78 research outputs found

    La presència del llop a l'antic terme de Tortosa durant la Baixa Edat Mitjana

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    From the recent archivistical research from the books of Claveria (account books) of the XIV and XV century we can set the basis for an initial study of the presence of the wolf in the historical territory of Tortosa. Asuming that the references that we have provide basically the socio-econimal side of the issue, that is, the negative impact of wolf attacks on the livestock economy , nevertheless, with the reservation that the limited documentation imposes, we can also point to some faunistical aspects and try to situate the sphere of action and spatial distribution of the wolf

    Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tags for marking urodeles

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    The use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags in urodeles has become popular for individual marking in population and disease ecology studies. However, mark loss or mark-induced mortality can introduce biases and decrease precision in parameter estimates, leading to ineffective population management strategies. In this study we aimed to 1) analyze the existing literature on the use of PIT tags in urodeles; 2) determine whether species characteristics and PIT tagging methods influenced PIT tag rejection across studies; and 3) experimentally assess the adequacy of a subcutaneous PIT tagging method without anesthesia in three European urodele species. We systematically and quantitatively reviewed a database of literature related to the use of PIT tags in urodeles, classified and examined urodele species details, study design, PIT tagging methods, and outcomes across studies. Among the 51 peer-reviewed papers that fit our criteria, the most striking finding was the lack of reporting and standardization of the PIT tagging procedures. The majority of studies presented incomplete information on factors that could strongly influence the probability of PIT tag rejection as well as impact individual welfare (i.e. PIT tag size, its anatomical placement in the animal, anesthesia use, sterility or skin closure methods). We could not identify significant predictors of PIT tag loss, suggesting that the effectivity of PIT tags may be highly specific to the species and method used. Our PIT tagging method proved reliable in Salamandra salamandra and Pleurodeles waltl, whereas it did not seem a suitable technique for Calotriton asper (PIT tag loss was 0% and 66.6%, respectively, and significantly different among species). Overall, we recommend a greater emphasis on reporting implantation methods, ensuring animal welfare and performing species and protocol specific laboratory trials before using PIT tags in urodeles in the field. Critically analyzing PIT tagging methods as well as testing their use in different species is essential to ensure the validity of future research studies and conservation strategies in urodeles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio del galápago de Florida (T. scripta) a partir de animales capturados en el medio natural

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    El galápago de Florida (Trachemys scripta) es un galápago de tamaño medio, que se caracteriza por la presencia de una mancha prominente a cada lado de la cabeza, cuyo color difiere según las subespecies, pudiendo ser rojo o amarillo. Está considerada una especie invasora muy perjudicial, puede llegar a ser muy abundante en determinadas zonas de España, y compite con los galápagos autóctonos ibéricos (Galápago leproso y europeo). Su control es sumamente importante para la protección de la biodiversidad local, allá donde las Trachemys spp. se implantan. Uno de los métodos de control es la captura y sacrificio inmediato.En el CRARC (Centro de Recuperación de Anfibios y Reptiles de Cataluña) se lleva a cabo desde hace unos cuatro años un estudio completo sobre estos quelonios para conseguir datos acerca de la biología, alimentación y otros aspectos relacionados con esta especie. Parte de ese trabajo consiste en realizar pruebas de diagnóstico de imagen (principalmente ecografía) con el animal vivo, la realización de la necropsia tras el sacrifico de los ejemplares capturados y el estudio lesional macro y microscópico. Este trabajo pretende ser reflejo de la participación en este estudio global, especialmente en la realización e interpretación de las necropsias. En este trabajo, se ha realizado en primer lugar una revisión bibliográfica completa acerca de la especie, sus características biológicas principales y todos los datos que puedan ser de interés para este TFG. Para ello se han consultado artículos nacionales e internacionales (PubMed) y textos especializados, todos ellos disponibles a través de la web de la Universidad de Zaragoza. En un segundo acercamiento, se realizaron ecografías, necropsias y estudios anatomopatológicos de los animales sacrificados (20 ejemplares) para recabar datos de su alimentación, fisiología y estudiar las patologías que pueden presentar, especialmente en comparación con las especies autóctonas. La mayor parte de las necropsias se realizaron en el CRARC, junto con las ecografías de alguno de los ejemplares

    High Mortality Associated with Thyroid Hyperplasia in European Pond Turtles, Emys orbicularis (L., 1758) (Emydidae) in a Breeding Facility at the Ebro Delta, NE Spain

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    An outbreak of mortality in a breeding facility of European Pond Turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain) occurred in 2014-2015. The breeding program began in 2006 and has generated up to 250 turtles every year. They are released when they are 4 to 5 years old. After a change of the diet of the turtles born during 2014-2015, a mortality of 91% (334 out of 366 animals) was calculated for the hatchlings from 2014. Clinical signs were soft shells, apathy and anorexia approximately 1-5 days before death in all affected turtles. Histologically, thyroid follicles were lined by hypertrophic columnar epithelium and follicular lumina were mostly devoid of colloid. Kidneys were also affected, showing mild to moderate acute degeneration and tubular necrosis with mineralization of tubular epithelium. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was isolated in pure culture from tissue pools of tested animals. PCRs sensitive for detection of ranavirus, herpesvirus and coccidia (spp.) were all negative. Thus, we conclude that the high mortality outbreak was associated with a thyroid gland hyperplasia and renal malfunction due to a change in diet, complicated with an opportunistic secondary bacterial infectio