172 research outputs found

    Is there a bank lending channel of monetary policy in Spain?

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    This paper uses panel data on banks, for the period 1991-98, to test the existence of a bank-lending channel in the Spanish economy. In order to distinguish between loan demand and supply movements, several exercises are performed. First, we analyse the differential responses, to monetary policy changes, of bank lending by banks with different size, liquidity and capitalisation. Second, we analyse the response to an exogenous deposit-reducing shock a tax-induced shift from deposits to mutual fund shares). As this involves a pure loan supply shock, it best solves the above-mentioned identification problem. Our results are mostly against the existence of a bank-lending channel in the period under analysis. This result appears to be related to the important role of many small banks as collectors of savings, meaning they have a large volume of resources available for lending JEL Classification: C23, E44, E52, G21bank funding, bank lending, monetary transmission mechanism

    Régimen de humedad de suelo de páramo y su relación con las prácticas socioculturales de manejo ante la variabilidad climatica

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    The objective of the present work was to evaluate the humidity of the moor floor and its relationship with the sociocultural practices of handling in the face of the climatic variability, in the parish Cochapamba belonging to the Canton Saquisilí, province of Cotopaxi. It was elaborated a diagnosis of the use and current handling of the moor by means of field visits and interviews. The results showed that two types and handling exist, one agricultural (cultivations of potatoes, onion, beans and herdsmen) and the other one cattle (I shepherd of having Won ovino and Bobino). In the course of the investigation by means of the application of the drying method to the oven, you could determine that the humidity of the floor of non managed moor and intervened in the two times of the year it was of 67% in the floor of non managed moor and of 43% in the floor of managed moor in the winter time, while in of summer I present 43% in the floor of non managed moor and 25% in the floor of managed moor; and according to the physical analysis – chemical, it was determined that the floor type for the two cases is Franco-sandy. To determine the climatic variability in the ecosystem moor proceeded to the obtaining of meteorological data of humidity and precipitation provided by the (INAMHI) National Institute of Metereología and Hydrology of the meteorological station Cotopilalo (M1066), that which could be distinguished according to the registrations of the annual averages that variate in temperature like of precipitation it is varying in the ecosystem the same one that is affected and as amended due to natural, climatic causes and antropogénicas.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el Régimen de humedad del suelo de páramo y su relación con las prácticas socioculturales de manejo ante la variabilidad climática, en la parroquia Cochapamba perteneciente al Cantón Saquisilí, provincia de Cotopaxi. Se elaboró un diagnóstico del uso y manejo actual del páramo mediante visitas de campo y entrevistas. Los resultados mostraron que existen dos tipos de uso y manejo, uno agrícola (cultivos de papas, cebolla, habas y potreros) y el otro pecuario (pastoreo de Ganado ovino y Bobino). En el transcurso de la investigación mediante la aplicación del método de secado al horno, se pudo determinar que la humedad del suelo de páramo No intervenido e intervenido en las dos épocas del año fue de 67% en el suelo de páramo no intervenido y de 43% en el suelo de páramo intervenido en la época de invierno, mientras que en la de verano presento un 43% en el suelo de páramo no intervenido y un 25% en el suelo de paramo intervenido; y según el análisis físico - químico se determinó que el tipo de suelo para los dos casos es Franco-arenoso. Para determinar la variabilidad climática en el ecosistema páramo se procedió a la obtención de datos meteorológicos de humedad y precipitación proporcionados por el (INAMHI) Instituto Nacional de Metereología e Hidrología de la estación meteorológica Cotopilalo (M1066), lo cual según los registros de las medias anuales se pudo distinguir que la variación tanto de temperatura como de precipitación es variante en el ecosistema el mismo que es afectado y modificado debido a causas naturales, climáticas y antropogénicas.Universidad Técnica de Cotopax

    Financial systems and the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area

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    This paper offers a comprehensive comparison of the structure of banking and financial markets in the euro area. Based on this, several hypotheses about the role of banks in monetary policy transmission are developed. Many of the predictions that have been proposed for the U.S. are deemed unlikely to apply in Europe. Testing these hypotheses we find that monetary policy does alter bank loan supply, with the effects most dependent on the liquidity of individual banks. Unlike in the US, the size of a bank does generally not explain its lending reaction. We also show that the standard publicly available database, BankScope, obscures the heterogeneity across banks. Indeed, for several types of questions BankScope data suggest very different answers than more complete data that reside at national central banks JEL Classification: C23, E44, E52, G21bank lending, financial structure, Monetary policy transmission


