256 research outputs found

    On gender equality in Polish democracy

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    Maria Ossowska was a feminist and democrat. In her opinion, democracy meant equality of rights. Prejudice towards women not only prevented the development of democratic society, but wasere also a fundamental intellectual error. Her scholarly contribution in the field of democracy was complemented by engagement in public issues. How is this idea of equality - especially “being privileged or underprivileged” on the grounds of gender - implemented in contemporary, democratic Poland

    Szereszewski – mnemoniczny geniusz

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    Szereszewski – Mnemonic GeniusThe article describes one of the most interesting cases of mnemonic genius, Salomon Szereszewski. He was endowed with photographic memory – visual memory, characterized with remarkable clarity and durability. In addition, Szereszewski also had vast synaesthetic capabilities, consisting in joining together various sensory impressions, which also strongly infl uences better memorizing. Being equipped with such perfect memory involves, however, many consequences hindering everyday functioning. Szereszewski had great diffi culties in remembering abstract words which cannot be translated into images, and struggled with the problem of having too big amounts of unnecessary information. Szereszewski tried to invent various ways of getting rid of useless data, but attempts at forgetting anything often failed

    Feministyczne poglądy i patriotyczna działalność. Aleksandra Piłsudska w orbicie wielkiej polityki

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    Aleksandra Szczerbińska, wieloletnia partnerka, a od 1921 roku żona Józefa Piłsudskiego, matka dwóch jego córek, rozpoczynała swoją karierę w Organizacji Bojowej PPS. Zajmowała się kolportażem broni oraz organizacją kobiecych oddziałów bojowych. Po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości zebrała i wydała drukiem wspomnienia swoich współtowarzyszek broni. We pamiętnikach wielokrotnie podkreślała swoje feministyczne poglądy. Ich analiza a także i patriotyczna postawa stały się przedmiotem krótkich rozważań zawartych w artykule.Aleksandra Szczerbińska, a partner and, since 1921, a wife of Jozef Piłsudski and the mother of his two daughters, started her career in Military Service of PPS. She distributed weapon and organised women’s troops. After recovery of independence by Poland she edited memoirs of her sisters in arms. In her memoirs she underlined her feminist views. The analysis of her feminist views and patriotic attitude is the main subject of short considerations in the article.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Impact of neurological disorders occurring in neurodegenerative diseases on the conversation process and patients' quality of life

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    Introduction : Dialogue, or conversation, is the ability to speak as well as listen.  It plays a very important role in interpersonal relations.Speech disorders are a group of of disorders that includes various types of speech production difficulties. Speech production depends on the coordination of several motor acts: respiration, phonation, articulation, resonance and prosody. Phonation is the complex activity of producing sound by vibration of the vocal cords.  Resonance is the amplification of sounds at specific frequencies through vibration in the chest, throat and sinuses. Prosody includes a set of phonetic features, such as tone, loudness, tempo, and the overall timbre of speech, which are designed to intended to preserve the meaning and character of speech. Disruption of any of these related elements results in motor speech disorders. Material and method : An overview is presented of language disorders in diseases neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease(PD) and Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA). Their impact on the conversation process and the patient's quality of life assessment was evaluated. The paper was based on scientific publications posted on the PubMed scientific platform. Results : Speech and language disorders are the main symptoms of FRDA, which significantly affect the patients' quality of life. Patients often present with dysarthria, resulting from causes of central and peripheral and additional primary language disorders. The classic speech disorder in PD is hypokinetic dysarthria, manifested by hypophonia; monotonous, uneven and strained speech; reduced prosody (melodic voice); crowded articulation; inadequate pauses in speech; freezing of speech, unclear articulation. Conclusions : The described disease entities show a significant impact on the deterioration of the process of of conversation by the patient, thus showing a significantly negative impact on the patients' quality of life.   &nbsp