103 research outputs found

    Local and Contralateral Effects after the Application of Neuromuscular Electrostimulation in Lower Limbs

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    [EN], Neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) has been used mainly as a method to promote muscle strength, but its effects on improving blood flow are less well known. The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge about the local and contralateral effects of the application of symmetric biphasic square currents on skin temperature (Tsk). An experimental pilot study was developed with a single study group consisting of 45 healthy subjects. Thermographic evaluations were recorded following the application of NMES to the anterior region of the thigh. The results showed an increase in the maximal Tsk of 0.67% in the anterior region of the thigh where the NMES was applied (p < 0.001) and an increase of 0.54% (p < 0.01) due to cross-education effects, which was higher when the NMES was applied on the dominant side (0.79%; p < 0.01). The duration of the effect was 20 min in the dominant leg and 10 min in the nondominant one. The application of a symmetrical biphasic current (8 Hz and 400 μs) creates an increase in the maximal Tsk at the local level. A temperature cross-education effect is produced, which is greater when the NMES is applied on the dominant side.This could be a useful noninvasive measurement tool in NMES treatments.S

    Modelo para el negocio, servitización, producto y proceso conectado inteligente. Estrategias y marco regulatorio para el sector energético

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    La digitalización, conectividad e incorporación de inteligencia a los productos y procesos, determina un potencial de competitividad para las empresas, sectores productivos y de servicios, en base a la posibilidad de realizar productos personalizados de mayor calidad y la aparición de nuevas oportunidades de negocios basadas en los servicios para ganar en competitividad. Esta situación, suscita el interés del establecimiento de un marco regulatorio multinivel y multiescala que constituya un facilitador del potencial de estas tecnologías.The digitalization, connectivity and incorporation of intelligence to products and processes, determines a potential for competitiveness for companies, productive sectors and services, based on the possibility of making personalized products of higher quality and the emergence of new business opportunities based in services to gain competitiveness. This situation raises the interest of establishing a multilevel and multiscale regulatory framework that constitutes a facilitator of the potential of these technologies

    Estrategia “Mi Espacio Verde” para fomentar la competencia científica de la indagación en los estudiantes del grado cuarto y quinto del Colegio Universitario del Socorro, por medio de videos modelizadores

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto diseñar una estrategia la cual se denominará “Mi espacio verde” por medio de esta se fomentará la competencia científica de la indagación, en los estudiantes del grado cuarto y quinto del Colegio Universitario del Socorro. Esto en función de: un diagnóstico inicial aplicado a los estudiantes en el que se analizara su nivel de apropiación de la competencia científica de la indagación a través de una prueba diagnóstica puntualizando conocimientos básicos de las ciencias naturales; el desarrollo de la indagación como una de las competencias propias del área de las ciencias naturales mediante la implementación de videos modelizadores; la evaluación del impacto de los videos modelizadores en el desarrollo de la competencia científica de la indagación. Todo esto se desarrollará bajo los parámetros de la investigación mixta aplicada, partiendo de la utilización de entrevistas, encuestas, análisis documental como técnicas de investigación. Dentro de los principales resultados de la investigación estará la apropiación de la competencia científica de la indagación evidenciada por medio del análisis del material final proporcionado por los estudiantes.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro - Facultad de ciencias de la educaciónThe purpose of this research is to design a strategy which will be called "My green space" through which the scientific competence of inquiry will be promoted in fourth and fifth grade students of the Colegio Universitario del Socorro. This based on: an initial diagnosis applied to students in which their level of appropriation of the scientific competence of inquiry is analyzed through a diagnostic test specifying basic knowledge of natural sciences; the development of inquiry as one of the competencies of the area of ​​natural sciences through the implementation of modeling videos; the evaluation of the impact of the modeling videos in the development of the scientific competence of the inquiry. All this will be developed under the parameters of mixed applied research, starting from the use of interviews, surveys, documentary analysis as research techniques. Among the main results of the research will be the appropriation of the scientific competence of the inquiry evidenced through the analysis of the final material provided by the students

    Synthesis of a cubic Ti(BCN) advanced ceramic by a solid-gas mechanochemical reaction

