3,079 research outputs found
Extraction of the proton charge radius from experiments
Static properties of hadrons such as their radii and other moments of the
electric and magnetic distributions can only be extracted using theoretical
methods and not directly measured from experiments. As a result, discrepancies
between the extracted values from different precision measurements can exist.
The proton charge radius, , which is either extracted from electron proton
elastic scattering data or from hydrogen atom spectroscopy seems to be no
exception. The value fm extracted from muonic hydrogen
spectroscopy is about 4% smaller than that obtained from electron proton
scattering or standard hydrogen spectroscopy. The resolution of this so called
proton radius puzzle has been attempted in many different ways over the past
six years. The present article reviews these attempts with a focus on the
methods of extracting the radius.Comment: Mini review, 14 pages, 1 figur
Warm molecular gas, dust and ionized gas in the 500 central pc of the Galaxy
We present infrared and millimeter observations of molecular gas, dust and
ionized gas towards a sample of clouds distributed along the 500 central pc of
the Galaxy. The clouds were selected to investigate the physical state, in
particular the high gas temperatures, of the Galactic center region (GCr)
clouds located far from far-infrared of thermal radio continuum sources. We
have found that there is ionized gas associated with the molecular gas. The
ionizing radiation is hard (~35000 K) but diluted due to the inhomogeneity of
the medium. We estimate that ~30 % of the warm molecular gas observed in the
GCr clouds is heated by ultra-violet radiation in photo-dissociation regions.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in: Astron. Nachr., Vol. 324, No. S1 (2003),
Special Supplement "The central 300 parsecs of the Milky Way", Eds. A.
Cotera, H. Falcke, T. R. Geballe, S. Markof
Quantum Chinos Game: winning strategies through quantum fluctuations
We apply several quantization schemes to simple versions of the Chinos game.
Classically, for two players with one coin each, there is a symmetric stable
strategy that allows each player to win half of the times on average. A partial
quantization of the game (semiclassical) allows us to find a winning strategy
for the second player, but it is unstable w.r.t. the classical strategy.
However, in a fully quantum version of the game we find a winning strategy for
the first player that is optimal: the symmetric classical situation is broken
at the quantum level.Comment: REVTEX4.b4 file, 3 table
Ambientes de aprendizaje desde el teatro y el movimiento humano para fortalecer el PRAE del Colegio Militar Liceo Social Compartir
73 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa utilizaci?n de lenguajes corporales, son el desenvolvimiento de una comunicaci?n poco visible, siendo una an?cdota de experiencias vividas en el desarrollo del dise?o de ambientes de aprendizaje para fortalecer las acciones llevadas por el Colegio Militar Liceo Social Compartir hacia el medio ambiente. En el transcurso de las experiencias, se re abre la escuela popular gracias a la participaci?n activa de toda la comunidad implicada en la investigaci?n de tipo IAP; la construcci?n de conocimiento es el cumulo de acciones no egoisticas que pertenecen a una comunidad, acciones que conllevan a la mitigaci?n del odio y del poco inter?s de lo que sucede alrededor del ser humano.
Soacha, es un municipio que posee grandes historias, entre ellas se encuentran aquellas que son de car?cter vulnerable con altos ?ndices de pobreza, de contaminaci?n industrial, de explotaci?n minera, y aquellos antecedentes que han dejado muchos muertos en el pasado. Una historia que deja como resultado la impaciencia de las personas y el poco valor apreciativo hacia los otros habitantes y hacia el entorno.
Pensar en la Tierra, es dejar huella sobre el horizonte casi tan bello como ver crecer una flor. La sensibilidad del ser humano es una de las claves para poder compartir con la naturaleza; para los estudiantes el poder obtener un espacio y asimilar la importancia de la sencillez hacia el mundo, ha dejado una buena raz?n para que el docente cultive felicidad y recoja sonrisas.
Palabras clave: Lenguaje, Cuerpo, medio ambiente, naturaleza, danza, Teatro, Vida, sensibilidad, sencillez.The use of corporal languages, are the development of a communication not visible, being an anecdote of experiences lived in the development of the design of learning environments to strengthen the actions carried out by the Liceo Military College Social sharing towards the environment. In the course of the experiences, the popular school is reopened thanks to the active participation of all the community involved in the research of type IAP; The construction of knowledge is the accumulation of non-egoistic actions that belong to a community, actions that lead to the mitigation of hatred and little interest in what happens around the human being.
