140 research outputs found

    Las salidas didácticas como recurso para trabajar en ciencias sociales

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) muestra la importancia de las salidas didácticas como recurso para trabajar las Ciencias Sociales en Educación Primaria. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar una búsqueda de información para poder crear e implementar una propuesta didáctica, en un centro de Educación Primaria, que incluya varias salidas didácticas. Esto se va a llevar a cabo a través de una metodología de experimentación y manipulación que permita a los alumnos interactuar con el entorno próximo y consolidar los contenidos que se trabajan en él aula de una forma lúdica. Con el fin de comprobar la eficacia de estas salidas didácticas y el aprendizaje que se realiza en ellas, por medio de la cooperación de los estudiantes. Además, esta propuesta se centra en establecer una conexión entre la vida cotidiana de los alumnos y la realidad. Gracias a la implementación de este proyecto en el centro educativo donde he realizado las prácticas del Grado en Educación Primaria, he sido capaz de llevar a la práctica una observación directa, así como analizar y considerar la importancia de este tema que cada vez está más presente en los centros educativos.Grado en Educación Primari

    Nanostructuration by self-assembly in N-alkyl thiazolium and triazolium side-chain polymethacrylates

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    Amphiphilic polymers are tunable systems to construct supramolecular hierarchically self-assembled structures. Six families of heterocyclic polymethacrylates (PMTAs) bearing 1,3-thiazole and 1,2,3-triazole pendant groups with alkyl and succinate spacers were chemically modified by quaternization reaction of the azole heterocycles with five alkylating agents (methyl, butyl, octyl, dodecyl, and hexadecyl iodide) leading to a library of 30 different amphiphilic poly(ionic liquid)s (PMTAs-RI). These polymers have been characterized in bulk by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Quaternization induces a dramatic effect (increase) on the glass-transition temperature Tg, being strongest for methyl iodide members. Increasing the length of the quaternizing agent, plasticization is first observed, followed by a further increase of Tg. This effect, together with evidence of a second Tg and crystallization for the members with the longest quaternizing agents, could be attributed to the presence of well-developed alkyl nanodomains evidenced by the structural investigation. WAXS and SAXS results have been consistently interpreted by assuming nanostructuration driven by the amphiphilicity balance of poly(ionic liquid)s. The different morphologies revealed by SAXS have been characterized, assigning a plausible chemical nature to the phases involved in each case. The nonpolar fraction has been considered as the control parameter defining the main features of the achieved morphology. By increasing this parameter, structures ranging from hexagonally packed nonpolar cylinders in a polar matrix to the inverse situation have been found, passing through lamellar phases. Under some conditions, within the polar lamellae a third phase formed by cylinders of heterocycles has even been determined. We have checked the validity of the scenario proposed by comparing the sizes deduced from the SAXS analysis with the expected characteristic lengths of the associated moieties, inferring thereby how alkyl side groups arrange within the nanodomains. On the basis of the complete picture achieved, the type of nanostructures formed by this class of polymers can be predicted, if the chemical composition including the quaternization degree is known.This work has been supported by MAT2013-47902 and MAT2011-24797 (Spanish-MINECO and EU). R.T. acknowledges CSIC for his JAE-Pre grant. A.A. acknowledges financial support from the Projects MAT2012-31088 (Spanish-MINECO and EU) and IT-654-13 (Basque Government).Peer Reviewe

    Model-based evaluation of a trickling filter facility upgrade to biological nutrient removal

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    This article presents the feasibility evaluation and preliminary design of a wastewater treatment plant upgrade supported by simulation. The existing facility was based on trickling filters, and the objective of the upgrade was to achieve nutrients removal. The proposed solution modifies the existing primary clarifier to host an anaerobic-anoxic suspended growth reactor, which is an alternative that, to our knowledge, has not been proposed or explored so far. The trickling filters would remain as aerobic reactors. In this study, the novel treatment scheme has been assessed for the first time, through model simulations. The modified treatment train was simulated, showing that the anoxic zone is able to denitrify satisfactorily achieving the required effluent nitrogen concentration. However, to promote biological phosphorus removal, an additional aerobic zone combined with a bypass of activated sludge from the anoxic zone to the first trickling filter is needed, in order to provide aerobic conditions to the phosphate accumulating organisms. Several combinations of additional aerobic volume and sludge bypass flowrate were found to successfully achieve both nitrogen and phosphorus removal, using the existing facilities without the need for new reactors neither implementing modifications that could put the trickling filters' physical integrity at risk. The novel treatment scheme could be applied in other cases with similar flowsheet in the same context.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Marketing político. Elecciones 20D.