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    In this work, a titanium boron carbonitride advanced ceramic was successfully synthesised by a solid-gas mechanochemical reaction in a planetary ball mill from a mixture of elemental Ti, B, and C under nitrogen atmosphere. This material, with a general formula of Ti(BCN), exhibits a face-centred cubic structure (NaCl type) that is analogous to Ti(CN). This phase was gradually formed with sufficient milling time as a result of diffusional processes, which were permitted by the reduction of the energy in the system caused by the decrease in the spinning rate of the planetary ball mill. In contrast, under more energetic milling conditions, a mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction (MSR) took place, leading to the formation of a TiB2-Ti(CN) ceramic composite. The microstructural characterisation revealed that Ti(BCN) was composed of ceramic particles constituted of misoriented nanocrystalline domains. B, C and N were optimally distributed in the Ti(BCN) phase. The TiB2-Ti(CN) ceramic composite was composed of micrometric and nanometric particles homogeneously distributed. Additionally, the nitrogen content obtained for Ti(BCN) was higher than for the Ti(CN) phase in the composite material.Spanish government No. MAT2014–52407-RUniversity of Seville VIPPIT-2018-I.5Laboratory for Nanoscopies and Spectroscopies (LANE) at the ICMS-CSI

    Novel insights and mechanisms of diet-induced obesity: Mid-term versus long-term effects on hepatic transcriptome and antioxidant capacity in Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2023.121746Aims The study of molecular mechanisms related to obesity and associated pathologies like type 2-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease requires animal experimental models in which the type of obesogenic diet and length of the experimental period to induce obesity deeply affect the metabolic alterations. Therefore, this study aimed to test the influence of aging along a rat model of diet-induced obesity in gene expression of the hepatic transcriptome. Main methods A high-fat/high-fructose diet to induce obesity was used. Mid- (13 weeks) and long-term (21 weeks) periods were established. Caloric intake, bodyweight, hepatic fat, fatty acid profile, histological changes, antioxidant activity, and complete transcriptome were analyzed. Key findings Excess bodyweight, hepatic steatosis and altered lipid histology, modifications in liver antioxidant activity, and dysregulated expression of transcripts related to cell structure, glucose & lipid metabolism, antioxidant & detoxifying capacity were found. Modifications in obese and control rats were accounted for by the different lengths of the experimental period studied. Significance Main mechanisms of hepatic fat accumulation were de novo lipogenesis or altered fatty acid catabolism for mid- or long-term study, respectively. Therefore, the choice of obesity-induction length is a key factor in the model of obesity used as a control for each specific experimental design.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the European Union through projects B-AGR-662-UGR20, RTI-2018-100934-B-I00, and the FEDER program, respectivel

    Bioactive compounds derived from the yeast metabolism of aromatic amino acids during alcoholic fermentation

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    Metabolites resulting from nitrogen metabolism in yeast are currently found in some fermented beverages such as wine and beer. Their study has recently attracted the attention of researchers. Some metabolites derived from aromatic amino acids are bioactive compounds that can behave as hormones or even mimic their role in humans and may also act as regulators in yeast. Although the metabolic pathways for their formation are well known, the physiological significance is still far from being understood. The understanding of this relevance will be a key element in managing the production of these compounds under controlled conditions, to offer fermented food with specific enrichment in these compounds or even to use the yeast as nutritional complement

    Tecnología para la prevención y cuidado de personas con diabetes

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    In this paper we present a description about diabetes and an account of some technological developments that have been made over the years with the intention of&nbsp;improving the quality of life of diabetics. Diabetes being one of the first 4 non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with the highest number of patients and a high mortality rate, not only in Mexico, but worldwide.&nbsp;En este trabajo se presenta una descripción acerca de la diabetes y un recuento de algunos desarrollos tecnológicos que se han fabricado a lo largo de los años con la intención de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas diabéticas. Siendo la diabetes una de las primeras cuatro enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) con mayor cantidad de pacientes y una gran tasa de mortalidad, no solo en México, si no a nivel mundia

    Professional Quality of Life and Perceived Stress in Health Professionals before COVID-19 in Spain: Primary and Hospital Care

