858 research outputs found

    Aptitudes musicales y atención en niños entre diez y doce años

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    El presente trabajo surge de la práctica educativa y con la finalidad de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la música. Se analiza la relación de causa efecto entre una intervención en atención y la mejora de las aptitudes musicales medidas en el Test de Seashore. Se parte de una revisión de la principales investigaciones relacionadas con las aptitudes musicales. El primer objetivo trata de comprobar el éxito de una intervención en atención para la mejora de las aptitudes musicales y el mantenimiento de un trabajo en atención a lo largo del tiempo. El segundo objetivo, responde a la necesidad de ver qué tipo de intervención en atención es más eficaz para la mejora de las aptitudes musicales. El tercer objetivo, trata de demostrar la importancia del trabajo en atención como recurso pedagógico para el desarrollo de las aptitudes musicales. El grupo participante se compuso de doscientos alumnos con edades comprendidas entre 10 y 12 años y residentes en las localidades de Torres de Miguel Sesmero, Almendral y Barcarrota. Con esta muestra, planteamos un diseño intergrupo pretest-postet con un grupo control. Trabajamos con cuatro grupos experimentales y un grupo control. Con los cuatro grupos experimentales realizamos las cuatro intervenciones que diseñamos: intervención en atención visual, intervención en atención auditiva, intervención en atención interior e intervención en atención integral. Las intervenciones visual y auditiva estaban relacionadas con la atención exterior (red posterior de Posner) y la interior con la atención interior (red anterior de Posner). La intervención integral constaba de la combinación de las tres anteriores. Todas las intervenciones se realizaron en diez sesiones de veinte minutos cada una

    Emotional intelligence and musical performance

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    A lo largo del presente artículo tratamos de demostrar con una muestra de 344 alumnos de entre 14 y 16 años de edad (1º y 2º ESO), cómo existe una correlación positiva entre los tres factores de IE medidos en el TMMS-24 y el rendimiento en música. Nuestros resultados tienden a confirmar lo que diversos estudios realizados en los últimos años con diferentes muestras e instrumentos ya habían apuntado, es decir, que la IE es un potencial predictor no sólo del equilibrio psicológico del alumnado, sino también de su logro escolar, y en nuestro caso, está relacionado con el rendimiento musical. Estos resultados, tendrán consecuencias pedagógicas muy importantes para el desempeño de nuestra labor docente.In this article we attempt to demonstrate with a sample of 344 students between the ages of 14 and 16 years (1st and 2nd of ESO) that there is a positive correlation between the three factors measured in the IE TMMS-24 and performance in music. Our results tend to confirm what several studies in recent years using different samples and instruments have already pointed out, namely that IE is a potential predictor not only of the psychological balance of the students, but also of their school achievement and, in our case, of musical performance. The results will have very important consequences for the educational performance of our educational work.peerReviewe

    Mejora de las aptitudes musicales mediante una intervención en atención auditiva e interior

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    [Resumen] Tradicionalmente, las investigaciones sobre aptitudes musicales han girado en torno a los siguientes temas: evaluación de las mismas, relaciones entre aptitudes musicales con variables musicales, relaciones con aspectos del lenguaje y trabajos que relacionan aptitudes musicales con variables personales. Tras observar que apenas hay investigaciones que relacionen las aptitudes musicales con la atención, y que las que lo hacen, lo hacen en un sentido que no es el de nuestras hipótesis, decidimos demostrar la relación de causaefecto entre una intervención en atención y la mejora en la percepción de las aptitudes musicales medidas en el Test de Seashore. Para ello, elaboramos un programa de intervención, proponiendo actividades auditivas encaminadas a trabajar la atención espacial, también llamada atención sensorial o exterior (Posner, 1980), como actividades relacionadas con el ejecutivo central (Norman y Shallice, 1988), destinadas al trabajo de la atención dirigida al mundo de las ideas o atención interior (introspección). Nuestros resultados tienden a confirmar que tras una intervención en atención mejoran las aptitudes musicales. Confirmamos, también, de este modo la vinculación existente entre música y atención, que ha sido escasamente estudiada[Abstract] Traditionally, the investigations on musical aptitudes have turned about following: evaluation of the same ones, relations between musical aptitudes with musical variables, relations with aspects of the language and works that relate musical aptitudes to personal variables. After observing that as soon as there are investigations that relate the musical aptitudes to the attention, and that those that does it, they do it in a sense that is not the one of our hypotheses, we decided to demonstrate to the relation of cause-effect between an intervention in attention and the improvement in the perception of the measured musical aptitudes in the Test of Seashore. For it, we elaborated an intervention program, proposing auditory activities directed to work the space attention, also call sensorial or outer attention (Posner, 1980), like activities related to the central executive (Norman & Shallice, 1988), destined to the work of the attention directed to the world of the ideas or inner attention (introspection). Our results tend to confirm that after an intervention in attention they improve the musical aptitudes. We confirmed, also, in this way the existing entailment between music and attention, that barely has been studied

