47 research outputs found

    The Grotesque of Luigi Chiarelli: La maschera e il volto.

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    It deals with the way to look into the meaning of grotesque and differentiate it from humour, tragedy and satire and illustrates the coexistence of all these elements regarding grotesque. To do this I base myself on Luigi Chiarelli’s play La maschera e il volto. Grottesco in tre atti and, with the analysis of the play from a showman’s point of view (structure, space, time, items, sounds, margin notes, characters), I see the meaning of the mask how it goes towards the face to determine the individual freedom from social prejudices, which conditions his reactions

    GastronomĂ­a y/o antropofagia: Prefuturismo

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    A través del análisis de la tragedia satírica de Marinetti, Re Baldoria, una enorme metáfora gastronómica, podemos ver algunas de las características de su autor que se van a desarrollar unos años más tarde en el movimiento futurista. En esta obra se puede ver ya esa gran riqueza expresiva, el afán de provocación, el rechazo al pasado, que acompañarán a Marinetti a lo largo de toda su vida y que le convertirán en el padre de uno de los movimientos de vanguardia más importantes del siglo XX.Through the analysis of one of Marinetti’s tragedies, the drama Satiric Re Baldoria, an outstanding gastronomic metaphor, some of the author’s characteristics that will develop in later years will be appreciated, during his futuristic period. This play already shows a rich expressive texture, together with an intention to provoke and the rejection of the past that will never abandon Marinetti and will turn him into one of the founders of a major avant-garde XXth century literary movement

    El espacio en las Sintesi de Marinetti.

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    Un caso clĂ­nico: el destino del hombre en Dino Buzzati.

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    Data Mining with Enhanced Neural Networks-CMMSE

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    Abstract This paper presents a new method to extract knowledge from existing data sets, that is, to extract symbolic rules using the weights of an Artificial Neural Network. The method has been applied to a neural network with special architecture named Enhanced Neural Network (ENN). This architecture improves the results that have been obtained with multilayer perceptron (MLP). The relationship among the knowledge stored in the weights, the performance of the network and the new implemented algorithm to acquire rules from the weights is explained. The method itself gives a model to follow in the knowledge acquisition with ENN

    Effect of a diet supplemented with sphingomyelin and probiotics on colon cancer development in mice

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    Previous studies have reported that dietary sphingomyelin could inhibit early stages of colon cancer. Lactic acid–producing bacteria have also been associated with an amelioration of cancer symptoms. However, little is known about the potential beneficial effects of the combined administration of both sphingomyelin and lactic acid–producing bacteria. This article analyzes the effect of a diet supplemented with a combination of the probiotics Lacticaseibacillus casei and Bifidobacterium bifidum (108 CFU/ml) and sphingomyelin (0.05%) on mice with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon cancer. Thirty-six BALB/c mice were divided into 3 groups: one healthy group (group C) and two groups with DMH-induced cancer, one fed a standard diet (group D) and the other fed a diet supplemented with sphingomyelin and probiotics (DS). The number of aberrant crypt foci, marker of colon cancer development, was lower in the DS. The dietary supplementation with the synbiotic reversed the cancer-induced impairment of galactose uptake in enterocyte brush–border–membrane vesicles. These results confirm the beneficial effects of the synbiotic on the intestinal physiology of colon cancer mice and contribute to the understanding of the possible mechanisms involved.This study was supported by the Government of Spain grant number AGL 2006–1029-C02-01/ALI, CIBER (CB12/03/30002) and the Department of Innovation, Business and Employment of the Government of Navarra (Spain)