22 research outputs found

    Revista g+c y Cultunet

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    págs.: 57-62Capítulo incluido en el libro: Patrimonio histórico: difusión e imbricación americana. Rafael López Guzmán (Coord.). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2013. ISBN 978-84-7993-230-5. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/395


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    El salto de longitud es un evento del atletismo que comienza su práctica desde edades escolares, esta disciplina deportiva cuenta con infinidades de profesionales que la trabajan desde el entorno de la Educación Física, el Deporte para todos, y el Deporte de alto rendimiento, por lo que para el desarrollo de su fase técnica el entrenador ha contado con formas diversas que le permiten su proceder metodológico, pero estos resultados se sustentan de diversas necesidades presentadas en el actuar del entrenador y los resultados que han demostrado los practicantes. La presente propuesta se respalda en las necesidades de seguir profundizando en la fase de despegue en este salto para el mejoramiento del trabajo en la categoría 11-12 años

    The SNP at −592 of human IL-10 gene is associated with serum IL-10 levels and increased risk for human papillomavirus cervical lesion development

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    BACKGROUND: Women with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) persistence are characterized by high levels of IL-10 at cervix. We have determined whether polymorphisms of IL-10 gene promoter might be associated with increased risk of squamous intraepithelial cervical lesions (SICL) and whether exist significative differences of IL-10 mRNA expression at cervix and systemic and serum IL-10 protein between SICL cases and non-Cervical Lesions (NCL). METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from SICL (n = 204) and NCL (n = 166) were used to detect IL-10 promoter polymorphisms at loci -592A/C (rs1800872), -819C/T (rs1800871), -1082A/G (rs1800896), -1352A/G (rs1800893), by allelic discrimination and to evaluate serum IL-10 protein. Cervical epithelial scrapings from NCL and biopsies from SICLs were used for HPV-typing and to evaluate IL-10 mRNA expression level. The systemic and local IL-10 mRNA expression levels were measured by real time-PCR. Genotypic and allelic frequencies of the selected polymorphisms were analyzed by logistic regression, adjusting by age and HPV-genotype, to determine the association with SICL. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between genotype frequencies at loci −819, -1082, and −1352. Individuals carrying at least one copy of risk allele A of polymorphism −592 had a two-fold increased risk of developing SICL [adjusted odds ratio (OR), 2.02 (95% CI, 1.26-3.25), p = 0.003], compared to NCL. The IL-10 mRNA expression and serum IL-10 protein, were significantly higher in SICL cases (p < 0.01), being higher in patients carrying the risk allele A. CONCLUSIONS: The −592 polymorphism is associated with increased risk of SICL and can serve as a marker of genetic susceptibility to SICL among Mexican women. According to IL-10 levels found in SICL, IL-10 can be relevant factor for viral persistence and progression disease

    Multiple cerebellar abscesses due to Streptococcus agalactiae in an immunocompetent patient: a case report

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    Brain abscess is a focal intracerebral infection consisting of an encapsulated collection of pus caused by various agents such as bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, protozoa, or helminths. The incidence is 0.3-1.3 per 100,000 people/year; it may be higher in certain risk groups, including patients with HIV/AIDS. The most frequent locations are: frontal (31%), temporal (27%), parietal (20%), and cerebellum and brainstem (13%). We report a case of multiple cerebellar abscesses in an immunocompetent patient caused by S. agalactiae, which is an extremely rare agent. We show the neurosurgical and antibiotic management and the adequate resolution

    Supply chain management y logística "Industria de las flores en Colombia"

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    Este informe presenta un estudio de caso derivado de los problemas logísticos del sector floricultor de Colombia, en una primera instancia el planteamiento de “supplychain management y logística”, juega un rol importante en los procesos estratégicos de la producción floricultora en Colombia, el cual cumple con los esfuerzos de mejorar en los tiempos de producción, sistemas de transporte, sistemas de información, gestión tecnológica, gestión de tiempo y la gestión de la distribución.This report presents a case study derived from the logistic problems of the floriculture sector of Colombia, in a first instance, the "Supply Chain Management and Logistics" approach, plays an important role in the strategic processes of flower production in Colombia, which complies with efforts to improve production times, transport systems, information systems, technology management, time management and distribution management

    Matemática Discreta - MA265 - 202101

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    Este curso es parte de la formación general de los estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas de Información, de Ingeniería de Software y de Ciencias de la Computación, dirigido a los estudiantes de tercer ciclo, es de carácter teórico y desarrolla la competencia de Razonamiento Cuantitativo en el nivel 1. El alumno podrá interpretar, representar, comunicar y utilizar información en situaciones de contexto real. Incluye calcular, razonar, emitir juicios de valor y tomar decisiones con base en la información cuantitativa. Se realizarán cuatro actividades para reforzar esta competencia y en el examen final se evaluará esta competencia con cuatro puntos del mismo, para poder verificar si el alumno la logró. En el aprendizaje de Matemática Discreta el estudiante interioriza la relevancia de las ideas abstractas y se siente motivado a aplicarlas en computación

    Hydrodynamics, Hydrochemistry, and Stable Isotope Geochemistry to Assess Temporal Behavior of Seawater Intrusion in the La Yarada Aquifer in the Vicinity of Atacama Desert, Tacna, Peru

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    The La Yarada aquifer is the primary water resource for municipal, irrigation, and industrial uses in the semi-arid Tacna, Peru. Presently, over-pumping has caused severe groundwater management problems, including the abandonment of saline water wells. This study presents multivariate analysis and chemical–isotopic trends in water to investigate seawater intrusion and hydrogeological processes affecting water quality. The chemical and isotopic analysis of water samples, collected in two campaigns in the dry (August 2020) and wet (November 2020) seasons, together with the 1988 data, were evaluated with a mixing model, cluster, and factor analysis. The hydrochemical and isotopic mixing model suggested the formation of a wedge with 20% seawater intrusion. The heterogeneity of piezometric map isolines corroborates the wedge formation associated with the groundwater movement. The spatial distributions of factors, FA1 and FA2, suggest two processes of seawater front movement: dispersion (diffusion) of chemical elements and different types of water mixing, respectively. At the edge of the La Yarada aquifer, the water head was relatively low, permitting seawater and freshwater mixing. On the other hand, along the sea-land boundary, the water head of the La Yarada aquifer was relatively high, avoiding seawater and freshwater mixing; however, the chemical species were migrating from the seawater to the groundwater due to the diffusion processes. The cluster 4 samples are in the region corresponding to the isotopic mixing process represented by the FA2, while cluster 4 describes the chemical diffusion process represented by the FA2. Thus, the integrated approach is helpful to assess the seawater intrusion mechanisms in coastal aquifers in a semi-arid region