11 research outputs found

    Nanoparticles for Signaling in Biodiagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

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    [EN]Advances in nanoparticle-based systems constitute a promising research area with important implications for the treatment of bacterial infections, especially against multidrug resistant strains and bacterial biofilms. Nanosystems may be useful for the diagnosis and treatment of viral and fungal infections. Commercial diagnostic tests based on nanosystems are currently available. Different methodologies based on nanoparticles (NPs) have been developed to detect specific agents or to distinguish between Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Also, biosensors based on nanoparticles have been applied in viral detection to improve available analytical techniques. Several point-of-care (POC) assays have been proposed that can offer results faster, easier and at lower cost than conventional techniques and can even be used in remote regions for viral diagnosis. Nanoparticles functionalized with specific molecules may modulate pharmacokinetic targeting recognition and increase anti-infective efficacy. Quorum sensing is a stimuli-response chemical communication process correlated with population density that bacteria use to regulate biofilm formation

    Incorporation of anti-infectious agents on metallic nanoparticles of gold and chitosan

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    Resistance to antimicrobial agents is a serious health problem, causing great mortality in the population. This makes very interesting the search for alternatives for the treatment of these infections caused by multiresistant bacteria. One of them could be the use of gold metallic nanoparticles (NPs) together with an anti-infectious agent such as ciprofloxacin which is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. The objective of the study was to evaluate the behavior of gold-chitosan (Au-chitosan) NPs compared to gold-citrate (Au-citrate) NPs in the uptake of ciprofloxacin for different incubation conditions. The nanoparticles were synthesized and the anti-infectious agent incorporated at different study concentrations. By ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), the concentrations of ciprofloxacin incorporated into the nanoparticles were estimated. The percentage incorporation of ciprofloxacin was higher for Au-citrate nanoparticles compared to Au-chitosan nanoparticles. However,  Au-citrate disadvantage form large aggregates, difficulting its good management. Au-chitosan NPs are more stable and chitosan has antibacterial activities. Thus, gold and chitosan nanoparticles could be a good vehicle for the incorporation of anti-infective agents and may even have the potential to enhance their antimicrobial activity.La resistencia a agentes antimicrobianos es un grave problema de salud, que provoca una gran mortalidad en la población. Por ello, hay un gran interés en la búsqueda de alternativas para el tratamiento de estas infecciones provocadas por bacterias multirresistentes. Una de ellas podría ser el uso de nanopartículas metálicas de oro (NPs) incorporando un agente anti-infeccioso como el ciprofloxacino que es un fármaco antibacteriano de amplio espectro de acción. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento de las NPs de oro-chitosan (Au-chitosan) respecto a las de oro-citrato (Au-citrato) en la captación de ciprofloxacino para distintas condiciones de incubación. Para ello, se sintetizaron las NPs y se pusieron en contacto con el agente anti-infeccioso a distintas concentraciones de estudio. Mediante cromatografía líquida de ultra-alta eficacia (UHPLC), se estimaron las concentraciones de ciprofloxacino incorporadas a las nanopartículas. El porcentaje de incorporación de ciprofloxacino fue mayor para las nanopartículas de Au-citrato que para las nanopartículas de Au-chitosan. Sin embargo, las NPs de Au-citrato presentan el inconveniente de que se forman grandes agregados que dificultan su manejo. Las de Au-Chitosan son más estables y además el chitosan posee actividad antibacteriana. Por ello, podrían ser un buen vehículo para la incorporación de agentes anti-infecciosos e  incluso potenciar la actividad antimicrobiana del mismo

    Educafarma 10.0

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    Memoria ID-030. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022

    Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling and dosing evaluation of gentamicin in neonates using PhysPK

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    Each year, infections caused around the 25% of neonatal deaths. Early empirical treatments help to reduce this mortality, although optimized dosing regimens are still lacking. The aims were to develop and validate a gentamicin physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model and then potentially explore dosing regimens in neonates using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic criteria. The PBPK model developed consisted of 2 flowlimited tissues: kidney and other tissues. It has been implemented on a new tool called PhysPK, which allows structure reusability and evolution as predictive engine in Model-Informed Precision Dosing (MIPD). Retrospective pharmacokinetic information based on serum levels data from 47 neonates with gestational age between 32 and 39 weeks and younger than one-week postnatal age were used for model validation. The minimal PBPK model developed adequately described the gentamicin serum concentration-time profile with an average fold error nearly 1. Extended interval gentamicin dosing regimens (6 mg/kg q36h and 6 mg/kg q48h for term and preterm neonates, respectively) showed efficacy higher than 99% with toxicity lower than 10% through Monte Carlo simulation evaluations. The gentamicin minimal PBPK model developed in PhysPK from literature information, and validated in preterm and term neonates, presents adequate predictive performance and could be useful for MIPD strategies in neonates

    Desarrollo y aplicación de recursos audiovisuales docentes en el área de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica

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    Memoria ID-158. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2010-2011.Las asignaturas seleccionadas para implementar la innovación docente incluyen prácticas de laboratorio complejas, que aplican conocimientos impartidos en las clases de teoría. Esto hace que, para conseguir los objetivos de la práctica, sea necesario que el profesor introduzca el tema y explique detalladamente los pasos del experimento. Ello supone para los estudiantes una importante pérdida de tiempo necesario para realizar la práctica y para el profesor una tediosa actividad. El elevado número de estudiantes obliga a repetir muchas veces la misma detalla explicación. La imposibilidad de disponer del suficiente material para que realicen un mismo experimento simultáneo, complicando su tarea. Los audiovisuales permiten disponer de las explicaciones y demostraciones necesarias realizadas con una planificación. Los estudiantes podrán utilizar esta herramienta para preparar la práctica de forma previa a su realización y consultarla durante el experimento. Esto permitirá al profesor dedicar el tiempo de la práctica a suspervisar, orientar, resolver dudas, evaluar el trabajo del alumno..