4,650 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance, Corporate and Employment Law, and the Costs of Expropriation

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    We set up a model to study how ownership structure, corporate law and employment law interact to set the incentives that infl uence the decision by the large shareholder or manager effectively controlling the fi rm to divert resources from minority shareholders and employees. We suggest that agency problems between the controller and other investors and holdup problems between shareholders and employees are connected if the controller bears private costs of “expropriating” these groups. Corporate law and employment law may therefore somethimes be substitutes; employees may benefi t from better corporate law intended to protect minority shareholder, and vice versa. Our model has implications for the domestic and comparative study of corporate governance structure and addresses, among other things, the question whether large shareholders are better able to “bond” with employees than dispersed ones, or whether the separation of ownership facilitates longterm relationships with labor

    University Ecosystems and the Entrepreneurial University

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    The role of universities is changing. In the last century, the primary focus areas of universities were education and research with key goals of creating and diffusing information and knowledge. Now, a third and equally important role, expectation and responsibility is emerging – that of value creation. Value in this context refers to both business value and societal value. With increasing scrutiny of funding into the third-level sector, governments and the public alike are expecting more accountability and proof of added value from universities. The use of a University Ecosystem approach can unleash much of the potential energy in universities and transform it into kinetic energy, with graduates not just emerging in a state of readiness to be an employee, but often as highly motivated entrepreneurs with business or social innovation initiatives in flight. An ecosystem can be defined as a network of interdependent organisations or people in a specific environment with partly shared perspectives, resources, aspirations and directions. The ecosystems with the biggest critical mass and the greatest velocity will have the most linear momentum and will ultimately win. This form of new posture equates to what Etzkowitz (2004) and Andersson, Curley and Formica (2010) term the entrepreneurial university

    The Earliest Luminous Sources and the Damping Wing of the Gunn-Peterson Trough

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    Recent observations of high-redshift galaxies and quasars indicate that the hydrogen component of the intergalactic medium (IGM) must have been reionized at some redshift z>6. Prior to complete reionization, sources of ultraviolet radiation will be seen behind intervening gas that is still neutral, and their spectra should show the red damping wing of the Gunn-Peterson trough. While this characteristic feature may, in principle, totally suppress the Lyman-alphaa emission line in the spectra of the first generation of objects in the universe, we show here that the IGM in the vicinity of luminous quasars will be highly photoionized on several Mpc scales due to the source emission of Lyman-continuum photons. If the quasar lifetime is shorter than the expansion and gas recombination timescales, the volume ionized will be proportional to the total number of photons produced above 13.6 eV: the effect of this local photoionization is to greatly reduce the scattering opacity between the redshift of the quasar and the boundary of its HII region. We find that the transmission on the red side of the Lyman-alpha resonance is always greater than 50% for sources radiating a total of 1e69.5 ionizing photons into the IGM. The detection of a strong Lyman-alpha emission line in the spectra of bright QSOs shining for >1e7 yr cannot then be used, by itself, as a constraint on the reionization epoch. The first signs of an object radiating prior to the transition from a neutral to an ionized universe may be best searched for in the spectra of luminous sources with a small escape fraction of Lyman-continuum photons into the IGM, or sources with a short duty cycle.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 3 figures, revised version accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Corporate Governance, Corporate and Employment Law, and the Costs of Expropriation

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    It is one of the well-known cornerstones of corporate governance that (minority) share-holders are subject to a risk of being expropriated by the controller of the firm, i.e. either entrenched management under a dispersed ownership structure or a controlling share-holder under concentrated ownership. On the other hand, economic theory has increasingly begun to recognize the role of employees and other "nonshareholder constituencies" during the past years. While potential shareholders may be reluctant to invest if they are adequately protected against private benefits of control, stakeholders may be deterred from investing if they are subject to the risk of ex post opportunism (e.g. holdup). Although both aspects may be important to corporate governance, their interaction has not yet been thoroughly investigated. In our model we study the incentives that influence the decision by the controller of the firm (either a controlling shareholder or manager) to divert resources from (other) shareholders and employees. We also analyze how these incentives vary, between firms, according to the specific corporate governance structure chosen by a certain firm and the degree of protection granted by the law. The effectiveness of diversion (i.e. the amount taken from the prior expectation of dividends or wages and additional implicit benefits) depends on the effectiveness of corporate law and employment law respectively against the taking of private benefits of control (to the detriment of shareholders) or the exploitation of (e.g.) holdup situations (to the detriment of workers). Naturally, the incentive of the controller to expropriate labor depends on his share in the firm, since shareholders (as a group) are the beneficiaries of holding up labor. Ex post, minority shareholders will therefore want the controller to exploit labor. Because of his increased financial incentive, a controlling shareholder will ceteris paribus have a larger financial incentive to hold up employees than a mere manager with a negligible share in the firm. By contrast, a strand in the corporate governance literature presupposes that large shareholders are better able to "bond" with labor than dispersed ones, while other authors emphasize that dispersed ownership helps managers to form long-term relationships with the firmýs stakeholders, and that large shareholders may be in a better position to exploit them. We elucidate the circumstances under which each of these two assumptions is correct. Furthermore, our model shows that employees will not only benefit from labor law, but also from corporate law protecting minority shareholder against expropriation, since it will reduce the financial incentive of a controlling shareholder to exploit employees. It also highlights how corporate law and labor law are interdependent in their effects on expropriation of both groups. Moreover, this interdependence has different effects depending on the corporate governance structure chosen by the company. The more careful analysis of our paper suggest that the crucial factor is not concentrated ownership as such (to the contrary), but other factors that can be identified as private cost of expropriation borne by the controller (be it a controlling shareholder or manager). For example, the literature on family firms suggest that controlling families may have a "taste" for a certain social position in the community and therefore be reluctant to take an overly tough stance vis-ý-vis employees. Similarly, a controlling manager may have a taste for empire building and therefore be reluctant to initiate redundancies and plant closures. Similar reasons for private costs of expropriation can be brought with regard to shareholders. The cost of expropriation therefore creates a commitment against expropriation that may encourage workers to make specific in-vestment and investors to buy shares. However, in some cases the private cost of expropriation that we identify as an important factor for the protection of shareholders and employees might be substantially reduced (or even negative). For example, the decreased probability of a hostile takeover in a corporate governance system with dispersed ownership and an effective market for corporate control could be seen as a negative private cost of expropriation that makes ex post opportunistic situations more likely. By varying the degree of ownership concentration and the amount and sign of the controllerýs private cost of expropriation, our model is able to explain the interaction of corporate and employment law in corporate governance systems and firm-level structures, such as Berle-Means firms (both with entrenched managers and an effective market of corporate control), publicly traded and privately held family firms, firms controlled by financial investors (including hedge funds), and professional partnerships such as law firms