2,415 research outputs found

    Quasi-isometric rigidity of subgroups and Filtered ends

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    Let GG and HH be quasi-isometric finitely generated groups and let PGP\leq G; is there a subgroup QQ (or a collection of subgroups) of HH whose left cosets coarsely reflect the geometry of the left cosets of PP in GG? We explore sufficient conditions for a positive answer. The article consider pairs of the form (G,P)(G,\mathcal{P}) where GG is a finitely generated group and P\mathcal{P} a finite collection of subgroups, there is a notion of quasi-isometry of pairs, and quasi-isometrically characteristic collection of subgroups. A subgroup is qi-characteristic if it belongs to a qi-characteristic collection. Distinct classes of qi-characteristic collections of subgroups have been studied in the literature on quasi-isometric rigidity, we list in the article some of them and provide other examples. The first part of the article proves: if GG and HH are finitely generated quasi-isometric groups and P\mathcal{P} is a qi-characteristic collection of subgroups of GG, then there is a collection of subgroups Q\mathcal{Q} of HH such that (G,P) (G, \mathcal{P}) and (H,Q)(H, \mathcal{Q}) are quasi-isometric pairs. The second part of the article studies the number of filtered ends e~(G,P)\tilde e (G, P) of a pair of groups, a notion introduced by Bowditch, and provides an application of our main result: if GG and HH are quasi-isometric groups and PGP\leq G is qi-characterstic, then there is QHQ\leq H such that e~(G,P)=e~(H,Q)\tilde e (G, P) = \tilde e (H, Q).Comment: 24 pages. All comments are welcome! Version 2. Correction in Example 3.4, updated some citations, and correction of minor typo

    Quasi-isometry invariance of relative filling functions

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    For a finitely generated group GG and collection of subgroups P\mathcal{P} we prove that the relative Dehn function of a pair (G,P)(G,\mathcal{P}) is invariant under quasi-isometry of pairs. Along the way we show quasi-isometries of pairs preserve almost malnormality of the collection and fineness of the associated coned off Cayley graphs. We also prove that for a cocompact simply connected combinatorial GG-22-complex XX with finite edge stabilisers, the combinatorial Dehn function is well-defined if and only if the 11-skeleton of XX is fine.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Improving scope sensitivity in contingent valuation: joint and separate evaluation of health states

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    We present data of a contingent valuation survey, testing the effect of evaluation mode on the monetary valuation of preventing road accidents. Half of the interviewees was asked to state their willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the risk of having only 1 type of injury (separate evaluation, SE), and the other half of the sample was asked to state their WTP for 4 types of injuries evaluated simultaneously (joint evaluation, JE). In the SE group, we observed lack of sensitivity to scope while in the JE group WTP increased with the severity of the injury prevented. However, WTP values in this group were subject to context effects. Our results suggest that the traditional explanation of the disparity between SE and JE, namely, the so-called “evaluability,” does not apply here. The paper presents new explanations based on the role of preference imprecision

    Reinforcement and Curriculum Learning for Off-Road Navigation of an UGV with a 3D LiDAR

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    This paper presents the use of deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) for autonomous navigation of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with an onboard three-dimensional (3D) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor in off-road environments. For training, both the robotic simulator Gazebo and the Curriculum Learning paradigm are applied. Furthermore, an Actor–Critic Neural Network (NN) scheme is chosen with a suitable state and a custom reward function. To employ the 3D LiDAR data as part of the input state of the NNs, a virtual two-dimensional (2D) traversability scanner is developed. The resulting Actor NN has been successfully tested in both real and simulated experiments and favorably compared with a previous reactive navigation approach on the same UGV.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Pure-Pursuit reactive Path Tracking for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with a 2D Laser Scanner

