150 research outputs found

    The influence of lithium sulphate on Shannon entropy in lymphocyte chromatin

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    Introduction: Lithium affects numerous signal pathways in cells, which may ultimately lead to either increased or decreased gene expression in cell nuclei. However, effects of lithium on higher level of gene organization in the nuclei, like chromatin, is still poorly understood. Aim: To investigate the effects of lithium on chromatin organization in the nuclei of lymphocytes by investigating changes in Shannon entropy of chromatin in these cells. Material and Methods: Peripheral blood was treated with lithium sulphate until lithium concentrations of 1mmol/l, 2 mmol/l i 3 mmol/l was not reached. The smears were fixed with methanol and stained by Felgen method for DNK visualization. Cells in the smear were treated with hydrochloric acid for 120 min. Schiff reagent was used for staining for 120 min and smear washing was done with 6 ml of 10% of water solution of natrium metabisulfite. After staining, digital micrographs for each of the most representative sample of 30 lymphocytic chromatin structures were made. Shannon entropy was calculated by converting micrograph in the format of textual numerical string. Lymphocyte chromatin was also analyzed by textural method analysis. Results: Treatment with 1 mmol/l of lithium sulphate did not lead to a statistically significant increase in entropy values (p > 0.05). However, in samples where the concentration of lithium was 2 i 3 mmol/l, respectively, there was a statistically significant increase in entropy (p 0.05). Conclusion: Lithium sulphate in peripheral blood lymphocytes causes dose-dependent increase in Shannon chromatin entropy, which is not followed with similar changes in a textural chromatin parameters

    Трипілля – стратегія та результати поточного українсько-європейського проекту

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    The aim of the article is to identify the main tasks, strategies and some results of an ongoing UkrainianEuropean Project that is dealing with the Tripolye culture phenomenon. In order to investigate emergence and decline of giant-settlements with thousands of houses and very specific spatial layouts, the challenge need to be mastered to perform representative archaeological and scientific sampling with reasonable efforts. This is only possible through the combination of non-destructive survey techniques, targeted archaeological excavations and the application of modern scientific methods. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the social, ecological, demographic and economic dimensions of such settlements and underlying transformations of human societies also in their regional variability, the consideration of different spatial investigation levels is required. In the first phases of the project, high-resolution magnetic surveys were applied to different large Tripolye settlements and exemplary investigations were carried out at the local scale of the Maidanetske settlement. At the current stage of the project, the studies focus more on the meso-and macro-regional level

    Uticaj etarskih ulja na Colletotrichum spp. – prouzrokovače gorke truleži jabuke

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    Fitopatogene gljive značajno ugrožavaju kvalitet plodova jabuke tokom skladištenja. Vrste Colletotrichum acutatum i Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, prouzrokovači gorke truleži (antraknoze) plodova jabuke, u pojedinim godinama prouzrokuju značajne gubitke. Colletotrichum spp. zarazu plodova jabuke ostvaruju pre berbe plodova, ali je zaraza moguća i posle ovog perioda. Zaštita plodova jabuke od prouzrokovača truleži se u najvećoj meri oslanja na primenu sintetičkih fungicida, pre berbe plodova. Zbog nepovoljnih ekotoksikoloških svojstava i pojave rezistentnosti, primena hemijskih fungicida tokom vegetacionog perioda se sve više redukuje, dok je njihova upotreba posle berbe plodova zabranjena u Evropskoj uniji, ali i u Srbiji. Imajući u vidu navedeno, kao i činjenicu da su zahtevi potrošača za zdravstveno bezbednom hranom sve izraženiji, istraživanja o alternativnim načinima borbe protiv patogena uskladištenih plodova voća sve više dobijaju na značaju. Etarska ulja pojedinih biljaka ispoljavaju snažno antifungalno dejstvo, te mogu biti potencijalni agensi zaštite plodova jabuke od prouzrokovača truleži

    Patogenost Pectobacterium spp. na krtolama različitih sorti krompira

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    Vrste Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliense (Pcb) i Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) su tokom 2018. i 2019. godine na terioriji AP Vojvodine registrovane kao dominanatni prouzrokovači crne truleži prizemnog dela stabla i vlažne truleži krtola krompira. U postupku detekcije i identifikacije ovih prouzrokovača na simptomatičnim biljakama krompira tokom 2018. i 2019. godine, sekvenciranjem 16S rRNK regiona je za čak 90% dobijenih izolata potvrđena pripadnost vrsti Pcb. Godišnji gubici prinosa i kvaliteta krompira, usled delovanja ovih vrsta poprimaju sve veće razmere, te se one svrstavaju među deset ekonomski najznačajnijih fitopatogenih bakterija. Pored šteta koje nastaju u toku vegetacije, za vreme čuvanja krtola krompira u skladištu pa do njegove upotrebe, patogeni nastavljaju svoju aktivnost, te celokupne partije uskladištenih krtola mogu veoma brzo propasti. Najznačajniji izvor infekcije predstavljaju zaražene semenske krtole, te patogeni ovim putem imaju mogućnost lakog dospevanja u nova područja

    Vrste rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya - prouzrokovači crne truleži prizemnog dela stabla i vlažne truleži krtola krompira

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    World potato production is affected by plant pathogenic bacteria, which significantly limit crop yield and quality in recent years. Bacteria belonging to Pectobacterium and Dickeya genera, causal agents of blackleg and tuber soft rot of potato, are considered as one of the most important pathogens that affect plant production worldwide. Main source of infection are latently infected seed tubers, which transmitted over long trade distances significantly increase disease incidence. Main identification tools for Pectobacterium and Dickeya species until recently were morphological and biochemical characterization methods, followed by pathogenicity tests. Due to phylogenetic heterogeneity of the soft rot and blackleg causing bacteria, identification and differentiation to species and subspecies level became increasingly difficult. Therefore, development of efficient and reliable identification methods is of high importance. Molecular and serological methods offer accurate, reliable and cost-effective differentiation of high specificity and reproducibility. This work aimed to review Pectobacterium i Dickeya species occurring on potato, with special highlight on available molecular identification techniques.Proizvodnja krompira u svetu značajno je ugrožena delovanjem fitopatogenih bakterija, te godišnji gubici prinosa poprimaju sve veće razmere. Među deset ekonomski najznačajnijih fitopatogenih bakterija koje smanjuju prinos i kvalitet poljoprivrednih kultura ističu se vrste rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya - prouzrokovači crne truleži prizemnog dela stabla "crna noga" i vlažne truleži krtola krompira. Najznačajniji izvor infekcije su zaražene semenske krtole, te bakterije ovim putem lako dospevaju u nova područja. Identifikacija bakterija rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya se do nedavno zasnivala na proučavanju morfoloških odlika bakterijskih kolonija uz upotpunjavanje testovima patogenosti i biohemijskim analizama. Zbog heterogenosti populacije patogena precizna identifikacija prouzrokovača vlažne truleži je dodatno otežana. S obzirom na potrebe za brzom i pouzdanom identifikacijom, u primenu su uvedene serološke i molekularne metode. Molekularne tehnike identifikacije, zbog svoje visoke specifičnosti, brzine izvođenja, pouzdanosti i ponovljivosti danas zauzimaju vodeće mesto u identifikaciji patogena. U radu su prikazane vrste rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya koje se javljaju na krompiru, sa posebnim osvrtom na molekularne tehnike identifikacije

    Essential oils and hydrolates in control of plant pathogens

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    Under conditions of intensive plant production and intensive international trade with plant material, coupled with climate changes, plant pathogens became one of the major limiting factors in food and feed production. Besides these extremely favorable conditions for reproduction and dissemination of plant pathogens, resistance development to available control tools and ecotoxicological properties of these tools show that plant pathogen control has never been more challenging. Development of alternative, eco-friendly control tools against phytopathogens, became a necessity of contemporary agriculture. Essential oils are mixtures of complex volatile compounds. They are synthesized through secondary metabolic pathways in many plant species. Essential oils are normally extracted by hydro-distillation or steam distillation of plant tissues. Hydrolates are co-products of the distillation formed in significantly higher quantities than the target substance. Hydrolate represents aromatic water containing approximately 0.1% essential oil compounds

    Genotypic effects of APOE-epsilon 4 on resting-state connectivity in cognitively intact individuals support functional brain compensation

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    The investigation of resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in asymptomatic individuals at genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) enables discovering the earliest brain alterations in preclinical stages of the disease. The APOE-ε4 variant is the major genetic risk factor for AD, and previous studies have reported rsFC abnormalities in carriers of the ε4 allele. Yet, no study has assessed APOE-ε4 gene-dose effects on rsFC measures, and only a few studies included measures of cognitive performance to aid a clinical interpretation. We assessed the impact of APOE-ε4 on rsFC in a sample of 429 cognitively unimpaired individuals hosting a high number of ε4 homozygotes (n = 58), which enabled testing different models of genetic penetrance. We used independent component analysis and found a reduced rsFC as a function of the APOE-ε4 allelic load in the temporal default-mode and the medial temporal networks, while recessive effects were found in the extrastriate and limbic networks. Some of these results were replicated in a subsample with negative amyloid markers. Interaction with cognitive data suggests that such a network reorganization may support cognitive performance in the ε4-homozygotes. Our data indicate that APOE-ε4 shapes the functional architecture of the resting brain and favor the idea of a network-based functional compensation

    Melatonin Supplementation Lowers Oxidative Stress and Regulates Adipokines in Obese Patients on a Calorie-Restricted Diet

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    Obesity is one of the major global health problems. Melatonin deficiency has been demonstrated to correlate with obesity. The aim of the study was to estimate the effect of melatonin on oxidative stress and adipokine levels in obese patients on a calorie-restricted diet. Thirty obese patients were supplemented with a daily dose of 10 mg of melatonin (n=15) or placebo (n=15) for 30 days with a calorie-restricted diet. Serum levels of melatonin, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), adiponectin, omentin-1, leptin, and resistin, as well as erythrocytic malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and Zn/Cu-superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities, were measured at baseline and after supplementation. Significant body weight reduction was observed only in the melatonin group. After melatonin supplementation, the adiponectin and omentin-1 levels and GPx activities statistically increased, whereas the MDA concentrations were reduced. In the placebo group, a significant rise in the HNE and a drop in the melatonin concentrations were found. The results show evidence of increased oxidative stress accompanying calorie restriction. Melatonin supplementation facilitated body weight reduction, improved the antioxidant defense, and regulated adipokine secretion. The findings strongly suggest that melatonin should be considered in obesity management. This trial is registered with CTRI/2017/07/009093

    生態系を活用した災害リスク軽減 ケーススタディと演習ソースブック

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    ●2014年5月初版発行:環境・災害リスク軽減パートナーシップ、自然資源開発センター●日本語訳版は、総合地球環境学研究所Eco-DRRプロジェクト(RHIN 14200103 代表:吉田丈人)の一環として制作された。●日本語版監修:古田尚也(大正大学,IUCN日本リエゾンオフィス,総合地球環境学研究所)●翻訳:久山哲雄、水野理、岡野直幸(地球環境戦略研究機関

    Riparian zones - from policy neglected to policy integrated

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    [EN] 1. Riparian zones are vital areas of interaction between land and rivers and are often degraded by several pressures such as urbanisation, intensive agriculture and river engineering works. 2. This policy brief provides five key policy messages and recommendations to be considered by policy-makers, scientists, managers, and stakeholders to enhance riparian zone management. 3. Adopting an integrated socio-economic and environmentally dynamic view will ensure the sustainable management of riparian zones. 4. In light of climate change, it is critically important to conserve and/or restore the ecological integrity of riparian zones. 5. European Union Directives and national-scale legislation and regulations need updating to ensure coordinated implementation of riparian zone-related policies. 6. Stakeholder knowledge exchange, policy co-creation and adaptive management are key to enhancing riparian zone functions.Funding was provided by COST Action CONVERGES (CA16208) and by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. GU was partially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency. PR-G was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the CEEC Individual Programme (2020.03356. CEECIND), and Forest Research Centre was supported through the FCT UIDB/00239/2020. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funded Inês Gomes Marques through a PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/133162/2017). AA was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200010).Urbanic, G.; Politti, E.; Rodríguez-González, PM.; Payne, R.; Schook, D.; Alves, MH.; Andelkovic, A.... (2022). Riparian zones - from policy neglected to policy integrated. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9(5):1-8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.868527189