275 research outputs found

    A multi-stakeholder participatory study identifies the priorities for the sustainability of the small ruminants farming sector in Europe

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    The European small ruminants (i.e. sheep and goats) farming sector (ESRS) provides economic, social and environmental benefits to society, but is also one of the most vulnerable livestock sectors in Europe. This sector has diverse livestock species, breeds, production systems and products, which makes difficult to have a clear vision of its challenges through using conventional analyses. A multi-stakeholder and multi-step approach, including 90 surveys, was used to identify and assess the main challenges for the sustainability of the ESRS to prioritize actions. These challenges and actions were identified by ESRS experts including farmers, cooperatives, breeding associations, advisers and researchers of six EU countries and Turkey. From the 30 identified challenges, the most relevant were economy-related challenges such as ‘uncertainty of meat and milk prices’, ‘volatility of commodity prices’, ‘low farm income’, ‘high subsidy dependency’ and ‘uncertainty in future changes in subsidies’ resulting in ‘a sector not attractive to young farmers’. Most of these challenges were beyond the farmer''s control and perceived as difficult to address. Challenges were prioritized using an index, calculated by multiplying the relevance and the feasibility to address measures. The identified challenges had a similar priority index across the whole sector with small differences across livestock species (sheep vs goats), type of products (meat vs dairy) and intensification levels (intensive vs semi-intensive vs extensive). The priorities were different, however, between socio-geographical regions (Southern vs Central Europe). Some of the top prioritized challenges were linked to aspects related to the production systems (‘low promotion of local breeds’ and ‘slow adaptability of high producing breeds’) and market practices (‘unfair trade/lack of traceability’). The majority of the priority challenges, however, were associated with a deficient knowledge or training at farm level (‘poor business management training’, ‘lack of professionalization’, ‘slow adoption of innovations’), academia (‘researchers do not address real problems’) and society as a whole (‘low consumer education in local products’, ‘low social knowledge about farming’, ‘poor recognition of farming public services’). Thus, improved collaboration among the different stakeholders across the food chain with special implication of farmers, associations of producers, academia and governments is needed to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building. These actions can contribute to make ESRS economically more sustainable and to adapt the production systems and policy to the current and future societal needs in a more region-contextualized framework

    Properties of the Bose glass phase in irradiated superconductors near the matching field

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    Structural and transport properties of interacting localized flux lines in the Bose glass phase of irradiated superconductors are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations near the matching field B_Phi, where the densities of vortices and columnar defects are equal. For a completely random columnar pin distribution in the xy-plane transverse to the magnetic field, our results show that the repulsive vortex interactions destroy the Mott insulator phase which was predicted to occur at B = B_Phi. On the other hand, for ratios of the penetration depth to average defect distance lambda/d <= 1, characteristic remnants of the Mott insulator singularities remain visible in experimentally accessible quantities as the magnetization, the bulk modulus, and the magnetization relaxation, when B is varied near B_Phi. For spatially more regular disorder, e.g., a nearly triangular defect distribution, we find that the Mott insulator phase can survive up to considerably large interaction range \lambda/d, and may thus be observable in experiments.Comment: RevTex, 17 pages, eps files for 12 figures include

    Influence of Polarity and Activation Energy in Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis (MAOS)

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    The aim of this work was to determine the parameters that have decisive roles in microwave-assisted reactions and to develop a model, using computational chemistry, to predict a priori the type of reactions that can be improved under microwaves. For this purpose, a computational study was carried out on a variety of reactions, which have been reported to be improved under microwave irradiation. This comprises six types of reactions. The outcomes obtained in this study indicate that the most influential parameters are activation energy, enthalpy, and the polarity of all the species that participate. In addition to this, in most cases, slower reacting systems observe a much greater improvement under microwave irradiation. Furthermore, for these reactions, the presence of a polar component in the reaction (solvent, reagent, susceptor, etc.) is necessary for strong coupling with the electromagnetic radiation. We also quantified that an activation energy of 20-30 kcal mol-1 and a polarity (”) between 7-20 D of the species involved in the process is required to obtain significant improvements under microwave irradiation

    The geomorphological distribution of subaqueous tufa columns within a hypersaline lake : Mono Lake, USA

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    Acknowledgments This work was supported by funding from BP Group. We thank the Mono Lake Committee for supporting fieldwork and for helping our vessel onto and most of all off the lake, and the State of California for permitting access to the lake and its environs. Dave Marquart is thanked for his support and knowledge of the lake environment. Cody and Phillip are thanked for their help on the lake, and Vern for vital logistical support. Ian Billing is thanked for his instrumental involvement in this project, and his role in shaping our thoughts. We hope he would be pleased with this paper. Dr. Chelsea Pederson, Dr. W. Fischer are heartily thanked for their excellent efforts as reviewers improving this manuscript, and Dr. Juan Carlos Laya is thanked for his careful handling of the manuscript as Associate Editor.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Pre-main-sequence Lithium Depletion

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    In this review I briefly discuss the theory of pre-main-sequence (PMS) Li depletion in low-mass (0.075<M<1.2 Msun) stars and highlight those uncertain parameters which lead to substantial differences in model predictions. I then summarise observations of PMS stars in very young open clusters, clusters that have just reached the ZAMS and briefly highlight recent developments in the observation of Li in very low-mass PMS stars.Comment: 8 pages, invited review at "Chemical abundances and mixing in stars in the Milky Way and its satellites", eds. L. Pasquini, S. Randich. ESO Astrophysics Symposium (Springer-Verlag

    On the selection of the globally optimal prototype subset for nearest-neighbor classification

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    The nearest-neighbor classifier has been shown to be a powerful tool for multiclass classification. We explore both theoretical properties and empirical behavior of a variant method, in which the nearest-neighbor rule is applied to a reduced set of prototypes. This set is selected a priori by fixing its cardinality and minimizing the empirical misclassification cost. In this way we alleviate the two serious drawbacks of the nearest-neighbor method: high storage requirements and time-consuming queries. Finding this reduced set is shown to be NP-hard. We provide mixed integer programming (MIP) formulations, which are theoretically compared and solved by a standard MIP solver for small problem instances. We show that the classifiers derived from these formulations are comparable to benchmark procedures. We solve large problem instances by a metaheuristic that yields good classification rules in reasonable time. Additional experiments indicate that prototype-based nearest-neighbor classifiers remain quite stable in the presence of missing values

    Gene expression profiling of mesenteric lymph nodes from sheep with natural scrapie

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    Background: Prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of the pathogenic PrPSc protein, mainly in the brain and the lymphoreticular system. Although prions multiply/accumulate in the lymph nodes without any detectable pathology, transcriptional changes in this tissue may reflect biological processes that contribute to the molecular pathogenesis of prion diseases. Little is known about the molecular processes that occur in the lymphoreticular system in early and late stages of prion disease. We performed a microarray-based study to identify genes that are differentially expressed at different disease stages in the mesenteric lymph node of sheep naturally infected with scrapie. Oligo DNA microarrays were used to identify gene-expression profiles in the early/middle (preclinical) and late (clinical) stages of the disease. Results: In the clinical stage of the disease, we detected 105 genes that were differentially expressed (=2-fold change in expression). Of these, 43 were upregulated and 62 downregulated as compared with age-matched negative controls. Fewer genes (50) were differentially expressed in the preclinical stage of the disease. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes were largely associated with the following terms: glycoprotein, extracellular region, disulfide bond, cell cycle and extracellular matrix. Moreover, some of the annotated genes could be grouped into 3 specific signaling pathways: focal adhesion, PPAR signaling and ECM-receptor interaction. We discuss the relationship between the observed gene expression profiles and PrPSc deposition and the potential involvement in the pathogenesis of scrapie of 7 specific differentially expressed genes whose expression levels were confirmed by real time-PCR. Conclusions: The present findings identify new genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of natural scrapie infection in the lymphoreticular system, and confirm previous reports describing scrapie-induced alterations in the expression of genes involved in protein misfolding, angiogenesis and the oxidative stress response. Further studies will be necessary to determine the role of these genes in prion replication, dissemination and in the response of the organism to this disease

    Experimental proof of faster-is-slower in systems of frictional particles flowing through constrictions

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    The "faster-is-slower" (FIS) effect was first predicted by computer simulations of the egress of pedestrians through a narrow exit D. Helbing, I. J. Farkas, and T. Vicsek, Nature (London) 407, 487 (2000)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/35035023]. FIS refers to the finding that, under certain conditions, an excess of the individuals'' vigor in the attempt to exit causes a decrease in the flow rate. In general, this effect is identified by the appearance of a minimum when plotting the total evacuation time of a crowd as a function of the pedestrian desired velocity. Here, we experimentally show that the FIS effect indeed occurs in three different systems of discrete particles flowing through a constriction: (a) humans evacuating a room, (b) a herd of sheep entering a barn, and (c) grains flowing out a 2D hopper over a vibrated incline. This finding suggests that FIS is a universal phenomenon for active matter passing through a narrowing

    Commensurate and Incommensurate Vortex Lattice Melting in Periodic Pinning Arrays

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    We examine the melting of commensurate and incommensurate vortex lattices interacting with square pinning arrays through the use of numerical simulations. For weak pinning strength in the commensurate case we observe an order-order transition from a commensurate square vortex lattice to a triangular floating solid phase as a function of temperature. This floating solid phase melts into a liquid at still higher temperature. For strong pinning there is only a single transition from the square pinned lattice to the liquid state. For strong pinning in the incommensurate case, we observe a multi-stage melting in which the interstitial vortices become mobile first, followed by the melting of the entire lattice, consistent with recent imaging experiments. The initial motion of vortices in the incommensurate phase occurs by an exchange process of interstitial vortices with vortices located at the pinning sites. We have also examined the vortex melting behavior for higher matching fields and find that a coexistence of a commensurate pinned vortex lattice with an interstitial vortex liquid occurs while at higher temperatures the entire vortex lattice melts. For triangular arrays at incommensurate fields higher than the first matching field we observe that the initial vortex motion can occur through a novel correlated ring excitation where a number of vortices can rotate around a pinned vortex. We also discuss the relevance of our results to recent experiments of colloidal particles interacting with periodic trap arrays.Comment: 8 figure

    Pedestrian collective motion in competitive room evacuation

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    When a sizable number of people evacuate a room, if the door is not large enough, an accumulation of pedestrians in front of the exit may take place. This is the cause of emerging collective phenomena where the density is believed to be the key variable determining the pedestrian dynamics. Here, we show that when sustained contact among the individuals exists, density is not enough to describe the evacuation, and propose that at least another variable -such as the kinetic stress- is required. We recorded evacuation drills with different degrees of competitiveness where the individuals are allowed to moderately push each other in their way out. We obtain the density, velocity and kinetic stress fields over time, showing that competitiveness strongly affects them and evidencing patterns which have been never observed in previous (low pressure) evacuation experiments. For the highest competitiveness scenario, we detect the development of sudden collective motions. These movements are related to a notable increase of the kinetic stress and a reduction of the velocity towards the door, but do not depend on the density
