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    First spanish medalist of olympic boxing

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    Este artículo parte del trabajo de investigación sobre la reconstrucción histórica de la trayectoria deportiva de José Enrique Rodríguez Cal, primer medallista de boxeo español. La metodología se desarrolló a partir del análisis documental de fuentes primarias, entrevistas y grupos de discusión con el proceso posterior de contraste y triangulación. El resultado supone la recuperación de las circunstancias históricas del equipo nacional de boxeo de aquel periodo y un rescate único, original e inédito de un fragmento de la “historia de vida” deportiva de Rodríguez Cal, cubriendo una de las múltiples lagunas de la Historia del Deporte español. Las condiciones precarias en aquel periodo en cuanto a los materiales, instalaciones y entrenamientos, así como la procedencia de entornos socio-económicos desfavorecidos eran aspectos comunes entre los boxeadores en aquel momento, suponiendo un precedente único el logro de una medalla olímpica en esta disciplina deportivaThis article is part of the research on the historical reconstruction of the sporting career of José Enrique Rodríguez Cal, the first Spanish boxing medalist. The methodology was developed from the documentary analysis of primary sources, interviews and discussion groups with the subsequent process of contrast and triangulation. The result is the recovery of the historical circumstances of the national boxing team of that period and a unique, original and unprecedented rescue of a fragment of "life history" of Rodríguez Cal, covering one of the many shortcomings of the History of the Spanish sports. The precarious conditions in that period in terms of materials, facilities and training, as well as the origin of disadvantaged socio-economic environments were common aspects among boxers at that time, being a unique precedent the achievement of an Olympic medal in this sport disciplin

    Presence or absence of values in the olympic movement in secondary education curriculum in physical education: a study of two cases

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    Con el propósito de conocer la relación entre los valores del olimpismo y los valores en el currículo de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en la Educación Física española así como la correspondencia entre ambos, se inició un análisis documental desde la perspectiva de una investigación cualitativa. El análisis de la presencia de éstos en los centros docentes españoles ha sido abordado a partir de entrevistas a tres docentes, así como a partir de los Proyectos Educativos de sus centros. Paralelamente, tras una categorización que designó cuáles eran los valores educativos del olimpismo, procedimos a analizar si estaban inmersos en el currículo de ESO de la Educación Física del Real Decreto 1631 del 2006In order to understand the relationship between the Olympic ideals and values in the curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) in Spanish Physical Education and the correspondence between both, a documentary analysis was started from the perspective of qualitative research. The analysis of their presence in Spanish schools has been approached from interviews with three teachers, as well as from the Educational Projects of its centers. In parallel, after categorization which appointed the educational values of Olympism were, we proceeded to analyze whether they were immersed in the curriculum of ESO of Physical Education of Royal Decree 1631 of 2006

    Rasgos del italiano en la lengua de Colón

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    El trabajo que presentamos pretende ser un acercamiento al estudio de un grupo de rasgos lingüísticos que permitan profundizar en el posible origen de Cristóbal Colón. Como es bien sabido, todavía a principios del siglo XXI se sigue discutiendo sobre la nacionalidad del Almirante, ya que para buen número de estudiosos Colón es oriundo de la República de Génova, pero otros muchos sitúan su nacimiento en la península ibérica: en España o en Portugal.Departamento de Lengua EspañolaGrado en Español: Lengua y Literatur

    Origin and evolution of Olympic Spanish boxing in the period 1920-1968

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    This research presents the origins of boxing in the Olympic structures in Spain at the end of the 19th century, as well as the social, sporting and economic circumstances of Spanish boxing in the 1960s. This historical qualitative recovery was made based on the analysis of the testimonies of Spanish Olympic boxers who participated in the Mexican Games in 1968, information triangulated with numerous and diverse sources. The results show that Spanish participation in boxing in the Games, since its inclusion in the Spanish sports structures in 1920, took place four times until 1960. In this last decade its practitioners came from disadvantaged backgrounds and their evolution as boxers was very precarious in terms of material and personal resources. During this period, the national team developed with scarce resources. Fighters had to combine their sporting careers with other temporary jobs to support the family economy. We can conclude that those circumstances involved very poor preparation and international and Olympic defeats. However, boxing provided a platform to raise the social, economic and cultural status of the fighters and, considering their circumstances, becoming an Olympian was the greatest milestone in their personal lives and a national sporting landmark