    Mapping the sustainable development goals into the EDINSOST sustainability map of bachelor engineering degrees

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This Research to Practice Work in Progress paper presents the work conducted on the use of the Sustainability Map of Bachelor Engineering Degrees (a tool developed by the EDINSOST project) to analyze how Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are developed in each Degree. Over recent years, there has been a growth in the importance of working sustainability based on the SDGs. To identify which learning objective of each SDG corresponds to each learning outcome of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map, a correspondence matrix has been defined. The matrix contains the learning outcomes of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map in its rows, and the 17 SDGs in the columns. The cells of the matrix contain the learning objectives of the SDGs that correspond to each learning outcome of the EDINSOST Sustainability Map. This work in progress presents the first results of the process of mapping the SDGs into the EDINSOST Sustainability Map of Engineering Bachelor Degrees. Early results show that some of the 169 learning objectives are not applicable to Engineering Degrees. Likewise, we have seen that learning objectives have been defined more for policy makers than for engineers, and therefore adaptation is not an easy task. However, the work done has helped us to verify that the EDINSOST Sustainability Map can help in the introduction of the SDGs into the curriculum.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A learning tool to develop sustainable projects

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    This paper presents a tool developed to help engineers to design and develop sustainable projects. The tool has been designed to introduce and evaluate the sustainability of engineering projects in general, but here we show its application to assess the final project of an engineering degree. This tool is a guide for students to introduce and estimate the sustainability of their projects, but it also helps teachers to assess them. The tool is based on the Socratic Methodology and consists of a matrix where each cell contains several questions that students must consider during the project development and which they must answer in their project report. A positive or negative mark is assigned to every cell, and the sum of all marks states the project sustainability. However, the result is not as simplistic as a final number, but a descriptive sustainability analysis where questions are answered and every mark justified. A pilot test with some students has obtained good results, but the first Final Degree Project using this methodology will be read in July 2016.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Research on Etiological aspects of Dual Pathology

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    Introducción: Es importante evaluar la interacción entre los antecedentes psicopatológicos familiares (AF), la dinámica familiar (DF), los trastornos de conducta, los trastornos por uso de sustancias y los trastornos de personalidad (TP). Metodología: Estudio transversal con 350 drogodependientes evaluados los AF psiquiátricos, de alcoholismo y de drogodependencias; la DF; consumo de sustancias; y la presencia de TP, los problemas de conducta (PC) en la adolescencia y el trastorno disocial (TD). Las variables correlacionadas fueron incluidas en varios modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: Una edad de inicio en el consumo más temprana se relaciona con AF de drogodependencia y peor DF. Los AF de alcoholismo, drogodependencias y psiquiátricos se relacionan con peor DF. Edad de inicio en el consumo más temprana, los AF y una peor DF se relacionan con los PC y el TD. Edad de inicio en el consumo más temprana, tener AF, una peor DF, los PC y el TD se relacionan con la presencia de algún TP. Permiten predecir la presencia de algún TP la edad de inicio en el consumo de metadona (IC(95):1,005/3,222; p=0,048) y de otros opiáceos (IC(95):0,233/0,894; p=0,022). La puntuación en AF de alcoholismo permite predecir la presencia de TP límite (IC(95):1,137-2,942; p=0,013), y la edad de inicio en el consumo de cocaína permite predecir la presencia de TP antisocial (IC(95):0,864/0,992; p=0,028). Conclusiones: Los AF de consumo de sustancias y el consumo propio, predicen la presencia de algunos TP.Introduction: It is important to assess the interaction between family psychopathologic history (FH), family dynamics (FD), behavior disorders, substance-use disorders and personality disorders (PD). Methodology: Cross-sectional design. The sample was made up of 350 subjects with substance-use disorders who were assessed for FH including alcoholism and substance-use disorders through an interview; for substance use via a questionnaire; for FD; for PD using the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE); for behavior problems in adolescence; and for disocial disorder. Correlated variables were included in logistic regression models. Results: Early age of onset for substance use is related to FH of substanceuse disorders and poorer FD. FH of alcoholism, substance-use disorders and psychiatric disorders are related to poorer FD. Early age of onset for substance use, FH and a disruptive FD are related to behavior problems and disocial disorder. Early age of onset for substance use, FH, disruptive FD, behavior problems and disocial disorder are related to presence of PD. Logistic regression predicted the presence of PD by age of onset for use of methadone (CI(95):1.005/3.222; p=0.048) and of other opiates (CI(95):0.864/0.992;p=0.028). FH score in alcoholism predicted Borderline Personality Disorder (CI(95):1.137- 2.942; p=0.013), and age of onset of cocaine use predicted Antisocial Personality Disorder (CI(95):0.864/0.992; p=0.028). Conclusions: FH of substance use and own use predict the presence of some PDs

    Impulsivity and Compulsivity and Their Relationship with Non-Adherence to Treatment in the Prison Population

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    The main challenge of interventions in penitentiary institutions is the re-education and reintegration of inmates, i.e., that inmates have the intention and ability to live law-abiding lives. Therefore, an increase in self-control or, on the contrary, the decrease or elimination of impulsive versus compulsive behaviors becomes necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the role of impulsivity versus compulsivity in treatment adherence in the prison population. The study included 134 men from the Penitentiary Center of Granada who were divided into two groups. Group 1 was considered treatment adherent, and Group 2 was considered non-adherent to treatment. The following instruments were used: Symptom Inventory (SCL-90-R), Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI), Impulsivity Scale (UPPS-P), and Compulsive Belief Questionnaire (OBQ-44). Statistically significant differences were found in impulsivity in the dimensions of negative urgency, sensation seeking, and positive urgency, with higher scores in all cases for the non-adherent group than for the adherent group. We also found statistically significant differences in responsibility/inhibition, perfectionism/uncertainty, and importance/control, with higher scores for the non-adherent group compared to the adherent group. Treatment adherence is inversely related to impulsive and compulsive behaviors

    Inteligencia emocional en Primaria

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    El término inteligencia emocional, si bien fue utilizado por algunos autores previos, fueron Mayer y Salovey (1993), psicólogos de la Universidad de New Hampshire, quienes englobaron la inteligencia intrapersonal e interpersonal en el término inteligencia emocional. Con él, pretendieron describir las cualidades emocionales que parecen tener importancia para el éxito. Estas pueden incluir: la empatía, la expresión y comprensión de los sentimientos, el control de nuestro genio, la independencia, la capacidad de adaptación, la simpatía, la capacidad de resolver los problemas en forma interpersonal, la persistencia, la cordialidad, la amabilidad y el respeto.The term emotional intelligence, although it was used by some authors before, were Mayer and Salovey (1993), psychologists from the University of New Hampshire, who included the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence in the term emotional intelligence. With it, they tried to describe the emotional qualities that are important for success. These may include: empathy, expression and understanding of the feelings, the control of our genius, independence, the ability to adapt, the sympathy, the ability to solve problems in interpersonal way, persistence, cordiality, kindness and respect.peerReviewe