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    This study aimed to analyze the professional quality of life and the perceived stress of health professionals before COVID-19 in Spain, in primary and hospital care professionals. A cross-sectional observational study on health professionals working in health centers during the health crisis caused by COVID-19 was conducted. Professional Quality of Life (ProQoL) and Perceived Stress (PSS-14) were measured, along with socio-demographic and labor variables through an online questionnaire. A descriptive and correlation analysis was performed. A total of 537 professionals participated, both in hospital care (54.7%) and in primary care (45.3%). There was a predominance of medium Compassion Satisfaction, high Compassion Fatigue and medium Burnout. Mean scores for compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction were slightly higher in primary care, while burnout was higher in hospital care. When primary care participants were grouped by profession, significant differences were found in relation to perceived stress and to the three subscales of professional quality of life. In hospital care, the differences were observed when comparing compassion fatigue and perceived stress by gender. In addition, with respect to Burnout it was carried out by type of contract and shift and in relation to perceived stress grouped by sex, contract and profession. The COVID-19 health crisis has had an impact on mental health and the quality of professional life of health professionals. There is a need to implement long-term contingency programs aimed at improving the emotional well-being of health service professionals

    MOOC como herramienta para el aprendizaje de contenidos específicos en el área de la Fisiología

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    Teniendo en cuenta que el aprendizaje integral y la implementación de las TICs están cada vez más integradas en el sistema educativo, la creación de “cápsulas educativas”-MOOCs son una herramienta creativa que puede ayudar al alumnado en la asimilación de los conocimientos. Además, al ser una herramienta de duración corta les obliga resumir la información, destacar la más importante y ser capaces de trasmitirla. Para ello, el objetivo principal de esta propuesta de innovación docente ha sido elaborar una nueva herramienta docente y aplicarla en el área de Fisiología, en concreto en la asignatura de Fisiología Celular y Humana del Grado en Farmacia. Para ello se formaron diferentes grupos de estudiantes a los que les asignó una temática relacionada con el área de Fisiología y dos tutores (participantes en el equipo de investigación) que los han acompañado en la creación de MOOC. Por otro lado, se creó el grupo de evaluadores externos, responsables para la evaluación de la capsula educativa definitiva. Para facilitar el desarrollo del proyecto, antes del comienzo del proyecto se elaboraron y se consensuaron las rúbricas necesarias para evaluar el proceso de la creación de MOOC por parte de los tutores y evaluadores. La comunicación entre los grupos de estudiantes y de los miembros del equipo de investigación se ha realizado usando el correo electrónico y con documentos compartidos en la nube de la UGR. Las diferentes tutorías entre los tutores asignados y los grupos de los alumnos, se han realizado por Google Meet. La nota final de las capsulas educativas, ha sido resultado de la interacción tanto del equipo de tutores como de evaluadores externos. Al final del proceso se ha hecho una exposición de las capsulas educativas en la clase con los demás compañeros. Al finalizar el proceso, se ha utilizado la plataforma de Google Forms para recibir las opiniones de los estudiantes y recoger sus propuestas. Según las opiniones manifestadas, la iniciativa de aplicar esta herramienta en el área de Fisiología ha recibido muy buenas críticas sobre todo sobre la innovación de la propuesta. El alumnado por otro lado destacó que le gustaría encontrar esta herramienta en otras asignaturas. Sin embargo, también mencionaron que les gustaría saber algo más sobre aplicaciones disponibles para elaborar los videos y poder ser aún más creativos. Por último, se usará la plataforma zenodo para la difusión y divulgación de los trabajos creados para que los demás estudiantes puedan consultarlos. Los resultados de esta propuesta se publicarán en congresos docentes nacionales e internacionales con el objetivo de compartir la experiencia con otros docentes e intentar implementar esta herramienta en asignaturas de áreas afines.Considering that comprehensive learning and the implementation of ICTs are increasingly integrated into the educational system, the creation of "educational capsules"-MOOCs are a creative tool that can help students assimilate knowledge. In addition, having a limited duration forces them to summarize the information, highlight the most important and be able to transmit it. For this, the main objective of this teaching proposal was the development of a new teaching tool and apply it in Physiology, specifically in the subject of Cellular and Human Physiology of the Degree in Pharmacy. For this, different groups of students were formed and a specific subject was assigned to them, related to the area of Physiology. Moreover, two tutors (member of the research team) were assigned to each group and have accompanied them in the creation of MOOCs. On the other hand, the group of external evaluators, responsible for the evaluation of the educational capsule, was created. To facilitate the development of the project, prior to the beginning of the project, the necessary rubrics were prepared and discussed between the different members, to be able to evaluate the process of creating MOOCs by both the tutors and evaluators. Communication between the student groups and the members of the research team was maintained using emails and documents were shared in the UGR cloud. The meetings between the assigned tutors and the student groups have been carried out through Google Meet. The grade of the educational capsules has resulted as the median of tutors as well the external evaluators. Once created, MOOCs were presented in the rest of the classroom with the other classmates. At the end of the process, the Google Forms platform has been used to fulfil a questionnaire and collect the opinions of the students and collect their proposals for future improvements. According to the opinions expressed, the initiative to apply this tool in the Physiology area has received very good reviews by the students, especially regarding the innovation of the proposal. The students, on the other hand, highlighted that they would like to be able to use this tool in other subjects of their carreer. However, they also mentioned that they would like to know more about available applications to make videos, a fact that would help them be even more creative. Finally, the zenodo platform will be used for the dissemination of the works created so that other students can consult them. The results of this proposal will be published in national and international teaching conferences with the aim of sharing the experience with other teachers and trying to implement this tool in subjects in related areas.Universidad de Granad

