537 research outputs found

    Recircumscription of the Nepenthes alata group (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae) in the Philippines : with four new species

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    An overview of Nepenthes in the Philippines is presented. Four new species, Nepenthes extincta sp. nov., N. kitanglad sp. nov., N. kurata sp. nov. and N. leyte sp. nov. are described and illustrated from the Philippines and placed in the Nepenthes alata group. An updated circumscription and key to the species of the group is provided. Delimitation and comparison with the Regiae group is given. All four of the newly described species are assessed as threatened using the International Union for the Conservation of Nature 2012 standard, and one, N. extincta sp. nov. is considered likely to be already extinct due to open-cast mining. Logging and conversion of forest habitat are thought to be the main threats to the other three species

    A revision of the African genus Mesanthemum (Eriocaulaceae)

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    Mesanthemum is a genus comprising 16 species in the family Eriocaulaceae and is native to Africa and Madagascar. Eriocaulaceae are characterised by a basal tuft or rosette of narrow leaves and small flowers in heads. Mesanthemum can be recognised by diplostemonous flowers and fused glandular pistillate petals. While most Mesanthemum species are large perennial herbs, two small ephemeral species from West Africa, M. albidum and M. auratum differ from the rest of the genus by their shorter life cycle, smaller size, simpler floral structures and different seed surface patterning. A molecular phylogenetic study, morphological comparisons and scanning electron microscope (SEM) examination of seed coat sculpture were carried out to determine whether they should be separated as a new genus. The molecular results indicate that the two ephemeral species are nested in the Mesanthemum clade. However, they are not closely related to each other. All species of Mesanthemum are here revised, including the description of a new species M. alenicola from Equatorial Guinea. An identification key is provided, together with taxonomic descriptions, synonymy and notes. Images of the seeds as seen under SEM are provided where available. Lectotypifications are provided for Mesanthemum albidum, M. bennae, M. pilosum, M. prescottianum, M. pubescens and M. variabile. A neotype is selected for M. rutenbergianum, which is synonymised with M. pubescens

    Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae), a new cliff-dwelling genus with chemically profiled colleter exudate from Mt Gangan, Republic of Guinea

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    A new genus Kindia (Pavetteae, Rubiaceae) is described with a single species, Kindia gangan, based on collections made in 2016 during botanical exploration of Mt Gangan, Kindia, Republic of Guinea in West Africa. The Mt Gangan area is known for its many endemic species including the only native non-neotropical Bromeliaceae Pitcairnia feliciana. Kindia is the fourth endemic vascular plant genus to be described from Guinea. Based on chloroplast sequence data, the genus is part of Clade II of tribe Pavetteae. In this clade, it is sister to Leptactina sensu lato (including Coleactina and Dictyandra). K. gangan is distinguished from Leptactina s.l. by the combination of the following characters: its epilithic habit; several-flowered axillary inflorescences; distinct calyx tube as long as the lobes; a infundibular-campanulate corolla tube with narrow proximal section widening abruptly to the broad distal section; presence of a dense hair band near base of the corolla tube; anthers and style deeply included, reaching about mid-height of the corolla tube; anthers lacking connective appendages and with sub-basal insertion; pollen type 1; pollen presenter (style head) winged and glabrous (smooth and usually hairy in Leptactina); orange colleters producing a vivid red exudate, which encircle the hypanthium, and occur inside the calyx and stipules. Kindia is a subshrub that appears restricted to bare, vertical rock faces of sandstone. Fruit dispersal and pollination by bats is postulated. Here, it is assessed as Endangered EN D1 using the 2012 IUCN standard. High resolution LC-MS/MS analysis revealed over 40 triterpenoid compounds in the colleter exudate, including those assigned to the cycloartane class. Triterpenoids are of interest for their diverse chemical structures, varied biological activities, and potential therapeutic value

    Ordonnancement multi-objectifs de workflows dans le cloud : un modèle plus réaliste avec tâches de durée stochastique

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    National audienceLa souplesse en terme de disponibilité de ressources que permet le cloud rend possible une adaptation de l'ordonnancement des tâches qui y sont exécutées face à l'imprévisibilité de cer-tains paramètres. Cependant, les méthodes d'ordonnancement existantes utilisent des modèles trop simplifiés : les workflows sont totalement déterministes ou leur structure n'est pas consi-dérée, ou encore la modélisation du cloud ignore certains aspects capitaux de cette plateforme. Cet article propose un modèle prenant en compte le fait que le nombre d'instructions consti-tuant une tâche peut ne pas être déterministe sans pour autant sacrifier totalement la com-plexité de la plateforme ou la structure du workflow. Nous proposons en outre quelques pistes pour l'élaboration d'une méthode d'ordonnancement multi-objectifs reposant sur ce modèle

