2,153 research outputs found

    Reconocimiento geológico de la Cordillera de los Andes entre los paralelos 35 y 38 sur

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    Distribution and Socio-spatial Segregation of cruise ship workers in Cozumel, Mexico

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    The cruise industry is one of the most profitable businesses in the world having a constant growth since the 1980’s. However, it is important to mention that this success has been reached in part due to the workforce in the vessels, better known as cruise ship crew members.As well as any other type of tourism, visitors have several effects on ports of call when vessels berth in ports of call. But even when there is knowledge on the effects of cruise tourism in the destinations (mainly caused by tourists), there is a scarcity of literature in terms of issues related to the cruise ship staff on land.In addition to the above, information about the activities and behaviour of the cruise workers, the knowledge of their specific distribution and socio-spatial segregation according to their hierarchies and nationalities during their free time in ports of call is practically null.Therefore, the aim of this research work is to point out the distribution of cruise ship workers in order to demonstrate their segregation in the Island of Cozumel, Mexico, according to the nation they come from and their position at work.Findings demonstrate that there are 79 different sites visited by crew members in Cozumel Island. It has also been identified that their distribution and socio-spatial segregation on the island is related to their hierarchies at work and nationalities, which could lead to a remarkable socioeconomic influence during their free time in the destination.

    Planificación de MIPYME Soluciones Integrales Tecnológicas “SOINTEC”, en la Ciudad de Managua en el periodo de 02 de Septiembre del 2015 al 03 de Febrero del 2016

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    El presente trabajo de seminario se aplica todas las acciones necesarias para la puesta en marcha de una microempresa Soluciones integrales Tecnológicas, se utilizó la investigación descriptiva transversal y analítica, apoyándose en fuentes primarias y secundarias como literatura de proyectos, encuestas y entrevistas para el desarrollo de ciertos objetivos específicos. Adicionalmente, se utilizaron herramientas de administración de proyectos tales como: MS-Project, WBS chart pro, plantillas para la elaboración de los diferentes planes de gestión, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, y la utilización del PMBOK que permitió contar con una guía clara de cómo administrar un proyecto. El presente plan de proyecto cuenta con un total de 12 entregables, se espera sean completadas en un lapso aproximado de 209 días. El equipo del proyecto está conformado por un director de proyecto, 3 ingenieros de sistemas y un estudiante de derecho. El trabajo se desarrolla aplicando las buenas prácticas de la Gerencia de Proyectos, sugeridas en el PMBOK, definiendo el alcance y la estructura detallada del trabajo (EDT); la estimación de los costos y el presupuesto financiero; la identificación, análisis y planificación de respuesta a los riesgos; la planificación y gestión de los interesados y la planificación de la calidad seguidamente de las conclusione

    Old and new specimens of a poorly known glyptodont from the Miocene of Patagonia and their biochronological implications

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    The Palaehoplophorini is a tribe of glyptodonts represented by fragmentary specimens for which the oldest records occur in the Pedregoso and Río Mayo formations (middle–late Miocene) in Patagonia (Argentina). The mammal fossils from those formations were the basis for the recognition of the Mayoan fauna, placed between the Friasian sensu stricto/Colloncuran–Laventan and the Chasicoan faunas. The only identified glyptodont from Río Mayo Formation is Palaehoplophorus meridionalis represented only by its type material (i.e., caudal tube) and the precise provenance is unknown. We describe a new specimen of Palaehoplophorus meridionalis collected in the Río Mayo Formation represented by associated osteoderms of the dorsal carapace and postcranial elements, plus part of the type and assigned specimens that remain unpublished from the old collection. This is the first description of osteoderms from the dorsal carapace of this species and postcranial elements (the first for a Palaehoplophorini), and the first glyptodont with precise provenance from Río Mayo Formation. As result of improving the description and emending the diagnosis, we agree with previous authors about the basal position of Palaehoplophorus meridionalis within the tribe. Finally, we review the Glyptodontidae association of the Mayoan fauna, which are exclusively represented by Palaehoplophorini (Palaehoplophorus meridionalis and Palaehoplophoroides rothi) and Glyptodontidae indet. This association supports a greater affinity of this fauna with the younger Chasicoan than with the older Friasian sensu stricto/Colloncuran–Laventan faunas


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    Se realizaron cálculos de primeros principios para estudiar las propiedades estructurales, electrónicas y magnéticas de la superficie m-GaN dopada con manganeso (Mn). Este dopaje generó un momento magnético total de 4 µB debido a la interacción de los estados 2p-N y 3d-Mn. Se encontró que el dopaje de Mn es responsable del 82 % de la magnetización total de la superficie. Además, el dopaje generó cambios estructurales en la superficie y se evidenciaron en las distancias entre las capas atómicas “d12, d23, d34, d45”. La superficie mostró propiedades de metal y semiconductor simultáneamente, estos materiales son llamados “half-metalic”, dependiendo de la polarización del espín. Se determinó la posición sustitucional del dopaje mas estable energéticamente, así mismo se observó que este dopaje generó menos cambios estructurales como lo muestran los porcentajes de cambio en las distancias entre capas atómicas “∆d12, ∆d23, ∆d34, ∆d45”First principles calculations were performed to study the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the surface of m-GaN doped with manganese (Mn). This doping generated total magnetic moment 4 µB due to interaction of the 2p-N and Mn 3d-states. It was found that doping of Mn is responsible for 82 % of the total magnetization of the surface. In addition, doping generated structural changes in the surface which were evident in the distances between the atomic layers “d12, d23, d34, d45”. The surface showed metal and semiconductor properties simultaneously. These materials are called “half-metalic” depending on the spin polarization. Substitutional position of the most stable energy doping was determined, and was observed that doping generated less structural changes as that shown by the changes in the distance between atomic layers “∆d12, ∆d23, ∆d34, ∆d45”

    Structuring Pt/CeO2/Al2O3 WGS catalyst: Introduction of buffer layer

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    This work is devoted to the development of novel structured catalytic system for WGS reaction. The new concept is related to the presence of a pre-catalytic “buffer” layer formed by WGS-inert oxide, i.e. not involved in CO conversion, but able to increase the number of participating sites in water dissociation step during the reaction. The performance of the proposed systems appears to depend strongly on the stream composition, being its effect beneficial in highly reducing atmospheres making it ideal for clean-up application. An increment of the partial kinetic order for water species is observed and reveals the key role of the water activation for superior catalytic behavior.Junta de Andalucía TEP-819

    La literatura inglesa traducida y su posición en el polisistema literario español en 1991

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    Desde hace algunos años, los postulados de la Teoría de los Polisistemas han ido cobrando especial relevancia en relación a la propia concepción del fenómeno literario y de los procesos de traducción. La Teoría del Polisistema surgió a principios de los años setenta a partir de los trabajos de Even-Zohar y posteriormente fue desarrollada por Gideon Toury, Zohar Shavit, Shelly Yahalom y otros miembros del Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics de la Universidad de Tel Avi