248 research outputs found

    The untraditional methodology of engineering geological application in the exploration of river Dams after a flood

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    The submitted paper presents partial results of an engineering geological project of considering the right river levee of the Odra river in a section km 8,600 - 21,995 between Ostrava - Jih and Pudlov. Disastrous floods in July 1997 connected with local failures of the levee in examined area came out a question of necessary analysing those failures with a prognosis of possibility of their repetition in case of next loading of the levee with high water stands. The most critical for the filtration stability of the levee from a standpoint of their base conditions could be the places of transition of a levee fill over an original river bed and the dead channles, which can be often hardly defined in space by analysis of the graphic bases, which are lucidly elaborated in the relevant geographical information system. During next stages of the levee stability analysis is possible to pay particular attention to above mentioned critical sections well defined in space, if required.Este artículo presenta los resultados parciales del proyecto de ingeniería geológica "Evaluación de los diques de protección en el margen derecho del río Odra en la sección 8.6 - 21.99 Km entre Ostrava - Jih y Pudlov". Debido a la ruptura de varios diques como consecuencia de las inundaciones que se presentaron en el área de estudio en julio de 1997, se generó la necesidad de analizar las causas de dichos daños y de predecir su posible recurrencia en el caso de nuevas sobrecargas por altos niveles de agua en el río. Los cruces de los llenos por los cauces antiguos del río y sus brazos secos pueden considerarse, desde el punto de vista de las condiciones de cimentación, como los sitios más criticos para la estabilidad de los diques de protección. Estos sitios se pueden delimitar y definir claramente en el espacio mediante el análisis de bases gráficas dentro de un sistema de información geográfico (SIG) apropiado, y asi concentrar los análisis de estabilidad de los diques de protección en los tramos criticos

    Task of engineering geology in land-use planning on the example of four selected geofactors

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    The paper deals with an evaluation of four selected geobarriers (flood lands, radon hazard, undermining and slope movements) by means of geographic information systems that are geofactors endangering or limiting landscape and environment or make certain land use impossible. The objective is to improve the possibilities of their implementation in land use planning. The research was carried out in the area numbered 4, which is one out of five realized model areas in the future. It is located in Ostrava, the third largest agglomeration in the north-west of the Czech Republic, which has been most affected by anthropogenic industrial and mining activities among the Czech cities as well as in the European scope. The area is defined by a map sheet 15-43-09 in the town districts of Mariánské Hory a Hulváky, Nová Ves, Svinov, Třebovice, Hošťálkovice, Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Ostrava – Jih and Vítkovice

    Artificial recharge – measurement of soil infiltration in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential for infiltration in a study area – Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, the Czech Republic. The results are important for the future design of an artificial recharge structure as a method to store water underground in times of water surplus. A total of six measurements of infiltration were made using a double ring infiltrometer on selected prospective sites for the future application of artificial recharge. The results of infiltration tests were analysed based on the Philip`s model. The steady soil infiltration rates ranged from 28 cm∙h-1 to 70.38 cm∙h-1and the cumulative soil infiltration ranged from 58 cm to 68 cm

    Analysis of workability of rocks and type of prequarternary bedrock in the selected part of the Ostrava conurbation by means of geographic information systems

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    An up-to-date topic with which engineering geology can contribute to the requirements of practice and research, in particularthe needs of land use planning, state administration, building offices, developers, etc. is an analysis of new possibilities of providingreference information on the engineering-geological conditions by means of geographic information systems. The study in the presentedpaper deals with an evaluation of two geofactors. They are the character of rocks workability and Pre-quaternary bedrock. Workabilityis a significant limiting factor, which affects the used technology and financial demands of earth work. Especially in case of demandingconstructions, the Pre-quaternary bedrock is a geological environment which will have to be interacted with and must be taken intoaccount during selecting engineering foundation. The overall project was divided into five model areas (1-5), while this paper evaluatesa partial model area of no.1, which is defined by topographical map in drawing scale 1:10 1000 (topographic sheet No. 15-43-10).Namely they are Slezské, Moravské Ostravy, Vítkovic a Radvanice. The mentioned methodology was applied in the interest area forthe first time

    Influence of Mining Activity on Selected Landslide in the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield

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    The paper deals with the impact of undermining on the slope deformation Doubrava Vrchovec. For the evaluation of the impact, isocatabase maps, terrain deformation parameters calculated for slope deformation, length measuring by zone extensometry and dilatometric measuring in the cracks of an asphalt road have been used. The length and dilatometric measuring identified the direction of slope deformation movement corresponding to the direction of rock mass movement as the consequence of undermining. With regard to the fact a change in the longitudinal relative deformation values in the direction of the subsidence slope gradient was evaluated (in the direction of the slope deformation movement). During the monitored period, terrain surface compression occurred, which manifests the position of the slope deformation in the concave portion of the subsidence slope. This fact probably induces additional strain from undermining in the slope deformation, which may worsen its stability conditions

