894 research outputs found

    Motivation and constraints of illocution in the lexical constructional model: the case of the Aux NP construction

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    This article addresses the motivation and constraints of illocutionary meaning production. Within the framework of the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM), I explore how our knowledge of illocution is understood in terms of high-level situational models which are activated to produce speech act meaning and the way such operations motivate the conventionalized value of linguistic expressions. In so doing, I analyze the realization procedures of the Aux NP construction in relation to their potential to exploit the semantic base of requestive acts. I will study the most conventional linguistic realizations of the construction and explore the way in which such realizations are used to produce a requestive meaning. The resulting account provides a comprehensive understanding of the constructional nature of illocutionary meaning on the basis of naturally occurring data

    Anaerobic 4-hydroxyproline utilization: Discovery of a new glycyl radical enzyme in the human gut microbiome uncovers a widespread microbial metabolic activity.

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    The discovery of enzymes responsible for previously unappreciated microbial metabolic pathways furthers our understanding of host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. We recently identified and characterized a new gut microbial glycyl radical enzyme (GRE) responsible for anaerobic metabolism of trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline (Hyp). Hyp dehydratase (HypD) catalyzes the removal of water from Hyp to generate Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C). This enzyme is encoded in the genomes of a diverse set of gut anaerobes and is prevalent and abundant in healthy human stool metagenomes. Here, we discuss the roles HypD may play in different microbial metabolic pathways as well as the potential implications of this activity for colonization resistance and pathogenesis within the human gut. Finally, we present evidence of anaerobic Hyp metabolism in sediments through enrichment culturing of Hyp-degrading bacteria, highlighting the wide distribution of this pathway in anoxic environments beyond the human gut

    A lexical construccional approach to illocution: The case of promises

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    The present contribution studies the cognitive motivation and linguistic realization of illocutionary meaning. The theoretical framework is the Lexical Constructional Model propounded by Ruiz de Mendoza and Mairal and Mairal and Ruiz de Mendoza. Illocutionary constructions are the result of the interplay between cognitive construal operations and general social conventions defined in the Cost-Benefit Cognitive Model (Ruiz de Mendoza and Baicchi; Baicchi and Ruiz de Mendoza). In this study I examine the conceptual grounding of constructions carrying out promising values. I argue that the realization of promises is based on linguistic mechanisms capable of instantiating relevant parts of promise constructions.El presente artículo estudia la motivación cognitiva y la realización lingüística del significado ilocutivo. El marco teórico es el Modelo Léxico Construccional (MLC), diseñado por Ruiz de Mendoza y Mairal y Mairal y Ruiz de Mendoza. Las construcciones ilocutivas surgen de la interacción entre operaciones cognitivas de perspectivización y convenciones sociales generalizadas definidas en el Modelo Cognitivo de Coste-Beneficio (Ruiz de Mendoza y Baicchi; Baicchi y Ruiz de Mendoza). En este estudio se examina la base conceptual de construcciones ilocutivas con valores de prometer. Se defiende que la realización de las promesas está basada en mecanismos lin

    Classroom Control with Epoptes

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    El uso de las TIC por parte de los alumnos en el aula, requiere de una supervisión por parte del profesor para que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sea lo más eficiente posible y no se conviertan en un motivo de distracción.Para cumplir este objetivo podemos instalar una serie de herramientas que nos permitan controlar el aula. En este artículo se detalla la instalación del software de control Epoptes en un servidor con sistema operativo Ubuntu.The use of ICT by students in the classroom, requires monitoring by the teacher to get an efficient teaching-learning process and do not become a source of distraction. To meet this objective we can install some tools that allow us to control the students at classroom. This article describes how to install Epoptes, an open source control software, on a server with Ubuntu operating system installed or another Linux distribution

