92 research outputs found

    Sobre lo sublime como categoría moral: notas para una lectura del Perì hýpsous de Pseudo-Longino

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    The reception of the treatise Perì hýpsous in modern and postmodern thought has emphasized its status as a treatise on literary criticism, a fact that has decisively contributed to frame the sublime in the field of aesthetics. However, a contextualized reading of the work makes possible to appreciate the pedagogical value of the concept and its purpose as an element that contributes to establish, through literary texts, moral and political values necessary for the reproduction of culture.La recepción del tratado Perì hýpsous en el pensamiento moderno y postmoderno ha enfatizado su condición de tratado de crítica literaria, hecho que ha contribuido decisivamente a encuadrar lo sublime en el ámbito de la estética. Sin embargo, una lectura contextualizada de la obra permite apreciar el valor pedagógico del concepto y su finalidad como elemento que contribuye a la fijación, a través de los textos literarios, de unos valores morales y políticos necesarios para la reproducción de la cultura

    Exempla y crítica política en Roma: el Mecenas de Séneca

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    The exempla fulfill in Rome an important function as models of behaviour for youth. Some of them achieve a great complexity as a result of the elements included in their construction. Such is the case of the Maecenas in the Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, which combines ideas about rhetoric, features of gender construction and aesthetic and moral appraisals aimed to shape a model of the public man for the Romans.Los exempla cumplen en el pensamiento romano una importante función como modelos de comportamiento para los jóvenes. Algunos de ellos adquieren una gran complejidad por los elementos que incorpora su construcción. Es el caso del Mecenas de las Epistolae Morales ad Lucilium, en el que confluyen ideas sobre la retórica, rasgos de construcción de género y apreciaciones de tipo estético y moral dirigidas a la configuración de un modelo de hombre público para el pueblo romano

    Sobre la imitación de los modelos: comentarios a la Tetralogía de la ejemplaridad de Javier Gomá desde la Filosofía Antigua

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    Tetralogy of exemplarity by Javier Gomá has resumed the study of imitation from the perspective of the construction of models of moral behaviour at the service of our contemporary societies. Nevertheless, the starting presupposition of Gomá to define the imitative fact, the model-copy scheme, presents problems from a historical point of view and does not fit with the multiple forms adopted by the imitative dynamics in Antiquity.La Tetralogía de la ejemplaridad de Javier Gomá ha retomado el estudio de la imitación desde la perspectiva de la construcción de modelos de conducta moral al servicio de nuestras sociedades contemporáneas. El presupuesto de partida de Gomá para definir el hecho imitativo, el esquema modelo-copia, presenta sin embargo problemas desde un punto de vista histórico y no encaja con las múltiples formas que adoptaron las dinámicas imitativas en la Antigüedad

    Ethics, aesthetics and history in Dionysius of Halicarnassus: imitation and construction of tradition

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    The work of Dionysius of Halicarnassus has been traditionally divided into two parts: first, treaties of rhetoric and, secondly, Roman Antiquities, the history of Rome from its origins to the First Punic War. However, there is a common element among the rhetorical and historical writings that gives internal coherence to the whole work. This element is imitation, wich Dionysius used to link ethics and aesthetics at the service of building the tradition of the Roman people

    Problem-Based Teaching through Video Podcasts for Coding and Cryptography

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    In this work we present the development and preliminary evaluation of several problem-based video podcasts addressed to students of the subject “Coding and Cryptography”. Specifically, this experiment has been carried out with the students of both the Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and the Master’s degree of Mathematical Research and Modelling, Statistics and Computation, at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Our results suggest that students found these complementary videos helpful for their learning process, indicating that this methodology could be appropriate for subjects treating complex concepts, such as those in the last years of degree or in master courses.The authors are supported by the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Convocatoria de Ayudas para Proyecto de Innovación Educativa, PIE-2018, Código 2), and also by the Basque Government grant IT974-16

    XXIII Psikodidaktikako Ikerkuntza Jardunaldiak

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    396 p.En este obra se recogen todos los trabajos presentados en las XXIII Jornadas de Investigación en Psicodidáctica – XXIII Psikodidaktikako Ikerkuntza Jardunaldiak que han tenido lugar en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea entre los días 7 y 9 de noviembre de 2016 y han sido organizadas desde el Máster de Psicodidáctica de dicha Universidad. Los trabajos abordan la metodología docente y el aprendizaje durante la etapa de la Educación Infantil, ofreciendo alternativas metodológicas que hagan de los alumnos y alumnas personas más autónomas. También tienen su hueco propuestas de mejora tanto en el proceso de enseñanza en otros niveles educativos distintos al de Infantil como la formación del profesorado. Sin duda alguna, estos trabajos constituyen los retos y claves que la futura Educación deberá afrontar. Otro bloque está destinado a exponer variables psicológicas relevantes tanto en el ámbito de la Educación formal como en la no formal. Finalmente, otro de los temas de mayor actualidad en el campo de la Educación es el aprendizaje de lenguas. Nuestro sistema educativo está diseñado para tratar de que el alumnado salga de las aulas siendo, cuando menos, bilingüe, sin olvidar que actualmente se están sentando las bases para una futura educación trilingüe generalizada

    Rendimiento académico e implicación escolar en relación al origen, al sexo y la edad del alumnado de Secundaria

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    [EN] One of the most pressing concerns today in our society is how to ensure that students are able to adapt to the ever-changing context in which they live, and one of the ways of achieving this is to ensure good school adjustment. This study analyzes whether this adjustment is influenced by students (and their parents) place of birth, gender and age. The sample group comprised 828 secondary school students (Mean age=14.83; SD=1.81) from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (BC) in Spain. The results indicate that students born in the BC to native parents have higher levels of affective engagement and achieve better academic results; however, contrary to expectation, not all natives born to immigrant parents were found to score higher for the different dimensions of school adjustment than those born outside the BC. Also, in general, girls were found to have a higher level of adjustment than boys, and students in the last two years of secondary school had lower levels of performance and engagement than both those in the first two years of secondary school and those in higher education. These results are then discussed in the final part of the paper.[ES] Actualmente una de las mayores preocupaciones de la sociedad es conseguir que el alumnado alcance ciertas cotas de adaptación al contexto cambiante en el que se mueve y una de las estrategias principales es a través de un buen ajuste escolar. En este trabajo se analiza si dicho ajuste está condicionado por el lugar de nacimiento del alumnado (y sus progenitores), su sexo y su edad; los análisis se realizan con un total de 828 estudiantes (M=14.83 años; DT=1.81) de Secundaria de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV). Los resultados indican que los nacidos en la CAPV son quienes ofrecen una mayor implicación afectiva y mejores calificaciones pero, al contrario de lo esperado, no en todos los casos los inmigrantes de 2ª generación obtienen mejores resultados que los nacidos fuera de la CAPV en las dimensiones del ajuste escolar. Por otro lado, en general, son las chicas las que ofrecen un mejor ajuste y el alumnado de 3º y 4º de la ESO el que peor rendimiento e implicación. Los resultados se discuten.The authors of this study form part of the Consolidated Research Group IT934-16, within the Basque University System. The study itself forms part of the PPG17/61 and EHUA15/15 research projects run by the University of the Basque Country

    Self-Organization and Information Processing: from Basic Enzymatic Activities to Complex Adaptive Cellular Behavior

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    One of the main aims of current biology is to understand the origin of the molecular organization that underlies the complex dynamic architecture of cellular life. Here, we present an overview of the main sources of biomolecular order and complexity spanning from the most elementary levels of molecular activity to the emergence of cellular systemic behaviors. First, we have addressed the dissipative self-organization, the principal source of molecular order in the cell. Intensive studies over the last four decades have demonstrated that self-organization is central to understand enzyme activity under cellular conditions, functional coordination between enzymatic reactions, the emergence of dissipative metabolic networks (DMN), and molecular rhythms. The second fundamental source of order is molecular information processing. Studies on effective connectivity based on transfer entropy (TE) have made possible the quantification in bits of biomolecular information flows in DMN. This information processing enables efficient self-regulatory control of metabolism. As a consequence of both main sources of order, systemic functional structures emerge in the cell; in fact, quantitative analyses with DMN have revealed that the basic units of life display a global enzymatic structure that seems to be an essential characteristic of the systemic functional metabolism. This global metabolic structure has been verified experimentally in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Here, we also discuss how the study of systemic DMN, using Artificial Intelligence and advanced tools of Statistic Mechanics, has shown the emergence of Hopfield-like dynamics characterized by exhibiting associative memory. We have recently confirmed this thesis by testing associative conditioning behavior in individual amoeba cells. In these Pavlovian-like experiments, several hundreds of cells could learn new systemic migratory behaviors and remember them over long periods relative to their cell cycle, forgetting them later. Such associative process seems to correspond to an epigenetic memory. The cellular capacity of learning new adaptive systemic behaviors represents a fundamental evolutionary mechanism for cell adaptation.This work was supported by the University of Basque Country UPV/EHU and Basque Center of Applied Mathematics, grant US18/2

    CALE: Learning by Example in Mathematics with Applets in Mathematical Computational Packages

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    In this work we present a methodology of “learning by example” assisted by computers in the study of mathematics. We propose the use of mathematical computational packages to program applets aimed to solve mathematical problems. Each time the student runs the applet, a new random instance of the problem is generated, and he is guided, step by step to solve it. The student can repeat the process as many times as necessary until his knowledge is consolidated, by taking a more active role in the process after the first repetitions of several instances.The authors are supported by the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (PIE-2018, Código 2) and by the Basque Government, grant IT974-16

    How Do We Create Experiences for Students That Connect with What They Care About?

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    The main aim of this work is to describe the process by which some students, participating in a teaching experiment, recreate with guidance material and personal attendance some advanced concepts at the doctoral level. More precisely, the students deal with concepts related to pure abstract algebra, beginning with an exploration of the well known mathematical game of the Hanoi Towers on the three rods.The authors are supported by the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Convocatoria de Ayudas para Proyecto de Innovación Educativa, PIE-2018, Código 2)