3,745 research outputs found

    A Computation in a Cellular Automaton Collider Rule 110

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    A cellular automaton collider is a finite state machine build of rings of one-dimensional cellular automata. We show how a computation can be performed on the collider by exploiting interactions between gliders (particles, localisations). The constructions proposed are based on universality of elementary cellular automaton rule 110, cyclic tag systems, supercolliders, and computing on rings.Comment: 39 pages, 32 figures, 3 table

    Estatus de la gestión de riesgos climáticos en el sector agroalimentario y su importancia para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en Honduras

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    Honduras ha sido identificado como el país con mayor vulnerabilidad en términos de riesgo, variabilidad y cambio climático de Centroamérica; es por esto que la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) en colaboración con el Programa de Investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS) en América Latina y con apoyo del Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano (CAC) presentan el estatus de la investigación en cambio climático, agricultura y seguridad alimentaria, así como el marco gubernamental y actores involucrados en torno a esta temática. El documento evidencia que el país cuenta con una estructura legal e institucional que promueve políticas y acciones orientadas a contrarrestar los efectos negativos de éste fenómeno, colaborando continuamente con organizaciones internacionales, academia y sector privado, sin embargo se mantiene en continuo proceso de desarrollo y mejora para incrementar la resiliencia y adaptación al cambio climático así como la mitigación del sector agrícola hondureño

    Serological autoimmune profile of systemic lupus erythematosus in deep and non-deep endometriosis patients

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    Several studies have reported a high prevalence of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in endometriosis patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the SLE autoimmune antibody profile in patients with deep (DE) and non-deep endometriosis (Non-DE).Four groups of premenopausal patients were evaluated: patients with DE (n = 50); patients with ovarian endometriomas (Non-DE; n = 50); healthy patients without endometriosis (C group; n = 45); and SLE patients without endometriosis (SLE group; N = 46). Blood samples were obtained and the standard SLE autoimmune profile was evaluated in all patients. Pain symptoms related to endometriosis and clinical SLE manifestations were also recorded.The DE group presented a statistically significant higher proportion of patients with antinuclear antibodies (ANA) (20%) compared to the Non-DE group (4%) and C group (2.2%). Levels of complement were more frequently lower among DE and Non-DE patients although differences did not reach statistical significance. Similarly, anti-dsDNA antibodies and anticoagulant lupus were positive in more patients of the DE group but did not reach statistical significance. The DE group complained of more arthralgia and asthenia compared to the Non-DE and C groups.The results of this study showed higher positivity of ANA and greater arthralgia and asthenia in patients with DE compared with Non-DE patients and healthy controls, suggesting that they may have a higher susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and present more generalized pain.Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V


