicine of clinical benefit for CLP patients

    Lack of IRF6 Disrupts Human Epithelial Homeostasis by Altering Colony Morphology, Migration Pattern, and Differentiation Potential of Keratinocytes.

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    Variants within the gene encoding for the transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6) are associated with syndromic and non-syndromic Cleft Lip/Palate (CLP) cases. IRF6 plays a vital role in the regulation of the proliferation/differentiation balance in keratinocytes and is involved in wound healing and migration. Since a fraction of CLP patients undergoing corrective cleft surgery experience wound healing complications, IRF6 represents an interesting candidate gene linking the two processes. However, Irf6 function has been mainly studied in mice and knowledge on IRF6 in human cells remains sparse. Here, we aimed to elucidate the role of IRF6 in human postnatal skin- and oral mucosa-derived keratinocytes. To do so, we applied CRISPR/Cas9 to ablate IRF6 in two TERT-immortalized keratinocyte cultures, which we used as model cell lines. We show that IRF6 controls the appearance of single cells and colonies, with the latter being less cohesive in its absence. Consequently, IRF6 knockout keratinocytes often moved as single cells instead of a collective epithelial sheet migration but maintained their epithelial character. Lack of IRF6 triggered severe keratinocyte differentiation defects, which were already apparent in the stratum spinosum and extended to the stratum corneum in 3D organotypic skin cultures, while it did not alter their growth rate. Finally, proteomics revealed that most of the differentially expressed proteins in the absence of IRF6 could be associated with differentiation, cell-cell adhesion as well as immune response. Our data expand the knowledge on IRF6 in human postnatal keratinocytes, which will help to better understand IRF6-related pathologies

    High-speed domain wall racetracks in a magnetic insulator

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    Recent reports of current-induced switching of ferrimagnetic oxides coupled to a heavy metal layer have opened realistic prospects for implementing magnetic insulators into electrically addressable spintronic devices. However, key aspects such as the configuration and dynamics of magnetic domain walls driven by electrical currents in insulating oxides remain unexplored. Here, we investigate the internal structure of the domain walls in Tm3Fe5O12 (TmIG) and TmIG/Pt bilayers and demonstrate their efficient manipulation by spin-orbit torques with velocities of up to 400 m s−1^{-1} and minimal current threshold for domain wall flow of 5 x 106^{6} A cm−2^{-2}. Domain wall racetracks embedded in TmIG are defined by the deposition of Pt current lines, which allow us to control the domain propagation and magnetization switching in selected regions of an extended magnetic layer. Scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry reveals that the domain walls of thin TmIG films are N\'eel walls with left-handed chirality, with the domain wall magnetization rotating towards an intermediate N\'eel-Bloch configuration upon deposition of Pt. These results indicate the presence of a sizable interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in TmIG, which leads to novel possibilities to control the formation of chiral spin textures in magnetic insulators. Ultimately, domain wall racetracks provide an efficient scheme to pattern the magnetic landscape of TmIG in a fast and reversible wa

    Increasing metabolic potential: C-fixation

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    Due to a growing world population, crop yields must increase to meet rising demand. Crop plants also require adaptation to optimise performance in the changing environments caused by climate change. Improving photosynthetic carbon fixation is a promising, albeit technically challenging, strategy whose potential has only just begun to be considered in breeding programs. Rubisco, a fundamental enzyme of carbon fixation, is extremely inefficient and many strategies to improve photosynthesis focus on overcoming the limitations of this enzyme, either by improving Rubisco activity and regulation or by improving the supply of substrates. Although progress is being made, the need to tailor solutions for each crop and their respective environments has been highlighted. Even so, continuing research will be required to achieve these objectives and to grow crops more sustainably in the future
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