50 research outputs found

    Cylindrical wormholes with positive cosmological constant

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    We construct cylindrical, traversable wormholes with finite radii by taking into account the cut-and-paste procedure for the case of cosmic string manifolds with a positive cosmological constant. Under reasonable assumptions about the equation of state of the matter located at the shell, we find that the wormhole throat undergoes a monotonous evolution provided it moves at a constant velocity. In order to explore the dynamical nonlinear behaviour of the wormhole throat, we consider that the matter at the shell is supported by anisotropic Chaplygin gas, anti-Chaplygin gas, or a mixed of Chaplygin and anti-Chaplygin gases implying that wormholes could suffer an accelerated expansion or contraction but the oscillatory behavior seems to be forbidden.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in PRD. (http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.88.027507

    Black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with a string cloud background

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    We obtain a black hole solution in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory for the string cloud model in a five dimensional spacetime. We analyze the event horizons and naked singularities. Later, we compute the Hawking temperature THT_{\mathrm{H}}, the specific heat CC, the entropy SS, and the Helmholtz free energy FF of the black hole. The entropy was computed using the Wald formulation. In addition, the quantum correction to the Wald's entropy is considered for the string cloud source. We mainly explore the thermodynamical global and local stability of the system with vanishing or non-vanishing cosmological constant. The global thermodynamic phase structure indicates that the Hawking-Page transition is achieved for this model. Further, we observe that there exist stable black holes with small radii and that these regions are enlarged when choosing small values of the string cloud density and of the Gauss-Bonnet parameter. Besides, the rate of evaporation for these black holes are studied, determining whether the evaporation time is finite or not. Then, we concentrate on the dynamical stability of the system, studying the effective potential for s-waves propagating on the string cloud background.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. References adde

    Big brake singularity is accommodated as an exotic quintessence field

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    We describe a big brake singularity in terms of a modified Chaplygin gas equation of state p=(\ga_{m}-1)\rho+\al\ga_{m}\rho^{-n}, accommodate this late-time event as an exotic quintessence model obtained from an energy-momentum tensor, and focus on the cosmological behavior of the exotic field, its kinetic energy and the potential energy. At the background level, the exotic field does not blow up whereas its kinetic energy and potential both grow without limit near the future singularity. We evaluate the classical stability of this background solution by examining the scalar perturbations of the metric along with the inclusion of entropy perturbation in the perturbed pressure. Within the Newtonian gauge, the gravitational field approaches a constant near the singularity plus additional regular terms. When the perturbed exotic field is associated with \al>0 the perturbed pressure and contrast density both diverge, whereas the perturbed exotic field and the divergence of the exotic field's velocity go to zero exponentially. When the perturbed exotic field is associated with \al<0 the contrast density always blows up, but the perturbed pressure can remain bounded. In addition, the perturbed exotic field and the divergence of the exotic field's velocity vanish near the big brake singularity. We also briefly look at the behavior of the intrinsic entropy perturbation near the singular event.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Accepted for its publication in PR

    Dark radiation and dark matter coupled to holographic Ricci dark energy

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    We investigate a universe filled with interacting dark matter, holographic dark energy, and dark radiation for the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetime. We use a linear interaction to reconstruct all the component energy densities in terms of the scale factor by directly solving the balance's equations along with the source equation. We apply the χ2\chi^{2} method to the observational Hubble data for constraining the cosmic parameters, contrast with the Union 2 sample of supernovae, and analyze the amount of dark energy in the radiation era. It turns out that our model exhibits an excess of dark energy in the recombination era whereas the stringent bound Ωx(z≃1010)<0.21\Omega_{\rm x}(z\simeq 10^{10})<0.21 at big-bang nucleosynthesis is fulfilled. We find that the interaction provides a physical mechanism for alleviating the triple cosmic coincidence and this leads to Ωm0/Ωx0≃Ωr0/Ωx0≃O(1)\Omega_{\rm m0}/\Omega_{\rm x0} \simeq \Omega_{\rm r0}/\Omega_{\rm x0} \simeq {\cal O}(1).Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for its publication in The European Physical Journal C (2013). http://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2352-7 arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1210.550

    Dark matter, dark energy, and dark radiation coupled with a transversal interaction

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    We investigate a cosmological scenario with three interacting components that includes dark matter, dark energy, and radiation in the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We introduce a 3-dimensional internal space, the interaction vector Q=(Qx,Qm,Qr)\mathbf{Q}=(Q_{x}, Q_{m}, Q_{r}) satisfying the constraint plane Qx+Qm+Qr=0Q_{x}+ Q_{m}+ Q_{r}=0, the barotropic index vector \boldmath {\gamma}=(\ga_x,\ga_m,\ga_r) and select a transversal interaction vector Qt\mathbf{Q_t} in a sense that \mathbf{Q_t}\cdot \boldmath {\gamma}=0=0. We exactly solve the source equation for a linear Qt\mathbf{Q_t}, that depends on the total energy density and its derivatives up to third order, and find all the component energy densities. We obtain a large set of interactions for which the source equation admits a power law solution and show its asymptotic stability by constructing the Lyapunov function. We apply the χ2\chi^{2} method to the observational Hubble data for constraining the cosmic parameters, and analyze the amount of dark energy in the radiation era for the above linear Qt\mathbf{Q_t}. It turns to be that our model fulfills the severe bound of Ωx(z≃1100)<0.1\Omega_{x}(z\simeq 1100)<0.1 and is consistent with the future constraints achievable by Planck and CMBPol experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review