97 research outputs found

    Deporte femenino y suelo pélvico

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    Posparto y calidad de vida

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    The Maternal Education Programme in the Public Health System in Galicia

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    [Resumen] Objetivos. Los objetivos del presente estudio han sido conocer la presión asistencial de los cursos de Educación Maternal en los centros de salud gallegos, así como su temporalización y las actividades teóricas y prácticas realizadas. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional de prevalencia mediante cuestionario autoadministrado y autofranqueado de todos los Centros de Salud de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia que disponen de matrona. El análisis estadístico ha consistido en un estudio descriptivo de todas las variables incluidas en el estudio. En el 81,5 % de las encuestas recibidas se refiere la existencia del Programa de Educación Maternal. En el 93,4 % de los casos las mujeres que inician el programa lo finalizan. Los contenidos teóricos del programa más frecuentemente desarrollados han sido cuidados en el recién nacido, lactancia y cuidados en el puerperio que están presentes en el 100 % de los casos; y el menos frecuentemente abordado ha sido medicación y embarazo. Los contenidos prácticos del programa más frecuentemente desarrollados han sido las técnicas de respiración (100 %), seguida de la preparación física preparto (98,1 %); y el menos desarrollado ha sido la recuperación física posparto. El mes de gestación en el que se inició el programa tuvo como mediana 6,5. La duración del programa tuvo como mediana 10 semanas. En el 100 % de las encuestas recibidas se indica que el responsable del programa es la matrona. Según las respuestas recibidas, existe una buena implementación del Programa de Educación Maternal. En cuanto a los contenidos teóricos y prácticos abordados en el período preparto, se observa una gran homogeneidad entre las distintas Unidades, abarcando gran variedad de aspectos. Parece que se enfatiza el programa preparto respecto al posparto, que cuenta con un menor número de horas semanales y de semanas de duración.[Abstract] Aims of the study. The goals of this study have been to know the number of patients who participate in the Maternal Education Program in the Health Centers in Galicia. Timetable, theoretical and practical activities of the program have been analised. Subject and methods. transversal descriptive study. We have sent by post a survey to all the health centers of Galicia which have midwifes. The statistic analyses has been about a descriptive study of all the variables included in the questionnaire. The maternal Education Program exists in the 81.5 % of the replies we have received. In the 93.4 % of the cases, the women both started and finished the program. The theoretical contents more frequently developed have been the medical care for newborn, breast-feeding and medical care in the postpartum period, which are present in the 100 % of the cases. The less frequently developed has been the medication and pregnancy. The practical contents of the program more frequently developed have been the breathe technics (100 %) followed by physical training during pregnancy (98.1 %). The less developed topic has been the physical training after delivery. The month of pregnancy when the programme begun had as median 6.5. The lenght of the program had as median 10 weeks. The 100 % of the replies showed that the person in charge of the programme was the midwife. According to the replies we have received, there is a high development of the Maternal Education Program. Related to the theoretical and practical contents taught during the pregnancy, there is so much homogeneity about several aspects among the different centers. It seems to be more emphasis in the prepartum compared to the postpartum program, which has less number of hours per week, and also less weeks of length

    A System to Generate SignWriting for Video Tracks Enhancing Accessibility of Deaf People

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    Video content has increased much on the Internet during last years. In spite of the efforts of different organizations and governments to increase the accessibility of websites, most multimedia content on the Internet is not accessible. This paper describes a system that contributes to make multimedia content more accessible on the Web, by automatically translating subtitles in oral language to SignWriting, a way of writing Sign Language. This system extends the functionality of a general web platform that can provide accessible web content for different needs. This platform has a core component that automatically converts any web page to a web page compliant with level AA of WAI guidelines. Around this core component, different adapters complete the conversion according to the needs of specific users. One adapter is the Deaf People Accessibility Adapter, which provides accessible web content for the Deaf, based on SignWritting. Functionality of this adapter has been extended with the video subtitle translator system. A first prototype of this system has been tested through different methods including usability and accessibility tests and results show that this tool can enhance the accessibility of video content available on the Web for Deaf people

    Influence of the context in the quality of the clinical interview in physiotherapy

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    [Resumen] La calidad es un tema que está de actualidad no sólo en su vertiente científico técnica, sino también en el aspecto de las relaciones humanas. Si bien es un asunto muy abordado en varias profesiones sanitarias, pocos estudios se han realizado en este sentido en el ámbito de la Fisioterapia. Sin embargo, se ha encontrado que la relación del fisioterapeuta con el paciente es susceptible de mejora. Dicha relación se inicia en la entrevista clínica y ésta a su vez está enmarcada en un contexto o entorno que debe ser favorable para su desarrollo. Dentro del contexto se ha de prestar atención a la imagen del profesional, proxémica o distribución del espacio, lenguaje corporal (gestos y posturas) y componentes paralingüísticos. Se persigue con la atención a los componentes enunciados la facilitación de la comunicación y con ello una mejora en la entrevista clínica.[Abstract] The quality of medical care has been given increased attention in recent years, not only in its scientific and technical version but in the human relationships. Doctors have focused on the latter aspect but few studies have been done in this area about physiotherapists communications and relationships. The results point out that communications and relationships between physiotherapists and patients can be improved. This relationship begins in the clinical interview which is framed in a context or environment That has to be favourable for its development. Inside the context it is necessary to pay attention to the professional image, room distribution, body language and paralinguistic. The aim of the focus on these components is to make easier the clinical interview, and finally an improvement of the clinical interview

    Using Recommendation System for E-learning Environments at degree level

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    Nowadays, new technologies and the fast growth of the Internet have made access to information easier for all kind of people, raising new challenges to education when using Internet as a medium. One of the best examples is how to guide students in their learning processes. The need to look for guidance from their teachers or other companions that many Internet users experience when endeavoring to choose their readings, exercises o practices is a very common reality. In order to cater for this need many different information and recommendation strategies have been developed. Recommendation Systems is one of these. Recommendation Systems try to help the user, presenting him those objects he could be more interested in, based on his known preferences or on those of other users with similar characteristics.This document tries to present the current situation with regards to Recommendation Systems and their application on distance education over the Internet

    Virtual Objects on the Internet of Things

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    As technology advances more and more things began to appear in digital format, such as: tickets, agendas, books, electronic purses, etc. Internet of things encourages communication and integration of physical objects with each other and people to automate tasks and improve efficiency. Digital objects like physicists should be part of Internet of Things but the different structures of these digital objects causes in most cases these digital objects can interact only with specific applications that know the specific format. Based on the problems in this paper proposes a structure that supports the generic construction of virtual objects irrespective of their business logic and their integration with other applications and things

    Validity and reliability of an offline ultrasound measurement of bladder base displacement in women

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    [Abstract] The effect of different exercises on the position of pelvic organs in women has not been sufficiently assessed. The objective was to analyze the validity and reliability of a new two-dimensional ultrasound algorithm to measure offline the displacement of the bladder base during abdominal exercises. This algorithm could be a useful method to future studies in determine the most appropriate exercises in sports and in rehabilitative program for the pelvic floor in women. All subjects were tested by transverse transabdominal ultrasound. The measurements were conducted offline using a customized code written in MATLAB (Ecolab) for image-processing, and manually on the ultrasound monitor using electronic calipers. The agreement was assessed with a paired t-test, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (r), the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC (A,2) and a Bland–Altman plot. The reliability was confirmed by the interdays intra-rater ICC coefficient. The results were that Ecolab and ultrasound transducer measures did not differ statistically (p = 0.246). Furthermore, both methods showed a very strong relationship, and the Ecolab demonstrated to be a valid and reliable method. We concluded that Ecolab seemed to be a valid and reliable tool to assess the effect of abdominal contractions in the female pelvic floor.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); PID2020-113578RB-I00Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Physiotherapy in burned patients: burned patients,therapist treatment and realted aspects

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    [Resumen] Este artículo tiene como objetivos, analizar las causas principales de las grandes quemaduras, de los pacientes ingresados en el Instituto del Quemado de Córdoba-Argentina, en el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre Enero de 2000 y Enero de 2001. Además de analizar la evolución de los autoinjertos, complicaciones más frecuentes, trastornos psiquiátricos asociados, morbimortalidad registrada, etc. presentamos una propuesta de tratamiento de fisioterapia adecuado al tipo y/o profundidad de la(s) quemadura(s). Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra de 100 historias clínicas, de pacientes ingresados en el Instituto del Quemado de Córdoba-Argentina, durante el periodo de tiempo antes señalado, y se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, que nos ha sido de utilidad para fundamenta la propuesta de tratamiento.[Abstract] The aims of this article is to analyze the mains reasons of the important burns in the patients being admitted to the Burned people Institute in Cordoba, Argentina between January of 2000 and 2001 year. We explain not only the progress of the skin graft, the more common complications, the associated psyquiatric problems, the registred morbility, etc... but also the plan of treatment suitable for the type and the deep of the burn. We have analyze a sample of 100 case histories related to admitted patients to the Burned people Institute in Cordoba, Argentina. After that, we have made a comprehensive bibliographic cheeking, which has been very useful to base the protocol of the treatment
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