10 research outputs found

    Changing students' attitudes towards statistics through project-based learning in aerospace engineering

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    [EN] The application of project-based learning (PBL) in a course of statistics in the BSc. Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València has led to a significant and positive change in students¿ attitude towards learning and acquisition of statistical concepts. More specifically, PBL has provided the opportunity for students to overcome the limitations and preconceived barriers of classic learning methodologies and lectures, by applying statistical tools to improve the design of a cardboard glider. The PBL strategy is implemented by means of a long-term project that is carried out in teams ranging from three to four students. The project is closely supervised by the laboratory lecturers, who act as mentors to the students throughout the whole term. At the initial stage, all the teams are given the same initial design of a cardboard glider, and students apply descriptive statistics to characterize and describe the flight of the original design. Then, students are given a flight benchmark that they should improve with their final designs. By applying inference, regression, and design of experiment tools, students modify the original design to beat the benchmark. The results of a survey that has been conducted suggest that, through this methodology, students not only apply and experiment with the concepts that they learn, but their motivation, engagement, and interest in statistics is also increased.The authors would like to thank the UPV and their support by funding this article with Education Improvement and Innovation Project (PIME-185).Trull, O.; Sempere-Ferre, F.; Martínez Alzamora, MN.; Sanchez-Anguix, V. (2021). Changing students' attitudes towards statistics through project-based learning in aerospace engineering. IATED Academy. 11540-11545. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.2416S115401154

    Análisis de las predicciones climáticas a partir de distintos servicios climáticos para la programación del riego

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    Comunicación presentada al XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Riegos, celebrado en Don Benito del 4 al 6 de Junio de 2019 y organizada por la Asociación Española de Riegos y Drenajes y la Universidad de ExtremaduraEl objetivo del estudio es analizar la precisión de los servicios climáticos disponibles mediante su comparación con los datos reales registrados, y mejorar su estimación para el cálculo de la ETo a la hora de efectuar la programación del riego a corto plazo.Generalitat Valenciana, Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deportes: Proyecto AICO 201

    Methodology to improve water and energy use by proper irrigationscheduling in pressurised networks

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    With the aim of reducing energy consumption and improving water use in pressurised irrigation systems, the methodology to minimise energy consumption by grouping intakes of pressurised irrigation networks into sectors, as developed by Jimenez Bello et al. (2010a), was modified to enable irrigation intakes to operate during the scheduled period for each intake instead of operating during restricted irrigation periods of the same length. Moreover, a method was developed to detect the maximum number of intakes that can operate without extra energy if the source has sufficient head to feed at least some of the intakes. These methods were applied to a Mediterranean irrigation system, where the total cropped area was mainly citrus orchards. In this case study, water was allocated to two groups of intakes, one fed by gravity and the other by pumps. A saving of 36.3 % was achieved by increasing the total volume supplied by gravity, decreasing the injection pump head, and improving the pump performance. Therefore, all the intakes only operated during the irrigation periods at the minimum required pressure.This research was supported by funds from Climate-KIC AGADAPT and from EU 7th Framework Programme FIGARO projects. The authors wish to acknowledge the support provided by Picassent Sector XI staff. The revision of this paper was funded by "The Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain".Jiménez Bello, MA.; Royuela Tomás, Á.; Manzano Juarez, J.; García Prats, A.; Martínez Alzamora, F. (2015). Methodology to improve water and energy use by proper irrigationscheduling in pressurised networks. Agricultural Water Management. 149:91-101. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.10.026S9110114

    Rheological Behaviour of an Insoluble Lemon Fibre as Affected by Stirring, Temperature, Time and Storage

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comIn this work, the effect the preparation method (two different stirring systems at two temperatures and times), fibre concentration (between 2% and 3%), temperature (between 10 °C and 50 °C) and storage time (between 24 h and 50 days at 5 °C) had on the flow properties of a suspension of dietary lemon fibre prepared with a 45° Brix sucrose solution were evaluated. This information will be helpful in order to discover the best possibilities of using fibre to increase the viscosity of certain kinds of products, depending on the processing, storage and consumption conditions. The obtained results indicate that all the aspects which contribute to increase component solubilisation and the interaction of the insoluble fraction with the aqueous phase when preparing the suspension, such as a decrease in particle size, a rise in temperature or a longer homogenization time, entail a higher apparent viscosity. Moreover, favoring the solubilisation in the preparation process leads to a more stable rheological behaviour of the suspension during storage. As expected, the apparent viscosity of suspensions was dependent on the shear rate, concentration and temperature. A thixotropic behaviour of fibre suspension was only observed at a very low shear rate (5 s -1). © 2010 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.Córdoba Sequeira, A.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2012). Rheological Behaviour of an Insoluble Lemon Fibre as Affected by Stirring, Temperature, Time and Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 5(3):1083-1092. doi:10.1007/s11947-010-0478-2S1083109253Akdogan, H., & McHugh, T.-H. (2000). Flow characterization of peach products during extrusion. Food Engineering and Physical Properties, 65(3), 471–475.Alonso, M.-L., Larrodé, O., & Zapico, J. (1995). Rheological behaviour of infant foods. Journal of Texture Studies, 26, 193–202.Duran, L., & Costell, E. (1982). Rheology of apricot puree: Characterization of flow. Journal of Texture Studies, 13, 43–58.Flint O (1996) Microscopía de los alimentos. Manual de métodos prácticos utilizando la miscroscopía óptica. Ed. Acribia S-A, Zaragoza, 28, 108–111Grigelmo-Miguel, N., Gorinstein, S., & Martín-Belloso, O. (1999a). Characterisation of peach dietary fiber concentrate as food ingredient. Food Chemistry, 65, 175–181.Grigelmo-Miguel, N., Ibarz-Ribas, A., & Martín-Belloso, O. (1999b). Rheology of peach dietary fibre suspensions. Journal of Food Engineering, 39, 91–99.Guerrero S-N & Alzamora S-M. (1998). Effect of pH, temperature and glucose addition on flow behaviour of fruit purées: II. Peach, papaya and mango purées. Journal of Food Engineering, 37, 77–101.Guillon, F., & Champ, M. (2000). Structural and physical properties of dietary fibres, and consequences of processing on human physiology. Food Research International, 33, 233–245.Hahn, S.-J., Ree, T., & Eyring, G.-H. (1959). Flow mechanism of thixotropic substances. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, 856–857.Jongaroontaprangsee, S., Tritrong, W., & Chokanaporn, W. (2007). Effects of drying temperature and particle size on hydration properties of dietary fiber powder from lime and cabbage by-products. International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 887–897.Lario, Y., Sendra, E., Garcıa-Perez, J., Fuentes, C., Sayas-Barbera, E., Fernández-López, J., et al. (2004). Preparation of high dietary fiber powder from lemon juice by-products. Innovation of Food Science Emerging Technologies, 5, 113–117.Mahmoud M-I & Fugitt M (1996) Rheological properties of a calorically dense nutritional supplement as a function of nitrogen source and dietary fiber. In: IFT Annual Meeting. Book of Abstracts. 80A-26, 183Mizrahi, S. (1979). A review of the physicochemical approach to the analysis of the structural viscosity of fluid fruit products. Journal of Texture Studies, 10, 67–82.Paredes, M.-D.-C., Rao, M.-A., & Bourne, M.-C. (1998). Rheological characterization of salad dressings: 1. Steady shear, thixotropy and effect of temperature. Journal of Texture Studies, 19, 247–258.Raghavendra, S.-N., Ramachandra Swamy, S.-R., Rastogi, N.-K., Raghavarao, K.-S.-M.-S., Kumar, S., & Tharanathan, R.-N. (2006). Grinding characteristics and hydration properties of coconut residue: A source of dietary fiber. Journal of Food Engineering, 72, 281–286.Sakata, T., & Saito, M. (2007). Insoluble dietary fiber of wheat bran increased viscosity of pig whole cecal contents in vitro. Journal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology, 53(4), 380–381.Saldaña, S., Martínez-Navarrete, N., & Chiralt, A. (2000). Caracterización Reológica de Alimentos de alta viscosidad. In P. Fito, A. Chiralt, A. Andrés, & N. Martínez-Navarrete (Eds.), Series de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Alimentos. Investigación del postgrado del IAD-DTA. Vol I (p. 383). Valencia: Editorial de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Sangnark, A., & Noomhorm, A. (2003). Effect of particle sizes on functional properties of dietary fibre prepared from sugarcane bagasse. Food Chemistry, 80(2), 221–229

    Random scenarios generation with minimun energy consumption model for sectoring optimization in pressurized irrigation networks using a simulated annealing approach

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    A pressurized irrigation network may operate in two ways, namely, on demand and organized under operating sectors. In the first case, the user decides when to irrigate, and the pumping station has to meet the discharge and pressure head requirements of the group of users that is demanding water at any time. In the second case, the operating hydrants at a given moment are previously established, which permits identification of scenarios related to lesser energy consumption. In this work, a new model was developed that identifies such scenarios. The optimization process is carried out by means of simulated annealing (SA). The model was applied to an example and the result obtained was compared with the same network operating on demand and sectorized using the criterion of hydrant elevation with respect to the pumping station. The scenario adopted for SA saved 11.8% and 15.5% in energy consumption compared with the two other scenarios, and decreased the installed power requirement by 38.3% and 21.6%, respectively.García Prats, A.; Guillem Picó, S.; Martínez Alzamora, F.; Jiménez Bello, MA. (2012). Random scenarios generation with minimun energy consumption model for sectoring optimization in pressurized irrigation networks using a simulated annealing approach. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 138(7):613-624. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000452S613624138