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    Retomando a pensadores del campo histórico-social como Castoriadis (1975), establecemos que se asiste a un resquebrajamiento de los valores, mitos, representaciones del conjunto y a un estado crítico y de fragmentación de los imaginarios sociales y de las significaciones sociales que construyen los colectivos en la sociedad. Esta mayor diversidad y fragmentación en las prácticas vinculares producen nuevas formas de establecer vínculos significativos, entendiéndolos como construcciones generadas por el intercambio efectivo entre los miembros que los componen. En tanto, consideramos indispensable indagar en los sentidos adjudicados a las modalidades de relacionalidad y al modo en que construyen vínculos significativos aquellos sujetos que pertenecen a colectivos socio sexuales disidentes y que por tanto no son regulados por la lógica heteronormativa.  Es por esto, que nos proponemos analizar los modos de relacionalidad y la construcción de vínculos significativos de los sujetos que pertenecen a colectivos socio sexuales disidentes. Este plan de investigación se inscribe en el marco de los Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Género, en diálogo con el psicoanálisis con perspectiva de género y la filosofía posestructuralista; y metodológicamente se enmarca los estudios cualitativos de investigación, tomando como herramientas metodológicas las historias de vida y las narrativas de resistencia. En relación a esto, nos resulta relevante recuperar, desde una investigación socio antropológica, las voces de los propios sujetos que pertenecen a colectivos socio sexuales disidentes. Consideramos que cada generación de profesionales tiene sus desafíos, aquellos que son propios del momento socio histórico en el que se encuentran inmersos. Tenemos la responsabilidad de revisar los cuerpos teóricos de conocimiento existentes sin descuidar que trabajamos con sujetos de derecho. Esto nos obliga a pensar sobre cómo incluir dentro de nuestra disciplina lo que aquellos movimientos de derechos humanos sostienen, incluyendo la ampliación de los derechos civiles

    Inclusion of fish or fish oil in weight-loss diets for young adults: effects on blood lipids.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldOBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of fish (lean or oily) and fish oil consumption on blood lipid concentration during weight loss. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled 8-week trial of energy-restricted diet varying in fish and fish oil content. Subjects, 324 men and women, aged 20-40 years, body mass index 27.5-32.5 kg m(-2), from Iceland, Spain and Ireland, were randomized to one of four groups: (1) control (sunflower oil capsules, no seafood), (2) cod diet (3 x 150 g week(-1)), (3) salmon diet (3 x 150 g week(-1)), (4) fish oil (DHA/EPA capsules, no seafood). The macronutrient composition of the diets was similar between the groups and the capsule groups were single-blinded. MEASUREMENTS: Total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triacylglycerol (TG) and anthropometrics were measured at baseline and end point. RESULTS: The difference in logTG lowering between the control group and the cod diet, salmon diet and fish oil from baseline to end point was -0.036 (95% CI -0.079 to 0.006), -0.060 (-0.101 to -0.018) and -0.037 (-0.079 to 0.006), respectively. Reduction in TC was about 0.2 mmol l(-1) greater in the fish groups (cod and salmon) than in the control group, but only of borderline significance when adjusting for weight loss. HDL tended to decrease less in the diet groups consuming a significant amount of n-3 fatty acids (salmon and fish oil). CONCLUSION: Weight-loss diet including oily fish resulted in greater TG reduction than did a diet without fish or fish oil. Controlled trials using whole fish as a test meal are encouraged to be able to elucidate the role of different constituents of fish for human health

    Piletas: água para o gado e para a fauna no Pantanal da Nhecolândia.

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    Considerando que a maioria das fontes de água livre (baías e salinas) tende a desaparecer durante secas mais severas e que a fauna silvestre é abundante na região, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se espécies da fauna silvestre utilizam bebedouros construídos para o gado na Nhecolândia, o que caracterizaria uma contribuição indireta da bovinocultura para a conservação da fauna silvestre nesta região do Pantanal.Comunicado Técnico Formato Eletrônico

    Realización de vídeo de enseñanza online y presencial para prácticas por internet y presenciales de la radiografía de muñeca como método para valorar el desarrollo óseo

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    Se ha realizado un video en el que el alumno visualiza los diferentes estadios de desarrollo que tienen lugar en la osificación de la muñeca y puede aprender cómo utilizar la radiografía de muñeca para determinar el momento de desarrollo del paciente

    A brain-sparing diphtheria toxin for chemical genetic ablation of peripheral cell lineages.

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    Conditional expression of diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) is widely used for tissue-specific ablation of cells. However, diphtheria toxin (DT) crosses the blood-brain barrier, which limits its utility for ablating peripheral cells using Cre drivers that are also expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). Here we report the development of a brain-sparing DT, termed BRAINSPAReDT, for tissue-specific genetic ablation of cells outside the CNS. We prevent blood-brain barrier passage of DT through PEGylation, which polarizes the molecule and increases its size. We validate BRAINSPAReDT with regional genetic sympathectomy: BRAINSPAReDT ablates peripheral but not central catecholaminergic neurons, thus avoiding the Parkinson-like phenotype associated with full dopaminergic depletion. Regional sympathectomy compromises adipose tissue thermogenesis, and renders mice susceptible to obesity. We provide a proof of principle that BRAINSPAReDT can be used for Cre/DTR tissue-specific ablation outside the brain using CNS drivers, while consolidating the link between adiposity and the sympathetic nervous system