    Kupeantha (Coffeeae, Rubiaceae), a new genus from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea

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    Two new coffee relatives (tribe Coffeeae, Rubiaceae), discovered during botanical expeditions to Cameroon, are examined for generic placement, and the placement of three previously known species (Argocoffeopsis fosimondi, A. spathulata and Calycosiphonia pentamera) is reinvestigated using plastid sequence (accD-psa1, rpl16, trnL-F) and morphological data. Seed biochemistry of the new species and pollen micromorphology (only one of the two species) are also studied. Based on the plastid sequence data, the new taxa are nested in a wellsupported monophyletic group that includes Argocoffeopsis and Calycosiphonia. Within this clade, three well-supported subclades are recovered that are morphologically easy to diagnose: (1) Calycosiphonia (excluding C. pentamera), (2) Argocoffeopsis (excluding A. fosimondi and A. spathulata), and (3) a clade including the above excluded species, in addition to the new species. Based on the results, Kupeantha, a new genus of five species, is described, including two new Critically Endangered taxa from the Highlands of Cameroon: Kupeantha ebo and K. kupensis. Phytochemical analysis of Kupeantha seeds reveals compounds assigned as hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, amino acids and ent-kaurane diterpenoids; caffeine was not detected. Kupeantha is the first new genus described in tribe Coffeeae in 40 years

    Uma nova espécie de Utricularia L. (Lentibulariaceae) da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

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    A new species of the genus Utricularia is described from the Chapada Diamantina, in the state of Bahia. Utricularia catolesensis G. L. Campos, M. Cheek & Giul. is morphologically related to Utricularia purpureocaerulea A. St. Hil. & Girard, differing from it by its acute to subacute sepals, the white or rarely lilac corolla, basal hump on lower lip yellowish white and seeds pyramidal. The species occurs in swamps, in grassy areas or at the margins of streams.É descrita uma nova espécie do gênero Utricularia para Chapada Diamantina, Estado da Bahia. Utricularia catolesensis G. L. Campos, M. Cheek & Giul. é morfologicamente próxima de Utricularia purpureocaerulea A. St. Hil. & Girard, diferindo por apresentar as sépalas agudas a subagudas, a corola alva até raramente lilás, giba branco-amarelada e sementes piramidais. A espécie ocorre em brejos com gramíneas ou em beira de riachos e córregos

    Notes on the endemic plant species of the Ebo Forest, Cameroon, and the new, Critically Endangered, Palisota ebo (Commelinaceae)

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    Background and aims – This paper reports a further discovery in the context of a long-term botanical survey in the Cross River-Sanaga interval of west-central Africa, focussing on species discovery and conservation.Methods – Normal practices of herbarium taxonomy have been applied to study the material collected. The relevant collecting data are stored in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. Key results – The growing number of endemic species being discovered from the Ebo forest of Cameroon points to the importance of its conservation. Palisota ebo Cheek (Commelinaceae) is described as an additional new species to science and is compared with P. flagelliflora Faden. Restricted so far to the Ebo Forest its conservation status is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR B1+2ab(iii)) according to the 2012 criteria of IUCN

    How people with chronic illnesses view their care in general practice: a qualitative study

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Objectives: To explore the perceptions of patients with chronic conditions about the nature and quality of their care in general practice. Design: Qualitative study using focus group methods conducted 1 June to 30 November 2002. Participants and setting: 76 consumers in 12 focus groups in New South Wales and South Australia. Main outcome measures: Recurring issues and themes on care received in general practice. Results: Three groups of priorities emerged. One centred on the quality of doctors, including technical competence, interpersonal skills, time for the patient in the consultation and continuity of care. A second concerned the role of patients and consumer organisations, with patients wanting (i) recognition of their knowledge about their condition and self-management, and (ii) for GPs to develop closer links with consumer organisations and inform patients about them. The third focused on the practice team and the importance of practice nurses and receptionists. Conclusion: GPs should consider the amount of time they spend with chronically ill patients, and their interpersonal skills and understanding of patients’ needs. They need to be better informed about the benefits of patient self-management and consumer organisations, and to incorporate them into their care. They also need to review how their practice nurses and receptionists can maximise the care of patients.Fernando A Infante, Judith G Proudfoot, Gawaine Powell Davies, Tanya K Bubner, Chris H Holton, Justin J Beilby and Mark F Harri
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