212 research outputs found

    The bryophyte vegetation of the nature reserve „MuschelkalkhĂ€nge zwischen Lieskau, Köllme und Bennstedt“ near Halle (Saxony-Anhalt)

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    In dem bei Halle (Saale) gelegenen Naturschutzgebiet „MuschelkalkhĂ€nge zwischen Lieskau, Köllme und Bennstedt“ wurden die Moosgesellschaften und die Moosflora erfasst. Bedeutungsvolle Gesellschaften sind die basiphytischen, epigĂ€ischen Assoziationen Tortelletum inclinatae, Barbuletum convolutae, Astometum crispi, Aloinetum rigidae und Dicranelletum rubrae, die epilithischen Assoziationen Orthotricho anomali-Grimmietum pulvinatae und Homomallietum incurvati sowie die epixylen Assoziationen Orthotrichetum fallacis, Ulotetum crispae, Pylaisietum polyanthae und Brachythecio rutabuli-Hypnetum cupressiformis. Alle Gesellschaften sind durch zahlreiche Aufnahmen in 14 Tabellen dargestellt. Insgesamt konnten 20 Moosgesellschaften, 2 Flechtengesellschaften und 108 Moosarten (3 Lebermoose, 105 Laubmoose) nachgewiesen werden.In the nature reserve “MuschelkalkhĂ€nge zwischen Lieskau, Köllme und Bennstedt”, situated in a shell limestone district near the town Halle (Germany) the bryophyte communities and bryophyte flora have been recorded. Significant are the basiphytic terricolous associations Tortelletum inclinatae, Barbuletum convolutae, Astometum crispi, Aloinetum rigidae and Dicranelletum rubrae, the epilithic basiphytic associations Orthotricho anomali-Grimmietum pulvinatae, Homomallietum incurvati and the epixylic associations Orthotrichetum fallacis, Ulotetum crispae, Pylaisietum polyanthae and Brachythecio rutabuli-Hypnetum cupressiformis. All bryophyte communities are represented by numerous relevĂ©s in 14 tables. In total, 20 bryophyte communities, 2 lichen communities and 108 bryophyte species (3 liverworts, 105 mosses) have been found

    Complete Integrability and Discretization of Euler Top and Manakov Top

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    The Euler top is a completely integrable system with physical system implications and the Manakov top is its four-dimensional extension. We are concerned about their complete integrability and the preservation of this property under a specific discretization known as the Hirota-Kimura Discretization. Surprisingly, it is not guaranteed that under any discretization the conserved quantities are preserved and therefore they must be discovered. In this work we construct the Poisson bracket and Lax pair for each system and provide the Lie algebra background needed to do such such constructions

    The bryophyte vegetation of the Herrscherberg and Bock near Nebra (district Burgenlandkreis, Saxony-Anhalt).

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    Im Gebiet des Herrscherbergs und des Bocks bei Nebra, im sĂŒdlichen Sachsen-Anhalt gelegen, wurden auf Sandsteinblöcken, Mineralböden, Borke lebender Gehölze und morschem Holz die Moosgesellschaften und die Moosflora erfasst. Charakteristische Gesellschaften sind azidophytische Assoziationen der VerbĂ€nde Grimmion commutatae, Isothecion myosuroidis und Dicranellion heteromallae, basiphytische Assoziationen der VerbĂ€nde Grimmion tergestinae, Grimaldion fragrantis, Neckerion complanatae und Fissidention gracilifolii, epiphytische Gesellschaften der VerbĂ€nde Dicrano scoparii-Hypnion filiformis, Ulotion crispae und Syntrichion laevipilae sowie auf morschem Holz Gesellschaften des Verbandes Bryo-Brachythecion. Alle Gesellschaften sind durch zahlreiche Aufnahmen in 22 Tabellen dargestellt. Insgesamt konnten 42 Moosgesellschaften und 155 Moosarten (9 Lebermoose, 146 Laubmoose) nachgewiesen werden.In the area of Herrscherberg and Bock near the town Nebra, situated in the southern part of Saxony-Anhalt, the bryophyte communities and bryophyte flora on sandstone blocks, on mineraly soil, living bark and rotten wood have been recorded. Significant there are associations of the acidophytic alliances Grimmion commutatae, Isothecion myosuroidis and Dicranellion heteromallae, associations of the basiphytic alliances Grimmion tergestinae, Grimaldion fragrantis, Neckerion complanatae and Fissidention gracilifolii, associations of the epiphytic alliances Dicrano scoparii-Hypnion filiformis, Ulotion crispae and Syntrichion laevipilae and on rotten wood associations of the Bryo-Brachythecion. All bryophyte communities are represented by numerous relevĂ©s in 22 tables. In total 42 bryophyte communities and 155 bryophyte species (9 liverworts, 146 mosses) have been found

    Dynamic competition between large-scale functional networks differentiates fear conditioning and extinction in humans.

