17 research outputs found

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via a web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education with virtual reality technology, enriching the student's perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. A website was designed for this purpose, on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School UNE. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via a web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education with virtual reality technology, enriching the student's perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. A website was designed for this purpose, on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School UNE. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education through the use of virtual reality technology, enriching the student鈥檚 perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. For this purpose a website was built on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School U.N.E. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.XIII Workshop Tecnolog铆a Inform谩tica Aplicada en Educaci贸n (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education through the use of virtual reality technology, enriching the student鈥檚 perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. For this purpose a website was built on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School U.N.E. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.XIII Workshop Tecnolog铆a Inform谩tica Aplicada en Educaci贸n (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via a web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education with virtual reality technology, enriching the student's perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. A website was designed for this purpose, on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School UNE. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Aplicaci贸n de Redes Neuronales Artificiales en la Orientaci贸n Vocacional

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    Este trabajo propone un sistema con capacidad de generar recomendaciones vocacionales, implementando t茅cnicas de inteligencia artificial. El objetivo es proporcionar una alternativa de soluci贸n al problema de selecci贸n de profesi贸n de los j贸venes al finalizar sus estudios secundarios. Para validar la propuesta, un grupo de individuos compuesto por alumnos de dos colegios secundarios de la regi贸n fueron sometidos a pruebas de orientaci贸n vocacional a trav茅s de un sitio web dise帽ado y construido para el efecto. Enseguida, con la ayuda de un profesional se determinaron las 谩reas vocacionales recomendadas para cada sujeto. Los resultados de los tests, as铆 como las recomendaciones profesionales fueron utilizados como datos de ejemplo para someter al sistema a un proceso de aprendizaje con lo que la herramienta propuesta, logr贸 proporcionar聽recomendaciones coherentes y de forma aut贸noma

    Application of virtual reality in a learning experience

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    The project is an application that allows users to interact in a virtual environment via web interface, in which models are in three dimensions to simulate different activities. The application focuses on education through the use of virtual reality technology, enriching the student鈥檚 perception through the interaction with objects in an artificial world, facilitating their learning. For this purpose a website was built on which the application can be executed directly in the web browser with the help of a plugin or downloaded and run as a native application. The user navigates in the virtual environment containing a three-dimensional replica of one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School U.N.E. The tests consisted of running the model and laboratory simulations. The results obtained from forms show that the use of virtual reality is valid, accepted and helps understanding the context of the simulations.XIII Workshop Tecnolog铆a Inform谩tica Aplicada en Educaci贸n (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Inclusi贸n tecnol贸gica de ni帽os mediante rob贸tica educativa de bajo costo

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto generar un entorno de aprendizaje que permita que alumnos del nivel primario tengan contacto con la rob贸tica educativa y experimenten con las tecnolog铆as en un contexto educacional. Se propone que ni帽os sin conocimientos previos de programaci贸n puedan ordenar tareas espec铆ficas a un robot, mediante una interfaz gr谩fica, para luego visualizar de forma tangible los resultados de su c贸digo por medio de los movimientos de un robot educativo fabricado con materiales de bajo costo. De esta forma ni帽os de nivel primario pueden introducirse en el mundo de la programaci贸n, desarrollar esquemas mentales y luego exteriorizarlos por medio de un conjunto de instrucciones. La plataforma desarrollada cuenta con una interfaz de usuario, que facilita el entendimiento de los ni帽os en la programaci贸n del robot. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas para verificar la usabilidad y la aceptaci贸n del programa interfaz por parte de ni帽os seleccionados al azar, todos ellos entre cinco y seis a帽os de edad de diferentes colegios p煤blicos y privados de la zona. Los resultados muestran que la totalidad de los ni帽os aceptaron el programa. Adem谩s, se puede destacar que para la mayor铆a de los ni帽os, la Interfaz ha sido muy divertida y motivadora.Eje: Tecnolog铆a en Educaci贸nRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Inclusi贸n tecnol贸gica de ni帽os mediante rob贸tica educativa de bajo costo

