3 research outputs found

    Zonasi Daerah Rawan Gempa Bumi di Kecamatan Pundong, Bantul Berdasarkan Pendekatan Geomorfolog

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    ABSTRAK Gempabumi 27 Mei 2006 mengakibatkan kerusakan berat pada bangunan di Kecamatan Pundong, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kerusakan bangunan yang diakibatkan oleh gempabumi bervariasi di setiap bentuklahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan geomorfologi dengan satuan bentuklahan sebagai unit analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bentuklahan dapat menjadi indikator tingkat kerusakan bangunan akibat gempabumi. Aspek-aspek geomorfologi memiliki tingkat pengaruh yang berbeda di suatu daerah dan pengaruh aspek-aspek geomorfologi tersebut membentuk suatu zona rmvan gempabumi di Kecamatan Pundong. Zona kerawanan tinggi terhadap gempabumi berada pada kelompok bentuklahan Dataran Fluvio-VulkanikMerapi Muda. Zona kerawanan sedang terhadap gempabumi terdapat pada bentuklahan Lereng Kaki Koluvial Material Lava, Breksi, dan Tuf Zona kerawanan rendah terhadap gempabumi terletak pada lereng tengah dan lereng atas perbukitan struktural di sebelah timur Kecamatan Pundong.ABSTRACT The earthquake May 27, 2006 caused severe damage on buildings in Pundong District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. Earthquake-induced buildings damage vary at each landform. This research is using geomOlphological approach with landform unit as an analysis unit. The result shows that landform characteristics can be an indicator level of earthquakeinduced buildings damage. The geomorphological aspects has levels of induce in a certain area and the induce of geomorphological aspectsformed a certain earthquake prone zone in Pundong District. The high prone zone is located at the group of landforms Fluvio-Volcanic Young Merapi Plain. The moderate prone zone is located at Colluvial Footslope consist of breccias, lava, and tuff. The slight prone zone is located in the middle and upper slope of structural hills in the east part of Pundong District


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    Gempabumi 27 Mei 2006 mengakibatkan kerusakan berat pada bangunan di Kecamatan Pundong, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kerusakan bangunan yang diakibatkan oleh gempabumi bervariasi di setiap bentuklahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan geomorfologi dengan satuan bentuklahan sebagai unit analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bentuklahan dapat menjadi indikator tingkat kerusakan bangunan akibat gempabumi. Aspek-aspek geomorfologi memiliki tingkat pengaruh yang berbeda di suatu daerah dan pengaruh aspek-aspek geomorfologi tersebut membentuk suatu zona rmvan gempabumi di Kecamatan Pundong. Zona kerawanan tinggi terhadap gempabumi berada pada kelompok bentuklahan Dataran Fluvio-VulkanikMerapi Muda. Zona kerawanan sedang terhadap gempabumi terdapat pada bentuklahan Lereng Kaki Koluvial Material Lava, Breksi, dan Tuf Zona kerawanan rendah terhadap gempabumi terletak pada lereng tengah dan lereng atas perbukitan struktural di sebelah timur Kecamatan Pundong. The earthquake May 27, 2006 caused severe damage on buildings in Pundong District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. Earthquake-induced buildings damage vary at each landform. This research is using geomOlphological approach with landform unit as an analysis unit. The result shows that landform characteristics can be an indicator level of earthquakeinduced buildings damage. The geomorphological aspects has levels of induce in a certain area and the induce of geomorphological aspectsformed a certain earthquake prone zone in Pundong District. The high prone zone is located at the group of landforms Fluvio-Volcanic Young Merapi Plain. The moderate prone zone is located at Colluvial Footslope consist of breccias, lava, and tuff. The slight prone zone is located in the middle and upper slope of structural hills in the east part of Pundong District


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    Earthquake prone zonation based on geomorphological approach is an alternative method in defining earthquake prone zone in a certain place. The purpose of this study is to analysis landform characteristics and its induce to the level of earthquake-induced building damage and to analysis earthquake prone zone based on geomorphological approach. The area which is choose as research area is Pundong District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, with consideration of landform diversity and damage building caused by earthquake 27 Mei 2006. This research conducted with weighted and scoring method with landform unit as an analysis unit. The technique to determining amount of sample and measuring data conducted with purposive sampling method. In order to analysis landform characteristics and its induce to the level of earthquake-induced building damage conducted with comparison statistics t test and in order to analysis earthquake prone zone is using qualitative descriptive analysis. The result shows that on the group of Fluvio-Volcanic Young Merapi Plain occur more damage to buildings caused by earthquake with the level of damage heavy-collapse. However, on the group of Structural Hills occur more damage to buildings caused by earthquake with the level of damage slight-moderate. The result of earthquake prone area zonation in Pundong Distric based on geomorphological approach shows that Pundong District divided into three zones that consist of slight prone zone, moderate prone zone, and high prone zone. For area with high prone zone criteria, mostly located in the west part of Pundong District which comprise of Srihardono Village, Panjangrejo Village and the west part of Seloharjo Village. For area with moderate prone zone criteria, located in the foot hill of structural hills at Seloharjo Village, and for area with slight prone zone criteria, located in the middle and upper slope of structural hills in the east part of Pundong District