    The untraditional methodology of engineering geological application in the exploration of river Dams after a flood

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    The submitted paper presents partial results of an engineering geological project of considering the right river levee of the Odra river in a section km 8,600 - 21,995 between Ostrava - Jih and Pudlov. Disastrous floods in July 1997 connected with local failures of the levee in examined area came out a question of necessary analysing those failures with a prognosis of possibility of their repetition in case of next loading of the levee with high water stands. The most critical for the filtration stability of the levee from a standpoint of their base conditions could be the places of transition of a levee fill over an original river bed and the dead channles, which can be often hardly defined in space by analysis of the graphic bases, which are lucidly elaborated in the relevant geographical information system. During next stages of the levee stability analysis is possible to pay particular attention to above mentioned critical sections well defined in space, if required.Este artículo presenta los resultados parciales del proyecto de ingeniería geológica "Evaluación de los diques de protección en el margen derecho del río Odra en la sección 8.6 - 21.99 Km entre Ostrava - Jih y Pudlov". Debido a la ruptura de varios diques como consecuencia de las inundaciones que se presentaron en el área de estudio en julio de 1997, se generó la necesidad de analizar las causas de dichos daños y de predecir su posible recurrencia en el caso de nuevas sobrecargas por altos niveles de agua en el río. Los cruces de los llenos por los cauces antiguos del río y sus brazos secos pueden considerarse, desde el punto de vista de las condiciones de cimentación, como los sitios más criticos para la estabilidad de los diques de protección. Estos sitios se pueden delimitar y definir claramente en el espacio mediante el análisis de bases gráficas dentro de un sistema de información geográfico (SIG) apropiado, y asi concentrar los análisis de estabilidad de los diques de protección en los tramos criticos

    Výzkum aplikace dynamické penetrace pro zlepšení možnosti inženýrskogeologického průzkumu v Ostravské pánvi

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    The study deals with a dynamic penetration representing a field survey method using which according to a resistance occurred during penetration of rods provided with a tip into the soils being surveyed their selected physical or mechanical properties and layers interface are investigated. The dynamic penetration is performed so that the rods are driven in by hammer strokes with a specified mass and height of drop, during which time the number of strokes is recorded required for penetration of rods of a specified length (as a rule 10-20 cm). A measured characteristics is a specific dynamic penetration resistance representing the tip resistance in the dynamic penetration test. A study localization is bound to a chosen part of the Ostrava Basin. A goal of the study is an investigation of an application of the dynamic penetration in a chosen part of the Ostrava Basin for needs of improvement of engineering geological investigation possibilities in this area, hereat typical dynamic resistances for corresponding categories of foundation soils were investigated.Studie se zabývá dynamickou penetrací představující polní průzkumnou metodu, při které se na základě odporu při vnikání soutyčí opatřeného hrotem do zkoumaných zemin zjišťují jejich vybrané fyzikální nebo mechanické vlastnosti a rozhraní vrstev. Dynamická penetrace se provádí zarážením soutyčí údery kladiva s předepsanou hmotností a výškou pádu, přičemž se zaznamenává počet úderů potřebných na vniknutí soutyčí o předepsané délce (obvykle 10-20 cm). Měřenou charakteristikou je měrný dynamický penetrační odpor, který představuje odpor hrotu při dynamické penetrační zkoušce. Lokalizace studie je vázána na vybranou část Ostravské pánve. Cílem studie je studium aplikace dynamické penetrace ve vybrané části Ostravské pánve pro potřeby zlepšení možností inženýrskogeologického průzkumu v této oblasti, přičemž byly studovány typické dynamické odpory pro odpovídající třídy základových půd

    Identification of the near-surface geological structure and deposits for land use planning purposes in the Doubrava Region (Czech Republic)

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    The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of taking engineering geological characteristics and structures into account in land use planning. There have been a number of studies worldwide dealing with this issue. However more extensive implementation into land use planning practice still remains a task for the future in many places. A case study analyzing the geological environment in relation to the sites assigned for future development according to an existing land use plan was conducted in the Doubrava Region (north-east of the Czech Republic). Here, the geological conditions have been mostly influenced by anthropogenic processes connected with black coal mining. The engineering-geological zones, the pre- Quaternary basement and rock workability classes in the localities where future development is proposed on land use plans were evaluated using overlay analysis in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Landscape factors were also taken into account. Significant variability was identified in the investigated geological factors that have a bearing on safe cost effective development. Use of the results in future land use planning would have considerable financial benefits in implementation of future built development and these important conditions should be used by architects and designers, builders, land use planners, developers and scientists.Web of Science3621049