4,132 research outputs found

    Radical dialectics in the experimental poetry of Berssenbrugge, Hejinian, Harryman, Weiner, and Scalapino

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    In this dissertation, I focus on the work of five contemporary experimental poets - Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Lyn Hejinian, Carla Harryman, Hannah Weiner, and Leslie Scalapino - in order to demonstrate various aspects of a philosophical dynamic at work in their poetry. The critical debates surrounding experimental poetry often tend to be structured as a dualistic opposition with, for example, the forces of coherence, narrative linearity, and transparent referentiality on one side, and the forces of semantic disruption, narrative discontinuity, and linguistic materiality on the other. On each side, critics attempt to bolster the essential value of one term or set of terms over the other, in a binary polarity. However, such a critique only leads to the formation of another hierarchy. I believe that it is important to understand the dialectical motion at work in much experimental poetry in order to avoid lapsing into reductive theories that reinstate hierarchical structures and dualistic thinking. By describing a radical dialectics, I am proposing a strategy of reading experimental work that recognizes its philosophical significance and its attempts to complicate dualistic conceptual constructions such as public and private realms of experience, subject and object relations, and narrative and non-narrative forces. This strategy emphasizes the mutually informing and critiquing dialogue and the nonresolving aspect of the dynamic interplay between conceptually opposed terms. I demonstrate this interdependent dialogue in several different yet related realms, including subject and object perceptual experience, the construction of individual subjectivity, temporality and narrativity, and intersubjectivity. To support my argument for the dialectical motion that I describe in the poetry, I draw upon a diverse range of thinkers, some of whom have influenced the poets whose work I analyze. These theorists span a wide range of fields, including ancient Indian Buddhist philosophy, cognitive science, feminist psychoanalysis, and phenomenology. In their various ways, these thinkers share, along with the poets with whom I place them side by side, the common project of transforming a dualistic view of the world and engaging in a profoundly dialectical philosophical project

    Bias-Reduction in Variational Regularization

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a two-step debiasing method for variational regularization. After solving the standard variational problem, the key idea is to add a consecutive debiasing step minimizing the data fidelity on an appropriate set, the so-called model manifold. The latter is defined by Bregman distances or infimal convolutions thereof, using the (uniquely defined) subgradient appearing in the optimality condition of the variational method. For particular settings, such as anisotropic ℓ1\ell^1 and TV-type regularization, previously used debiasing techniques are shown to be special cases. The proposed approach is however easily applicable to a wider range of regularizations. The two-step debiasing is shown to be well-defined and to optimally reduce bias in a certain setting. In addition to visual and PSNR-based evaluations, different notions of bias and variance decompositions are investigated in numerical studies. The improvements offered by the proposed scheme are demonstrated and its performance is shown to be comparable to optimal results obtained with Bregman iterations.Comment: Accepted by JMI

    Décortiquer la signature du mouvement involontaire de la colonne vertébrale d'un mannequin de simulation pour améliorer la formation en contexte préhospitalier

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    Afin de minimiser les risques d’aggravation des sĂ©quelles lors du transport d’individus avec suspicion de blessure au niveau du rachis suite Ă  un accident, la qualitĂ© des manƓuvres de Lo-groll (LR) avec restriction des mouvements de la colonne (SMR) effectuĂ©es par les intervenants est primordiale. Actuellement, l’évaluation des manƓuvres se fait de façon subjective par des experts ou des patients simulĂ©s. Cette Ă©valuation est grandement variable, ce qui cause des pro-blĂšmes au niveau de la qualitĂ© de l’apprentissage des manƓuvres. Dans le but d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© de ces manoeuvres lors de la formation des intervenants, une Ă©quipe de chercheurs de l’UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke a dĂ©veloppĂ© un mannequin humanoĂŻde reproduisant fidĂšlement la masse, le centre de gravitĂ©, ainsi que les amplitudes de mouvement de chacun des segments. De plus, le mannequin a une colonne vertĂ©brale en deux segments instrumentĂ©e avec des capteurs permettant de mesurer son mouvement. Objectifs : Ce projet vise 1) Ă  modĂ©liser et Ă  valider la mesure du mouvement des segments de la colonne vertĂ©brale et 2) Ă  dĂ©velopper, Ă  partir de cette mesure, des mĂ©triques de rĂ©troaction permettant de cibler les causes de mouvements involon-taires produits par les intervenants et enregistrĂ©s lors de la mobilisation du mannequin pendant des scĂ©narios de simulation. MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : La colonne a d’abord Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’un systĂšme de cinĂ©matique directe afin que la mesure du mouvement rĂ©sultante ait une signification clinique. Pour valider l’exactitude de cette mesure, elle a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©e Ă  celle enre-gistrĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’un systĂšme optique considĂ©rĂ© comme mesure Ă©talon. L’exactitude Ă©valuĂ©e avec l’erreur quadratique moyenne varie entre 0,7◩ et 1,5◩ selon le plan anatomique et est considĂ©rĂ©e bonne. L’analyse de Bland-Altman rĂ©vĂšle un biais variant de −0,7◩ Ă  0,6◩ alors que l’intervalle de confiance reste sous 3,5◩, ce qui est considĂ©rĂ© acceptable. Le changement minimal dĂ©tectable varie entre bon et acceptable avec des valeurs entre 1,3◩ et 2,6◩. Un test de non-infĂ©rioritĂ© a dĂ©montrĂ© que le changement de vitesse n’a pas d’impact sur l’exactitude de la mesure du mou-vement. Pour dĂ©velopper un modĂšle de caractĂ©risation des mouvements involontaires, trois types d’erreurs ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©alablement dĂ©finis Ă  partir de centrales inertielles (IMUs). Des essais de LR ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s de maniĂšre concomitante avec le mannequin et les IMUs. Ensuite, des para-mĂštres ont Ă©tĂ© extraits des signaux du mannequin grĂące Ă  la dĂ©composition modale empirique. Des modĂšles de classification par apprentissage supervisĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© entraĂźnĂ©s avec les paramĂštres du mannequin en entrĂ©es et les catĂ©gories d’erreur dĂ©terminĂ©es par les IMUs comme cible sur les essais contenant des erreurs. Le modĂšle retenu est un arbre dĂ©cisionnel ayant une prĂ©cision de 70 % pour les essais contenant un seul type d’erreur et 83 % pour les essais en contenant deux. Conclusion : Les rĂ©sultats confirment le potentiel d’utilisation du mannequin pour donner une mesure du mouvement juste au niveau cervical et lombaire durant des scĂ©narios de simulation pour la formation ou la recherche sur les restrictions de mouvement de la colonne. De plus, le modĂšle de caractĂ©risation des mouvements involontaires montre un potentiel intĂ©ressant pour donner des mĂ©triques de rĂ©troaction claires et objectives dans le but d’amĂ©liorer la formation des LR avec SMR

