233 research outputs found

    "The stillness is the time before the change" – celebrating the Canadian North and Northern environment in Elizabeth Hay's Late Nights on Air

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    A great deal of Elizabeth Hay's novel entitled Late Nights on Air takes place in Yellowknife, a town in the Northwest Territories of Canada, situated on the edge of the Arctic Circle. In 1974 Judge Thomas Berger came there to hold an inquiry concerning the environmental implications of the proposed gas pipeline. Although Berger is not a protagonist of the story, his inquiry becomes one of its focal points. This article addresses the book's portrayal of the Canadian North and Northern environment. It focuses on the North as one of the protagonists, which becomes increasingly endangered by economic development

    Selected Aspects of the Tourist Space of the Lublin Region (Case Study)

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    The article presents the results of studies on the tourist space of the Lublin Region conducted so far by employees of the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. The studies, regarding the environmental and cultural tourist values, the level of management and transport accessibility, as well as selected elements of the tourism policy of the local authorities, permitted the determination of the tourist potential of spatial units (administrative and physicogeographical) with various importance and character. Areas with varied degrees of attractiveness were distinguished based on their tourist potential. Those classified as attractive and very attractive were described in detail in terms of: the degree of development of the tourist function, functional types of spatial units, perception of tourist space by users, and attitudes of the local community towards the development of tourism

    New data on the late Badenian-Sarmatian depositsof the Nowy Sącz Basin (Magura Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians) and their palaeogeographical implications

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    In the Nowy Sącz Basin, newly exposed Middle Miocene deposits have been studied and sam pled in the Kamienica Nawojowska, Poprad and Dunajec rivers. The calcareous nannoplankton of the fresh water to marine deposits was examined. Pale grey and brown clayey shales with plant remains and thin seams of lignite represent the freshwater deposits of the Biegonice Formation. These deposits pass upwards into ca. 50 m thick packet of brackish and marine deposits, represented mainly by dark marly shales with bivalves and gastropods of the Iwkowa and Niskowa formations. These deposits contain relatively rich late Badenian to Sarmatian calcareous nannoplakton (NN6/7Zone)

    Expression of NPY-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of the cycling ewe.

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    The purpose of the study was to localise neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive (ir) neurons in the hypothalamus during two phases of the oestrous cycle in the ewe. Hypothalamic tissue was collected from Polish Merino ewes (n=8) in the follicular (15th day) and preovulatory (17th day) phases of the oestrous cycle. NPY-ir neurons were detected in the hypothalamus using immuohistochemistry followed by image analysis; positive staining was expressed as the percentage of stained area and optical density. Two populations of the NPY-positive neurons were detected and evaluated in the infundibular and periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. The population of NPY-ir neurons located in the infundibular nucleus exhibited a prominent expression of NPY immunoreactivity in the perikarya and fibres only during the preovulatory phase. Both, percent area and the optical density of NPY immunostaining measured in this area were higher (P < 0.01) in the preovulatory than in the follicular phase. Another population of NPY-ir neurons was localised in the periventricular nucleus and did not show any changes during the two phases of the cycle. The present study suggests that NPY-ir neurons present in the infundibular nucleus can play a role in the preovulatory GnRH discharge from the median eminence

    State Interference With the Scope of Parental Responsibilities – Comparative Legal Analysis

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    RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article presents a comparative analysis of legal regulations in selected (according to the author’s research interests) European countries regulating issues related to state interference with the scope of parental authority/responsibility, the grounds for this interference and the forms of modification of parental rights and responsibilities. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The author is looking for answers to questions: In what circumstances the interference of state authorities in the sphere of parental rights is possible/necessary? What form can such interference take in the laws of selected countries? Who has the right/obligation to request such interference? The author used the method of analysis of ad- equate legal provisions of selected countries. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Analysing the provisions in force in the internal legislation of Poland, Hungary, Norway and Sweden, the author presented adopted legal solutions regulating issues related to the scope of interference with the parental responsibility/authority of the child’s parents in the event of its improper implementation. RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of legal provisions regulating the issue of parental responsibilities indicates that each of the four legal systems examined provides for situations in which it is necessary for state authorities to interfere in the sphere of parental rights and responsibilities. CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: Presented considerations constitute a general overview of the regulations in force in individual countries and, as such, are only an introduction to in-depth reflection on the optimization of the subject scope of social policy

    The genesis of the carbon dioxide in the Polish Outer Carpathians : Szczawa tectonic window case study : new insight

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    In the Polish sector of the Magura Nappe have long been known and exploited carbonate mineral waters, saturated with carbon dioxide, known as the "shchava (szczawa)". These waters occur mainly in the Krynica Subunit of the Magura Nappe, between the Dunajec and Poprad rivers, close to the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB). The origin of these waters is still not clear, this applies to both "volcanic" and "metamorphic" hypotheses. Bearing in mind the case found in the Szczawa tectonic window and our geological and geochemical studies we suggest that the origin of the carbon dioxide may be linked with the thermal/pressure alteration of organic matter of the Oligocene deposits from the Grybów Unit. These deposits, exposed in several tectonic windows of the Magura Nappe, are characterized by the presence of highly matured organic matter - the origin of the hydrocarbon accumulations. This is supported by the present-day state of organic geochemistry studies of the Carpathian oil and gas bed rocks. In our opinion origin of the carbon-dioxide was related to the southern, deep buried periphery of the Carpathian Oil and Gas Province. The present day distribution of the carbonated mineral water springs has been related to the post-orogenic uplift and erosion of the Outer (flysch) Carpathians

    Source areas of the Grybów sub-basin : micropaleontological, mineralogical and geochemical provenance analysis (Outer Western Carpathians, Poland)

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    The Grybów Unit occurring in the Ropa tectonic window was the subject of micropaleontological and geochemical investigation. Studies, based on calcareous nannofossils, proved that the level of reworked microfossil is not higher than 22 % and it varies between two sections. Quantitative analyses of the reworked assemblages confirmed the domination of Cretaceous and Middle Eocene species. The Sub-Grybów Beds, Grybów Marl Formation and Krosno Beds were assigned to the Late Oligocene and represent the terminal flysch facies. Detrital material accumulated in the Oligocene sediments originated from the Marmarosh Massif, which is the eastern prolongation of the Fore-Magura Ridge. The microscopically obtained petrological features agree with the chemical composition of the samples. Mica flakes, rounded grains of glauconite, heavy mineral assemblage, including abraded grains of zircon, rutile and tourmaline as well as charred pieces of plant tissues are reworked components. Enrichment in zircon and rutile is confirmed geochemically by positive correlation between Zr and SiO_2. Zr addition is illustrated on 10 ×Al_2O_3-Zr-200 ×TiO_2 and Zr/Sc vs. Th/Sc diagrams. Interpretation of the A-CN-K diagram and variety of CIA and CPA values indicate that the source rocks were intensely weathered granite-type rocks

    Dorobek naukowo-badawczy z zakresu geografii turyzmu w Zakładzie Geografii Regionalnej i Turyzmu UMCS oraz jego zastosowanie w dydaktyce i praktyce

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    W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny osiągnięć naukowo-badawczych pracowników w zakresie geografii turyzmu, a także ich zastosowania w dydaktyce i praktyce. Podstawową metodą badawczą była kwerenda treści artykułów naukowych oraz opracowań i materiałów archiwalnych zgromadzonych w Zakładzie

    Editorial: Children and Families in Times of Crisis

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    The current issue of Horizons of Education is devoted to the widely recognized issue of the crisis that entire families and children have to face. The local, national and international contexts are/have always been rife with crisis. Armed conflicts, terrorism, pandemics, illnesses, economic meltdowns, unemployment, hunger, forced migration, and natural disasters create ruptures, discontinuities, breaks, and pain. The family is also threatened with conflicts emerging internally, i.e. relationship loss, addiction, or death. Crisis events impact children and families over time. In the current issue of Horizons of Education you will find articles on the following issues: the educational and health impact of COVID-19 on children with special needs; emerging solidarities with-in the migrant neighbourhood of Delhi in India during COVID-19 pandemic; the relationship between abandonment and memory through Minco’s The Address and Sumar’s Silent Waters; the impact of the war and migration crises on the functioning of children and refugee families from Ukraine in Poland; the crisis in the lives of young boys experiencing death of the loved one; parental conflict’s impact on children and families; state interference with the scope of parental responsibilities; parental crisis of children with hearing impairment as a result of social conditions; digital media use as a source of conflict in the family

    Analiza porównawcza biblioteki jQuery Mobile i frameworka Bootstrap w wytwarzaniu stron responsywnych

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    Article presents comparative analysis of jQuery Mobile library and Bootstrap framework in responsive site development. The comparative based on two websites, made in these technologies. Criterions of analysis are: compatibility of mobile devices, prepared components, loading speed on different devices, code size and compatibility with W3C and Google standards. Both technologies in a large degree helps in process of websites development, although jQuery Mobile is more expanded.Artykuł przedstawia analizę porównawczą technologii jQuery Mobile oraz frameworka Bootstrap w procesie wytwarzania stron responsywnych. Porównanie odbywa się na podstawie dwóch stron wykonanych w tych obu technologiach. Kryteriami analizy są: kompatybilność z urządzeniami mobilnymi, ułatwienia i gotowe komponenty, szybkość ładowania na różnych urządzeniach, wielkość kodu oraz zgodność ze standardami W3C i Google. Każda z technologii w dużym stopniu ułatwia proces tworzenia stron, aczkolwiek jQuery Mobile jest narzędziem znacznie bardziej rozbudowanym