47,800 research outputs found

    Abrasion by aeolian particles: Earth and Mars

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    Estimation of the rate of aeolian abrasion of rocks on Mars requires knowledge of: (1) particle flux, (2) susceptibilities to abrasion of various rocks, and (3) wind frequencies on Mars. Fluxes and susceptibilities for a wide range of conditions were obtained in the laboratory and combined with wind data from the Viking meteorology experiment. Assuming an abundant supply of sand-sized particles, estimated rates range up to 2.1 x 10 to the minus 2 power cm of abrasion per year in the vicinity of Viking Lander 1. This rate is orders of magnitude too great to be in agreement with the inferred age of the surface based on models of impact crater flux. The discrepancy in the estimated rate of abrasion and the presumed old age of the surface cannot be explained easily by changes in climate or exhumation of ancient surfaces. The primary reason is thought to be related to the agents of abrasion. At least some sand-sized (approx. 100 micrometers) grains appear to be present, as inferred from both lander and orbiter observations. High rates of abrasion occur for all experimental cases involving sands of quartz, basalt, or ash. However, previous studies have shown that sand is quickly comminuted to silt- and clay-sized grains in the martian aeolian regime. Experiments also show that these fine grains are electrostatically charged and bond together as sand-sized aggregates. Laboratory simulations of wind abrasion involving aggregates show that at impact velocities capable of destroying sand, aggregates from a protective veneer on the target surface and can give rise to extremely low abrasion rates

    A simple method for designing or analyzing an optical communication link

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    A simple method is described for determining the performance of a free space optical communication link. The method can be used either in the system design (synthesis) mode or in the performance evaluation (analysis) mode. Although restricted to photo counting based detection of pulse position modulated signals, the method is still sufficiently general to accommodate space-based, as well as ground-based, reception

    The potential scale of aeolian structures on Venus

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    Simulations of the Venusian aeolian environment with the Venus Wind Tunnel have shown that microdunes are formed during the entrainment of sand-sized material. These structures are several tens of centimeters long (2-3 cm high) and combine the morphological and behavioral characteristics of both full-scale terrestrial dunes and current ripples formed in subaqueous environments. Their similarity to both reflects the fact that the Venusian atmosphere has a density intermediate between air and water. Although the development of microdunes in the wind tunnel experiments was limited by tunnel dimensions, it is possible to make some predictions about their potential size on Venus, and the potential size of related aeolian structures. Microdunes are fluid-filled structures (as are dunes and current ripples) and as such have no theoretical upper limit to their size from a fluid dynamics viewpoint. Limitations to size observed in subaqueous structures are set by, for example, water depth; limitations to the size of dunes are set by, for example, sand supply. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the microdunes on Venus could evolve into much larger features than those observed in experiments. In addition, the researchers note that current ripples (which are closely related to microdunes) are often found in association with giant ripples that have dimensions similar to aeolian dunes. Thus, it may be reasonable to assume that analogous large scale structures occur on Venus. Both (terrestrial) aeolian and subaqueous environments generate structures in excess of one hundred meters in wavelength. Such dimensions may therefore be applicable to Venusian bedforms. Analysis of Magellan data may resolve the issue

    Microgravity studies of aggregation in particulate clouds

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    Aggregation in clouds of submillimeter quartz and volcanic ash particles was studied in microgravity. Particle clouds generated by pulses of air immediately formed electrostatic filamentary aggregates upon cessation of air turbulence. Manual agitation of experiment chambers produced cm-size loose grain clusters which voraciously scavenged free-floating material in their vicinity. A dipole model accounts for these observations. Experimental results have ramifications for the behavior of natural cloud systems and primary accretion of solids in the early solar nebula

    Evaluation of the electrochemical O2 concentrator as an O2 compressor

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    A program was successfully completed to analytically and experimentally evaluate the feasibility of using an electrochemical oxygen (O2) concentrator as an O2 compressor. The electrochemical O2 compressor (EOC) compresses 345 kN/sq m (50 psia) O2 generated on board the space vehicle by the water electrolysis subsystem (WES) in a single stage to 20,700 kN/sq m (3000 psia) to refill spent extravehicular equipment O2 bottles and to eliminate the need for high pressure O2 storage. The single cell EOC designed, fabricated, and used for the feasibility testing is capable of being tested at O2 pressures up to 41,400 kN/sq m (6000 psia). A ground support test facility to test the EOC cell was designed, fabricated, and used for the EOC feasibility testing. A product assurance program was established, implemented, and maintained which emphasized safety and materials compatibility associated with high pressure O2 operation. A membrane development program was conducted to develop a membrane for EOC application. Data obtained using a commercially available membrane were used to guide the development of the membranes fabricated specifically for an EOC. A total of 15 membranes were fabricated

    Evaluation of a spacecraft nitrogen generator

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    A method is discussed of generating nitrogen for cabin leakage makeup aboard space vehicles having longer duration missions. The nitrogen generation concept is based on using liquid hydrazine as the stored form of nitrogen to reduce the higher tankage and expendables weight associated with high pressure gaseous or cryogenic liquid nitrogen storage. The hydrazine is catalytically dissociated to yield a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen. The nitrogen/hydrogen mixture is then separated to yield the makeup nitrogen. The excess supply of hydrogen would be available for use in the reduction of metabolic carbon dioxide. A detailed comparison was completed of Palladium/Silver and Polymer Electrochemical-based Nitrogen Generation Systems. The palladium/silver-based system was judged better than the Polymer Electrochemical Nitrogen Generation System because of lower expendable weight and palladium/silver nitrogen/hydrogen separation represents 'off-the-shelf' technology

    Evaluation of a spacecraft nitrogen generator

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    An experiment was completed to demonstrate that low ammonia concentrations in the product nitrogen stream are possible using the staging concept. Mixtures of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia were fed into a temperature controlled packed bed ammonia dissociator. An ammonia concentration of 1.03% in the feed stream was reduced to less than 50 ppm at temperatures greater than or equal to 777K. The actual inlet ammonia concentration to the final nitrogen generation module ammonia dissociation stage was only 0.09%

    Design and calibration of the carousel wind tunnel

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    In the study of planetary aeolian processes the effect of gravity is not readily modeled. Gravity appears in the equations of particle motion along with interparticle forces but the two terms are not separable. A wind tunnel that would permit variable gravity would allow separation of the forces and aid greatly in understanding planetary aeolian processes. The design Carousel Wind Tunnel (CWT) allows for a long flow distance in a small sized tunnel since the test section is a continuo us circuit and allows for a variable pseudo gravity. A prototype design was built and calibrated to gain some understanding of the characteristics of the design and the results presented
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