531 research outputs found

    Phytoremediation of highly contaminated mining soils by Jatropha curcas L. and production of catalytic carbons from the generated biomass

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    This paper deals with the removal of heavy metals from marginal soil mixtures from the Cobre Las Cruces and Aznalcóllar mining areas containing high concentrations of metals (Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb and As) by means of phytoremediation using Jatropha curcas L., and the subsequent production of biocatalysts from the plant biomass. First, J. curcas L. was sowed in eight mixtures of these mining soils to study its adaption to these high-contaminated soils and its growth during 60 days in a greenhouse under conditions simulating the South of Spain's spring climate. Later, the most suitable soil mixtures for plant growth were used for 120-day phytoremediation under the same conditions. Heavy metal concentration in soils, roots, stems and leaves were measured by ICP-OES at the beginning, at the middle and at the end of the phytoremediation period, thus calculating the translocation and bioaccumulation factors. J. curcas L. was found to absorb great amounts of Fe (> 3000 mg kg−1 plant) as well as notable amounts of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni, and traces of As. Other metals with lower initial concentrations such as Cd, Hg and Sn were completely removed from soils. Finally, the plant biomass was subjected to pyrolysis to obtain catalytic biocarbons, assessing the optimal temperature for the pyrolytic process by means of thermogravimetric analysis and Raman spectroscopy

    Alcohol consumption among University students in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaAlcohol consumption in 1984 among 2921 students of nine Faculties in the University of Valladolid (Spain) is reported. Alcoholic drinks were frequently consumed, especially by males and during weekends. Per capita consumption was 9.85 l of absolute alcohol/year for males and 4.971 for females. Beer, wine and gin were the favourite drinks. Alcohol consumption was similar in the different faculties and age groups but was to some extent related to age and place of residence in male students. Students' alcohol consumption was not as high as in the general Spanish population, and seems to have been stable during the last 10 years

    Synthesis of Enantiopure Oxygen- and Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles by Diastereoselective Ring-Closing Metathesis Reaction in Perhydro-1,3-benzoxazine Derivatives

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    Producción CientíficaDiastereoselective ring‐closing metathesis reactions on chiral trienic perhydro‐1,3‐benzoxazines derived from (−)‐8‐aminomenthol featuring two diastereotopic olefin chains is described. The diastereochemical outcome of the cyclization appeared to be dependent on the length and position of the olefin chains in perhydro‐1,3‐benzoxazine, the degree of substitution of the double bonds and the ruthenium catalyst used. After separation of the diastereomers, and removal of the chiral auxiliary, enantiopure oxygen‐ and nitrogen‐containing heterocycles were obtained.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project FEDER-CTQ2014-59870-P)Junta de Castilla y León (Ref. Project FEDER-VA115P17

    Revisión nomenclatural y propuesta sintaxonómica de la vegetación de humedales turbosos de la región Valdiviano-Magallánica

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    Although numerous descriptive studies have been published throughout the 20th century on peat communities in the Southern Cone of South America, the nomenclature applied to the different units recognised often fails to take into account the proposals of previous authors. Our aim is to clarify the nomenclature by applying the rules of the ICPN to propose a current syntaxonomy of the class Myrteolo nummulariae-Sphagnetea magellanici. After a bibliographic compilation of possible peatland associations from the part of South America between parallels 40º and 56º south, under Temperate and Boreal macroclimates, we have collected around 30 names of phytosociological associations and alliances containing an abundance of homonyms and nomina nuda. Following ICPN standards, we have eliminated duplications and established priority names over others, lectotypified some names and rejected others as nomen ambiguum. We have arranged the floristic groups in the recognised associations in synthetic tables, with some nomina nudawhose characterisation we interpret as doubtful, as a proposed syntaxonomical organisation of the phytosociological class.The various communities recognised by the different authors who have worked in the territory can be divided into four physiognomic groups: 1. cushion bogs, 2. Sphagnumbogs 3. “montane tundra” bogs and 4. sedge-grass bogs. The syntaxonomic grouping we propose for the 13 associations recognised as nomenclaturally valid can be summarised as follows: a single class, Myrteolo nummulariae-Sphagnetea magellanici, is accepted, with a single order, Myrteolo-Sphagnetalia, and three alliances: Astelio pumilae-Oreobolion obtusanguli with seven associations (coinciding with type 1), Gaultherio-Sphagnion magellanici with four associations (type 2), and Abrotanello linearifoliae-Bolacion caespitosae with two associations (type 3). We contest the validity of around 22 names of syntaxa of different ranks, while acknowledging that more studies are required, particularly to define and delimit type 4 peatland communitiesA lo largo del siglo XX se han realizado numerosos estudios descriptivos de comunidades turbosas por el Cono-Sur sudamericano, pero con frecuencia la nomenclatura aplicada a las distintas unidades reconocidas no tenía en cuenta las propuestas de autores anteriores. Nuestro objetivo ha sido clarificar la Nomenclatura aplicando las reglas del CINF para proponer una sintaxonomía de la clase Myrteolo nummulariae-Sphagnetea magellanici. Tras una recopilación bibliográfica de asociaciones de turberas de la parte de Sudamérica comprendida entre los paralelos 40º y 56º sur, bajo macroclimas Templado y Boreal, se han reunido alrededor de unos 30 nombres de asociaciones y alianzas fitosociológicas entre los que abundan homonimias y nomina nuda. Aplicando las normas del ICPN se han eliminado duplicidades, establecido nombres prioritarios sobre otros, lectotipificado algunos nombres y rechazado algún otro como nomen ambiguum. Los conjuntos florísticos de las asociaciones reconocidas, junto con algunas nomina nudacuya caracterización interpretamos como dudosa, se han reunido en tablas sintéticas como propuesta de organización sintaxonómica de la clase fitosociológica.La diversidad de comunidades que han reconocido los distintos autores que han trabajado en este territorio se puede repartir en 4 grupos fisionómicos: 1. turberas pulvinadas, 2. turberas esfagnosas 3. turberas de “tundra montana” y 4. turberas cipero-graminoides. La agrupación sintaxonómica que proponemos para las 13 asociaciones reconocidas como nomenclaturalmente válidas se resume en: una única clase Myrteolo nummulariae-Sphagnetea magellanici, con un orden único, Myrteolo-Sphagnetalia, y tres alianzas: Astelio pumilae-Oreobolion obtusanguli con 7 asociacionesS