    A New Epidemic: Missing Black and Indigenous People and Their Portrayal in Media

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    As of January 2023, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) reported 97,127 total active missing person cases in the United States (“2022 NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics”). Amongst these cases, Black people account for 31.2%, but comprise 13.6% of the population. Similarly, American Indian, and Alaskan Native people make up 2.4% of cases yet encompass an estimated 1.3% of the national population, not counting those who identify as being of two or more races, or Native Hawaiian and/or Pacific Islander (“QuickFacts: United States”). This disparity in the number of missing person cases arises from prevalent stereotypical portrayals of these communities, coupled with the inadequate reporting of their disappearances. This combination contributes to damaging media portrayals, elevating the vulnerability of Black and Indigenous individuals. Consequently, perpetrators may then find opportunities to exploit these circumstances, resulting in an unfortunate increase in missing person incidents. As a result, the families of these missing individuals face challenges in obtaining media attention that goes beyond mere public awareness, encompassing genuine empathy. In my paper, I present four case studies to highlight the primary factors exacerbating the underreporting of Black and Indigenous missing people and explore how issues with classification, policymaking, and reporting may have led to this disparity in an effort to provide concrete solutions that can protect marginalized communities and solve their missing person cases

    CrĂ©ation d’un programme de rĂ©habilitation Ă  la marche avec utilisation de la double-tĂąche en neurologie: une scoping review et une validation d’experts

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    Les troubles neurologiques touchent Ă  ce jour des millions de personnes dans le monde et ont pour consĂ©quences diverses atteintes motrices et/ou cognitives : la marche est une des activitĂ©s frĂ©quemment affectĂ©e. Aucune Ă©tude n’a encore Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur la rĂ©Ă©ducation de la marche Ă  l’aide de la double-tĂąche pour l’ensemble des maladies neurologiques. Notre travail comporte deux objectifs : 1) analyser les effets d’un entraĂźnement basĂ© sur la double-tĂąche pour rĂ©Ă©duquer la marche chez des patients ayant des pathologies neurologiques variĂ©es, 2) crĂ©er un programme progressif et adaptĂ© en prenant les exercices des Ă©tudes sĂ©lectionnĂ©es

    Large second harmonic generation enhancement in SiN waveguides by all-optically induced quasi phase matching

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    Integrated waveguides exhibiting efficient second-order nonlinearities are crucial to obtain compact and low power optical signal processing devices. Silicon nitride (SiN) has shown second harmonic generation (SHG) capabilities in resonant structures and single-pass devices leveraging intermodal phase matching, which is defined by waveguide design. Lithium niobate allows compensating for the phase mismatch using periodically poled waveguides, however the latter are not reconfigurable and remain difficult to integrate with SiN or silicon (Si) circuits. Here we show the all-optical enhancement of SHG in SiN waveguides by more than 30 dB. We demonstrate that a Watt-level laser causes a periodic modification of the waveguide second-order susceptibility. The resulting second order nonlinear grating has a periodicity allowing for quasi phase matching (QPM) between the pump and SH mode. Moreover, changing the pump wavelength or polarization updates the period, relaxing phase matching constraints imposed by the waveguide geometry. We show that the grating is long term inscribed in the waveguides, and we estimate a second order nonlinearity of the order of 0.3 pm/V, while a maximum conversion efficiency (CE) of 1.8x10-6 W-1 cm-2 is reached

    Dipole of the luminosity distance: a direct measure of H(z)

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    We show that the dipole of the luminosity distance is a useful observational tool which allows us to determine the Hubble parameter as a function of the redshift H(z). We determine the number of supernovae needed to achieve a given precision for H(z) and to distinguish between different models for dark energy. We analyse a sample of nearby supernovae and find a dipole consistent with the cosmic microwave background at a significance of more than 2 sigma.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, matches published versio
