99 research outputs found

    Actual treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

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    El tratamiento del trastorno por défi cit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) incluye intervenciones farmacológicas, psicosociales y educativas, y en él se aconseja un diseño personalizado teniendo en cuenta las características del paciente, el tipo de trastorno y la comorbilidad que lo acompaña. Los fármacos de primera línea son el psicoestimulante metilfenidato (MTF) y atomoxetina (ATX), un simpaticomimético de acción central no estimulante. Ambos reducen las manifestaciones clínicas de inquietud, inatención e impulsividad, mejorando la calidad de las relaciones sociales y el rendimiento académico. Metilfenidato bloquea el transportador presináptico de dopamina (DA) y noradrenalina (NA), aumentando la concentración de estos neurotransmisores en el espacio presináptico neuronal. Se presenta en formas de liberación inmediata (LI) (Rubifen® y Medicebran® en preparados de acción prolongada con tecnología OROS® [osmotic controlled-release oral delivery system], Concerta® y Metilfenidato Sandoz®) y en pellets (Medikinet®), que permiten seleccionar adecuadamente la dosis y la pauta posológica. Las formas de LI pueden inducir efecto rebote al provocar un pico plasmático elevado que decae en poco tiempo. Atomoxetina (Strattera®) es un inhibidor muy selectivo y potente del transportador presináptico de NA; aumenta los niveles de NA y DA en la corteza prefrontal, pero no en las regiones corticales relacionadas con el desarrollo de tics o riesgo de abusos de sustancias. Puede ser la alternativa a MTF cuando éste pierde efi cacia o está contraindicado. La efectividad de ambos fármacos debe considerarse a partir de las 2-4 semanas. Sus reacciones adversas son numerosas y con frecuencia causan malestar, lo que difi culta la adherencia. Por ello es necesario el seguimiento de estos pacientes, y el farmacéutico puede ejercer un papel destacado para mejorar el cumplimiento y los efectos de la farmacoterapiaTreatment of attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) includes pharmacological, psychosocial and educational interventions. A custom designed treatment taking into account patient characteristics, type of disorder and comorbidity must be advisable. First election drugs are the psychostimulant methylphenidate (MTF) and the sympathomimetic not stimulant atomoxetine (ATX). These drugs reduce the clinical manifestations of restlessness, inattention and impulsivity, improving the quality of social relationships and academic performance. MTF blocks the presynaptic dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NA) transporters increasing the concentration of these neurotransmitters in the presynaptic neuron. Both of them are available in the pharmaceutical forms of immediate release (IR) (Rubifen ® and Medicebran®, prolonged acting preparations with OROS® [osmotic controlled-release oral delivery system] technology, Con certa® and Metilfenidato Sandoz®) and pellets (Medikinet®), allowing a proper selection of dosage pattern. IR pharmaceutical forms can induce rebounding effect by causing high plasma peak that decays quickly. ATX is a highly selective and a potent inhibitor of presynaptic NA transporter, increasing levels of NA and DA in the prefrontal cortex, but not in cortical regions related to the development of tics or risk of substance abuse. It can be an alternative to MTF when this loses effectiveness or is contraindicated. The effectiveness of both drugs must be considered after 2 to 4 weeks of treatment. Their side effects are numerous and often cause discomfort making diffi cult adherence. Therefore it is necessary to monitor these patients playing pharmacist a leading role in improving the performance and the effects of pharmacotherap

    Guía práctica para la impartición de una asignatura en inglés en el Grado en Derecho

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    El proyecto presenta algunas orientaciones para el diseño y desarrollo de un curso de Derecho en inglés, recogiendo las experiencias de profesores implicados estos últimos años en esta enseñanza, y también de los alumnos. Está concebido como una herramienta práctica, útil para el docente que se plantea impartir una asignatura de Derecho en inglés

    Structural Process and Implementation Programs of Pharmaceutical Care in Different Countries

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    Pharmaceutical care started in the nineties in the United States and has rapidly extended in many other countries. Although there are different trends, such as clinical pharmacy services, cognitive services, medication management, medication review, they all share the same philosophy and objectives, namely “the responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life”. To attain these objectives, a pharmaceutical care process has to be followed point-by-point in order to detect possible medication-related problems. Furthermore, pharmacists have to work together with patients, and ultimately with physicians to establish a care plan. This methodology requires basic skills of documentation and communication and therefore, it is important to establish implementation programs aimed at community-, hospital-, and consultant pharmacists, and to consider PC as a basic element of University teaching programs and postgraduate studies. Moreover, there are still barriers that hinder the provision of this service and have to be overcome. In this article, we have revised the implementation process and the existing projects in many countries and we conclude that despite the enormous amount of work, there is still much to be done from sides of Administration and pharmacists themselves

    Insights on the Anomalous Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide in LTA Zeolites

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    We use a combination of experiments and molecular simulations to address the discrepancies of the force fields available in the literature to accurately reproduce CO2 adsorption in zeolites with high density of aluminum atoms and extra framework cations. We attribute these discrepancies to the fact that previous force fields are not parametrized to take into account the formation of carbonate-like complexes in these zeolites during CO2 adsorption. Our data show that the formation of carbonate-like complexes has a marked effect on the accessible porous structure of the zeolite, and the strength is controlled by the density and nature of extra framework cations. Strong carbonate-like complexes are formed in zeolite topologies containing high density of sodium, whereas bivalent cations give rise to more labile complexes. We provide a new set of parameters capable to reproduce the experimental adsorption in these systems. Our approach consists of the modification of the partial charges of the atoms of the zeolite that are directly involved in the formation of the surface complexes (oxygen atoms and cations). The new set of charges combined with our previous transferable force field reproduces the experimental adsorption in structures containing carbon dioxide–cation complexes.This work was supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte” (CTQ2010-16077/BQU), and the European Research Council through an ERC Staring Grant (ERC-StG-279520-RASPA). A. Martín-Calvo thanks the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación” for her predoctoral fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Errores de medicación en farmacias comunitarias: elaboración de un formulario para su detección

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    INTRODUCCIÓN Desarrollar mecanismos que prevengan errores de medicación o minimicen sus con- secuencias es una tarea que actualmente se desarrolla en todos los niveles asistenciales. Las farmacias comunitarias por su proxi- midad a los pacientes y la formación del farmacéutico representan un punto estraté- gico para llevar a cabo una labor preventiva de errores de medicación. No obstante, es necesario promover y desarrollar herramien- tas que puedan ser integradas en los siste- mas de organización de las farmacias y que garanticen la seguridad del paciente. OBJETIVO Elaborar un Formulario de Recogida de datos para detección de Errores de Me- dicación (FREM) en farmacias comuni- tarias con el objeto de identificar y pre- venir errores de medicación y sus causas, promoviendo a su vez la im- plantación de prácticas seguras en las farmacias comunitarias. MÉTODO Se elaboró un primer formulario basado en la clasificación de Ruiz-Jarabo y se realizó un estudio piloto en tres farmacias comunitarias de Sevilla y una de Málaga durante durante un mes, realizando los titulares de la farmacia la recogida de in- formación sobre los errores de medica- ción. Una vez analizado y consensuado por los investigadores se elaboró el for- mulario definitivo, aplicándolo de nuevo para analizar su efectividad

    Processing and formulation optimization of mandarin essential oil-loaded emulsions developed by microfluidization

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    Emulsions can be used as delivery systems for bioactive ingredients for their incorporation in food products. Essential oils are natural compounds found in plants that present antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Therefore, the main goal of this work was to develop emulsions, containing mandarin essential oil stabilized by two food-grade surfactants and guar gum, and to evaluate their physical stability. The initial droplet size of emulsions developed by microfluidization was optimized, obtaining diameters below one micron regardless of the processing conditions. However, the emulsion processed at 25,000 psi and one pass exhibited the lowest mean droplet sizes and polidispersity, and therefore, a higher stability. Different ratios of Tween 80 and Span 80 were assessed as stabilizers. Results obtained indicated that the ratio of surfactants had a significant effect on the mean droplet sizes, physical stability, and rheological properties. Thus, we found that the optimum ratio of surfactants was 75/25 (Tween80/Span80) on account of the lowest droplet mean diameters, lack of coalescence, and a low creaming rate. The rheological characterization of the stable emulsions showed a shear thinning flow behavior, and G" (loss modulus) values higher than G0 (storage modulus) values, in all the frequency range. The rheological behavior may be governed by the guar gum, which was confirmed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). This research can be considered as the starting point for future applications of mandarin essential oil in emulsions, which can be incorporated in products as food preservatives.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2015-70700-

    Transferable force fields for adsorption of small gases in zeolites

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    We provide transferable force fields for oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide that are able to reproduce experimental adsorption in both pure silica and alumino-substituted zeolites at cryogenic and high temperatures. The force field parameters can be combined with those previously reported for carbon dioxide, methane, and argon, opening the possibility for studying mixtures of interest containing the six components. Using these force field parameters we obtained some adsorption isotherms at cryogenic temperatures that at first sight were in discrepancies with experimental values for certain molecules and structures. We attribute these discrepancies to the sensitiveness of the equipment and to kinetic impedimenta that can lead to erratic results. Additional problems can be found during simulations when extra-framework cations are present in the system as their lack of mobility at low temperatures could lead to kinetic effects that hinder experimental adsorption.This work was supported by the European Research Council through an ERC Staring Grant (ERC-StG-279520-RASPA). A. Martin-Calvo thanks the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte” for her predoctoral fellowship. The authors want to thank the “Instituto de Tecnología Química” (ITQ-CSIC) from Valencia, for providing the pure silica zeolites (RSIL and ITQ-29).Peer reviewe

    Testing of New Collectors for Concentration of Fluorite by Flotation in Pneumatic (Modified Hallimond Tube) and Mechanical Cells

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    Authors acknowledge to MINERA DE ÓRGIVA, S.L. company for their economic and technical support and collaboration in the experimental tests.In this study, two new collectors for fluorite flotation DP-OMC-1033 (DP-I) and DP-OMC-1234 (DP-II) were tested and compared with oleic acid (OA), sodium oleate (SO) and potassium oleate (PO). According to fluorite grade and fluorite metallurgical recovery, the effect of each collector was determined, both in mechanical and pneumatic cell flotation. The effect of temperature on the collectors from 25 to 55 ◦C was studied. Flotation tests showed that the best results in terms of fluorite metallurgical recovery were 82.8% and 87.9% for new collectors DP-I and DP-II respectively, for a dosage of 100 g/t and using pneumatic cell. Additionally, in terms of fluorite grade, DP-I showed the best results, achieving 79.7% of CaF2 in roughing step for a dosage of 100 g/t. Fluorite metallurgical recovery and grade in concentrate increased for OA, SO and PO with increasing temperature. However temperature did not have a significant effect on both metallurgy recovery and CaF2 grade using DP-I and DP-II, so the process can be effective at 25 ◦C reducing operating costs.Company MINERA DE ORGIVA, S.L., Spai

    Principios básicos para el diseño de guías docentes de asignaturas en el marco del EEES

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    La Universidad de Valladolid ha elaborado, bajo los auspicios de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León, un modelo para la elaboración de las guías docentes de las asignaturas que se imparten en la Universidad de Valladolid. La finalidad que persigue esta guía de guías, basada en los principios que inspiran la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, no es otra que facilitar al profesor el diseño de su programación docente y la planificación de su actividad a lo largo del curso académico, pues la adecuada planificación de la formación es herramienta fundamental para el aprendizaje del alumno y constituye una exigencia básica de la docencia de calidad. La presente publicación trata, en definitiva, de ofrecer a la comunidad universitaria un modelo homogéneo en el que se incluyen, junto a elementos tradicionales de la docencia universitaria, aspectos novedosos anudados al nuevo sistema de créditos (volumen de trabajo del estudiante, definición de destrezas, conocimientos previos) y a la renovación de las metodologías docentes (trabajo colaborativo, tutorías, aprendizaje virtual…)Proyecto para la Renovación de las Metodologías docentes en el marco de la Convergencia Europea hacia el EEES, concedido a la Universidad de Valladolid por la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León

    Morpho-structural and thermo-mechanical characterization of recycled polypropylene and polystyrene from mixed post-consumer plastic waste

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    In this work, a complete sorting and characterization of dirty non-recyclable mixed plastic (plasmix fraction) from municipal solid waste was performed. The procedure comprised a visual inspection and identification of the materials presented in the mixed plastic bales, and subsequent moisture and dirt content determination. Afterwards, both polypropylene and polystyrene fractions obtained from the sorting process were recycled and physico-mechanically and thermally characterized for the assessment of recycled material quality. The dirty nonrecyclable mixed plastic from municipal solid waste was composed of polypropylene (28.89 %), polyethylene terephthalate (22.02 %), polystyrene (9.65 %) and rigid polyethylene (4.68 %). Regarding the moisture and dirt content of the mixed plastic fraction, the results were highly variable, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the material, its origin, atmospheric conditions, etc. The average sum of both parameters (moisture and dirt) was around 15 %. The mechanical properties were within the expected range for each type of polymer, noting that polystyrene recycled materials are more brittle than recycled polypropylene. The recycling of non-food polypropylene wastes yielded a material with higher impact resistance (70 kJ/m2) and Young´s modulus (1934 MPa) as compared to that obtained from the recycling of food packages. Concerning the polystyrene recyclates, it is worth mentioning that recycled materials obtained from foamed residues (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene showed approximately twice the tensile strength with respect to the recycled materials from high impact polystyrene and general-purpose polystyrene residues. In some cases, infrared and thermal analyses revealed cross-contamination with traces of other polymers