2,791 research outputs found

    The New Amy, Vicky, and Andy Act: A Positive Step Towards Full Restitution for Child Pornography Victims

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    In this article, we review some of the valuable steps forward found in the AVAA, as well as the work that remains to be done. But in closing, it may be useful to remember that the legal issues swirling around restitution decisions have real world consequences, both for the defendants who must pay the restitution awards and the victims who need and deserve compensation. As between these two groups, however, the equities tip decisively in favor of victims. To be sure, large restitution awards have financial consequences for criminal defendants. But the stark fact remains that criminals have a choice to commit the crime or not. Having voluntarily chosen to commit a crime producing serious lifelong financial repercussions for victims, a defendant has no right to complain when courts require him to contribute to making victims whole. Victims of child pornography crimes – and, more broadly, all serious federal crimes – deserve to have their interests prioritized in federal sentencing statutes. The AVAA is a modest but useful step in that direction

    U.S. v. Clinesmith: Amicus Brief in Support of Motion for Relief Under The Crime Victims\u27 Rights Act

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    This amicus brief was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in support of Dr. Carter Page’s motion to be recognized as a “victim” under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) in U.S. v. Clinesmith. The brief discusses the important issue who qualifies as a “victim” for purposes of obtaining CVRA protections and concludes that Dr. Page is a “victim” in the case.In the underlying criminal case, Page argues that he is a “victim” of Clinesmith’s false statement, made in connection with FISA warrant renewal application by the Government to surveil Dr. Page’s communications. The amicus brief provides background on the CVRA’s expansive protections, which cover any individual who is “directly and proximately harmed” as the result of a crime. In this case, because Clinesmith’s false statement subverted the FISA process by providing false information to the FISA Court, the false statement alone created sufficient harm to trigger CVRA “victim” status.The amicus organizations on this brief are the National Crime Victim Law Institute, The National Organization for Victim Assistance, The National Center for Victims of Crime, Arizona Voice for Crime Victims, The Network for Victim Recovery of the District Of Columbia, Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center, Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center, South Carolina Victim Assistance Network, And Utah Crime Victims Legal Clinic as Amici Curiae In Support of Motion for Relief Under the Crime Victims’ Rights Ac

    On the Nature of the Peculiar Hot Star in the Young LMC Cluster NGC1818

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    The blue star reported in the field of the young LMC cluster NGC1818 by Elson et al. (1998) has the wrong luminosity and radius to be a "luminous white dwarf" member of the cluster. In addition, unless the effective temperature quoted by the authors is a drastic underestimate, the luminosity is much too low for it to be a cluster member in the post-AGB phase. Other possibilities, including that of binary evolution, are briefly discussed. However, the implication that the massive main sequence turnoff stars in this cluster can produce white dwarfs (instead of neutron stars) from single-star evolution needs to be reconsidered.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, Ap J Letters in pres

    Lithium-Ion Batteries for Aerospace Applications

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    This presentation reviews: (1) the goals and objectives, (2) the NASA and Airforce requirements, (3) the potential near term missions, (4) management approach, (5) the technical approach and (6) the program road map. The objectives of the program include: (1) develop high specific energy and long life lithium ion cells and smart batteries for aerospace and defense applications, (2) establish domestic production sources, and to demonstrate technological readiness for various missions. The management approach is to encourage the teaming of universities, R&D organizations, and battery manufacturing companies, to build on existing commercial and government technology, and to develop two sources for manufacturing cells and batteries. The technological approach includes: (1) develop advanced electrode materials and electrolytes to achieve improved low temperature performance and long cycle life, (2) optimize cell design to improve specific energy, cycle life and safety, (3) establish manufacturing processes to ensure predictable performance, (4) establish manufacturing processes to ensure predictable performance, (5) develop aerospace lithium ion cells in various AH sizes and voltages, (6) develop electronics for smart battery management, (7) develop a performance database required for various applications, and (8) demonstrate technology readiness for the various missions. Charts which review the requirements for the Li-ion battery development program are presented

    Molecular regulation of GLUT-4 targeting in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    Insulin stimulates glucose transport in muscle and adipose tissue by triggering the movement of the glucose transporter GLUT-4 from an intracellular compartment to the cell surface. Fundamental to this process is the intracellular sequestration of GLUT-4 in nonstimulated cells. Two distinct targeting motifs in the amino and carboxy termini of GLUT-4 have been previously identified by expressing chimeras comprised of portions of GLUT-4 and GLUT-1, a transporter isoform that is constitutively targeted to the cell surface, in heterologous cells. These motifs-FQQ1 in the NH terminus and LL in the COOH terminus-resemble endocytic signals that have been described in other proteins. In the present study we have investigated the roles of these motifs in GLUT-4 targeting in insulin-sensitive cells. Epitope-tagged GLUT-4 constructs engineered to differentiate between endogenous and transfected GLUT-4 were stably expressed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Targeting was assessed in cells incubated in the presence or absence of insulin by subcellular fractionation. The targeting of epitope-tagged GLUT-4 was indistinguishable from endogenous GLUT-4. Mutation of the FQQI motif (F to A) caused GLUT-4 to constitutively accumulate at the cell surface regardless of expression level. Mutation of the dileucine motif (LL to AA) caused an increase in cell surface distribution only at higher levels of expression, but the overall cell surface distribution of this mutant was less than that of the amino-terminal mutants. Both NH- and COOH-terminal mutants retained insulin-dependent movement from an intracellular to a cell surface locale, suggesting that neither of these motifs is involved in the insulin-dependent redistribution of GLUT-4. We conclude that the phenylalanine-based NH-terminal and the dileucine-based COOH-terminal motifs play important and distinct roles in GLUT-4 targeting in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

    The Formation Rate, Mass and Luminosity Functions of DA White Dwarfs from the Palomar Green Survey

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    Spectrophotometric observations at high signal-to-noise ratio were obtained of a complete sample of 347 DA white dwarfs from the Palomar Green (PG) Survey. Fits of observed Balmer lines to synthetic spectra calculated from pure-hydrogen model atmospheres were used to obtain robust values of Teff, log g, masses, radii, and cooling ages. The luminosity function of the sample, weighted by 1/Vmax, was obtained and compared with other determinations. The mass distribution of the white dwarfs is derived, after important corrections for the radii of the white dwarfs in this magnitude-limited survey and for the cooling time scales. The formation rate of DA white dwarfs from the PG is estimated to be 0.6x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1). Comparison with predictions from a theoretical study of the white dwarf formation rate for single stars indicates that >80% of the high mass component requires a different origin, presumably mergers of lower mass double degenerate stars. In order to estimate the recent formation rate of all white dwarfs in the local Galactic disk, corrections for incompleteness of the PG, addition of the DB-DO white dwarfs, and allowance for stars hidden by luminous binary companions had to be applied to enhance the rate. An overall formation rate of white dwarfs recently in the local Galactic disk of 1.15+/-0.25x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1) is obtained. Two recent studies of samples of nearby Galactic planetary nebulae lead to estimates around twice as high. Difficulties in reconciling these determinations are discussed.Comment: 73 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ Supplemen

    Towards Better Integrators for Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations

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    Coarse-grained models that preserve hydrodynamics provide a natural approach to study collective properties of soft-matter systems. Here, we demonstrate that commonly used integration schemes in dissipative particle dynamics give rise to pronounced artifacts in physical quantities such as the compressibility and the diffusion coefficient. We assess the quality of these integration schemes, including variants based on a recently suggested self-consistent approach, and examine their relative performance. Implications of integrator-induced effects are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication), tentative publication issue: 01 Dec 200
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