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto generar un entorno de aprendizaje que permita que alumnos del nivel primario tengan contacto con la rob贸tica educativa y experimenten con las tecnolog铆as en un contexto educacional. Se propone que ni帽os sin conocimientos previos de programaci贸n puedan ordenar tareas espec铆ficas a un robot, mediante una interfaz gr谩fica, para luego visualizar de forma tangible los resultados de su c贸digo por medio de los movimientos de un robot educativo fabricado con materiales de bajo costo. De esta forma ni帽os de nivel primario pueden introducirse en el mundo de la programaci贸n, desarrollar esquemas mentales y luego exteriorizarlos por medio de un conjunto de instrucciones. La plataforma desarrollada cuenta con una interfaz de usuario, que facilita el entendimiento de los ni帽os en la programaci贸n del robot. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas para verificar la usabilidad y la aceptaci贸n del programa interfaz por parte de ni帽os seleccionados al azar, todos ellos entre cinco y seis a帽os de edad de diferentes colegios p煤blicos y privados de la zona. Los resultados muestran que la totalidad de los ni帽os aceptaron el programa. Adem谩s, se puede destacar que para la mayor铆a de los ni帽os, la Interfaz ha sido muy divertida y motivadora.Eje: Tecnolog铆a en Educaci贸nRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Revista electr贸nica FPUNE Scientific: acciones de visibilidad

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    La revista FPUNE Scientific es una publicaci贸n anual de la Facultad Polit茅cnica de la Universidad Nacional del Este, destinada a difundir los estudios cient铆ficos y desarrollos tecnol贸gicos realizados en el 谩mbito acad茅mico de esta instituci贸n. El trabajo tiene como objetivo principal implementar acciones para dar continuidad, modernidad y calidad a la presentaci贸n de la versi贸n electr贸nica de la revista, acorde a un medio de divulgaci贸n cient铆fica. Se realizaron descripciones de ambos procesos: el del manual de la aplicaci贸n Open Journal System (OJS) y el de la gesti贸n editorial realizada en la revista electr贸nica de la instituci贸n, para estimar el grado de seguimiento por esta 煤ltima, de las especificaciones del manual. A partir de un sondeo de opini贸n a los lectores, se han detectado fortalezas y debilidades de la revista electr贸nica. La principal fortaleza es la normalizaci贸n alcanzada con la aplicaci贸n OJS logrando as铆 presencia y visibilidad en el repositorio Google Scholar, lo cual posibilita cuantificar las estad铆sticas de consultas y de citas mediante herramientas como Google Analytics y Publish or Perish (PoP). Por otro lado, una notable debilidad consiste en que los trabajos son publicados con escasa revisi贸n debido al limitado plantel editorial y a la escasa retroalimentaci贸n por parte de los autores. Se actualiz贸 el OJS utilizado a la versi贸n 3.0.2 mejorando el aspecto visual de la revista. La revista se encuentra inscripta en la base de datos del Directorio del sistema Latindex, en proceso de indizaci贸n en la base de datos del Cat谩logo de dicho sistema.FPUNE Scientific is an annual journal of the Polytechnic Faculty - East National University, destined to spread scientific studies and technological developments from the institution academia. The main objective of this work is to implement actions to provide continuity, modernity and quality to the electronic version of the journal, according to a scientific publishing means. Processes descriptions were carried out: that of the Open Journal System (OJS) application manual, and the one actually followed by the editorial Committee of the journal; in order to estimate the degree of follow-up by the latter, the specifications of the manual. From an opinion poll to the readers, strengths and weaknesses of the electronic magazine have been detected. The main strength is the Normalization reached with the OJS Application, thus achieving presence and visibility in the Google Scholar repository, which makes it possible to quantify queries and citations statistics by means of tools like Google Analytics and Publish or Perish (PoP). On the other hand, a remarkable weakness is that articles are published with little review due to the limited editorial staff and the scant feedback from authors. The OJS used was updated to version 3.0.2, improving the journal visual aspect. The journal is registered in the Latindex System Directory database, in process of indexing it in the Latindex Catalog database.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortiu