458 research outputs found

    The educational response to students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Spain: An unequal advance

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    In recent years, the educational response to students with ASD has progressed towards more inclusive alternatives in Spain. This fact represents a clear commitment of the administrations to bring this group of students closer to the ordinary centers combining intensive and specialized attention with the learning in their reference classrooms with their peers. However, despite this good news for our system, the differences in the proposals promoted by the different Autonomous Communities (Autonomous Communities) are an example of inequality of opportunities for students with ASD and lack of equity in the Spanish education system. In this article, through the analysis of the existing regulations in the different Autonomous Communities will be presented the main differences found in the presence of students with ASD in the ordinary centers. This situation generates important challenges for our education system. In a decentralized system, the balance between the distribution of competences in educational matters between the Central Administration and the different autonomies, and the guarantee of equal opportunities for all students should be a priority for a system education that wants to move forward with determination towards educational inclusion.En los últimos años, la respuesta educativa al alumnado con TEA ha avanzado hacia alternativas más inclusivas en España. Este hecho representa un claro compromiso de las administraciones por acercar a este colectivo de alumnado a los centros ordinarios combinando así una atención intensiva y especializada con los aprendizajes en sus aulas de referencia junto a sus iguales. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta buena noticia para nuestro sistema, las diferencias en las propuestas que han impulsado las distintas Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) ponen de manifiesto un riesgo de desigualdad de oportunidades para el alumnado con TEA y de falta de equidad en el sistema educativo español. En este artículo, a través del análisis de la normativa existente en las distintas CCAA, se expondrán las principales diferencias encontradas en la presencia del alumnado con TEA en los centros ordinarios. Esta situación genera importantes desafíos para nuestro sistema educativo. En un sistema descentralizado, el equilibrio entre la distribución de competencias en materia educativa entre la Administración central y las distintas autonomías, y la garantía de igualdad de oportunidades para todo el alumnado debería ser una prioridad para un sistema educativo que quiere avanzar con determinación hacia la inclusión educativ

    Bias-dependence of surface charge at low temperature in GaN Self-Switching Diodes

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    [EN]In this work, with the help of a semi-classical twodimensional Monte Carlo (MC) simulator, we study the DC current-voltage curves of Self-Switching Diodes (SSDs) fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure from 100 K up to room temperature. Due to the very narrow channel of the SSDs, the presence of surface effects plays a key role not only on their DC behavior but also on their RF detection performance. The evolution with temperature of the negative surface charge density σ at the etched sidewalls of the SSD is the key quantity to explain the measurements. At 300 K, MC simulations with a constant value of σ are able to replicate very satisfactorily the experiments. However, to reproduce the shape of the I-V curve at low temperatures, a more realistic approach, where σ depends not only on T, but also on the applied bias V, is necessary.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P1

    Monte Carlo analysis of the influence of surface charges on GaN asymmetric nanochannels: Bias and temperature dependence

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    [EN]In this paper, the occupancy of sidewall surface states having a clear signature in the performance of AlGaN/GaN-based self-switching diodes (SSDs) is analyzed using a semi-classical Monte Carlo (MC) simulator in a wide temperature (T) range, from 100 to 300 K. Experimental I–V curves show an unusual current decrease at low temperature attributed to surface trapping. The dependence on T of the negative surface charge density σ at the etched sidewalls of the SSDs is essential to explain the measurements. Two devices with different widths (80 and 150 nm) have been characterized and simulated in detail paying especial attention to the modeling of the surface states. At room temperature, MC simulations with a position-independent value of σ are able to qualitatively reproduce the I–V curves. However, a more complex approach is required to correctly replicate the values and shape of the DC experimental curves at low temperature, below 220 K. An algorithm where σ depends not only on T but also on the applied bias V is proposed to successfully fit the current values at every bias point. The model is able to explain the physics of the unexpected dependence of the resistance with the channel width and the sign change in the bowing coefficient, the parameters that govern the detection capabilities of the diodes.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through Project No. TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through Project No. SA254P1

    Tercer molar mandibular transversal. Reporte de caso clínico.

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    Los terceros molares están desapareciendo debido a la evolución del ser humano y su adaptación son piezas que, por su ubicación?n en la arcada dentaria, en especial los molares inferiores tienden a no erupciona correctamente dentro de la arcada dentaria ya sea por alguna impactación, retención o inclusión.Es un tema controversial el hecho de dejar en boca los terceros molares o extraerlos. Por eso es necesario guiarnos por una serie de parámetros que nos permite decidir cuando esta? indicada la extracción? de los cordales y cuando no

    The assessment of the ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) classrooms in early children’s education: the voice of teachers and families

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    Es sabido que el avance hacia culturas, políticas y prácticas más inclusivas es un proceso complejo y dilemático. Los obstáculos se acrecientan cuando se trata de alumnado con mayores dificultades como es el caso del Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA). La Comunidad de Madrid, al igual que otras comunidades autónomas, viene desarrollando un programa de escolarización preferente para este alumnado, en un intento de incluir al alumnado con TEA, que hasta el momento se situaba en centros específicos, en centros educativos ordinarios. La investigación desarrollada trata de identificar y analizar la concreción de las dimensiones de la inclusión en Educación Infantil (Booth y Ainscow, 2006) en el marco de la propuesta educativa que desarrollan estos centros. Para ello, una estrategia necesaria es tener muy presentes “las voces” (Susinos y Ceballos, 2012) de familias y docentes como expresión de sus anhelos y expectativas, y también de sus logros, dificultades y propuestas de mejora que subyacen en la labor que realizan diariamente. Conocer la percepción por parte de familias y docentes en relación a las características que definen la inclusión en los centros, la importancia de un liderazgo pedagógico en los equipos directivos, el alto compromiso y satisfacción del profesorado con el trabajo que desarrolla, así como los altos índices en la participación de las familias en los centros son algunos de los resultados que se muestran en el artículo como indicadores clave para favorecer los procesos de inclusión educativa.It is well known that progress towards more inclusive cultures, policies and practices is a complex and dilemmatic process. The obstacles increase when dealing with students with greater difficulties as is the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The Community of Madrid, like other Autonomous Communities, has developed a preferential schooling program for these students, in an attempt to include students with ASD, which until now was located in specific centers, in ordinary educational centers. The research developed aims to identify and analyze the concretion of the dimensions of inclusion in Early Childhood Education (Booth and Ainscow, 2006) within the framework of the educational proposal developed by these centers. For this, a necessary strategy is to keep in mind “the voices” (Susinos and Ceballos, 2012) of families and teachers as an expression of their desires and expectations, and also of their achievements, difficulties and proposals for improvement that underlie the work they perform daily. The fact of knowing the perception by families and teachers in relation to the characteristics that define inclusion in the centers, the importance of a pedagogical leadership in the management teams, teacher’s high commitment and satisfaction with the work they develop, as well as the high rates in the participation of families in the centers are some of the results that are shown in the article as key indicators to favor the processes of educational inclusion

    Incidence of Anorexia Nervosa in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    [EN] Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) among the general population is a rare but often fatal illness. Objective: To summarize the incidence of AN using a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: Four online databases (PubMed, Scopus, WoS and Embase) were consulted. The review was conducted according to with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and was limited to women. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed by the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS). Results: A total of 31 articles were included in the study. The incidence rate of AN ranged from 0.5 to 318.0 cases per 100,000 women–years. The incidence in studies based on outpatient healthcare services (OHS) was higher than those based on hospital admissions (HA) (8.8 95% CI: 7.83–9.80 vs. 5.0 95% CI: 4.87–5.05). In young women, the incidence in OHS was higher than HA (63.7, 95% CI 61.21–66.12 vs. 8.1 95% CI 7.60–8.53). The linear trend in the incidence of AN was increasing in all ages of women and young women, both in studies with hospital admission records, and in those based on outpatient healthcare services. Conclusion: The incidence of AN depends on the methodology, the type of population and the diagnostic criteria useS

    Analysis of trap states in AlGaN/GaN self-switching diodes via impedance measurements

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    The presence of trap states in self-switching diodes (SSD) based on an AlGaN/GaN heterojunction has been identified by means of their AC characterization between 75 kHz to 30 MHz in a wide temperature range, from 80 K to 300 K. Measurements allow us to determine two different characteristic energies of the traps, 12 meV and 61 meV, being associated to a distribution of surface states and one discrete bulk trap, respectively. The impact of the trapping effects on microwave detection at zero-bias has also been analyzed in the same temperature range, the measured responsivity showing an unusual enhancement and a low-frequency roll-off at low temperatures.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P1

    Trap-related frequency dispersion of zero-bias microwave responsivity at low temperature in GaN-based self-switching diodes

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    [EN]The zero-bias microwave detection capability of self-switching diodes (SSDs) based on AlGaN/GaN is analyzed in a wide temperature range, from 10 K to 300 K. The measured responsivity shows an anomalous enhancement at low temperature, while the detected voltage exhibits a roll-off in frequency, which can be attributed to the presence of surface and bulk traps. To gain a deep insight into this behavior, a systematic DC and AC characterization of the diodes has been carried out in the mentioned temperature range. DC results confirm the existence of traps and AC measurements allow us to identify their properties. In particular, impedance studies enable to distinguish two types of traps: at the lateral surfaces of the channel, with a wide spread of relaxation times, and in the bulk.Spanish MINECO and FEDER through project TEC2017-83910-R and the Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER through project SA254P18