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    The high evolutionary value of learning when to respond to threats or when to inhibit previously learned associations after changing threat contingencies is reflected in dedicated networks in the animal and human brain. Recent evidence further suggests that adaptive learning may be dependent on the dynamic interaction of meta-stable functional brain networks. However, it is still unclear which functional brain networks compete with each other to facilitate associative learning and how changes in threat contingencies affect this competition. The aim of this study was to assess the dynamic competition between large-scale networks related to associative learning in the human brain by combining a repeated differential conditioning and extinction paradigm with independent component analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. The results (i) identify three task-related networks involved in initial and sustained conditioning as well as extinction, and demonstrate that (ii) the two main networks that underlie sustained conditioning and extinction are anti-correlated with each other and (iii) the dynamic competition between these two networks is modulated in response to changes in associative contingencies. These findings provide novel evidence for the view that dynamic competition between large-scale functional networks differentiates fear conditioning from extinction learning in the healthy brain and suggest that dysfunctional network dynamics might contribute to learning-related neuropsychiatric disorders

    On Localization of the Fractional Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    The continuum and discrete fractional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations (fDNLS) represent new models in nonlinear wave phenomena with unique properties. In this paper, we focus on various aspects of localization associated to fDNLS featuring modulational instability, asymptotic construction of onsite and offsite solutions, and the role of Peierls-Nabarro barrier. In particular, the localized onsite and offsite solutions are constructed using the map approach. Under the long-range interaction characterized by the L\'{e}vy index α>0\alpha>0, the phase space of solutions is infinite-dimensional unlike that of the well-studied nearest-neighbor interaction. We show that an orbit corresponding to this spatial dynamics translates to an approximate solution that decays algebraically. We also show as α→∞\alpha \rightarrow \infty, the discrepancy between local and nonlocal dynamics becomes negligible on a compact time interval, but persists on a global time scale. Moreover it is shown that data of small mass scatter to free solutions under a sufficiently high nonlinearity, which proves the existence of strictly positive excitation threshold for ground state solutions of fDNLS

    Differentiation of functional networks during long-term memory retrieval in children and adolescents.

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    The processes that characterize the neural development of long-term memory (LTM) are largely unknown. In young adults, the degree of activation of a single large-scale memory network corresponds to the level of contextual detail involved; thus, differentiating between autobiographical, episodic, and semantic retrieval. In contrast to young adults, children and adolescents retrieve fewer contextual details, suggesting that they might not yet engage the entire memory circuitry and that this brain recruitment might lack the characteristic contextual differentiation found in adults. Twenty-one children (10-12 years of age), 20 adolescents (14-16 years of age), and 22 young adults (20-35 years of age) were assessed on a previously validated LTM retrieval task, while their brain activity was measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The results demonstrate that children, adolescents, and adults recruit a left-lateralized subset of the large-scale memory network, comprising semantic and language processing regions, with neither developmental group showing evidence of contextual differentiation within this network. Additionally, children and adolescents recruited occipital and parietal regions during all memory recall conditions, in contrast to adults who engaged the entire large-scale memory network, as described previously. Finally, a significant covariance between age and brain activation indicates that the reliance on occipital and parietal regions during memory retrieval decreases with age. These results suggest that both children and adolescents rely on semantic processing to retrieve long-term memories, which, we argue, may restrict the integration of contextual detail required for complex episodic and autobiographical memory retrieval

    Ein vielseitiges Medium: Rezension zu "Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung" von Oliver Scheiding und Sabina Fazli (Hg.)

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    Oliver Scheiding, Sabina Fazli (Hrsg.): Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung. Edition Medienwissenschaft, Bd. 72. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2022. 978-3-8376-5113-3 (https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-83122-3