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    Introduction: In Mexico there are some regions with starvation and undernourishment, therefore the medical research has to be increased. The Nursing Major program at Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2006) includes the study of nutrition. This one is divided in different modules but not as an specific subject, however we have observed that students are not able to incorporate all the nutrition fundamental aspects. Currently the basic theory of nutrition takes 56 hours and 50 minutes, but this one is included such as a section in different courses. “Nutrition and Health care” is an elective subject and it takes 80 hours, nevertheless there are two disadvantages. The first one is that students are allowed to take it up to the fourth semester, and the second one is that there is a lack of time (23 hours), since nutrition is a wide topic. We need to get qualified people related to this topic in order to teach efficiently. We have noticed that students need to learn more about nutrition, for that reason it is necessary to assign the nutrition topic as a compulsory subject, otherwise not all the students will be able to take the course. Material and Method: Qualitative and quantitative methods were used for the current research. For the quantitative method was used a nominal scale that allowed to sort the 34 programs reviewed from mexican institutions which have the nursing major. Two researches (done by the students) were considerated to find out that only 70% of students enrolled in seventh semester had taken the nutrition subject. Regarding the qualitative method, 10 students proposed that nutrition must be included as a compulsory subject. Results: There was a study focused on the nursing major programs from mexican universities, in which 34 was the number of programs reviewed. 28 universities have already included nutrition topic in their programs and 6 universities have not considered this matter in their programs yet. According to the results from the qualitative research, nutrition must be considered as an essential subject on the programs. Discussion: As a result of a quantitative and qualitative research, it is important to take into account, in the next evaluation of the subject’s curriculum, the opportunity to reincorporate the nutrition topic in basic semesters, and emphasize this point on all the study programs. Conclusion: In an effort to improve the topics related to nutrition and health care, it is very important to reorganize and focus on study plans at Iztacala University.Introducción: México tiene algunas regiones con hambre y desnutrición. También la producción en investigación clínica en México se debe incrementar. El Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en Enfermería de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2006) sí contempla el estudio de la Nutrición pero de manera fraccionada en diferentes módulos. Hemos observado que las y los estudiantes no han integrado todos los aspectos fundamentales de Nutrición. El tiempo empleado para abordar la temática teórica básica sobre Nutrición es de 56 horas con 50 minutos. Como optativa de “Nutrición y Salud” se imparten 80 horas. El primer inconveniente es que la optativa la pueden llevar hasta el 4° semestre; el segundo, es que hay un déficit de 23 horas de trabajo en el aula, si restamos las horas asignadas al módulo optativo con respecto a las horas de trabajo en los módulos obligatorios. Si México tiene problemas de nutrición, necesitamos contar con personal preparado en el tema. Vemos que no estamos aportándoles suficientemente estas herramientas, por lo que es necesario que no se estudie en forma de materia optativa, porque no todos los estudiantes la van a cursar. Material y Método: Es una investigación evaluativa cuanti-cualitativa. La parte cuantitativa empleó el nivel de escala nominal que permitió clasificar los 34 programas revisados de Instituciones de Educación Superior que imparten la Licenciatura en Enfermería en México. Se tomaron en cuenta los resultados de 2 investigaciones realizadas por estudiantes que encontraron que sólo el 70% de la matrícula de séptimo semestre han llevado Nutrición. En la parte cualitativa, 10 estudiantes sugirieron que Nutrición fuera un módulo obligatorio. Resultados: 28 Programas de los 34 revisados de Universidades de México SÍ tienen especificado en su Plan de Estudios el abordaje de Nutrición. Mientras que 6 Programas de los 34 revisados NO tienen especificado en su Plan de Estudios el abordaje de Nutrición. Los resultados cualitativos fueron constantes en cuanto a que “la optativa de Nutrición debería pasar a módulo obligatorio”. Discusión: Hay un peso cuantitativo y cualitativo que se pronuncia hacia revisar en una próxima Evaluación Curricular, la pertinencia de reincorporar en los primeros semestres obligatorios la temática de Nutrición de un manera más explícita en nuestro Plan de Estudios. Conclusión: Hay que reorganizar los contenidos programáticos en materia de Nutrición y Salud dentro de nuestro Plan de Estudios

    Cost-utility model of brivaracetam in the adjunctive treatment of patients with epilepsy in Spain