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    El siguiente trabajo trata de hacer una comparativa en cuanto a las formas de comunicación y captación de voto de dos partidos políticos en las elecciones del 20 de Diciembre. Por un lado el Partido Popular, partido tradicional, y Ciudadanos, uno emergente apostillado como centro derecha

    Propuesta de Estimulación del Lenguaje y la Comunicación a partir de recursos musicales en Educación Infantil

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    Se parte de la base de la necesidad de reforzar habilidades y aptitudes que se llevan a cabo en la consecución del lenguaje oral, evitando posibles déficits y reforzando a niños/as con desarrollo evolutivo normativo. La música es un factor que los seres humanos tenemos presente desde el momento de nuestro nacimiento estando vinculada a diferentes ámbitos de nuestra vida. Centrándonos en la Educación Infantil, esta aporta valiosos elementos que deben estar presentes en la educación: amplían la imaginación, mejoran la atención, favorece el acto de escucha y enriquece el lenguaje entre otros. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado surge con la intención de crear una propuesta para la Estimulación del Lenguaje Oral a partir de recursos musicales, con el objetivo final de prevenir y estimular el desarrollo del lenguaje y de la comunicación en niños y niñas de Educación Infantil a partir de recursos musicales. Así pues, la propuesta recoge 7 sesiones destinadas a la potenciación y mejora de diferentes aspectos del lenguaje: soplo, discriminación auditiva, conciencia fonológica, léxico y pragmática. Destacar además la innovación que supone en investigaciones de este ámbito la relación del lenguaje con el mundo musical ya que apenas existen indagaciones relacionadas con este tópico, siendo este además un recurso muy significativo para trabajar de manera transversal en el aula, positiva, amena y atractiva para el alumnado.<br /

    Exercise for People with Acquired Brain Injury: An ICF Perspective.

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    Exercise is an important element in the process of recovery from an acquired brain injury (ABI). However, specific guidance for exercise prescription and interventions in this population are missed. The aim of this study was to establish the key parameters to design and implement exercise programs based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) domains. A panel of experts that consisted of 13 professionals from neuro-rehabilitation centers evaluated the key parameters of this original proposal. The Heinemann methodology was used for all qualitative analyses. Additionally, Cronbach’s alpha was applied to the statistical analyses. According to the results, Cronbach’s alpha (0.97) indicated excellent internal consistency, and the experts perceptions ratified the proposed criteria to develop exercise programs for people with ABI. The proposed key parameters for the development of exercise programs for people with ABI based in ICF domains (body functions, activity—participation and environmental factors) bring a new, solid, and innovative tool for methodological design of these programs in sub-acute and chronic rehabilitation settings.pre-print1011 K

    Atmospheric dispersion of airborne pollen evidenced by near-surface and columnar measurements in Barcelona, Spain

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    Hourly measurements of pollen near-surface concentration and lidar-derived profiles of particle backscatter coefficients and of volume and particle depolarization ratios during a 5-day pollination event observed in Barcelona, Spain, between 27 – 31 March, 2015, are presented. Maximum hourly pollen concentrations of 4700 and 1200 m-3 h-1 were found for Platanus and Pinus, respectively, which represented together more than 80 % of the total pollen. Everyday a clear diurnal cycle caused by the vertical transport of the airborne pollen was visible on the lidar-derived profiles of the backscatter coefficient with maxima usually reached between 12 and 15 UT. A method based on the lidar polarization capabilities was used to retrieve the contribution of the pollen to the total signal. On average the diurnal (9 – 17 UT) pollen aerosol optical depth (AOD) was 0.05 which represented 29 % of the total AOD, the volume and particle depolarization ratios in the pollen plume were 0.08 and 0.14, respectively, and the diurnal mean of the height of the pollen plume was found at 1.24 km. The dispersion of the Platanus and Pinus in the atmosphere was simulated with the Nonhydrostatic Multiscale Meteorological Model on the B grid at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center with a newly developed Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM). Model near-surface daily concentrations were compared to our observations at two sites: in Barcelona and Bellaterra (12 km NE of Barcelona). Model hourly concentrations were compared to our observations in Barcelona.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Physical Activity and Sport for Acquired Brain Injury (PASABI): A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Background and objectives: Acquired brain injury (ABI) is the first cause of disability and physical activity (PA) is a key element in functional recovery and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) during the subacute and chronic phases. However, it is necessary to develop PA programs that respond to the heterogeneity and needs of this population. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a PA program on the HRQoL in this population. Materials and Methods: With regard to recruitment, after baseline evaluations, participants were assigned to either the intervention group (IG, n = 38) or the control group (CG, n = 35). Functional capacity, mood, quality of life and depression were measured pre- and post-intervention. The IG underwent the “Physical Activity and Sport for Acquired Brain Injury” (PASABI) program, which was designed to improve HRQoL (1-h sessions, two to four sessions/week for 18 weeks). The CG underwent a standard rehabilitation program without PA. Results: Results for the IG indicated significant differences and large effect sizes for the physical and mental dimensions of quality of life, as well as mood and functional capacity, indicating an increase in HRQoL. No significant differences were found for the CG across any variables. Conclusions: The PASABI program was feasible and beneficial for improving physiological and functionality variables in the IG. The wide range of the activities of the PASABI program allow its application to a large number of people with ABI, promoting health through PA, especially in the chronic phasepost-print465 K