    Esterification of Free Fatty Acids with Glycerol within the Biodiesel Production Framework

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    Companies in the field of the collection and treatment of waste cooking oils (WCO) for subsequent biodiesel production usually have to cope with high acidity oils, which cannot be directly transformed into fatty acid methyl esters due to soap production. Since glycerine is the main byproduct of biodiesel production, these high acidity oils could be esterified with the glycerine surplus to transform the free fatty acids (FFA) into triglycerides before performing the transesterification. In this work, commercial glycerol was esterified with commercial fatty acids and commercial fatty acid/lampante olive oil mixtures over tin (II) chloride. In the first set of experiments, the esterification of linoleic acid with glycerol excess from 20 to 80% molar over the stoichiometric was performed. From 20% glycerol excess, there was no improvement in FFA reduction. Using 20% glycerol excess, the performance of a biochar obtained from heavy metal-contaminated plant roots was compared to that of SnCl2. Then, the effect of the initial FFA content was assessed using different oleic acid/lampante olive oil mixtures. The results illustrated that glycerolysis was impeded at initial FFA contents lower than 10%. Finally, the glycerolysis of a WCO with 9.94% FFA was assayed, without success

    Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in an oscillatory flow reactor. Performance as a fuel on a TDI diesel engine

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    This paper describes the biodiesel production from waste cooking oil (50% (v/v) olive oil/sunflower oil) in an oscillatory flow reactor (OFR) in batch mode. We mainly focused on the characteristics of the biodiesel and its performance as a fuel. First at all, we verified that biodiesel yield in OFR was higher than in stirred tank reactor (STR) under the same experimental conditions, and that composition and properties of the resulting biofuel did not depend on reactor type. Besides, biodiesel production in OFR took half the time than in STR. Subsequently, we modify some OFR operational parameters to assess their influence on biodiesel yield. The most suitable conditions were found to be 6:1 methanol to waste cooking oil molar ratio, 0.67 Hz oscillation frequency and 30 min reaction time. Finally, the biofuel obtained was tested in a 2.0 TDI 140 hp EURO4 engine installed on an engine test bench. Specific fuel consumption, particle size distribution and concentration of exhaust gas sample pollutants and were analysed running with commercial diesel, 50% (v/v) diesel/biodiesel blend (B50) and biodiesel (B100) in order to ensure the viability of using this biofuel in vehicle engines.Fondos de la Unión Europea - LIFE 13-Bioseville ENV/111

    Humour, music and group dynamics: compatibles with a rigourous university teaching?

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    Este artículo contien la descripción del proceso de implementación de una metodología docente basada en técnicas de superaprendizaje ( humor, música, dinámicas de grupo) en la docencia de la asignatura Estadística II del Grado de Economía de la Universidad de La Laguna. Los 79 alumnos de la asignatura pudieron beneficiarse de música previamente testada con fines educativos y de dinámicas de grupo para la mejora de las relaciones entre todos los asisntentes al aula. Los resultados muestran que los efectos positivos percibidos se concentran especialmente en el bienestar del alumnado y en la relaciones humanas dentro de la clase. Además, hemos medido la satisfacción de los estudiantes y los resultados muestran que la metodología es evaluada como altamente útil para mejorar diversos aspectos de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Es por ello que consideramos que podría ser replicada en más asignaturas en el futuroThis paper contains the description of the implementation process of a teaching methodology based on super-learning techniques (humor, music and group dynamics) in the teaching of the subject Statistical II of the Degree in Economics of the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). The 79 students of the course were able to benefit from music previously tested for educational purposes and group dynamics to improve the relationships among all classroom attendees. The results show that the perceived positive effects of music and dynamics are specially focused on students’ wellness and the human relationships inside the classroom. In addition, we have measured the satisfaction of the students and obtained that the methodology is highly perceived as helpful to improve several aspects of teaching and learning. Therefore we consider that it should be replicated in more subjects in the future