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    [EN] Objective This study aims to assess the cost utility of Brivaracetam compared with the third-generation anti-epileptic drugs used as standard care. Methods A cost utility analysis of Brivaracetam was carried out with other third-generation comparators. The treatment pathway of a hypothetical cohort over a period of 2 years was simulated using the Markov model. Data for effectiveness and the QALYs of each health status for epilepsy, as well as for the disutilities of adverse events of treatments, were analyzed through a studies review. The cost of the anti-epileptics and the use of medical resources linked to the different health statuses were taken into consideration. A probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed using a Monte Carlo simulation. Results Brivaracetam was shown to be the dominant alternative, with Incremental Cost Utility Ratio (ICUR) values from -11,318 for Lacosamide to -128,482 for Zonisamide. The probabilistic sensitivity analysis validates these results. The ICUR sensitivity is greater for increases in the price of Brivaracetam than for decreases, and for Eslicarbizapine over the other adjunctives considered in the analysis. Conclusions Treatment with Brivaracetam resulted in cost effective and incremental quality adjusted life years come at an acceptable cost.Barrachina Martínez, I.; Vivas-Consuelo, D.; Reyes-Santias, F. (2020). Cost-utility model of brivaracetam in the adjunctive treatment of patients with epilepsy in Spain. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research (Online). 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/14737167.2021.1838899S110WHO | Epilepsy: aISBN public health imperative. ISBN 978-92-4-151593-1. World Health Organization. 2019. Printed in Thailand.Ngugi, A. K., Kariuki, S. M., Bottomley, C., Kleinschmidt, I., Sander, J. W., & Newton, C. R. (2011). Incidence of epilepsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 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    Direct observations of electrochemically induced intergranular cracking in polycrystalline NMC811 particles

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    Establishing the nature of crack generation, formation, and propagation is paramount to understanding the degradation modes that govern decline in battery performance. Cracking has several possible origins; however, it can be classified in two general cases: mechanically induced, during manufacturing, or electrochemically induced, during operation. Accurate and repeatable tracking of operational cracking to sequentially image the same material as it undergoes cracking is highly challenging; observing these features requires the highest resolutions possible for 3D imaging techniques, necessitating very small sample geometry, while also achieving realistic electrochemical performance. Here, we present a technique in which particle cracking can be completely attributed to electrochemical stimulation via sequential ex situ imaging in a laboratory X-ray nano computed tomography (CT) instrument. This technique preserves the mechanical and electrochemical response of each particle without inducing damage in the particles except for the effects of high voltage. Significant cracking within the core of secondary particles was observed upon the electrochemical delithiation of NMC811, which propagated radially. As X-ray computed tomography allows for imaging of the particle cores, the particles were not required to be modified/milled, guaranteeing any synthesis induced strain in the particles was maintained during the whole technique, resulting in an observation that contrasts crystallographic data, suggesting a significant volume expansion of the secondary particles

    Specificity in S-Nitrosylation: a short-range mechanism for NO signaling?

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    Significance: Nitric oxide (NO) classical and less classical signaling mechanisms (through interaction with soluble guanylate cyclase and cytochrome c oxidase, respectively) operate through direct binding of NO to protein metal centers, and rely on diffusibility of the NO molecule. S-Nitrosylation, a covalent post-translational modification of protein cysteines, has emerged as a paradigm of nonclassical NO signaling. Recent Advances: Several nonenzymatic mechanisms for S-nitrosylation formation and destruction have been described. Enzymatic mechanisms for transnitrosylation and denitrosylation have been also studied as regulators of the modification of specific subsets of proteins. The advancement of modification-specific proteomic methodologies has allowed progress in the study of diverse S-nitrosoproteomes, raising clues and questions about the parameters for determining the protein specificity of the modification. Critical Issues: We propose that S-nitrosylation is mainly a short-range mechanism of NO signaling, exerted in a relatively limited range of action around the NO sources, and tightly related to the very controlled regulation of subcellular localization of nitric oxide synthases. We review the nonenzymatic and enzymatic mechanisms that support this concept, as well as physiological examples of mammalian systems that illustrate well the precise compartmentalization of S-nitrosylation. Future Directions: Individual and proteomic studies of protein S-nitrosylation-based signaling should take into account the subcellular localization in order to gain further insight into the functional role of this modification in (patho)physiological settings. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 19, 1220-1235.Spanish Government [CSD2007-00020, CP07/00143, PS09/00101, SAF2009-7520, PI10/02136]; Spanish-Portuguese Integrated Action Grant [PRI-AIBPT-2011-1015/E-10/12]; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) [PTDC/SAU-NEU/102612/2008, PTDC/SAU-NMC/112183/2009, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2011]; COST action [BM1005]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio