5 research outputs found

    Control y mejora de la coordinación entre asignaturas de una titulación universitaria

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    Entre las múltiples exigencias que impone el EEES, la mejora de la coordinación entre las asignaturas de una titulación es una de las que más preocupan, y se ha convertido en uno de los temas de debate más vivos en la comunidad educativa. Por una parte los docentes nos hemos encontrado impartiendo asignaturas a un alumnado con notorias carencias en algunos contenidos, mientras que ellos, por su parte, no sólo tienen que suplir dichas carencias con esfuerzo adicional, sino que además se encuentran con numerosas duplicidades de contenidos que restan tiempo y calidad a su formación. Una de las causas de estos defectos es la celeridad en la implantación de titulaciones, unido posiblemente a una falta de recursos por parte de los responsables de la elaboración de los planes. Este trabajo presenta un conjunto de aplicaciones web orientadas a la elaboración de un mapa de dependencias entre las asignaturas de una titulación. Basándose en un sistema de encuestas, se ha implementado una base de datos de dependencias y un sistema web que permiten detectar e informar de los defectos de coordinación existentes, proporcionando una herramienta de gran valor para mejorar la coherencia y la calidad de los planes de estudiosUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bi-Level Optimization to Enhance Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning

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    Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy is an effective cancer treatment. Models based on the Generalized Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) provide radiation plans with excellent planning target volume coverage and low radiation for organs at risk. However, manual adjustment of the parameters involved in gEUD is required to ensure that the plans meet patient-specific physical restrictions. This paper proposes a radiotherapy planning methodology based on bi-level optimization. We evaluated the proposed scheme in a real patient and compared the resulting irradiation plans with those prepared by clinical planners in hospital devices. The results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness are promising

    Implementation of three efficient 4-digit fault-tolerant quantum carry lookahead adders

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    Adders are one of the most interesting circuits in quantum computing due to their use in major algorithms that benefit from the special characteristics of this type of computation. Among these algorithms, Shor’s algorithm stands out, which allows decomposing numbers in a time exponentially lower than the time needed to do it with classical computation. In this work, we propose three fault-tolerant carry lookahead adders that improve the cost in terms of quantum gates and qubits with respect to the rest of quantum circuits available in the literature. Their optimal implementation in a real quantum computer is also presented. Finally, the work ends with a rigorous comparison where the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed circuits against the rest of the circuits of the state of the art are exposed. Moreover, the information obtained from such a comparison is summarized in tables that allow a quick consultation to interested researchers

    Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop "Data analysis methods for software systems"

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    DAMSS-2019 is the 11th international workshop on data analysis methods for software systems, organized in Druskininkai, Lithuania, at the end of the year. The same place and the same time every year. History of the workshop starts from 2009 with 16 presentations. The idea of such workshop came up at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics that now is the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of Vilnius University. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Computer Society supported this idea. This idea got approval both in the Lithuanian research community and abroad. The number of this year presentations is 77. The number of registered participants is 127 from 9 countries. The main goal of the workshop is to introduce the research undertaken at Lithuanian and foreign universities in the fields of data science and software engineering. Annual organization of the workshop allows the fast interchanging of new ideas among the research community. Even 9 companies and institutions supported the workshop this year. This means that the topics of the workshop are actual for business, too. Topics of the workshop cover Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Bioinformatics, Blockchain technologies, Business Rules Software Engineering, Data Science, Deep Learning, Digital Technologies, High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics, Modelling Educational Data, Ontological Engineering, Optimization in Data Science, Signal Processing, Visualization Methods for Multidimensional Data. A special session and discussions are organized about topical business problems that may be solved together with the research community. This book gives an overview of all presentations of DAMSS-2019. &nbsp

    Ideas Circulares para un Espacio Sostenible. Concurso de ideas para estudiantes de arquitectura para transformar el parque de la pollina en un entorno basado en los principios de la economía circular

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    Concurso de ideas para la renovación del parque de La Pollina en Fuenlabrada organizado por el Ayuntamiento, la empresa ECOEMBES y la participación de los estudiantes de arquitectura Desde el equipo de redacción queremos agradecer la participación de los estudiantes del curso participantes en el Concurso, César Manso Garzón, Guillermo García Prieto, Víctor Romero Gil, Carmen Povedano Olleros, Hernán González González, Pablo Javier Navas Díaz, Miguel Calvo Utrilla, Carmen Leguina León, Pedro Manzanares Romero, Diego Martín Acosta Toledo, Francisco Xavier Ordoñez Córdova, Eduardo Delgado Álvaro, Paula Andosilla Herraiz, Beatriz Menénde Ontañón, Andrés Pérez Rodríguez, Paula Lozano Romero, Raquel Nieto Valdivia y Damián Sánchez Plata. También al Exmo. Ayuntamiento de Fuenlabrada y a ECOEMBES por su interés en llevar esta publicación a sus convecinos como entidades promotora