    Bioequivalence Study of Clonazepam 2 mg Tablets in Colombian Healthy Volunteers

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    RESUMEN: Con el fin de determinar la bioequivalencia de dos formulaciones de tabletas de 2 mg de clonazepam: Sedatril®/Clonazepam MK (Tecnoquímicas S. A., Cali, Colombia) como producto de prueba y Rivotril® (Roche Químicos e Farmacéuticas S. A., Río de Janeiro, Brasil), como producto de referencia, se realizó un estudio de bioequivalencia en 26 voluntarios sanos. Los productos de prueba y de referencia se administraron en condiciones de ayuno de acuerdo con un diseño cruzado aleatorio de dosis única, con dos secuencias, dos tratamientos y un período de lavado de 28 días. Las muestras de sangre se obtuvieron desde las 0 hasta las 96 horas después de la administración del medicamento. Los niveles plasmáticos de clonazepam se determinaron con un método validado por cromatografía líquida de alta eficiencia con detección ultravioleta (HPLC/UV, siglas en inglés). Los parámetros farmacocinéticos ABC0-96, ABC0-∞, Cmax , Tmax, t1/2, and ke se determinaron de los perfiles plasmáticos concentración-tiempo por el método no compartimental. El test de bioequivalencia se realizó con los datos transformados a logaritmo natural (ln) de ABC0-∞ and Cmax. Los intervalos de confianza del 90% para la relación producto de prueba/producto de referencia fueron de 87,9% a 103,6% y 84,4% a 104,0%, respectivamente. Estos resultados estuvieron dentro de los rangos de aceptación del 80,0% al 125%, establecidos por la FDA y se concluyó que ambos productos son bioequivalentes.ABSTRACT: In order to determine the bioequivalence of two formulations of clonazepam 2 mg tablets: Sedatril® / Clonazepam MK (Tecnoquímicas S. A., Cali, Colombia) as a test product and Rivotril® (Roche Químicos e Farmacêuticas S. A., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) as a reference product, a bioavailability study was performed in 26 healthy volunteers. Test and reference products were administered under fasting conditions following a single dose, two-sequences, two treatments, crossover randomized design with a 28-day-washout period. Blood samples were obtained from 0 to 96 hours after dosing. Plasma clonazepam levels were determined by a validated high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection method (HPLC/UV). ABC0-96, ABC0-∞, Cmax, Tmax, t1/2, and ke , pharmacokinetic parameters were determined from plasma level-time profiles by a noncompartmental method. ln-trasformed ABC0-∞ and Cmax were tested for bioequivalence. 90%-confidence intervals for test/reference ratio of these parameters were 87.9% to 103.6% and 84.4% to 104.0%, respectively. These results were within the FDA acceptance range of 80% to 125% and it was concluded that both products were bioequivalent