5 research outputs found

    Burnout in the staff of a chronic care hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of Burnout in a medium or long-stay hospital, to monitor its evolution and to highlight the importance of cut-off points used to avoid distortions in the interpretation of the results. METHODS: Two cross-sectional studies (2013–2016) were carried out, applying the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the staff of a chronic care hospital (n = 323). Result variables were: Burnout prevalence and a high degree of affectation of the subscales and predictor variables: sociodemographic characteristics and factors that trigger and modulate the syndrome. The association between variables was quantified using odds ratio. RESULTS: The participation rate went from 31.5% to 39.3%. The professionals presented a mean level of Burnout in both moments, observing a lower degree of affectation of the depersonalization subscales and personal accomplishment in the 2016 cut-off. The average score of the subscales in 2016 was 21.5 for emotional fatigue, 4.7 for depersonalization and 41.7 for personal fulfillment, compared to the values of emotional fatigue = 21.6, depersonalization = 6.9 and personal fulfillment = 36.3 obtained in 2013. The emotional fatigue score was slightly higher than the mean value of the national studies (19.9), while the rest of the values were similar to the mean values of the studies considered. The prevalence of Burnout and the interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points considered. In both studies, sociodemographic variables showed little significance, while social support and interpersonal relationships were associated with the degree of burnout among professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Our prevalence of Burnout was similar to that of other studies consulted, although the emotional component is more marked in our environment. The interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points applied, due to the cross-cultural differences

    Burnout in the staff of a chronic care hospital

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of Burnout in a medium or long-stay hospital, to monitor its evolution and to highlight the importance of cut-off points used to avoid distortions in the interpretation of the results. METHODS Two cross-sectional studies (2013–2016) were carried out, applying the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the staff of a chronic care hospital (n = 323). Result variables were: Burnout prevalence and a high degree of affectation of the subscales and predictor variables: sociodemographic characteristics and factors that trigger and modulate the syndrome. The association between variables was quantified using odds ratio. RESULTS The participation rate went from 31.5% to 39.3%. The professionals presented a mean level of Burnout in both moments, observing a lower degree of affectation of the depersonalization subscales and personal accomplishment in the 2016 cut-off. The average score of the subscales in 2016 was 21.5 for emotional fatigue, 4.7 for depersonalization and 41.7 for personal fulfillment, compared to the values of emotional fatigue = 21.6, depersonalization = 6.9 and personal fulfillment = 36.3 obtained in 2013. The emotional fatigue score was slightly higher than the mean value of the national studies (19.9), while the rest of the values were similar to the mean values of the studies considered. The prevalence of Burnout and the interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points considered. In both studies, sociodemographic variables showed little significance, while social support and interpersonal relationships were associated with the degree of burnout among professionals. CONCLUSIONS Our prevalence of Burnout was similar to that of other studies consulted, although the emotional component is more marked in our environment. The interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points applied, due to the cross-cultural differences

    Burnout in the staff of a chronic care hospital

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    Proyecto E-MATH "Uso de las TIC en asignaturas cuantitativas aplicadas"

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    El projecte e-Math pretén fomentar i difondre la utilització i integració de les eines tecnològiques actuals (Internet i programari especialitzat) en els curricula de diverses assignatures quantitatives aplicades pertanyents a diferents titulacions universitàries. Els resultats del projecte (material docent, articles, conclusions, etc.) són de difusió general, ja que es pretén que puguin ser d'utilitat per a qualsevol universitat (presencial o virtual) interessada a fer ús dels recursos tecnològics en honor d'obtenir una millora substancial en la qualitat docent de les seves assignatures quantitatives aplicades.El proyecto e-Math pretende fomentar y difundir la utilización e integración de las herramientas tecnológicas actuales (Internet y software especializado) en los curricula de varias asignaturas cuantitativas aplicadas pertenecientes a diferentes titulaciones universitarias. Los resultados del proyecto (material docente, artículos, conclusiones, etc.) son de difusión general, ya que se pretende que puedan ser de utilidad para cualquier universidad (presencial o virtual) interesada en hacer uso de los recursos tecnológicos en aras de obtener una mejora sustancial en la calidad docente de sus asignaturas cuantitativas aplicadas.The project e-Math pretends to boost and spread the utilisation and integration of the current technological tools (Internet and skilled software) in the curricula of several quantitative subjects applied pertaining to different university degrees. The results of the project (educational material, articles, conclusions, etc.) are of general diffusion, since it pretends that they can be of utility for any university (face-to-face or virtual) interested in doing use of the technological resources in plough to obtain a substantial improvement in the educational quality of his quantitative subjects applied