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    Due to its simplicity and efficiency, the pure-pursuit path tracking method has been widely employed for planned navigation of nonholonomic ground vehicles. In this paper, we investigate the application of this technique for reactive tracking of paths that are implicitly defined by perceived environmental features. Goal points are obtained through an efficient interpretation of range data from an onboard 2D laser scanner to follow persons, corridors, and walls. Moreover, this formulation allows that a robotic mission can be composed of a combination of different types of path segments. These techniques have been successfully tested in the tracked mobile robot Auriga-α in an indoor environment

    La valoración monetaria de los costes humanos de la siniestralidad vial en España

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    ResumenLos análisis coste-beneficio en el ámbito de la seguridad vial han de computar la totalidad de los costes, y dentro de ellos ocupan un lugar clave los costes humanos. En esta nota se da cuenta de dos estudios promovidos por la Dirección General de Tráfico orientados a la obtención de valores oficiales para España de los costes asociados a las víctimas mortales y no mortales de los accidentes de tráfico. Mediante la combinación del enfoque de la valoración contingente con la técnica de la lotería estándar (modificada), y con muestras amplias (n1=2020, n2=2000) representativas de la población española, se estimó en 1,4 millones de euros el valor monetario de prevenir un fallecido por accidente de tráfico. Para las lesiones graves y leves, los valores estimados fueron de 219.000 y 6100 euros, respectivamente. Las cifras obtenidas tienen un orden de magnitud similar al de los países de nuestro entorno.AbstractCost-benefit analyses in the field of road safety compute human costs as a key component of total costs. The present article presents two studies promoted by the Directorate-General for Traffic aimed at obtaining official values for the costs associated with fatal and non-fatal traffic injuries in Spain. We combined the contingent valuation approach and the (modified) standard gamble technique in two surveys administered to large representative samples (n1=2,020, n2=2,000) of the Spanish population. The monetary value of preventing a fatality was estimated to be 1.4 million euros. Values of 219,000 and 6,100 euros were obtained for minor and severe non-fatal injuries, respectively. These figures are comparable to those observed in neighboring countries

    Practical Lessons from the Deployment and Management of a Smart City Internet-of-Things Infrastructure: The SmartSantander testbed case

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    The smart cities vision is inexorably turning into a reality. Among the different approaches used to realize more intelligent and sustainable environments, a common denominator is the role that information and communication technologies will play. Moreover, if there is one of these technologies that emerges among the rest, it is the Internet-of-Things (IoT). The ability to ubiquitously embed sensing and actuating capabilities that this paradigm enables is at the forefront of the technologies driving the urban environments transformation. However, there are very little practical experiences of the IoT infrastructure deployment at a large scale. This paper presents practical solutions to the main challenges faced during the deployment and management of a city-scale IoT infrastructure, which encompasses thousands of sensors and other information sources. The experience we have gained during the deployment and operation of the IoT-based smart city infrastructure carried out at Santander (Spain) has led to a number of practical lessons that are summarized in this paper. Moreover, the challenges and problems examples, excerpted from our own real-life experience, are described as motivators for the adopted solutions.This work was supported in part by the research project SmartSantander through the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission under Grant FP7-ICT-2009-5 and in part by the Spanish Government by means of the project ADVICE "Dynamic provisioning of connectivity in high density 5G wireless scenarios" under Grant TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R

    Supervised learning of natural-terrain traversability with synthetic 3D laser scans

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    Autonomous navigation of ground vehicles on natural environments requires looking for traversable terrain continuously. This paper develops traversability classifiers for the three-dimensional (3D) point clouds acquired by the mobile robot Andabata on non-slippery solid ground. To this end, different supervised learning techniques from the Python library Scikit-learn are employed. Training and validation are performed with synthetic 3D laser scans that were labelled point by point automatically with the robotic simulator Gazebo. Good prediction results are obtained for most of the developed classifiers, which have also been tested successfully on real 3D laser scans acquired by Andabata in motion.Andalusian project UMA18-FEDERJA-090 and Spanish project RTI2018-093421-B-I0