    Cloud Storage at school

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    Disponer de nuestros archivos sin preocuparnos de donde nos encontremos y en el momento que queramos es una gran ventaja que ofrece el Cloud Storage. Poder instalar nuestra propia nube de almacenamiento en el centro educativo nos libera de las restricciones que imponen las empresas que ofrecen estos servicios. En este artículo se describe cómo instalar Owcloud, un software para crear nuestra propia nube virtual, en un ordenador con sistema operativo Linux Ubuntu.Having our files without worrying about where we are and at time that we need them is a great advantage of the Cloud Storage. To install our own cloud storage at school help us to be free from the restrictions of companies offering such services. This article describes how to install Owcloud, a software to create our own virtual cloud, on a computer with Ubuntu Linux operating system installed

    Newly installed computers every day

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    El mantenimiento del aula de informática en un centro educativo es un trabajo costoso ya que los ordenadores son utilizados por muchos alumnos y profesores todos los días. Para mantener el buen funcionamiento de los ordenadores existen herramientas que evitan los cambios malintencionados que puedan hacer los usuarios. En este artículo se explica cómo instalar Ofris, una herramienta de congelado para ordenadores, en un servidor con un sistema operativo Ubuntu instalado.Maintenance of computer room at school is a really costly work because computers are used each day by many students and many teachers without care. To maintain the proper functioning of computers there are some tools that prevent malicious changes that can make users.This article explains how to install Ofris, an open source tool for freezing computers, in a server with Ubuntu or another Linux distribution as an operating system

    Introducing students to programming

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    Antiguamente, la programación siempre se ha relacionado a entornos empresariales o científicos, y su uso se ha restringido a personas con grandes conocimientos en los campos de las matemáticas o la informática. Hoy en día se está introduciendo poco a poco en las escuelas, mediante diferentes herramientas y plataformas permitiendo a los alumnos desarrollar multitud de habilidades y competencias como son el razonamiento lógico, trabajo en equipo, mejorar la creatividad o la resolución de problemas.In the past, the world of programming has always been related to business or scientific environments, and its use has been restricted to people with great knowledge in the fields of mathematics or computer science. Nowadays, it is gradually being introduced in schools and high school, using different tools and platforms, allowing students to develop a multitude of skills and competences such as logical reasoning, teamwork,improve creativity, error tolerance or problem solving

    ICTs accessible to students with disabilities

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    En los centros educativos podemos encontrar alumnos con diferentes discapacidades, ya sean visuales, motrices o auditivas. Estos alumnos deben tener las mismas oportunidades de aprender independientemente de su discapacidad. Hoy en día utilizar las TIC es imprescindible para acceder a la educación del siglo XXI. Utilizando software libre y configurándolo de manera adecuada podemos conseguir mejorar la accesibilidad a las TIC de estos alumnos para poder utilizarlas y sacar todo su potencial.In schools we can find students with different disabilities, for example visual, motor or auditory disabilities. These students should have the same opportunities to learn regardless of their disability. Today, using ICT is essential to access the 21st century education. Using free software like Ubuntu and configuring it properly we can improve the students' ICT accessibility to be able to use them and tap the full potential of computers at school

    El alma de la vieja ciudad

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Clone classroom computers using multicast and DRBL

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    La preparación y puesta a punto de los ordenadores que forman parte de un centro educativo es una tarea que ocupa demasiado tiempo al inicio de cada curso escolar evitando destinar dicho tiempo a tareas más importantes para la calidad educativa de los alumnos. Automatizar este proceso de instalación y reducir el tiempo empleado se puede conseguir utilizando técnicas de clonado y multicasting. En este artículo se describe cómo clonar los equipos de un aula TIC utilizando la distribución DRBL.The preparation and development of computers that are part of a school is a task that takes up too much time at the beginning of each school year avoiding allocate that time to more important tasks for the educational quality of students. Automate the installation process and reduce the time spent can be achieved using cloning and multicasting techniques. This article describes how to clone computers in a ICT classroom using DRBL distribution
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