39,681 research outputs found

    Collusion, competition and piracy

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    In this paper we analyze firms' ability to tacitly collude on pricesin an infinitely repeated duopoly game of vertical productdifferentiation. We show that firms collude if and only if their discountfactor is high enough, i.e. if they value future profits sufficiently. We alsoshow that a lower cost of copying facilitates collusion but that a higherquality of the copy hinders collusion. Thus, the overall effect of thesenew characteristics of copies made by consumers is ambiguous.Collusion, competition, piracy, consumers, cost of copying,


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    We analyze the roles of the government and the incumbent in preventing piracy, and the reasons and incentives why a pirate would want to be a leader in prices. The framework of analysis used is a duopoly model of vertical product differentiation with price competition, where both incumbent and pirate are committed to keep their prices. We find that both government and incumbent have a key role in avoiding the entry of the pirate. We show that the government will not help the incumbent to become a monopolist, even if he installs an antipiracy system, because a monopoly provides the lowest social welfare. However, he will let the pirate enters as a follower or as a leader, or encourage the incumbent to deter the entry of the pirate, which depends on the technology of the government for monitoring piracy. The pirate decides to become a leader to avoid being brought down by the incumbent and the government, although the leader's profit is lower than the follower's profit. Finally, we find that high-income countries with cheaper monitoring technology have lower piracy rates.Pirate, Incumbent, Government, Price Leadership, Copy, Monitoring Piracy, Income

    Lobbyin to prevent commercial piracy

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    In this paper we develop a common agency model to analyze the problem of pirates entering the market, in which the incumbent and the consumers form pressure groups to lobby the government on policies to prevent piracy while the pirates try to avoid being stopped. We show that a monopoly is not an equilibrium when both the incumbent and consumers lobby the government, and that the cost of monitoring commercial piracy is very important in determining (truthful) equilibria, as is the case where there is no lobby competition. However, it is now more difficult getting the pirate to enter the market.Common Agency, Lobbying, Commercial Piracy, Incumbent, Consumers and Government

    Marker-based filtering of bilingual phrase pairs for SMT

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    State-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems make use of a large translation table obtained after scoring a set of bilingual phrase pairs automatically extracted from a parallel corpus. The number of bilingual phrase pairs extracted from a pair of aligned sentences grows exponentially as the length of the sentences increases; therefore, the number of entries in the phrase table used to carry out the translation may become unmanageable, especially when online, 'on demand' translation is required in real time. We describe the use of closed-class words to filter the set of bilingual phrase pairs extracted from the parallel corpus by taking into account the alignment information and the type of the words involved in the alignments. On four European language pairs, we show that our simple yet novel approach can filter the phrase table by up to a third yet still provide competitive results compared to the baseline. Furthermore, it provides a nice balance between the unfiltered approach and pruning using stop words, where the deterioration in translation quality is unacceptably high

    Temperature modelling and model predictive control of a pilot-scale batch reaction system

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    The temperature control equipment on a pilot scale batch reaction system located at EAFIT University in Medelln, Colombia, is modeled and a new controller is designed aiming at using it in the reactor current PLC-based control system. Some mathematical models are developed from experimental data to describe the system behavior and using them several model based predictive controllers are designed. The simplest, yet reliable, model obtained is an ARX polynomial model of order (1,1,1) that yields a four states ane model for which an explicit MPC was calculated. This controller has a reduced mathematical complexity and can probably be used directly on the existing control system.Preprin


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    El síndrome del respirador oral es el conjunto de signos y síntomas ante la alteración patológica de la función nasorrespiratoria. Son distintas las secuelas que han sido descritas, algunas bien establecidas como las alteraciones craneodentofaciales y ortopédicas y otras que aún siguen en estudio como el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad afecta al 3-8 % de los escolares, aunque tal vez muchos de los que lo padecen no sean apropiadamente identificados. Se diagnostica especialmente en los varones, con una relación de 3,5:1 sobre las niñas OBJETIVO: Conocer la relación entre el síndrome de respiración oral crónica y el trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad en niños preescolares y de primaria. RESULTADOS: La investigación se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 146 niños, 73 niñas y 73 niños de edades que van desde los 5 hasta los 12 años. El diagnóstico realizado para respiración oral fue del 38.4% de los participantes y la causa más común de esta condición fue la rinitis alérgica. Los puntajes en las versiones de padres y profesores de la escala Conners en una correlación a través del coeficiente P de Pearson, obtuvo P= 0.913 con una significancia de 0.05 mientras que para la correlación planteada entre la respiración oral y las versiones de la escala Conners P=0.164 con una significancia de 0.05. CONCLUSIÓN: El síndrome de respiración oral es una patología que se encuentra de manera frecuente en la población infantil y debe de ser tratada de manera oportuna para evitar alguna o algunas de sus múltiples secuelas. Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre las dos patologías de estudio. Se debe de realizar una adecuada valoración multidisciplinaria para mejores resultados