Soacha, is a municipality that has great stories, among them are those that are vulnerable with high rates of poverty, industrial pollution, mining, and those antecedents that have left many dead in the past. A story that leaves as a result the impatience of the people and the little appreciative value towards the other inhabitants and towards the environment.
To think of the Earth is to leave a mark on the horizon almost as beautiful as seeing a flower grow. The sensitivity of the human being is one of the keys to being able to share with nature; For students to obtain a space and assimilate the importance of simplicity towards the world, has left a good reason for the teacher to cultivate happiness and collect smiles.
Keywords: language, body, environment, nature, dance, theater, life, sensitivity, simplicity
La expresion gr?fico - pl?stico como estrategia pedag?gica para el mejoramiento de la motricidad fina en funci?n de la creatividad en los ni?os y ni?as de preescolar
87 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa educaci?n art?stica constituye uno de los m?todos de ense?anza m?s apropiado para orientar a los educandos a manifestar sus emociones; este tipo de educaci?n contribuye al desarrollo de las habilidades creativas y espontaneas de los estudiantes, compone una serie de denominaciones para las diferentes modalidades de ense?anza y aprendizaje del arte como por ejemplo la danza, el teatro, la m?sica, artes pl?sticas y visuales, entre otras. En lo que respecta a las t?cnicas de expresi?n grafico pl?stica hace referencia, a la aplicaci?n de instrumentos art?sticos desde el campo de la expresi?n pl?stica, gr?fica y visual, que tiene como prop?sito la elaboraci?n del dibujo, el grabado y la pintura, fomentando en los educandos la creatividad y la inventiva mediante el uso de los distintos materiales.
Este proyecto se llev? a cabo por medio de diferentes investigaciones en documentos bibliogr?ficos y distintas fuentes de informaci?n, en las cuales se encontraron diversos estudios relacionados con la expresi?n grafico-pl?stica como agente dinamizador en la educaci?n preescolar, enfocados en el mejoramiento de la motricidad fina de los infantes; estimando la debida importancia del acompa?amiento de toda la comunidad educativa en este proceso, el cual contribuye a la amplificaci?n de las competencias de los peque?os, con base en sus necesidades.
El proyecto tuvo lugar en el colegio de San sim?n sede Restrepo, con ni?os y ni?as de nivel de transici?n, buscando promover avances significativos dentro de las aulas de clase, con el fin de signar una huella positiva que mejore la calidad educativa.
Palabras claves: Motricidad Fina, Creatividad, Expresi?n Grafico-Pl?stica, Estrategia pedag?gica.Art education is one of the most appropriate methods to guide students to express their emotions teaching; this type of education contributes to the development of creative and spontaneous student skills, composes a series of names for different ways of teaching and learning the art such as dance, theater, music, visual arts, between other.
As regards technical plastic graphic expression refers to the application of artistic tools from the field of plastic, graphic and visual expression, which aims at the development of drawing, printmaking and painting, by encouraging the student?s creativity and inventiveness by using different materials.
This project was carried out by different research bibliographic documents and other information sources, in which various related graphic-plastic expression as a catalyst in preschool education, focused on improving fine motor skills studies were found in infants; estimating the importance of proper monitoring of the entire educational community in this process, which contributes to the amplification of the powers of small, based on your needs. The project took place at the College of San Simon based Restrepo, with children transition level , seeking to promote significant advances within the classroom , in order to designate a positive mark to improve educational quality.
Keywords: Fine Motor, Creativity, Expression Graphic-Plastic, pedagogical strategy
An?lisis de las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y su relaci?n con la calidad acad?mica de la educaci?n media en Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz del municipio de Ambalema Tolima
79 p. Recurso Electr?nicoDebido a que las pr?cticas pedag?gicas son de suma importancia a nivel nacional e internacional en relaci?n con la calidad acad?mica y lo que respeta con las pruebas generales como son las pruebas pisa, las pruebas saber once en la educaci?n.
Surge la importancia de esta investigaci?n despu?s de analizar la calidad acad?mica, en el cual el objetivo principal de esta investigaci?n es relacionar la influencia de las pr?cticas pedag?gicas en la calidad acad?mica de la instituci?n Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz, adem?s identificar los factores que influye en el nivel acad?mico de educaci?n media de dicha instituci?n. La presente investigaci?n est? basada en un estudio de caso, teniendo en cuenta unas categor?as de investigaci?n (pertinencia, sistemas de evaluaci?n, pr?cticas pedagog?as, calidad acad?mica). Las t?cnicas para la recolecci?n de la informaci?n que se aplicaron son: entrevista a docentes de educaci?n media, testimonio focalizado a docentes y grupo focal con estudiantes de educaci?n media; los instrumentos para estas t?cnicas de recolecci?n de datos son cuestionarios. La poblaci?n de investigaci?n es la instituci?n educativa Nicanor Vel?squez Ortiz de Ambalema Tolima y la muestra es la educaci?n media de dicha instituci?n, con 85 participantes entre los 14 y 19 a?os y 6 docentes de entre 40 y 56 a?os .Como resultados, se observa que la calidad acad?mica en educaci?n media en esta instituci?n es baja debido a distintos factores como : algunos docentes no aplican sus pr?cticas pedag?gicas de acuerdo al enfoque de la instituci?n, falta de pertinencia por parte de los educandos debido a que no cuentan con h?bitos de estudio estructurados, falta de acompa?amiento por parte de los padres, la infraestructura no es la m?s adecuada ya que se presentan altas temperaturas en el municipio, no se cuenta con ventiladores adecuados, se presenta hacinamiento en las aulas de clase. En el caso de esta investigaci?n es evidente que la problem?tica en torno a la calidad acad?mica podr?a cambiar si lo docentes se comprometen de manera responsable a indagar en busca de la apropiaci?n del enfoque pedag?gico de la instituci?n y as? direccionar las pr?cticas pedag?gicas a dicho enfoque, en vista de que siempre ha existido este nivel en la instituci?n, con respecto a las pruebas saber once presentadas hace varios donde estas vienen presentado niveles desfavorables para el proceso educativo que lleva a cabo la instituci?n.Because teaching practices are vital to national and international level in relation to the academic quality and respecting the general tests such as PISA tests are the tests to know eleven education.
It arises the importance of this research math teacher of the institution after analyzing the academic quality in which the main objective of this research is to investigate the influence of pedagogical practices in the academic quality of the institution Nicanor Velasquez Ortiz also identify factors influencing the academic level of secondary education in that institution. This research is based on a case study, considering a research categories (relevance, evaluation systems, practical teaching methods, academic quality). The techniques for gathering information were applied are: interview to middle school teachers, teachers and testimony focused focus group with high school students; instruments for these techniques of data collection are questionnaires. The research population is the educational institution Ambalema Nicanor Velasquez Ortiz of Tolima, the sample is the average education of the institution, with 85 participants between 14 and 19 years and 6 teachers aged between 40 and 56 years .As results, it appears that academic quality in secondary education at this institution is low due to several factors: some teachers do not apply their teaching according to the approach of the institution, irrelevance by the students because they do not have study habits structured, lack of support from parents, the infrastructure is not adequate since high temperatures in the city are presented, do not have adequate fans, overcrowding occurs in classrooms and natural resources are often lacking. In the case of this research it is evident that there is academic quality if managed to break the barrier that has always existed in the institution with respect to the evidence presented to know eleven years ago and has been presented this low academic level. Teachers It is recommended to investigate the pedagogical approach of the institution and thus address the pedagogical approach to such practices.
Key Works: Academic quality, pedagogical practices, conceptions
A Wavy Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework from Core-Twisted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
A high degree of crystallinity is an essential aspect in two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks, as many properties depend strongly on the structural arrangement of the different layers and their constituents. We introduce herein a new design strategy based on core-twisted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as rigid nodes that give rise to a two-dimensional covalent organic framework with a wavy honeycomb (chairlike) lattice. The concave–convex self-complementarity of the wavy two-dimensional lattice guides the stacking of framework layers into a highly stable and ordered covalent organic framework that allows a full 3D analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealing its chairlike honeycomb facets and aligned mesoporous channels. Remarkably, the waviness of the framework does not disrupt the interlayer π–π stacking that shows charge transporting properties similar to those of planar covalent organic frameworks. The implementation of core-twisted aromatics as building blocks for covalent organic frameworks brings new possibilities in the design of highly ordered organic materials
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