58 research outputs found

    Análisis de los saques de lateral del Torneo de Rugby Seis Naciones 2013

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    El saque de lateral es una de las formas de reinicio del juego o fases de conquista en un partido de rugby cuantitativa y cualitativamente importante. En este artículo se realizó un estudio descriptivo de los saques de lateral en un torneo internacional de alto nivel. En segundo lugar, se estudiaron las diferencias en esta fase de juego entre los distintos equipos participantes y, finalmente, determinamos las variables que inciden en la conquista de la pelota. A partir de un conjunto inicial de variables se desarrolló, mediante la validación con expertos, una herramienta para la observación de los factores clave. La muestra estuvo constituida por 358 saques de lateral del Torneo Seis Naciones de 2013 que se investigaron mediante análisis de vídeo. Los resultados han mostrado información relevante sobre las variables estudiadas (partido, equipo, casa/fuera, número del saque lateral, iluminación, lluvia, viento, tiempo, resultado, lado, zona, número de jugadores, estructura previa, estructura de salto, posición saltador, cambio de posición, movimiento, amague, ángulo, velocidad, tiempo vuelo, distancia, altura y conquista). Se encontraron diferencias entre los equipos en: el número de jugadores, el ángulo, el tiempo de vuelo y la altura. Por último, entre todas las variables investigadas, encontramos que hay una mayor probabilidad de conquista cuando el tiempo de vuelo dura entre 0,36 y 0,84 s, y la distancia es entre 5 y 10 m

    Anàlisi dels serveis de toc del Torneig de Rugbi Sis Nacions 2013

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    El servei de toc és una de les formes de reinici del joc o fases de conquesta en un partit de rugbi quantitativament i qualitativament important. En aquest article es va fer un estudi descriptiu dels serveis de toc en un torneig internacional d’alt nivell. En segon lloc, es van estudiar les diferències en aquesta fase de joc entre els diferents equips participants i, finalment, es van determinar les variables que incidien en la conquesta de la pilota. A partir d’un conjunt inicial de variables es va desenvolupar, mitjançant la validació amb experts, una eina per a l’observació dels factors clau. La mostra va estar constituïda per 358 serveis de toc del Torneig Sis Nacions de 2013 que es van investigar mitjançant anàlisi de vídeo. Els resultats han mostrat informació rellevant sobre les variables estudiades (partit, equip, casa/fora, número del servei de toc, il·luminació, pluja, vent, temps, resultat, costat, zona, nombre de jugadors, estructura prèvia, estructura de salt, posició saltador, canvi de posició, moviment, finta, angle, velocitat, temps de vol, distància, alçada i conquesta). Es van trobar diferències entre els equips en: el nombre de jugadors, l’angle, el temps de vol i l’alçada. Per últim, entre totes les variables investigades, trobem que hi ha una major probabilitat de conquesta quan el temps de vol dura entre 0,36 i 0,84 s, i la distància és entre 5 i 10 m

    Efectos de un programa de juegos reducidos en la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo en una muestra de chicas adolescentes

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos de un programa de juegos reducidos, con una duración de ocho semanas, sobre la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 42 chicasadolescentes del municipio de Priego de Córboba (Córdoba, España), con edades entre los 15 y 16 años y físicamente inactivas. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con dos grupos aleatorizados, control y experimental. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Percepción Subjetiva de Esfuerzo de Borg, pulsómetros y el Game Perfomance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Los resultados indicaron un descenso significativo en la percepción de esfuerzo e incrementos en la participación y eficacia del juego, sin existir diferencias en las frecuencias cardiacas de trabajo. Estos resultados sugierenque el aprendizaje y adaptación a los procesos de toma de decisión podrían estar en la base de este fenómeno

    Overshadowing and acquisition in human contingency judgments

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia el efecto de la competición de claves y la adquisición de juicios en sujetos humanos. Para ello, empleando un paradigma de ensombrecimiento similar al de Gluck y Bower (1988) se estudia la adquisición de los juicios durante diferentes momentos de la tarea experimental (Experimentos 1 y 2). Así mismo, (Experimentos 3 y 4) se estudia si el proceso de adquisición de los juicios es un fenómeno producido por la reiteración de las mediciones o si se produce independientemente del número de ocasiones en las que los sujetos realizan los juicios. También se estudia el ajuste de los datos empíricos a los datos simulados a partir de los principales modelos normativos propuestos en este campo. Los resultados relativos al ensombrecimiento ponen de manifiesto un efecto significativo de la competición de claves sobre los juicios de los sujetos. Respecto a la adquisición, no se encuentra efecto significativo de dicha variable. Finalmente, los resultados de las comparaciones juicios empíricos-simulaciones muestran que el modelo que produce un mejor ajuste es la Regla de Bayes.This article studies the impact of the competition cues and the acquisition in human contingency judgements. For that matter we will use an overshadowing task similar to Gluck and Bower`s where it studies the judgments in different moments of the experiment task ( Experiments 1 and 2). In this way ( Experiments 3 and 4) studies if the process of judgments acquisition is a phenomenon caused by the repetition of the measuring or if it is caused independently of the times in which subjects make judgments. We also study the fitting of the empirical dates with simulate dates, starting from the principal normative models propose in this area. The results of overshadowing show a significant effect of the competition cues about the subject´s judgments. About the acquisition we don´t find a significant effect of this variable. Finally, the results of the comparisons between empirical-simulated judgments show that the model which produces the best fitting is Bayer´s Rule

    Análisis de la fiabilidad inter-sesión de las medias para la fuerza, potencia y velocidad en la realización de test-retest para press de banca

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la abilidad inter-sesión de las medidas de carga (kg), fuerza pico (N), fuerza media (N), potencia me- dia (W), potencia pico (W), velocidad media (m*s-1) y velocidad pico (m*s- 1) obtenidas en tres niveles distintos de intensidades (carga inicial, máxima potencia y repetición máxima) y a través de un protocolo incremental en press de banca en máquina Smith.). Dieciséis participantes (12 hombres y 4 mu- jeres) realizaron un test incremental hasta llegar a la 1RM en dos ocasiones diferentes, con un mínimo de 48 horas de recuperación. Todas las variables fueron registradas mediante un transductor de posición lineal. La abilidad test–retest fue medida mediante el índice de correlación intraclase (ICC2,1), el error estándar de la medida (SEM) y las mínimo cambio detectable con un 95% de probabilidad (MCD95% ). Para la carga inicial (CI), máxima potencia (MP) y la repetición máxima (RM). Los resultados mostraron altos valores de ICC en 1RM (ICC2,1= 0,96, SEM= 3,2 kg y MD= 9,9 kg). La po- tencia y velocidad pico y media presentaron valores altos de ICC (0,91–0,98) en la CI y valores moderados–altos (ICC2,1= 0,52–0,89) en las intensidades de MP y RM. El protocolo incremental realizado posee una adecuada abili- dad test–retest tanto para la 1RM como para el resto de variables analizadas.

    Diagnosis of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury: State of the art and perspectives

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    Producción CientíficaDiagnosis of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI), a syndrome of sudden renal dysfunction occurring in the immediate post-operative period, is still sub-optimal. Standard CSA-AKI diagnosis is performed according to the international criteria for AKI diagnosis, afflicted with insufficient sensitivity, specificity, and prognostic capacity. In this article, we describe the limitations of current diagnostic procedures and of the so-called injury biomarkers and analyze new strategies under development for a conceptually enhanced diagnosis of CSA-AKI. Specifically, early pathophysiological diagnosis and patient stratification based on the underlying mechanisms of disease are presented as ongoing developments. This new approach should be underpinned by process-specific biomarkers including, but not limited to, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to other functions of renal excretion causing GFR-independent hydro-electrolytic and acid-based disorders. In addition, biomarker-based strategies for the assessment of AKI evolution and prognosis are also discussed. Finally, special focus is devoted to the novel concept of pre-emptive diagnosis of acquired risk of AKI, a premorbid condition of renal frailty providing interesting prophylactic opportunities to prevent disease through diagnosis-guided personalized patient handling. Indeed, a new strategy of risk assessment complementing the traditional scores based on the computing of risk factors is advanced. The new strategy pinpoints the assessment of the status of the primary mechanisms of renal function regulation on which the impact of risk factors converges, namely renal hemodynamics and tubular competence, to generate a composite and personalized estimation of individual risk.Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant PI18/00996, PI21/01226), Unión Europea, Red de Investigación Renal (Enfermedad Renal) - (grant RICORS2040)Unión Europea–NextGenerationEU, Mecanismo para la Recuperación y la Resiliencia (MRR) - (grant RD21/0005/0004)Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Educación) y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) - (grant IES160P20

    Genetic polymorphisms located in TGFB1, AGTR1, and VEGFA genes are associated to chronic renal allograft dysfunction

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    Background: Persistent inflammation and fibrosis have been related to active progression of renal deterioration and reduced survival of kidney transplant. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in regions related to inflammatory and immune processes on the development of chronic renal allograft dysfunction (CRAD). Methods: A retrospective study was carried out on 276 patients who received kidney transplant (KT). SNPs were genotyped via the SNPlex platform. Statistical analysis was performed with SNPstat and regression logistic analyses were adjusted by age and gender of recipients and donors, cold ischemia time and the number of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mismatches. Results: From 276 patients with KT, 118 were non-CRAD and 158 were CRAD. Three SNPs showed significant associations with CRAD development: rs1800471 in transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1), rs5186 in angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AGTR1), and rs699947 in vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA). GC genotype of rs1800471 was associated with increased odds of CRAD compared to GG genotype (OR=2.65 (95% confidence interval (CI)=1.09; 6.47), p=0.025), as well as AC and AA genotype of rs699947 assuming a dominant model (OR=1.80 (95% CI=1.02; 3.20), p=0.044). Besides, AC and CC genotypes of rs5186 were associated with reduced odds of CRAD assuming a dominant model (OR=0.56 (95% CI=0.33; 0.96), p=0.033). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that three genes related to immunity and inflammation (rs1800471, rs5186 and rs699947) are associated to susceptibility or protection to CRAD, and might have diagnostic utility in predicting the likelihood of developing CRAD.This work was supported by two Grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ref: PI08/0738 and PI11/00245) and from Junta de Castilla y León (Ref: GRS 234/A/08). MAJs, AFR and MGF are supported by Grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, CM10/00105, UIPY-1377/08 and CM09/00031, respectively.S

    The environmental and social footprint of the university of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

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    This work has calculated the organisational environmental and social footprint of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2016. First, input and output data flows of the UPV/EHU activity were collected. Next, the environmental and social impacts of the academic activity were modelled, using the Ecoinvent 3.3 database with the PSILCA-based Soca v1 module in openLCA software. In order to evaluate the environmental impacts, CML and ReCiPe LCIA methods were used. The Social Impact Weighting Method was adjusted for the assessment of specific social impacts. The modelling has identified some hotspots in the organisation. The contribution of transport (8,900 km per user, annually) is close to 60% in most of the environmental impacts considered. The life cycle of computers stands out among the impacts derived from the consumption of material products. More than half of environmental impacts are located outside the Basque Country. This work has also made it possible to estimate some of the impacts of the organisational social footprint, such as accidents at work, only some of which occur at the UPV/EHU. Traces of child labour and illiteracy have also been detected in the social footprint that supports the activity of the UPV/EHU. Some of the social and environmental impacts analysed are not directly generated by the UPV/EHU, but they all demand attention and co-responsibility. Based on the modelling performed, this work explores alternative scenarios and recommends some improvement actions which may reduce (in some cases over 30%) the environmental and social impacts of the UPV/EHU's activity. These scenarios and improvement actions will feed a process with stakeholders in the UPV/ EHU based on the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methodology.To the Sustainability Directorate and the Educational Advisory Service, both belonging to the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Innovation, Social Commitment and Social Action of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, in the context of the Campus Bizia Lab programme (2017/18, 18/19 and 19/20 calls) for the financing of the EHU-Aztarna project. This research has also been supported by 'Ekopol: Iraunkortasunerako Bideak' research group, recognised by the Basque Government (IT1365-19) and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIC-18/22)

    Atención de la urgencia quirúrgica durante la pandemia COVID-19. Recomendaciones de la Asociación Española de Cirujanos

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    La infección por el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 [COVID-19]) ha determinado la necesidad de la reorganización de muchos centros hospitalarios en el mundo. España, como uno de los epicentros de la enfermedad, ha debido asumir cambios en la práctica totalidad de su territorio. Sin embargo, y desde el inicio de la pandemia, en todos los centros que atienden urgencias quirúrgicas ha sido necesario el mantenimiento de su cobertura, aunque igualmente ha sido inevitable introducir directrices especiales de ajuste al nuevo escenario que permitan el mantenimiento de la excelencia en la calidad asistencial. Este documento desarrolla una serie de indicaciones generales para la cirugía de urgencias y la atención al politraumatizado desarrolladas desde la literatura disponible y consensuadas por un subgrupo de profesionales desde el grupo general Cirugía-AEC-COVID-19. Estas medidas van encaminadas a contemplar un riguroso control de la exposición en pacientes y profesionales, a tener en cuenta las implicaciones de la pandemia sobre diferentes escenarios perioperatorios relacionados con la urgencia y a una adaptación ajustada a la situación del centro en relación con la atención a pacientes infectados. New coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection (coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) has determined the necessity of reorganization in many centers all over the world. Spain, as an epicenter of the disease, has been forced to assume health policy changes in all the territory. However, and from the beginning of the pandemic, every center attending surgical urgencies had to guarantee the continuous coverage adopting correct measures to maintain the excellence of quality of care. This document resumes general guidelines for emergency surgery and trauma care, obtained from the available bibliography and evaluated by a subgroup of professionals designated from the general group of investigators Cirugía-AEC-COVID-19 from the Spanish Association of Surgeons, directed to minimize professional exposure, to contemplate pandemic implications over different urgent perioperative scenarios and to adjust decision making to the occupational pressure caused by COVID-19 patients

    Same-day initiation of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay, bisexual, and other cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru (ImPrEP): a prospective, single-arm, open-label, multicentre implementation study.

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    BACKGROUND: Although gay, bisexual, and other cisgender men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women have the highest HIV burden in Latin America, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation is poor. We aimed to assess the feasibility of same-day oral PrEP delivery in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. METHODS: Implementation PrEP (ImPrEP) was a prospective, single-arm, open-label, multicentre PrEP implementation study conducted in Brazil (14 sites), Mexico (four sites), and Peru (ten sites). MSM and transgender women were eligible to participate if they were aged 18 years or older, HIV-negative, and reported one or more prespecified criteria. Enrolled participants received same-day initiation of daily oral PrEP (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [300 mg] coformulated with emtricitabine [200 mg]). Follow-up visits were scheduled at week 4 and quarterly thereafter. We used logistic regression models to identify factors associated with early loss to follow-up (not returning after enrolment), PrEP adherence (medication possession ratio ≥0·6), and long-term PrEP engagement (attending three or more visits within 52 weeks). This study is registered at the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials, U1111-1217-6021. FINDINGS: From Feb 6, 2018, to June 30, 2021, 9979 participants were screened and 9509 were enrolled (Brazil n=3928, Mexico n=3288, and Peru n=2293). 543 (5·7%) participants were transgender women, 8966 (94·3%) were cisgender men, and 2481 (26·1%) were aged 18-24 years. There were 12 185·25 person-years of follow-up. 795 (8·4%) of 9509 participants had early loss to follow-up, 6477 (68·1%) of 9509 were adherent to PrEP, and 5783 (70·3%) of 8225 had long-term PrEP engagement. Transgender women (adjusted odds ratio 1·60, 95% CI 1·20-2·14), participants aged 18-24 years (1·80, 1·49-2·18), and participants with primary education (2·18, 1·29-3·68) had increased odds of early loss to follow-up. Transgender women (0·56, 0·46-0·70), participants aged 18-24 years (0·52, 0·46-0·58), and those with primary education (0·60, 0·40-0·91) had lower odds of PrEP adherence. Transgender women (0·56, 0·45-0·71), participants aged 18-24 years (0·56, 0·49-0·64), and those with secondary education (0·74, 0·68-0·86) had lower odds of long-term PrEP engagement. HIV incidence was 0·85 per 100 person-years (95% CI 0·70-1·03) and was higher for transgender women, participants from Peru, those aged 18-24 years, Black and mixed-race participants, and participants who were non-adherent to PrEP. INTERPRETATION: Same-day oral PrEP is feasible for MSM and transgender women in Latin America. Social and structural determinants of HIV vulnerability need to be addressed to fully achieve the benefits of PrEP. FUNDING: Unitaid, WHO, and Ministries of Health in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. TRANSLATIONS: For the Portuguese and Spanish translations of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section