    Música y dinámicas: diferentes entornos universitarios, resultados similares

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    Este estudio muestra el proceso y el resultado de la implementación de una meto- dología basada en el empleo de la música y las dinámicas dentro de la asignatura «la UE en el Ártico» en el tercer curso del grado de Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad de NARFU en Arkhangelsks, Rusia. La metodología se basa en otra similar que se ha probado con éxito en la Univer- sidad de La Laguna (España). Uno de los mayores retos de esta nueva experiencia era afrontar una cultura educativa diferente de la original. Otro obstáculo era la diferencia de idiomas. Las clases fueron desarrolladas en inglés, que no era la lengua materna ni del profesor ni de los estudiantes. La comparación de los resultados de ambas experiencias confirma las conclusiones de los estudios previos. La metodolo- gía afecta especialmente a aquellos factores relacionados con el bienestar de los estudiantes y la mejora del ambiente en clase. Las dinámicas se evaluaron positivamente y el humor fue considerado como un factor clave en el desarrollo de las clases.The study shows the process and result of the implementation of a methodology based on the employment of music and game dynamics in the subject «EU and the Arctic» of the third course of the International Relations ‘degree at the NARFU University in Arkhangelsk, Russia. This methodology is based upon a similar one already tested at the Universidad de La Laguna (Spain). One of the challenges of this new experience was to face a different educative culture from the original one. Another obstacle was the language difference. Lectures were taught in English, which was not the mother language neither of the teacher nor of the students. The comparison of results of both experiences confirms the conclusions of the previous study. The methodology affects specially those factors related with stu- dents ́ wellness and the improvement of the classroom environment. The game dynamics where highly valued and humor was highlighted as a key feature in the lectures development

    Production of Oxygenated Fuel Additives from Residual Glycerine Using Biocatalysts Obtained from Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Jatropha curcas L. Roots

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    This work aims to shed light on the use of two biochars, obtained from the pyrolysis at 550 C of heavy-metal-contaminated Jatropha curcas L. roots, as heterogeneous catalysts for glycerol esterification using residual glycerine. To do this, glycerine from biodiesel production was purified. In a first step, H3PO4 or H2SO4 was used to remove non-glycerol organic matter. The glycerol-rich phase was then extracted with ethanol or propanol, which increased the glycerol content from 43.2% to up to 100%. Subsequently, the esterification of both purified glycerine and commercial USP glycerine was assayed with acetic acid (AA) or with acetic anhydride (AH) at 9:1 molar ratio to glycerol using Amberlyst-15 as catalyst. Different reaction times (from 1.5 to 3 h) and temperatures (100–115 C when using AA and 80–135 C when using AH) were assessed. Results revealed that the most suitable conditions were 80 C and 1.5 h reaction time using AH, achieving 100% yield and selectivity towards triacetylglycerol (TAG) almost with both glycerines. Finally, the performance and reuse of the two heterogeneous biocatalysts was assessed. Under these conditions, one of the biocatalysts also achieved 100% TAG yield.VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia of University of Seville grant VIPPIT-2019-I.

    Propuesta de BCI basado en RSVP con número reducido de estímulos usando el modo de escritura T9.

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    Se propone un sistema de comunicación para personas con severas deficiencias motoras, como pacientes afectados de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, usando una interfaz cerebro computadora. El sistema se basa en el paradigma Rapid Serial Visual Presentation que tiene la ventaja de no requerir control oculomotor. Para reducir el tiempo de escritura, hace uso de solo 12 estímulos, es decir, aproximadamente la mitad de los estímulos que usan sistemas para escritura con interfaces cerebro-computadora tradicionales. De forma similar a los sistemas de escritura con teclados predictivos T9, cada estímulo se asoció con varios caracteres por lo que el sistema es soportado por un programa de análisis de palabras para componer la palabra final deseada de entre las posibles alternativas en función de los estímulos seleccionados. El sistema propuesto se ha comparado con un sistema de escritura tradicional de 30 estímulos usando el mismo paradigma de presentación de estímulos. Los resultados obtenidos, aunque con pruebas realizadas sobre un solo usuario sano y, por tanto, muy preliminar, han permitido comprobar la viabilidad del sistema, verificándose que, efectivamente, esa reducción del número de estímulos mejora las prestaciones del sistema de escritura llegándose a doblar su velocidad. Como contrapartida, el sistema propuesto requiere un entrenamiento para su uso al tener que agrupar diferentes caracteres con cada estímulo presentado, pero la propuesta de agrupación realizada permite pensar que el tiempo de aprendizaje será reducido.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del proyecto SICODIS, referencia: PID2021-127261OB-I00 y la Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech