919 research outputs found

    Peer assessment and knowledge discovering in a community of learners

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    Thanks to the exponential growth of the Internet, Distance Education is becoming more and more strategic in many fields of daily life. Its main advantage is that students can learn through appropriate web platforms that allow them to take advantage of multimedia and interactive teaching materials, without constraints neither of time nor of space. Today, in fact, the Internet offers many platforms suitable for this purpose, such as Moodle, ATutor and others. Coursera is another example of a platform that offers different courses to thousands of enrolled students. This approach to learning is, however, posing new problems such as that of the assessment of the learning status of the learner in the case where there were thousands of students following a course, as is in Massive On-line Courses (MOOC). The Peer Assessment can therefore be a solution to this problem: evaluation takes place between peers, creating a dynamic in the community of learners that evolves autonomously. In this article, we present a first step towards this direction through a peer assessment mechanism led by the teacher who intervenes by evaluating a very small part of the students. Through a mechanism based on machine learning, and in particular on a modified form of K-NN, given the teacher’s grades, the system should converge towards an evaluation that is as similar as possible to the one that the teacher would have given. An experiment is presented with encouraging results

    Understanding Floristic Diversity Though a Database of Greene County Specimens

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    We present a floristic list of Greene County, Arkansas, based on accessioned collections from the Arkansas State University Herbarium (STAR). Currently, there are 1569 specimens representing 540 taxa from Greene County in STAR. Using the USDA Plants Database, plant species were analyzed according to whether or not they are native to the state as well as whether or not they have been previously documented as species occurring in the county. Having analyzed all the Greene County collections from STAR, we found 225 previously undocumented species. The data suggest that most of the specimens in the STAR collection were found in wooded areas and/or near water. This may be a reflection of sampling bias as two of the primary collectors of these specimens were primarily interested in bog habitats. For this reason, the Greene County collections may not fully represent all habitats in the county, but it is likely that they are a good representation of the county’s seeps and bogs. The STAR Herbarium is emerging as a critical resource for understanding botanical diversity in the eastern counties of Arkansas, but it is clear that additional collections are necessary to fully represent all habitats in these areas

    Stability and post-buckling behavior in nonbolted elastomeric isolators

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    Copyright © 2010 Mathematical Sciences PublishersThis paper is a theoretical and numerical study of the stability of light-weight low-cost elastomeric isolators for application to housing, schools and other public buildings in highly seismic areas of the developing world. The theoretical analysis covers the buckling of multilayer elastomeric isolation bearings where the reinforcing elements, normally thick and inflexible steel plates, are replaced by thin flexible reinforcement. The reinforcement in these bearings, in contrast to the steel in the conventional isolator (which is assumed to be rigid both in extension and flexure), is assumed to be completely without flexural rigidity. This is of course not completely accurate but allows the determination of a lower bound to the ultimate buckling load of the isolator. In addition, there are fewer reinforcing layers than in conventional isolators which makes them lighter but the most important aspect of these bearings is that they do not have end plates again reducing the weight but also they are not bonded to the upper and lower support surfaces. The intention of the research program of which this study is a part is to provide a low-cost light-weight isolation system for housing and public buildings in developing countries

    CABALA: Collaborative Architectures based on Biometric Adaptable Layers and Activities

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    The lack of communication and of dynamic adaptation to working settings often hinder stable performances of subsystems of present multibiometric architectures. The calibration phase often uses a specific training set, so that (sub)systems are tuned with respect to well determined conditions. In this work we investigate the modular construction of systems according to CABALA (Collaborative Architectures based on Biometric Adaptable Layers and Activities) approach. Different levels of flexibility and collaboration are supported. The computation of system reliability (SRR), for each single response of each single subsystem, allows to address temporary decrease of accuracy due to adverse conditions (light, dirty sensors, etc.), by possibly refusing a poorly reliable response or by asking for a new recognition operation. Subsystems can collaborate at a twofold level, both in returning a jointly determined answer, and in co-evolving to tune to changing conditions. At the first level, single-biometric subsystems implement the N-Cross Testing Protocol: they work in parallel, but exchange information to reach the final response. At an higher level of interdependency, parameters of each subsystem can be dynamically optimized according to the behavior of their companions. To this aim, an additional Supervisor Module analyzes the single results and, in our present implementation, modifies the degree of reliability required from each subsystem to accept its future responses. The paper explores different combinations of these novel strategies. We demonstrate that as component collaboration increases, the same happens to both the overall system accuracy and to the ability to identify unstable subsystems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    FARO: FAce Recognition against Occlusions and Expression Variations

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    FARO: FAce Recognition Against Occlusions and Expression Variations Maria De Marsico, Member, IEEE, Michele Nappi, and Daniel Riccio Abstract—Face recognition is widely considered as one of the most promising biometric techniques, allowing high recognition rates without being too intrusive. Many approaches have been presented to solve this special pattern recognition problem, also addressing the challenging cases of face changes, mainly occurring in expression, illumination, or pose. On the other hand, less work can be found in literature that deals with partial occlusions (i.e., sunglasses and scarves). This paper presents FAce Recognition against Occlusions and Expression Variations (FARO) as a new method based on partitioned iterated function systems (PIFSs), which is quite robust with respect to expression changes and partial occlusions. In general, algorithms based on PIFSs compute a map of self-similarities inside the whole input image, searching for correspondences among small square regions. However, traditional algorithms of this kind suffer from local distortions such as occlusions. To overcome such limitation, information extracted by PIFS is made local by working independently on each face component (eyes, nose, and mouth). Distortions introduced by likely occlusions or expression changes are further reduced by means of an ad hoc distance measure. In order to experimentally confirm the robustness of the proposed method to both lighting and expression variations, as well as to occlusions, FARO has been tested using AR-Faces database, one of the main benchmarks for the scientific community in this context. A further validation of FARO performances is provided by the experimental results produced on Face Recognition Grand Challenge database

    Intrinsic vulnerability assessment of the south-eastern Murge (Apulia, southern Italy)

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    Maps of areas with different vulnerability degrees are an integral part of environmental protection and management policies. It is difficult to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of karst areas since the stage and type of karst structure development and its related underground discharge behaviour are not easy to determine. Therefore, some improvements, which take into account dolines, caves and superficial lineament arrangement, have been integrated into the SINTACS R5 method and applied to a karst area of the south-eastern Murge (Apulia, southern Italy). The proposed approach integrates the SINTACS model giving more weight to morphological and structural data; in particular the following parameters have been modified: depth to groundwater, effective infiltration action, unsaturated zone attenuation capacity and soil/overburden attenuation capacity. Effective hydrogeological and impacting situations are also arranged using superficial lineaments and karst density. In order to verify the reliability of the modified procedure, a comparison is made with the original SINTACS R5 index evaluated in the same area. The results of both SINTACS index maps are compared with karst and structural features identified in the area and with groundwater nitrate concentrations recorded in wells. The best fitting SINTACS map is then overlaid by the layout of potential pollution centres providing a complete map of the pollution risk in the area

    Multimodal Emotion Recognition via Convolutional Neural Networks: Comparison of different strategies on two multimodal datasets

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate emotion recognition using a multimodal approach that exploits convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with multiple input. Multimodal approaches allow different modalities to cooperate in order to achieve generally better performances because different features are extracted from different pieces of information. In this work, the facial frames, the optical flow computed from consecutive facial frames, and the Mel Spectrograms (from the word melody) are extracted from videos and combined together in different ways to understand which modality combination works better. Several experiments are run on the models by first considering one modality at a time so that good accuracy results are found on each modality. Afterward, the models are concatenated to create a final model that allows multiple inputs. For the experiments the datasets used are BAUM-1 ((Bahçeşehir University Multimodal Affective Database - 1) and RAVDESS (Ryerson Audio–Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song), which both collect two distinguished sets of videos based on the different intensity of the expression, that is acted/strong or spontaneous/normal, providing the representations of the following emotional states that will be taken into consideration: angry, disgust, fearful, happy and sad. The performances of the proposed models are shown through accuracy results and some confusion matrices, demonstrating better accuracy than the compared proposals in the literature. The best accuracy achieved on BAUM-1 dataset is about 95%, while on RAVDESS it is about 95.5%

    Entropy Based Template Analysis in Face Biometric Identification Systems

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    The accuracy of a biometric matching algorithm relies on its ability to better separate score distributions for genuine and impostor subjects. However, capture conditions (e.g. illumination or acquisition devices) as well as factors related to the subject at hand (e.g. pose or occlusions) may even take a generally accurate algorithm to provide incorrect answers. Techniques for face classification are still too sensitive to image distortion, and this limit hinders their use in large-scale commercial applications, which are typically run in uncontrolled settings. This paper will join the notion of quality with the further interesting concept of representativeness of a biometric sample, taking into account the case of more samples per subject. Though being of excellent quality, the gallery samples belonging to a certain subject might be very (too much) similar among them, so that even a moderately different sample of the same subject in input will cause an error. This seems to indicate that quality measures alone are not able to guarantee good performances. In practice, a subject gallery should include a sufficient amount of possible variations, in order to allow correct recognition in different situations. We call this gallery feature representativeness. A significant feature to consider together with quality is the sufficient representativeness of (each) subject’s gallery. A strategy to address this problem is to investigate the role of the entropy, which is computed over a set of samples of a same subject. The paper will present a number of applications of such a measure in handling the galleries of the different users who are registered in a system. The resulting criteria might also guide template updating, to assure gallery representativeness over time

    Inflated 3D ConvNet context analysis for violence detection

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    According to the Wall Street Journal, one billion surveillance cameras will be deployed around the world by 2021. This amount of information can be hardly managed by humans. Using a Inflated 3D ConvNet as backbone, this paper introduces a novel automatic violence detection approach that outperforms state-of-the-art existing proposals. Most of those proposals consider a pre-processing step to only focus on some regions of interest in the scene, i.e., those actually containing a human subject. In this regard, this paper also reports the results of an extensive analysis on whether and how the context can affect or not the adopted classifier performance. The experiments show that context-free footage yields substantial deterioration of the classifier performance (2% to 5%) on publicly available datasets. However, they also demonstrate that performance stabilizes in context-free settings, no matter the level of context restriction applied. Finally, a cross-dataset experiment investigates the generalizability of results obtained in a single-collection experiment (same dataset used for training and testing) to cross-collection settings (different datasets used for training and testing)

    Stress indicators in steers at slaughtering

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    This work aimed to assess the blood modifications of some slaughtering-linked stress hormones in cattle subject to butcher standardized procedures. The blood samples of 20 Limousine 12-13 months old steers have been collected before slaughtering, during lairage, and after stunning by captive bolt gun, during exsanguination. The plasma level of epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and beta-endorphin have been assayed by EIA. The data indicate that catecholamines, cortisol and beta-endorphin did not significantly increase after stunning in these animals
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