46 research outputs found
Identifying of Land Suitability Sea Cucumber (Holothuria scabra) Using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Based on Physics Parameters In West Lombok
This study was conducted on 17th October - 27th November 2016 at Gili Asahan, Gili Layar, and Gili Gede in West Sekotong, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The purpose of this study was to analyse a suitable area for sea cucumber cultivation (Holothuria scabra). Data collection had been done by survey method, acquiring primer and secondary data directly related to sea cucumber's life and analyzed by using Geographic Information System software. A physical parameters include temperature 29,14 – 30,240C, the water transparancy of the 0,78 – 1,35 m, the current speed from 0,2 to 0,7 m/s, rainfall of 174 mm, protection: protected, fairly protected and unprotected, depth 0,78 to 1,35 m, the tide of 0,9 m. Land suitability classes are determined based on the interval between the other classes S1 (40-42), S2 (37-39) and N (34-36). Based on the results of scoring that has been adapted to the class interval obtained sample points with a very appropriate category (S1) including A1, C1, C4, C5. Then for the corresponding category (S2) between the A2, A3, C2, C3. Meanwhile, according to the category is not contained in the sample points B1, B2 and B3
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN BUDIDAYA LELE DUMBO Clarias sp. MELALUI PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MINA PEDESAAN PERIKANAN BUDIDAYA DI KABUPATEN BULELENG (Aquaculture Development of Catfish Clarias sp. through Fisheries Business Development in Village on Fish Aquac
ABSTRAKPermintaan produksi lele dumbo yang tinggi di Provinsi Bali belum mampu dimaksimalkan peluangnya oleh para Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan (Pokdakan) penerima bantuan langsung masyarakat melalui program Pengembangan Usaha Mina Pedesaan Perikanan Budidaya (PUMP PB) tahun 2011 – 2013 di Kabupaten Buleleng. Faktornya adalah jumlah penyuluh perikanan yang mendampingi pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut, kemampuan Pokdakan pada bidang budidaya, terbatasnya informasi teknik budidaya, kontinunitas ketersediaan benih yang berkualitas di Kabupaten Buleleng. Hasil evaluasi dan tidakan melalui Participatory Action Research (PAR) adalah memanfaatkan faktor lingkungan eksternal melalui pemanfaatan aliran irigasi subak untuk budidaya pembesaran lele dumbo, pemberian pellet fermentasi mendapatkan perbandingan Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) 0,997 : 1,0. Hasil matrik IFAS dan EFAS, dari penelitian ini didapatkan jumlah x = 0,296 dan y = 0,058 yang menunjukan strategi progresif yang menandakan sebuah organisasi yang kuat dan berpeluang. Salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memanfaatkan lingkungan perairan dari aliran irigasi untuk kegiatan usaha budidaya pembesaran lele dumbo di Kabupaten Buleleng sehingga dapat memenuhi tingginya permintaan lele dumbo di Provinsi Bali. ABSTRACTThe high demand of catfish production in Bali province has not been able to be made use by local fish cultivation groups (Pokdakan) which are recipients of Fisheries Business Development in Village on Fish Aquaculture Program (PUMP PB) 2011 – 2013 Buleleng regency. The contributing factors are the number of the attending fishery counselors in the program implementation, the ability of Pokdakans on aquacultural field, the limited information on aquaculture techniques and the continuity of high quality seed availability in Buleleng regency. Evaluation and treatment result of Participatory Action Research (PAR) is that subak irrigation system can be used for the catfish rearing aquaculture, fermented feed utilization showed Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) 0.997 : 1.0. Based on IFAS and EFAS matrices analysis, achieved x value = 0.296 and y = 0.058 showed progressive strategy which means a strong and opportune organization. One strategy is utilization of subak irrigation system for catfish rearing aquaculture in Buleleng regency to meet the high demand of the catfish in Bali province
Teripang merupakan kelompok hewan invertebrata dari filum Echinodermata kelas Holothurioidea. Teripang termasuk komponen penting dalam rantai makanan karena peranannya sebagai pemakan endapan (deposit feeder) dan pemakan materi tersuspensi (suspension feeder). Oleh karena itu diperlukan informasi yang memadai yang bisa dipakai untuk pengelolaan teripang secara berkelanjutan. Salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Metode ini dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam mengetahui lokasi penyebarannya, sehingga pengembangan dalam kegiatan budidaya teripang pasir (Holothuria scabra) dapat tercapai dengan optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesesuaian kawasan budidaya teripang menggunakan Aplikasi SIG yang disajikan dalam bentuk peta kesesuaian kawasan budidaya teripang pasir (H. scabra) di Perairan Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2016 – 27 November 2016 di Gili Asahan, Gili Layar dan Gili Gede Kecamatan Sekotong Barat Kabupaten Sekotong Barat Pulau Lombok Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei, berupa data primer dan sekunder yang berkaitan langsung dengan hidup teripang. Berdasarkan parameter kimia hasil penelitian di Perairan Lombok Barat adalah: pH 6,82 – 7,50, salinitas 32 – 34 ppt dan DO 6,19 – 6,52 mg/L, lokasi kesesuaian lahan untuk kategori sangat sesuai terdapat di Gili Gede, kategori sesuai di Gili Asahan dan kategori tidak sesuai di Gili Layar.Sea cucumbers are a group of invertebrate animals of the phylum Echinodermata Holothurioidea class. Sea cucumbers include important components in the food chain because of its role as the sediment feeder and suspended feeder. It is therefore necessary that adequate information that can be used for sea cucumber management in a sustainable manner. One method used is to use geographic information system (GIS). This method can be used to make it easier to know the location of its spreading, so the development of sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) in aquaculture can be achieved optimally. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of the sea cucumber cultivation areas using GIS applications were presented in map form suitability sea cucumber cultivation area (H. scabra) in West Lombok Waters. This study was conducted on 17th October - 27th November 2016 at Gili Asahan, Gili Layar, and Gili Gede in West Sekotong, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Data was collected by survey methods, such as primary and secondary data directly related to the life of sea cucumbers. Based on chemical parameter the result of this research in West Lombok were pH 6,82 – 7,50, salinity 32 – 34 ppt and DO 6,19 – 6,52 mg/L. The location of land suitability for very appropriate category contained in Gili Gede, Gili Asahan appropriate category and the category is not appropriate in Gili Layar
Chaetoceros Ceratosporum Diatomae in Feed Formula to Increase Growth and Post Larvae Immunity of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon Fab.) to Vibrio Harveyi Infection
This experiment aims to determine the effect and the best dose of Chaetoceros ceratosporum diatomae utilization in feed formula for post larvae of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.) growth and immunity to Vibrio harveyi infection. This research applied Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment use Chaetoceros ceratosporum diatomae in feed formula (iso protein 39.02% and iso energy 3.58 kcal/g diet) in different doses, i.e. treatment A = 0 %; B = 3.04 %; C = 6.0 8%; D = 9.12 %. Observed parameters were Survival Rate, Growth Rate, Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) and Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER). Result showed that Chaetoceros ceratosporum diatomae utilization in feed formula affect the increase of growth and immunity of post larvae of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fab.) to Vibrio harveyi infection. The best dose in feed formula ranged from 5,75% – 5,95%
Chicken Feather Silage Meal As A Fish Meal Protein Source Replacement In Feed Formula Of Pomfret (Colossoma macropomum)
The research was conducted to know the effect and to determine the best utilization of the chiken feather silage meal as a substitute for fish meal protein source in the feed formula of Colossoma macropomum. This study used experimental method based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. Five diets (33% isoprotein and 3.85 kcal/g diet isoenergi) were formulated with substitution of the chiken feather silage meal to fishmeal protein. These substituted 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % (A, B, C, D and E respectively) of the fishmeal protein. Parameters observed and analyzed were: survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, protein retention and protein digestibility. The results showed that the treatment had no effect on survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, and protein retention but the effect on protein digestibility. Based on these results, it can be concluded that fishmeal protein can be substituted with the chiken feather silage meal up to 100% in the feed formula of Colossoma macropomum
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sample ikan betok (Anabas testudineus Bloch 1972) yang berasal dari perairan rawa Kalimantan Selatan, dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keragaman genetik dan aspek konservasinya dengan metode amplifikasi mtDNA. Proses amplifikasi mtDNA ikan betok terjadi di daerah D Loop. Hasil analisis mt-DNA D Loop ikan betok menunjukkan bahwa, analisis keseimbangan populasi Hardy-Weinberg berkisar antara 0,02 - 0,09, sedangkan haplotipe tertinggi terdapat pada rawa monoton (0,9384), kemudian tadah hujan (0,7111) dan pasang surut (0,6). Heterozigositas ditemukan unik pada populasi rawa monoton (BAAAA) dan rawa pasang surut (BAACA) dan umum di temukan di ketiga ekosistem rawa (AAABA). Ikan betok di bagi menjadi dua stok populasi yaitu populasi rawa monoton dan pasang surut serta stok tadah hujan. Konsep utama dalam konservasi genetik adalah fitness population dimana populasi dipertahankan minimal 500 ekor/kawasan. Untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik ikan betok, dilakukan dengan cara introduksi individu-individu baru yang memiliki keragaman genetik yang lebih tinggi kedalam populasi lokal, restocking dan membuat kawasan suaka yang dilindungi oleh Dinas Perikanan setempat bersama-sama dengan masyarakat di sekitar perairan rawa tersebut. The research was conducted using climbing perch samples originated from the swampy waters of the southern Borneo, and the objektive of this study to investigate the genetic diversity and the conservation aspect using mtDNA amplification method. mtDNA amplification process occurs in the D Loop region. The results of the analysis of D-Loop mtDNA of climbing perch showed that, the analysis of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium population ranged from 0.02 to 0.09, while the highest haplotypes found in swamp bogs (monotonic) (0.9384) then rainfed (0.7111) and tides (0.6). Heterozygosity was found uniquely in the swamp monotonic population (BAAAA) and marsh tides (BAACA) and common in all three ecosystems found in the swampy area (AAABA) . Climbing perch stock divided into two populations monotone and tidal swamp population and rainfed stock. The main concept of genetic conservation is the fitness population where the population is maintained at least 500 tail/region. To increase the genetic diversity of climbing perch, can be done by the introduction of new individuals wich has a higher genetic diversity into the local population, restocking and create reserves of protected areas by the Local Fisheries Authority together with the community around the swampy waters
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan benih kerapu macan pada fase pendederan dengan kepadatan yang berbeda di keramba jaring apung (KJA). Tiga padat penebaran yang digunakan selama penelitian adalah 75, 100 dan 125 ekor/m3 , masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan. Keramba jaring apung yang digunakan sebanyak 18 petak dan setiap petak dipasang jaring berbentuk kurungan berukuran 1x1x1 meter. Ukuran mata jaring mesh size 0,5 inch dan atau disesuaikan dengan ikan uji yaitu panjang 9,2 ± 0,002 cm dan berat 5,7 ± 0,004 gram. Penelitian dilakukan selama 3 bulan dan selama penelitian ikan diberi pakan pellet kandungan protein minimum 50% dan pakan ikan rucah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan benih kerapu macan (Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus) pada fase pendederan di keramba jaring apung (KJA) adalah 75 ekor/m3 .